# util/langhelpers.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, allow-untyped-calls """Routines to help with the creation, loading and introspection of modules, classes, hierarchies, attributes, functions, and methods. """ from __future__ import annotations import collections import enum from functools import update_wrapper import inspect import itertools import operator import re import sys import textwrap import threading import types from types import CodeType from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import Dict from typing import FrozenSet from typing import Generic from typing import Iterator from typing import List from typing import Mapping from typing import NoReturn from typing import Optional from typing import overload from typing import Sequence from typing import Set from typing import Tuple from typing import Type from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union import warnings from . import _collections from . import compat from ._has_cy import HAS_CYEXTENSION from .typing import Literal from .. import exc _T = TypeVar("_T") _T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True) _F = TypeVar("_F", bound=Callable[..., Any]) _MP = TypeVar("_MP", bound="memoized_property[Any]") _MA = TypeVar("_MA", bound="HasMemoized.memoized_attribute[Any]") _HP = TypeVar("_HP", bound="hybridproperty[Any]") _HM = TypeVar("_HM", bound="hybridmethod[Any]") if compat.py310: def get_annotations(obj: Any) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return inspect.get_annotations(obj) else: def get_annotations(obj: Any) -> Mapping[str, Any]: # it's been observed that cls.__annotations__ can be non present. # it's not clear what causes this, running under tox py37/38 it # happens, running straight pytest it doesnt # https://docs.python.org/3/howto/annotations.html#annotations-howto if isinstance(obj, type): ann = obj.__dict__.get("__annotations__", None) else: ann = getattr(obj, "__annotations__", None) if ann is None: return _collections.EMPTY_DICT else: return cast("Mapping[str, Any]", ann) def md5_hex(x: Any) -> str: x = x.encode("utf-8") m = compat.md5_not_for_security() m.update(x) return cast(str, m.hexdigest()) class safe_reraise: """Reraise an exception after invoking some handler code. Stores the existing exception info before invoking so that it is maintained across a potential coroutine context switch. e.g.:: try: sess.commit() except: with safe_reraise(): sess.rollback() TODO: we should at some point evaluate current behaviors in this regard based on current greenlet, gevent/eventlet implementations in Python 3, and also see the degree to which our own asyncio (based on greenlet also) is impacted by this. .rollback() will cause IO / context switch to occur in all these scenarios; what happens to the exception context from an "except:" block if we don't explicitly store it? Original issue was #2703. """ __slots__ = ("_exc_info",) _exc_info: Union[ None, Tuple[ Type[BaseException], BaseException, types.TracebackType, ], Tuple[None, None, None], ] def __enter__(self) -> None: self._exc_info = sys.exc_info() def __exit__( self, type_: Optional[Type[BaseException]], value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[types.TracebackType], ) -> NoReturn: assert self._exc_info is not None # see #2703 for notes if type_ is None: exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = self._exc_info assert exc_value is not None self._exc_info = None # remove potential circular references raise exc_value.with_traceback(exc_tb) else: self._exc_info = None # remove potential circular references assert value is not None raise value.with_traceback(traceback) def walk_subclasses(cls: Type[_T]) -> Iterator[Type[_T]]: seen: Set[Any] = set() stack = [cls] while stack: cls = stack.pop() if cls in seen: continue else: seen.add(cls) stack.extend(cls.__subclasses__()) yield cls def string_or_unprintable(element: Any) -> str: if isinstance(element, str): return element else: try: return str(element) except Exception: return "unprintable element %r" % element def clsname_as_plain_name(cls: Type[Any]) -> str: return " ".join( n.lower() for n in re.findall(r"([A-Z][a-z]+|SQL)", cls.__name__) ) def method_is_overridden( instance_or_cls: Union[Type[Any], object], against_method: Callable[..., Any], ) -> bool: """Return True if the two class methods don't match.""" if not isinstance(instance_or_cls, type): current_cls = instance_or_cls.__class__ else: current_cls = instance_or_cls method_name = against_method.__name__ current_method: types.MethodType = getattr(current_cls, method_name) return current_method != against_method def decode_slice(slc: slice) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """decode a slice object as sent to __getitem__. takes into account the 2.5 __index__() method, basically. """ ret: List[Any] = [] for x in slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step: if hasattr(x, "__index__"): x = x.__index__() ret.append(x) return tuple(ret) def _unique_symbols(used: Sequence[str], *bases: str) -> Iterator[str]: used_set = set(used) for base in bases: pool = itertools.chain( (base,), map(lambda i: base + str(i), range(1000)), ) for sym in pool: if sym not in used_set: used_set.add(sym) yield sym break else: raise NameError("exhausted namespace for symbol base %s" % base) def map_bits(fn: Callable[[int], Any], n: int) -> Iterator[Any]: """Call the given function given each nonzero bit from n.""" while n: b = n & (~n + 1) yield fn(b) n ^= b _Fn = TypeVar("_Fn", bound="Callable[..., Any]") # this seems to be in flux in recent mypy versions def decorator(target: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[[_Fn], _Fn]: """A signature-matching decorator factory.""" def decorate(fn: _Fn) -> _Fn: if not inspect.isfunction(fn) and not inspect.ismethod(fn): raise Exception("not a decoratable function") spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) env: Dict[str, Any] = {} spec = _update_argspec_defaults_into_env(spec, env) names = ( tuple(cast("Tuple[str, ...]", spec[0])) + cast("Tuple[str, ...]", spec[1:3]) + (fn.__name__,) ) targ_name, fn_name = _unique_symbols(names, "target", "fn") metadata: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = dict(target=targ_name, fn=fn_name) metadata.update(format_argspec_plus(spec, grouped=False)) metadata["name"] = fn.__name__ if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn): metadata["prefix"] = "async " metadata["target_prefix"] = "await " else: metadata["prefix"] = "" metadata["target_prefix"] = "" # look for __ positional arguments. This is a convention in # SQLAlchemy that arguments should be passed positionally # rather than as keyword # arguments. note that apply_pos doesn't currently work in all cases # such as when a kw-only indicator "*" is present, which is why # we limit the use of this to just that case we can detect. As we add # more kinds of methods that use @decorator, things may have to # be further improved in this area if "__" in repr(spec[0]): code = ( """\ %(prefix)sdef %(name)s%(grouped_args)s: return %(target_prefix)s%(target)s(%(fn)s, %(apply_pos)s) """ % metadata ) else: code = ( """\ %(prefix)sdef %(name)s%(grouped_args)s: return %(target_prefix)s%(target)s(%(fn)s, %(apply_kw)s) """ % metadata ) mod = sys.modules[fn.__module__] env.update(vars(mod)) env.update({targ_name: target, fn_name: fn, "__name__": fn.__module__}) decorated = cast( types.FunctionType, _exec_code_in_env(code, env, fn.__name__), ) decorated.__defaults__ = getattr(fn, "__func__", fn).__defaults__ decorated.__wrapped__ = fn # type: ignore return cast(_Fn, update_wrapper(decorated, fn)) return update_wrapper(decorate, target) def _update_argspec_defaults_into_env(spec, env): """given a FullArgSpec, convert defaults to be symbol names in an env.""" if spec.defaults: new_defaults = [] i = 0 for arg in spec.defaults: if type(arg).__module__ not in ("builtins", "__builtin__"): name = "x%d" % i env[name] = arg new_defaults.append(name) i += 1 else: new_defaults.append(arg) elem = list(spec) elem[3] = tuple(new_defaults) return compat.FullArgSpec(*elem) else: return spec def _exec_code_in_env( code: Union[str, types.CodeType], env: Dict[str, Any], fn_name: str ) -> Callable[..., Any]: exec(code, env) return env[fn_name] # type: ignore[no-any-return] _PF = TypeVar("_PF") _TE = TypeVar("_TE") class PluginLoader: def __init__( self, group: str, auto_fn: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None ): self.group = group self.impls: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.auto_fn = auto_fn def clear(self): self.impls.clear() def load(self, name: str) -> Any: if name in self.impls: return self.impls[name]() if self.auto_fn: loader = self.auto_fn(name) if loader: self.impls[name] = loader return loader() for impl in compat.importlib_metadata_get(self.group): if impl.name == name: self.impls[name] = impl.load return impl.load() raise exc.NoSuchModuleError( "Can't load plugin: %s:%s" % (self.group, name) ) def register(self, name: str, modulepath: str, objname: str) -> None: def load(): mod = __import__(modulepath) for token in modulepath.split(".")[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, token) return getattr(mod, objname) self.impls[name] = load def _inspect_func_args(fn): try: co_varkeywords = inspect.CO_VARKEYWORDS except AttributeError: # https://docs.python.org/3/library/inspect.html # The flags are specific to CPython, and may not be defined in other # Python implementations. Furthermore, the flags are an implementation # detail, and can be removed or deprecated in future Python releases. spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) return spec[0], bool(spec[2]) else: # use fn.__code__ plus flags to reduce method call overhead co = fn.__code__ nargs = co.co_argcount return ( list(co.co_varnames[:nargs]), bool(co.co_flags & co_varkeywords), ) @overload def get_cls_kwargs( cls: type, *, _set: Optional[Set[str]] = None, raiseerr: Literal[True] = ..., ) -> Set[str]: ... @overload def get_cls_kwargs( cls: type, *, _set: Optional[Set[str]] = None, raiseerr: bool = False ) -> Optional[Set[str]]: ... def get_cls_kwargs( cls: type, *, _set: Optional[Set[str]] = None, raiseerr: bool = False ) -> Optional[Set[str]]: r"""Return the full set of inherited kwargs for the given `cls`. Probes a class's __init__ method, collecting all named arguments. If the __init__ defines a \**kwargs catch-all, then the constructor is presumed to pass along unrecognized keywords to its base classes, and the collection process is repeated recursively on each of the bases. Uses a subset of inspect.getfullargspec() to cut down on method overhead, as this is used within the Core typing system to create copies of type objects which is a performance-sensitive operation. No anonymous tuple arguments please ! """ toplevel = _set is None if toplevel: _set = set() assert _set is not None ctr = cls.__dict__.get("__init__", False) has_init = ( ctr and isinstance(ctr, types.FunctionType) and isinstance(ctr.__code__, types.CodeType) ) if has_init: names, has_kw = _inspect_func_args(ctr) _set.update(names) if not has_kw and not toplevel: if raiseerr: raise TypeError( f"given cls {cls} doesn't have an __init__ method" ) else: return None else: has_kw = False if not has_init or has_kw: for c in cls.__bases__: if get_cls_kwargs(c, _set=_set) is None: break _set.discard("self") return _set def get_func_kwargs(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> List[str]: """Return the set of legal kwargs for the given `func`. Uses getargspec so is safe to call for methods, functions, etc. """ return compat.inspect_getfullargspec(func)[0] def get_callable_argspec( fn: Callable[..., Any], no_self: bool = False, _is_init: bool = False ) -> compat.FullArgSpec: """Return the argument signature for any callable. All pure-Python callables are accepted, including functions, methods, classes, objects with __call__; builtins and other edge cases like functools.partial() objects raise a TypeError. """ if inspect.isbuiltin(fn): raise TypeError("Can't inspect builtin: %s" % fn) elif inspect.isfunction(fn): if _is_init and no_self: spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) return compat.FullArgSpec( spec.args[1:], spec.varargs, spec.varkw, spec.defaults, spec.kwonlyargs, spec.kwonlydefaults, spec.annotations, ) else: return compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) elif inspect.ismethod(fn): if no_self and (_is_init or fn.__self__): spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn.__func__) return compat.FullArgSpec( spec.args[1:], spec.varargs, spec.varkw, spec.defaults, spec.kwonlyargs, spec.kwonlydefaults, spec.annotations, ) else: return compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn.__func__) elif inspect.isclass(fn): return get_callable_argspec( fn.__init__, no_self=no_self, _is_init=True ) elif hasattr(fn, "__func__"): return compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn.__func__) elif hasattr(fn, "__call__"): if inspect.ismethod(fn.__call__): return get_callable_argspec(fn.__call__, no_self=no_self) else: raise TypeError("Can't inspect callable: %s" % fn) else: raise TypeError("Can't inspect callable: %s" % fn) def format_argspec_plus( fn: Union[Callable[..., Any], compat.FullArgSpec], grouped: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: """Returns a dictionary of formatted, introspected function arguments. A enhanced variant of inspect.formatargspec to support code generation. fn An inspectable callable or tuple of inspect getargspec() results. grouped Defaults to True; include (parens, around, argument) lists Returns: args Full inspect.formatargspec for fn self_arg The name of the first positional argument, varargs[0], or None if the function defines no positional arguments. apply_pos args, re-written in calling rather than receiving syntax. Arguments are passed positionally. apply_kw Like apply_pos, except keyword-ish args are passed as keywords. apply_pos_proxied Like apply_pos but omits the self/cls argument Example:: >>> format_argspec_plus(lambda self, a, b, c=3, **d: 123) {'grouped_args': '(self, a, b, c=3, **d)', 'self_arg': 'self', 'apply_kw': '(self, a, b, c=c, **d)', 'apply_pos': '(self, a, b, c, **d)'} """ if callable(fn): spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) else: spec = fn args = compat.inspect_formatargspec(*spec) apply_pos = compat.inspect_formatargspec( spec[0], spec[1], spec[2], None, spec[4] ) if spec[0]: self_arg = spec[0][0] apply_pos_proxied = compat.inspect_formatargspec( spec[0][1:], spec[1], spec[2], None, spec[4] ) elif spec[1]: # I'm not sure what this is self_arg = "%s[0]" % spec[1] apply_pos_proxied = apply_pos else: self_arg = None apply_pos_proxied = apply_pos num_defaults = 0 if spec[3]: num_defaults += len(cast(Tuple[Any], spec[3])) if spec[4]: num_defaults += len(spec[4]) name_args = spec[0] + spec[4] defaulted_vals: Union[List[str], Tuple[()]] if num_defaults: defaulted_vals = name_args[0 - num_defaults :] else: defaulted_vals = () apply_kw = compat.inspect_formatargspec( name_args, spec[1], spec[2], defaulted_vals, formatvalue=lambda x: "=" + str(x), ) if spec[0]: apply_kw_proxied = compat.inspect_formatargspec( name_args[1:], spec[1], spec[2], defaulted_vals, formatvalue=lambda x: "=" + str(x), ) else: apply_kw_proxied = apply_kw if grouped: return dict( grouped_args=args, self_arg=self_arg, apply_pos=apply_pos, apply_kw=apply_kw, apply_pos_proxied=apply_pos_proxied, apply_kw_proxied=apply_kw_proxied, ) else: return dict( grouped_args=args, self_arg=self_arg, apply_pos=apply_pos[1:-1], apply_kw=apply_kw[1:-1], apply_pos_proxied=apply_pos_proxied[1:-1], apply_kw_proxied=apply_kw_proxied[1:-1], ) def format_argspec_init(method, grouped=True): """format_argspec_plus with considerations for typical __init__ methods Wraps format_argspec_plus with error handling strategies for typical __init__ cases:: object.__init__ -> (self) other unreflectable (usually C) -> (self, *args, **kwargs) """ if method is object.__init__: grouped_args = "(self)" args = "(self)" if grouped else "self" proxied = "()" if grouped else "" else: try: return format_argspec_plus(method, grouped=grouped) except TypeError: grouped_args = "(self, *args, **kwargs)" args = grouped_args if grouped else "self, *args, **kwargs" proxied = "(*args, **kwargs)" if grouped else "*args, **kwargs" return dict( self_arg="self", grouped_args=grouped_args, apply_pos=args, apply_kw=args, apply_pos_proxied=proxied, apply_kw_proxied=proxied, ) def create_proxy_methods( target_cls: Type[Any], target_cls_sphinx_name: str, proxy_cls_sphinx_name: str, classmethods: Sequence[str] = (), methods: Sequence[str] = (), attributes: Sequence[str] = (), use_intermediate_variable: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> Callable[[_T], _T]: """A class decorator indicating attributes should refer to a proxy class. This decorator is now a "marker" that does nothing at runtime. Instead, it is consumed by the tools/generate_proxy_methods.py script to statically generate proxy methods and attributes that are fully recognized by typing tools such as mypy. """ def decorate(cls): return cls return decorate def getargspec_init(method): """inspect.getargspec with considerations for typical __init__ methods Wraps inspect.getargspec with error handling for typical __init__ cases:: object.__init__ -> (self) other unreflectable (usually C) -> (self, *args, **kwargs) """ try: return compat.inspect_getfullargspec(method) except TypeError: if method is object.__init__: return (["self"], None, None, None) else: return (["self"], "args", "kwargs", None) def unbound_method_to_callable(func_or_cls): """Adjust the incoming callable such that a 'self' argument is not required. """ if isinstance(func_or_cls, types.MethodType) and not func_or_cls.__self__: return func_or_cls.__func__ else: return func_or_cls def generic_repr( obj: Any, additional_kw: Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]] = (), to_inspect: Optional[Union[object, List[object]]] = None, omit_kwarg: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> str: """Produce a __repr__() based on direct association of the __init__() specification vs. same-named attributes present. """ if to_inspect is None: to_inspect = [obj] else: to_inspect = _collections.to_list(to_inspect) missing = object() pos_args = [] kw_args: _collections.OrderedDict[str, Any] = _collections.OrderedDict() vargs = None for i, insp in enumerate(to_inspect): try: spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(insp.__init__) except TypeError: continue else: default_len = len(spec.defaults) if spec.defaults else 0 if i == 0: if spec.varargs: vargs = spec.varargs if default_len: pos_args.extend(spec.args[1:-default_len]) else: pos_args.extend(spec.args[1:]) else: kw_args.update( [(arg, missing) for arg in spec.args[1:-default_len]] ) if default_len: assert spec.defaults kw_args.update( [ (arg, default) for arg, default in zip( spec.args[-default_len:], spec.defaults ) ] ) output: List[str] = [] output.extend(repr(getattr(obj, arg, None)) for arg in pos_args) if vargs is not None and hasattr(obj, vargs): output.extend([repr(val) for val in getattr(obj, vargs)]) for arg, defval in kw_args.items(): if arg in omit_kwarg: continue try: val = getattr(obj, arg, missing) if val is not missing and val != defval: output.append("%s=%r" % (arg, val)) except Exception: pass if additional_kw: for arg, defval in additional_kw: try: val = getattr(obj, arg, missing) if val is not missing and val != defval: output.append("%s=%r" % (arg, val)) except Exception: pass return "%s(%s)" % (obj.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(output)) class portable_instancemethod: """Turn an instancemethod into a (parent, name) pair to produce a serializable callable. """ __slots__ = "target", "name", "kwargs", "__weakref__" def __getstate__(self): return { "target": self.target, "name": self.name, "kwargs": self.kwargs, } def __setstate__(self, state): self.target = state["target"] self.name = state["name"] self.kwargs = state.get("kwargs", ()) def __init__(self, meth, kwargs=()): self.target = meth.__self__ self.name = meth.__name__ self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, *arg, **kw): kw.update(self.kwargs) return getattr(self.target, self.name)(*arg, **kw) def class_hierarchy(cls): """Return an unordered sequence of all classes related to cls. Traverses diamond hierarchies. Fibs slightly: subclasses of builtin types are not returned. Thus class_hierarchy(class A(object)) returns (A, object), not A plus every class systemwide that derives from object. """ hier = {cls} process = list(cls.__mro__) while process: c = process.pop() bases = (_ for _ in c.__bases__ if _ not in hier) for b in bases: process.append(b) hier.add(b) if c.__module__ == "builtins" or not hasattr(c, "__subclasses__"): continue for s in [ _ for _ in ( c.__subclasses__() if not issubclass(c, type) else c.__subclasses__(c) ) if _ not in hier ]: process.append(s) hier.add(s) return list(hier) def iterate_attributes(cls): """iterate all the keys and attributes associated with a class, without using getattr(). Does not use getattr() so that class-sensitive descriptors (i.e. property.__get__()) are not called. """ keys = dir(cls) for key in keys: for c in cls.__mro__: if key in c.__dict__: yield (key, c.__dict__[key]) break def monkeypatch_proxied_specials( into_cls, from_cls, skip=None, only=None, name="self.proxy", from_instance=None, ): """Automates delegation of __specials__ for a proxying type.""" if only: dunders = only else: if skip is None: skip = ( "__slots__", "__del__", "__getattribute__", "__metaclass__", "__getstate__", "__setstate__", ) dunders = [ m for m in dir(from_cls) if ( m.startswith("__") and m.endswith("__") and not hasattr(into_cls, m) and m not in skip ) ] for method in dunders: try: maybe_fn = getattr(from_cls, method) if not hasattr(maybe_fn, "__call__"): continue maybe_fn = getattr(maybe_fn, "__func__", maybe_fn) fn = cast(types.FunctionType, maybe_fn) except AttributeError: continue try: spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) fn_args = compat.inspect_formatargspec(spec[0]) d_args = compat.inspect_formatargspec(spec[0][1:]) except TypeError: fn_args = "(self, *args, **kw)" d_args = "(*args, **kw)" py = ( "def %(method)s%(fn_args)s: " "return %(name)s.%(method)s%(d_args)s" % locals() ) env: Dict[str, types.FunctionType] = ( from_instance is not None and {name: from_instance} or {} ) exec(py, env) try: env[method].__defaults__ = fn.__defaults__ except AttributeError: pass setattr(into_cls, method, env[method]) def methods_equivalent(meth1, meth2): """Return True if the two methods are the same implementation.""" return getattr(meth1, "__func__", meth1) is getattr( meth2, "__func__", meth2 ) def as_interface(obj, cls=None, methods=None, required=None): """Ensure basic interface compliance for an instance or dict of callables. Checks that ``obj`` implements public methods of ``cls`` or has members listed in ``methods``. If ``required`` is not supplied, implementing at least one interface method is sufficient. Methods present on ``obj`` that are not in the interface are ignored. If ``obj`` is a dict and ``dict`` does not meet the interface requirements, the keys of the dictionary are inspected. Keys present in ``obj`` that are not in the interface will raise TypeErrors. Raises TypeError if ``obj`` does not meet the interface criteria. In all passing cases, an object with callable members is returned. In the simple case, ``obj`` is returned as-is; if dict processing kicks in then an anonymous class is returned. obj A type, instance, or dictionary of callables. cls Optional, a type. All public methods of cls are considered the interface. An ``obj`` instance of cls will always pass, ignoring ``required``.. methods Optional, a sequence of method names to consider as the interface. required Optional, a sequence of mandatory implementations. If omitted, an ``obj`` that provides at least one interface method is considered sufficient. As a convenience, required may be a type, in which case all public methods of the type are required. """ if not cls and not methods: raise TypeError("a class or collection of method names are required") if isinstance(cls, type) and isinstance(obj, cls): return obj interface = set(methods or [m for m in dir(cls) if not m.startswith("_")]) implemented = set(dir(obj)) complies = operator.ge if isinstance(required, type): required = interface elif not required: required = set() complies = operator.gt else: required = set(required) if complies(implemented.intersection(interface), required): return obj # No dict duck typing here. if not isinstance(obj, dict): qualifier = complies is operator.gt and "any of" or "all of" raise TypeError( "%r does not implement %s: %s" % (obj, qualifier, ", ".join(interface)) ) class AnonymousInterface: """A callable-holding shell.""" if cls: AnonymousInterface.__name__ = "Anonymous" + cls.__name__ found = set() for method, impl in dictlike_iteritems(obj): if method not in interface: raise TypeError("%r: unknown in this interface" % method) if not callable(impl): raise TypeError("%r=%r is not callable" % (method, impl)) setattr(AnonymousInterface, method, staticmethod(impl)) found.add(method) if complies(found, required): return AnonymousInterface raise TypeError( "dictionary does not contain required keys %s" % ", ".join(required - found) ) _GFD = TypeVar("_GFD", bound="generic_fn_descriptor[Any]") class generic_fn_descriptor(Generic[_T_co]): """Descriptor which proxies a function when the attribute is not present in dict This superclass is organized in a particular way with "memoized" and "non-memoized" implementation classes that are hidden from type checkers, as Mypy seems to not be able to handle seeing multiple kinds of descriptor classes used for the same attribute. """ fget: Callable[..., _T_co] __doc__: Optional[str] __name__: str def __init__(self, fget: Callable[..., _T_co], doc: Optional[str] = None): self.fget = fget self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ self.__name__ = fget.__name__ @overload def __get__(self: _GFD, obj: None, cls: Any) -> _GFD: ... @overload def __get__(self, obj: object, cls: Any) -> _T_co: ... def __get__(self: _GFD, obj: Any, cls: Any) -> Union[_GFD, _T_co]: raise NotImplementedError() if TYPE_CHECKING: def __set__(self, instance: Any, value: Any) -> None: ... def __delete__(self, instance: Any) -> None: ... def _reset(self, obj: Any) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def reset(cls, obj: Any, name: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() class _non_memoized_property(generic_fn_descriptor[_T_co]): """a plain descriptor that proxies a function. primary rationale is to provide a plain attribute that's compatible with memoized_property which is also recognized as equivalent by mypy. """ if not TYPE_CHECKING: def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self return self.fget(obj) class _memoized_property(generic_fn_descriptor[_T_co]): """A read-only @property that is only evaluated once.""" if not TYPE_CHECKING: def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) return result def _reset(self, obj): _memoized_property.reset(obj, self.__name__) @classmethod def reset(cls, obj, name): obj.__dict__.pop(name, None) # despite many attempts to get Mypy to recognize an overridden descriptor # where one is memoized and the other isn't, there seems to be no reliable # way other than completely deceiving the type checker into thinking there # is just one single descriptor type everywhere. Otherwise, if a superclass # has non-memoized and subclass has memoized, that requires # "class memoized(non_memoized)". but then if a superclass has memoized and # superclass has non-memoized, the class hierarchy of the descriptors # would need to be reversed; "class non_memoized(memoized)". so there's no # way to achieve this. # additional issues, RO properties: # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/12440 if TYPE_CHECKING: # allow memoized and non-memoized to be freely mixed by having them # be the same class memoized_property = generic_fn_descriptor non_memoized_property = generic_fn_descriptor # for read only situations, mypy only sees @property as read only. # read only is needed when a subtype specializes the return type # of a property, meaning assignment needs to be disallowed ro_memoized_property = property ro_non_memoized_property = property else: memoized_property = ro_memoized_property = _memoized_property non_memoized_property = ro_non_memoized_property = _non_memoized_property def memoized_instancemethod(fn: _F) -> _F: """Decorate a method memoize its return value. Best applied to no-arg methods: memoization is not sensitive to argument values, and will always return the same value even when called with different arguments. """ def oneshot(self, *args, **kw): result = fn(self, *args, **kw) def memo(*a, **kw): return result memo.__name__ = fn.__name__ memo.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ self.__dict__[fn.__name__] = memo return result return update_wrapper(oneshot, fn) # type: ignore class HasMemoized: """A mixin class that maintains the names of memoized elements in a collection for easy cache clearing, generative, etc. """ if not TYPE_CHECKING: # support classes that want to have __slots__ with an explicit # slot for __dict__. not sure if that requires base __slots__ here. __slots__ = () _memoized_keys: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() def _reset_memoizations(self) -> None: for elem in self._memoized_keys: self.__dict__.pop(elem, None) def _assert_no_memoizations(self) -> None: for elem in self._memoized_keys: assert elem not in self.__dict__ def _set_memoized_attribute(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self.__dict__[key] = value self._memoized_keys |= {key} class memoized_attribute(memoized_property[_T]): """A read-only @property that is only evaluated once. :meta private: """ fget: Callable[..., _T] __doc__: Optional[str] __name__: str def __init__(self, fget: Callable[..., _T], doc: Optional[str] = None): self.fget = fget self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ self.__name__ = fget.__name__ @overload def __get__(self: _MA, obj: None, cls: Any) -> _MA: ... @overload def __get__(self, obj: Any, cls: Any) -> _T: ... def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) obj._memoized_keys |= {self.__name__} return result @classmethod def memoized_instancemethod(cls, fn: _F) -> _F: """Decorate a method memoize its return value. :meta private: """ def oneshot(self: Any, *args: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any: result = fn(self, *args, **kw) def memo(*a, **kw): return result memo.__name__ = fn.__name__ memo.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ self.__dict__[fn.__name__] = memo self._memoized_keys |= {fn.__name__} return result return update_wrapper(oneshot, fn) # type: ignore if TYPE_CHECKING: HasMemoized_ro_memoized_attribute = property else: HasMemoized_ro_memoized_attribute = HasMemoized.memoized_attribute class MemoizedSlots: """Apply memoized items to an object using a __getattr__ scheme. This allows the functionality of memoized_property and memoized_instancemethod to be available to a class using __slots__. """ __slots__ = () def _fallback_getattr(self, key): raise AttributeError(key) def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any: if key.startswith("_memoized_attr_") or key.startswith( "_memoized_method_" ): raise AttributeError(key) # to avoid recursion errors when interacting with other __getattr__ # schemes that refer to this one, when testing for memoized method # look at __class__ only rather than going into __getattr__ again. elif hasattr(self.__class__, f"_memoized_attr_{key}"): value = getattr(self, f"_memoized_attr_{key}")() setattr(self, key, value) return value elif hasattr(self.__class__, f"_memoized_method_{key}"): fn = getattr(self, f"_memoized_method_{key}") def oneshot(*args, **kw): result = fn(*args, **kw) def memo(*a, **kw): return result memo.__name__ = fn.__name__ memo.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ setattr(self, key, memo) return result oneshot.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ return oneshot else: return self._fallback_getattr(key) # from paste.deploy.converters def asbool(obj: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(obj, str): obj = obj.strip().lower() if obj in ["true", "yes", "on", "y", "t", "1"]: return True elif obj in ["false", "no", "off", "n", "f", "0"]: return False else: raise ValueError("String is not true/false: %r" % obj) return bool(obj) def bool_or_str(*text: str) -> Callable[[str], Union[str, bool]]: """Return a callable that will evaluate a string as boolean, or one of a set of "alternate" string values. """ def bool_or_value(obj: str) -> Union[str, bool]: if obj in text: return obj else: return asbool(obj) return bool_or_value def asint(value: Any) -> Optional[int]: """Coerce to integer.""" if value is None: return value return int(value) def coerce_kw_type( kw: Dict[str, Any], key: str, type_: Type[Any], flexi_bool: bool = True, dest: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: r"""If 'key' is present in dict 'kw', coerce its value to type 'type\_' if necessary. If 'flexi_bool' is True, the string '0' is considered false when coercing to boolean. """ if dest is None: dest = kw if ( key in kw and (not isinstance(type_, type) or not isinstance(kw[key], type_)) and kw[key] is not None ): if type_ is bool and flexi_bool: dest[key] = asbool(kw[key]) else: dest[key] = type_(kw[key]) def constructor_key(obj: Any, cls: Type[Any]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """Produce a tuple structure that is cacheable using the __dict__ of obj to retrieve values """ names = get_cls_kwargs(cls) return (cls,) + tuple( (k, obj.__dict__[k]) for k in names if k in obj.__dict__ ) def constructor_copy(obj: _T, cls: Type[_T], *args: Any, **kw: Any) -> _T: """Instantiate cls using the __dict__ of obj as constructor arguments. Uses inspect to match the named arguments of ``cls``. """ names = get_cls_kwargs(cls) kw.update( (k, obj.__dict__[k]) for k in names.difference(kw) if k in obj.__dict__ ) return cls(*args, **kw) def counter() -> Callable[[], int]: """Return a threadsafe counter function.""" lock = threading.Lock() counter = itertools.count(1) # avoid the 2to3 "next" transformation... def _next(): with lock: return next(counter) return _next def duck_type_collection( specimen: Any, default: Optional[Type[Any]] = None ) -> Optional[Type[Any]]: """Given an instance or class, guess if it is or is acting as one of the basic collection types: list, set and dict. If the __emulates__ property is present, return that preferentially. """ if hasattr(specimen, "__emulates__"): # canonicalize set vs sets.Set to a standard: the builtin set if specimen.__emulates__ is not None and issubclass( specimen.__emulates__, set ): return set else: return specimen.__emulates__ # type: ignore isa = issubclass if isinstance(specimen, type) else isinstance if isa(specimen, list): return list elif isa(specimen, set): return set elif isa(specimen, dict): return dict if hasattr(specimen, "append"): return list elif hasattr(specimen, "add"): return set elif hasattr(specimen, "set"): return dict else: return default def assert_arg_type( arg: Any, argtype: Union[Tuple[Type[Any], ...], Type[Any]], name: str ) -> Any: if isinstance(arg, argtype): return arg else: if isinstance(argtype, tuple): raise exc.ArgumentError( "Argument '%s' is expected to be one of type %s, got '%s'" % (name, " or ".join("'%s'" % a for a in argtype), type(arg)) ) else: raise exc.ArgumentError( "Argument '%s' is expected to be of type '%s', got '%s'" % (name, argtype, type(arg)) ) def dictlike_iteritems(dictlike): """Return a (key, value) iterator for almost any dict-like object.""" if hasattr(dictlike, "items"): return list(dictlike.items()) getter = getattr(dictlike, "__getitem__", getattr(dictlike, "get", None)) if getter is None: raise TypeError("Object '%r' is not dict-like" % dictlike) if hasattr(dictlike, "iterkeys"): def iterator(): for key in dictlike.iterkeys(): assert getter is not None yield key, getter(key) return iterator() elif hasattr(dictlike, "keys"): return iter((key, getter(key)) for key in dictlike.keys()) else: raise TypeError("Object '%r' is not dict-like" % dictlike) class classproperty(property): """A decorator that behaves like @property except that operates on classes rather than instances. The decorator is currently special when using the declarative module, but note that the :class:`~.sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declared_attr` decorator should be used for this purpose with declarative. """ fget: Callable[[Any], Any] def __init__(self, fget: Callable[[Any], Any], *arg: Any, **kw: Any): super().__init__(fget, *arg, **kw) self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ def __get__(self, obj: Any, cls: Optional[type] = None) -> Any: return self.fget(cls) class hybridproperty(Generic[_T]): def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., _T]): self.func = func self.clslevel = func def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Any) -> _T: if instance is None: clsval = self.clslevel(owner) return clsval else: return self.func(instance) def classlevel(self, func: Callable[..., Any]) -> hybridproperty[_T]: self.clslevel = func return self class rw_hybridproperty(Generic[_T]): def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., _T]): self.func = func self.clslevel = func self.setfn: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Any) -> _T: if instance is None: clsval = self.clslevel(owner) return clsval else: return self.func(instance) def __set__(self, instance: Any, value: Any) -> None: assert self.setfn is not None self.setfn(instance, value) def setter(self, func: Callable[..., Any]) -> rw_hybridproperty[_T]: self.setfn = func return self def classlevel(self, func: Callable[..., Any]) -> rw_hybridproperty[_T]: self.clslevel = func return self class hybridmethod(Generic[_T]): """Decorate a function as cls- or instance- level.""" def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., _T]): self.func = self.__func__ = func self.clslevel = func def __get__(self, instance: Any, owner: Any) -> Callable[..., _T]: if instance is None: return self.clslevel.__get__(owner, owner.__class__) # type:ignore else: return self.func.__get__(instance, owner) # type:ignore def classlevel(self, func: Callable[..., Any]) -> hybridmethod[_T]: self.clslevel = func return self class symbol(int): """A constant symbol. >>> symbol('foo') is symbol('foo') True >>> symbol('foo') A slight refinement of the MAGICCOOKIE=object() pattern. The primary advantage of symbol() is its repr(). They are also singletons. Repeated calls of symbol('name') will all return the same instance. """ name: str symbols: Dict[str, symbol] = {} _lock = threading.Lock() def __new__( cls, name: str, doc: Optional[str] = None, canonical: Optional[int] = None, ) -> symbol: with cls._lock: sym = cls.symbols.get(name) if sym is None: assert isinstance(name, str) if canonical is None: canonical = hash(name) sym = int.__new__(symbol, canonical) sym.name = name if doc: sym.__doc__ = doc # NOTE: we should ultimately get rid of this global thing, # however, currently it is to support pickling. The best # change would be when we are on py3.11 at a minimum, we # switch to stdlib enum.IntFlag. cls.symbols[name] = sym else: if canonical and canonical != sym: raise TypeError( f"Can't replace canonical symbol for {name!r} " f"with new int value {canonical}" ) return sym def __reduce__(self): return symbol, (self.name, "x", int(self)) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): return f"symbol({self.name!r})" class _IntFlagMeta(type): def __init__( cls, classname: str, bases: Tuple[Type[Any], ...], dict_: Dict[str, Any], **kw: Any, ) -> None: items: List[symbol] cls._items = items = [] for k, v in dict_.items(): if isinstance(v, int): sym = symbol(k, canonical=v) elif not k.startswith("_"): raise TypeError("Expected integer values for IntFlag") else: continue setattr(cls, k, sym) items.append(sym) cls.__members__ = _collections.immutabledict( {sym.name: sym for sym in items} ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[symbol]: raise NotImplementedError( "iter not implemented to ensure compatibility with " "Python 3.11 IntFlag. Please use __members__. See " "https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/99304" ) class _FastIntFlag(metaclass=_IntFlagMeta): """An 'IntFlag' copycat that isn't slow when performing bitwise operations. the ``FastIntFlag`` class will return ``enum.IntFlag`` under TYPE_CHECKING and ``_FastIntFlag`` otherwise. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: from enum import IntFlag FastIntFlag = IntFlag else: FastIntFlag = _FastIntFlag _E = TypeVar("_E", bound=enum.Enum) def parse_user_argument_for_enum( arg: Any, choices: Dict[_E, List[Any]], name: str, resolve_symbol_names: bool = False, ) -> Optional[_E]: """Given a user parameter, parse the parameter into a chosen value from a list of choice objects, typically Enum values. The user argument can be a string name that matches the name of a symbol, or the symbol object itself, or any number of alternate choices such as True/False/ None etc. :param arg: the user argument. :param choices: dictionary of enum values to lists of possible entries for each. :param name: name of the argument. Used in an :class:`.ArgumentError` that is raised if the parameter doesn't match any available argument. """ for enum_value, choice in choices.items(): if arg is enum_value: return enum_value elif resolve_symbol_names and arg == enum_value.name: return enum_value elif arg in choice: return enum_value if arg is None: return None raise exc.ArgumentError(f"Invalid value for '{name}': {arg!r}") _creation_order = 1 def set_creation_order(instance: Any) -> None: """Assign a '_creation_order' sequence to the given instance. This allows multiple instances to be sorted in order of creation (typically within a single thread; the counter is not particularly threadsafe). """ global _creation_order instance._creation_order = _creation_order _creation_order += 1 def warn_exception(func: Callable[..., Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """executes the given function, catches all exceptions and converts to a warning. """ try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: warn("%s('%s') ignored" % sys.exc_info()[0:2]) def ellipses_string(value, len_=25): try: if len(value) > len_: return "%s..." % value[0:len_] else: return value except TypeError: return value class _hash_limit_string(str): """A string subclass that can only be hashed on a maximum amount of unique values. This is used for warnings so that we can send out parameterized warnings without the __warningregistry__ of the module, or the non-overridable "once" registry within warnings.py, overloading memory, """ _hash: int def __new__( cls, value: str, num: int, args: Sequence[Any] ) -> _hash_limit_string: interpolated = (value % args) + ( " (this warning may be suppressed after %d occurrences)" % num ) self = super().__new__(cls, interpolated) self._hash = hash("%s_%d" % (value, hash(interpolated) % num)) return self def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._hash def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return hash(self) == hash(other) def warn(msg: str, code: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Issue a warning. If msg is a string, :class:`.exc.SAWarning` is used as the category. """ if code: _warnings_warn(exc.SAWarning(msg, code=code)) else: _warnings_warn(msg, exc.SAWarning) def warn_limited(msg: str, args: Sequence[Any]) -> None: """Issue a warning with a parameterized string, limiting the number of registrations. """ if args: msg = _hash_limit_string(msg, 10, args) _warnings_warn(msg, exc.SAWarning) _warning_tags: Dict[CodeType, Tuple[str, Type[Warning]]] = {} def tag_method_for_warnings( message: str, category: Type[Warning] ) -> Callable[[_F], _F]: def go(fn): _warning_tags[fn.__code__] = (message, category) return fn return go _not_sa_pattern = re.compile(r"^(?:sqlalchemy\.(?!testing)|alembic\.)") def _warnings_warn( message: Union[str, Warning], category: Optional[Type[Warning]] = None, stacklevel: int = 2, ) -> None: # adjust the given stacklevel to be outside of SQLAlchemy try: frame = sys._getframe(stacklevel) except ValueError: # being called from less than 3 (or given) stacklevels, weird, # but don't crash stacklevel = 0 except: # _getframe() doesn't work, weird interpreter issue, weird, # ok, but don't crash stacklevel = 0 else: stacklevel_found = warning_tag_found = False while frame is not None: # using __name__ here requires that we have __name__ in the # __globals__ of the decorated string functions we make also. # we generate this using {"__name__": fn.__module__} if not stacklevel_found and not re.match( _not_sa_pattern, frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "") ): # stop incrementing stack level if an out-of-SQLA line # were found. stacklevel_found = True # however, for the warning tag thing, we have to keep # scanning up the whole traceback if frame.f_code in _warning_tags: warning_tag_found = True (_suffix, _category) = _warning_tags[frame.f_code] category = category or _category message = f"{message} ({_suffix})" frame = frame.f_back # type: ignore[assignment] if not stacklevel_found: stacklevel += 1 elif stacklevel_found and warning_tag_found: break if category is not None: warnings.warn(message, category, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1) else: warnings.warn(message, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1) def only_once( fn: Callable[..., _T], retry_on_exception: bool ) -> Callable[..., Optional[_T]]: """Decorate the given function to be a no-op after it is called exactly once.""" once = [fn] def go(*arg: Any, **kw: Any) -> Optional[_T]: # strong reference fn so that it isn't garbage collected, # which interferes with the event system's expectations strong_fn = fn # noqa if once: once_fn = once.pop() try: return once_fn(*arg, **kw) except: if retry_on_exception: once.insert(0, once_fn) raise return None return go _SQLA_RE = re.compile(r"sqlalchemy/([a-z_]+/){0,2}[a-z_]+\.py") _UNITTEST_RE = re.compile(r"unit(?:2|test2?/)") def chop_traceback( tb: List[str], exclude_prefix: re.Pattern[str] = _UNITTEST_RE, exclude_suffix: re.Pattern[str] = _SQLA_RE, ) -> List[str]: """Chop extraneous lines off beginning and end of a traceback. :param tb: a list of traceback lines as returned by ``traceback.format_stack()`` :param exclude_prefix: a regular expression object matching lines to skip at beginning of ``tb`` :param exclude_suffix: a regular expression object matching lines to skip at end of ``tb`` """ start = 0 end = len(tb) - 1 while start <= end and exclude_prefix.search(tb[start]): start += 1 while start <= end and exclude_suffix.search(tb[end]): end -= 1 return tb[start : end + 1] NoneType = type(None) def attrsetter(attrname): code = "def set(obj, value): obj.%s = value" % attrname env = locals().copy() exec(code, env) return env["set"] class TypingOnly: """A mixin class that marks a class as 'typing only', meaning it has absolutely no methods, attributes, or runtime functionality whatsoever. """ __slots__ = () def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: if TypingOnly in cls.__bases__: remaining = set(cls.__dict__).difference( { "__module__", "__doc__", "__slots__", "__orig_bases__", "__annotations__", } ) if remaining: raise AssertionError( f"Class {cls} directly inherits TypingOnly but has " f"additional attributes {remaining}." ) super().__init_subclass__() class EnsureKWArg: r"""Apply translation of functions to accept \**kw arguments if they don't already. Used to ensure cross-compatibility with third party legacy code, for things like compiler visit methods that need to accept ``**kw`` arguments, but may have been copied from old code that didn't accept them. """ ensure_kwarg: str """a regular expression that indicates method names for which the method should accept ``**kw`` arguments. The class will scan for methods matching the name template and decorate them if necessary to ensure ``**kw`` parameters are accepted. """ def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: fn_reg = cls.ensure_kwarg clsdict = cls.__dict__ if fn_reg: for key in clsdict: m = re.match(fn_reg, key) if m: fn = clsdict[key] spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn) if not spec.varkw: wrapped = cls._wrap_w_kw(fn) setattr(cls, key, wrapped) super().__init_subclass__() @classmethod def _wrap_w_kw(cls, fn: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: def wrap(*arg: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any: return fn(*arg) return update_wrapper(wrap, fn) def wrap_callable(wrapper, fn): """Augment functools.update_wrapper() to work with objects with a ``__call__()`` method. :param fn: object with __call__ method """ if hasattr(fn, "__name__"): return update_wrapper(wrapper, fn) else: _f = wrapper _f.__name__ = fn.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(fn, "__module__"): _f.__module__ = fn.__module__ if hasattr(fn.__call__, "__doc__") and fn.__call__.__doc__: _f.__doc__ = fn.__call__.__doc__ elif fn.__doc__: _f.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ return _f def quoted_token_parser(value): """Parse a dotted identifier with accommodation for quoted names. Includes support for SQL-style double quotes as a literal character. E.g.:: >>> quoted_token_parser("name") ["name"] >>> quoted_token_parser("schema.name") ["schema", "name"] >>> quoted_token_parser('"Schema"."Name"') ['Schema', 'Name'] >>> quoted_token_parser('"Schema"."Name""Foo"') ['Schema', 'Name""Foo'] """ if '"' not in value: return value.split(".") # 0 = outside of quotes # 1 = inside of quotes state = 0 result: List[List[str]] = [[]] idx = 0 lv = len(value) while idx < lv: char = value[idx] if char == '"': if state == 1 and idx < lv - 1 and value[idx + 1] == '"': result[-1].append('"') idx += 1 else: state ^= 1 elif char == "." and state == 0: result.append([]) else: result[-1].append(char) idx += 1 return ["".join(token) for token in result] def add_parameter_text(params: Any, text: str) -> Callable[[_F], _F]: params = _collections.to_list(params) def decorate(fn): doc = fn.__doc__ is not None and fn.__doc__ or "" if doc: doc = inject_param_text(doc, {param: text for param in params}) fn.__doc__ = doc return fn return decorate def _dedent_docstring(text: str) -> str: split_text = text.split("\n", 1) if len(split_text) == 1: return text else: firstline, remaining = split_text if not firstline.startswith(" "): return firstline + "\n" + textwrap.dedent(remaining) else: return textwrap.dedent(text) def inject_docstring_text( given_doctext: Optional[str], injecttext: str, pos: int ) -> str: doctext: str = _dedent_docstring(given_doctext or "") lines = doctext.split("\n") if len(lines) == 1: lines.append("") injectlines = textwrap.dedent(injecttext).split("\n") if injectlines[0]: injectlines.insert(0, "") blanks = [num for num, line in enumerate(lines) if not line.strip()] blanks.insert(0, 0) inject_pos = blanks[min(pos, len(blanks) - 1)] lines = lines[0:inject_pos] + injectlines + lines[inject_pos:] return "\n".join(lines) _param_reg = re.compile(r"(\s+):param (.+?):") def inject_param_text(doctext: str, inject_params: Dict[str, str]) -> str: doclines = collections.deque(doctext.splitlines()) lines = [] # TODO: this is not working for params like ":param case_sensitive=True:" to_inject = None while doclines: line = doclines.popleft() m = _param_reg.match(line) if to_inject is None: if m: param = m.group(2).lstrip("*") if param in inject_params: # default indent to that of :param: plus one indent = " " * len(m.group(1)) + " " # but if the next line has text, use that line's # indentation if doclines: m2 = re.match(r"(\s+)\S", doclines[0]) if m2: indent = " " * len(m2.group(1)) to_inject = indent + inject_params[param] elif m: lines.extend(["\n", to_inject, "\n"]) to_inject = None elif not line.rstrip(): lines.extend([line, to_inject, "\n"]) to_inject = None elif line.endswith("::"): # TODO: this still won't cover if the code example itself has # blank lines in it, need to detect those via indentation. lines.extend([line, doclines.popleft()]) continue lines.append(line) return "\n".join(lines) def repr_tuple_names(names: List[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Trims a list of strings from the middle and return a string of up to four elements. Strings greater than 11 characters will be truncated""" if len(names) == 0: return None flag = len(names) <= 4 names = names[0:4] if flag else names[0:3] + names[-1:] res = ["%s.." % name[:11] if len(name) > 11 else name for name in names] if flag: return ", ".join(res) else: return "%s, ..., %s" % (", ".join(res[0:3]), res[-1]) def has_compiled_ext(raise_=False): if HAS_CYEXTENSION: return True elif raise_: raise ImportError( "cython extensions were expected to be installed, " "but are not present" ) else: return False