# dialects/postgresql/json.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: ignore-errors from .array import ARRAY from .array import array as _pg_array from .operators import ASTEXT from .operators import CONTAINED_BY from .operators import CONTAINS from .operators import DELETE_PATH from .operators import HAS_ALL from .operators import HAS_ANY from .operators import HAS_KEY from .operators import JSONPATH_ASTEXT from .operators import PATH_EXISTS from .operators import PATH_MATCH from ... import types as sqltypes from ...sql import cast __all__ = ("JSON", "JSONB") class JSONPathType(sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType): def _processor(self, dialect, super_proc): def process(value): if isinstance(value, str): # If it's already a string assume that it's in json path # format. This allows using cast with json paths literals return value elif value: # If it's already a string assume that it's in json path # format. This allows using cast with json paths literals value = "{%s}" % (", ".join(map(str, value))) else: value = "{}" if super_proc: value = super_proc(value) return value return process def bind_processor(self, dialect): return self._processor(dialect, self.string_bind_processor(dialect)) def literal_processor(self, dialect): return self._processor(dialect, self.string_literal_processor(dialect)) class JSONPATH(JSONPathType): """JSON Path Type. This is usually required to cast literal values to json path when using json search like function, such as ``jsonb_path_query_array`` or ``jsonb_path_exists``:: stmt = sa.select( sa.func.jsonb_path_query_array( table.c.jsonb_col, cast("$.address.id", JSONPATH) ) ) """ __visit_name__ = "JSONPATH" class JSON(sqltypes.JSON): """Represent the PostgreSQL JSON type. :class:`_postgresql.JSON` is used automatically whenever the base :class:`_types.JSON` datatype is used against a PostgreSQL backend, however base :class:`_types.JSON` datatype does not provide Python accessors for PostgreSQL-specific comparison methods such as :meth:`_postgresql.JSON.Comparator.astext`; additionally, to use PostgreSQL ``JSONB``, the :class:`_postgresql.JSONB` datatype should be used explicitly. .. seealso:: :class:`_types.JSON` - main documentation for the generic cross-platform JSON datatype. The operators provided by the PostgreSQL version of :class:`_types.JSON` include: * Index operations (the ``->`` operator):: data_table.c.data['some key'] data_table.c.data[5] * Index operations returning text (the ``->>`` operator):: data_table.c.data['some key'].astext == 'some value' Note that equivalent functionality is available via the :attr:`.JSON.Comparator.as_string` accessor. * Index operations with CAST (equivalent to ``CAST(col ->> ['some key'] AS )``):: data_table.c.data['some key'].astext.cast(Integer) == 5 Note that equivalent functionality is available via the :attr:`.JSON.Comparator.as_integer` and similar accessors. * Path index operations (the ``#>`` operator):: data_table.c.data[('key_1', 'key_2', 5, ..., 'key_n')] * Path index operations returning text (the ``#>>`` operator):: data_table.c.data[('key_1', 'key_2', 5, ..., 'key_n')].astext == 'some value' Index operations return an expression object whose type defaults to :class:`_types.JSON` by default, so that further JSON-oriented instructions may be called upon the result type. Custom serializers and deserializers are specified at the dialect level, that is using :func:`_sa.create_engine`. The reason for this is that when using psycopg2, the DBAPI only allows serializers at the per-cursor or per-connection level. E.g.:: engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://scott:tiger@localhost/test", json_serializer=my_serialize_fn, json_deserializer=my_deserialize_fn ) When using the psycopg2 dialect, the json_deserializer is registered against the database using ``psycopg2.extras.register_default_json``. .. seealso:: :class:`_types.JSON` - Core level JSON type :class:`_postgresql.JSONB` """ # noqa astext_type = sqltypes.Text() def __init__(self, none_as_null=False, astext_type=None): """Construct a :class:`_types.JSON` type. :param none_as_null: if True, persist the value ``None`` as a SQL NULL value, not the JSON encoding of ``null``. Note that when this flag is False, the :func:`.null` construct can still be used to persist a NULL value:: from sqlalchemy import null conn.execute(table.insert(), data=null()) .. seealso:: :attr:`_types.JSON.NULL` :param astext_type: the type to use for the :attr:`.JSON.Comparator.astext` accessor on indexed attributes. Defaults to :class:`_types.Text`. """ super().__init__(none_as_null=none_as_null) if astext_type is not None: self.astext_type = astext_type class Comparator(sqltypes.JSON.Comparator): """Define comparison operations for :class:`_types.JSON`.""" @property def astext(self): """On an indexed expression, use the "astext" (e.g. "->>") conversion when rendered in SQL. E.g.:: select(data_table.c.data['some key'].astext) .. seealso:: :meth:`_expression.ColumnElement.cast` """ if isinstance(self.expr.right.type, sqltypes.JSON.JSONPathType): return self.expr.left.operate( JSONPATH_ASTEXT, self.expr.right, result_type=self.type.astext_type, ) else: return self.expr.left.operate( ASTEXT, self.expr.right, result_type=self.type.astext_type ) comparator_factory = Comparator class JSONB(JSON): """Represent the PostgreSQL JSONB type. The :class:`_postgresql.JSONB` type stores arbitrary JSONB format data, e.g.:: data_table = Table('data_table', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('data', JSONB) ) with engine.connect() as conn: conn.execute( data_table.insert(), data = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} ) The :class:`_postgresql.JSONB` type includes all operations provided by :class:`_types.JSON`, including the same behaviors for indexing operations. It also adds additional operators specific to JSONB, including :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.has_key`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.has_all`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.has_any`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.contains`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.contained_by`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.delete_path`, :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.path_exists` and :meth:`.JSONB.Comparator.path_match`. Like the :class:`_types.JSON` type, the :class:`_postgresql.JSONB` type does not detect in-place changes when used with the ORM, unless the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.mutable` extension is used. Custom serializers and deserializers are shared with the :class:`_types.JSON` class, using the ``json_serializer`` and ``json_deserializer`` keyword arguments. These must be specified at the dialect level using :func:`_sa.create_engine`. When using psycopg2, the serializers are associated with the jsonb type using ``psycopg2.extras.register_default_jsonb`` on a per-connection basis, in the same way that ``psycopg2.extras.register_default_json`` is used to register these handlers with the json type. .. seealso:: :class:`_types.JSON` """ __visit_name__ = "JSONB" class Comparator(JSON.Comparator): """Define comparison operations for :class:`_types.JSON`.""" def has_key(self, other): """Boolean expression. Test for presence of a key. Note that the key may be a SQLA expression. """ return self.operate(HAS_KEY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) def has_all(self, other): """Boolean expression. Test for presence of all keys in jsonb""" return self.operate(HAS_ALL, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) def has_any(self, other): """Boolean expression. Test for presence of any key in jsonb""" return self.operate(HAS_ANY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) def contains(self, other, **kwargs): """Boolean expression. Test if keys (or array) are a superset of/contained the keys of the argument jsonb expression. kwargs may be ignored by this operator but are required for API conformance. """ return self.operate(CONTAINS, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean) def contained_by(self, other): """Boolean expression. Test if keys are a proper subset of the keys of the argument jsonb expression. """ return self.operate( CONTAINED_BY, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean ) def delete_path(self, array): """JSONB expression. Deletes field or array element specified in the argument array. The input may be a list of strings that will be coerced to an ``ARRAY`` or an instance of :meth:`_postgres.array`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ if not isinstance(array, _pg_array): array = _pg_array(array) right_side = cast(array, ARRAY(sqltypes.TEXT)) return self.operate(DELETE_PATH, right_side, result_type=JSONB) def path_exists(self, other): """Boolean expression. Test for presence of item given by the argument JSONPath expression. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return self.operate( PATH_EXISTS, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean ) def path_match(self, other): """Boolean expression. Test if JSONPath predicate given by the argument JSONPath expression matches. Only the first item of the result is taken into account. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return self.operate( PATH_MATCH, other, result_type=sqltypes.Boolean ) comparator_factory = Comparator