from __future__ import absolute_import from datetime import timedelta import logging import os import re import time from requests import Session from subliminal import region, __short_version__ from subliminal.cache import REFINER_EXPIRATION_TIME from subliminal.exceptions import ConfigurationError, AuthenticationError, ServiceUnavailable from subliminal.utils import sanitize from import Episode, Movie from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle from subliminal_patch.exceptions import APIThrottled from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import get_subtitle_from_archive, get_archive_from_bytes from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin from guessit import guessit from subzero.language import Language, FULL_LANGUAGE_LIST logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Unhandled formats, such files will always get filtered out unhandled_archive_formats = (".7z",) accepted_archive_formats = (".zip", ".rar") class JimakuSubtitle(Subtitle): '''Jimaku Subtitle.''' provider_name = 'jimaku' hash_verifiable = False def __init__(self, language, video, download_url, filename): super(JimakuSubtitle, self).__init__(language, page_link=download_url) = video self.download_url = download_url self.filename = filename self.release_info = filename self.is_archive = filename.endswith(accepted_archive_formats) @property def id(self): return self.download_url def get_matches(self, video): matches = set() # Episode/Movie specific matches if isinstance(video, Episode): if sanitize(video.series) and sanitize( in ( sanitize(name) for name in [video.series] + video.alternative_series): matches.add('series') if video.season and is None or video.season and video.season == matches.add('season') elif isinstance(video, Movie): if sanitize(video.title) and sanitize( in ( sanitize(name) for name in [video.title] + video.alternative_titles): matches.add('title') # General matches if video.year and video.year == matches.add('year') video_type = 'movie' if isinstance(video, Movie) else 'episode' matches.add(video_type) guess = guessit(self.filename, {'type': video_type}) for g in guess: if g[0] == "release_group" or "source": if video.release_group == g[1]: matches.add('release_group') break # Prioritize .srt by repurposing the audio_codec match if self.filename.endswith(".srt"): matches.add('audio_codec') return matches class JimakuProvider(Provider): '''Jimaku Provider.''' video_types = (Episode, Movie) api_url = '' api_ratelimit_max_delay_seconds = 5 api_ratelimit_backoff_limit = 3 corrupted_file_size_threshold = 500 languages = {Language.fromietf("ja")} def __init__(self, enable_name_search_fallback, enable_archives_download, enable_ai_subs, api_key): if api_key: self.api_key = api_key else: raise ConfigurationError('Missing api_key.') self.enable_name_search_fallback = enable_name_search_fallback self.download_archives = enable_archives_download self.enable_ai_subs = enable_ai_subs self.session = None def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.session.headers['Authorization'] = self.api_key self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = os.environ.get("SZ_USER_AGENT") def terminate(self): self.session.close() def _query(self, video): if isinstance(video, Movie): media_name = video.title.lower() elif isinstance(video, Episode): media_name = video.series.lower() # With entries that have a season larger than 1, Jimaku appends the corresponding season number to the name. # We'll reassemble media_name here to account for cases where we can only search by name alone. season_addendum = str(video.season) if video.season > 1 else None media_name = f"{media_name} {season_addendum}" if season_addendum else media_name # Search for entry searching_for_entry_attempts = 0 additional_url_params = {} while searching_for_entry_attempts < 2: searching_for_entry_attempts += 1 url = self._assemble_jimaku_search_url(video, media_name, additional_url_params) if not url: return None searching_for_entry = "query" in url data = self._search_for_entry(url) if not data: if searching_for_entry and searching_for_entry_attempts < 2:"Maybe this is live action media? Will retry search without anime parameter...") additional_url_params = {'anime': "false"} else: return None else: break # We only go for the first entry entry = data[0] entry_id = entry.get('id') anilist_id = entry.get('anilist_id', None) entry_name = entry.get('name') is_movie = entry.get('flags', {}).get('movie', False) if isinstance(video, Episode) and is_movie: logger.warn("Bazarr thinks this is a series, but Jimaku says this is a movie! May not be able to match subtitles...")"Matched entry: ID: '{entry_id}', anilist_id: '{anilist_id}', name: '{entry_name}', english_name: '{entry.get('english_name')}', movie: {is_movie}") if entry.get("flags").get("unverified"): logger.warning(f"This entry '{entry_id}' is unverified, subtitles might be incomplete or have quality issues!") # Get a list of subtitles for entry episode_number = video.episode if "episode" in dir(video) else None url_params = {'episode': episode_number} if isinstance(video, Episode) and not is_movie else {} only_look_for_archives = False has_offset = isinstance(video, Episode) and video.series_anidb_season_episode_offset is not None retry_count = 0 adjusted_ep_num = None while retry_count <= 1: # Account for positive episode offset first if isinstance(video, Episode) and not is_movie and retry_count < 1: if video.season > 1 and has_offset: offset_value = video.series_anidb_season_episode_offset offset_value = offset_value if offset_value > 0 else -offset_value if episode_number < offset_value: adjusted_ep_num = episode_number + offset_value logger.warning(f"Will try using adjusted episode number {adjusted_ep_num} first") url_params = {'episode': adjusted_ep_num} url = f"entries/{entry_id}/files" data = self._search_for_subtitles(url, url_params) if not data: if isinstance(video, Episode) and not is_movie and has_offset and retry_count < 1: logger.warning(f"Found no subtitles for adjusted episode number, but will retry with normal episode number {episode_number}") url_params = {'episode': episode_number} elif isinstance(video, Episode) and not is_movie and retry_count < 1: logger.warning(f"Found no subtitles for episode number {episode_number}, but will retry without 'episode' parameter") url_params = {} only_look_for_archives = True else: return None retry_count += 1 else: if adjusted_ep_num: video.episode = adjusted_ep_num logger.debug(f"This videos episode attribute has been updated to: {video.episode}") break # Filter subtitles list_of_subtitles = [] data = [item for item in data if not item['name'].endswith(unhandled_archive_formats)] # Detect only archives being uploaded archive_entries = [item for item in data if item['name'].endswith(accepted_archive_formats)] subtitle_entries = [item for item in data if not item['name'].endswith(accepted_archive_formats)] has_only_archives = len(archive_entries) > 0 and len(subtitle_entries) == 0 if has_only_archives: logger.warning("Have only found archived subtitles") elif only_look_for_archives: data = [item for item in data if item['name'].endswith(accepted_archive_formats)] for item in data: filename = item.get('name') download_url = item.get('url') is_archive = filename.endswith(accepted_archive_formats) # Archives will still be considered if they're the only files available, as is mostly the case for movies. if is_archive and not has_only_archives and not self.download_archives: logger.warning(f"Skipping archive '{filename}' because normal subtitles are available instead") continue if not self.enable_ai_subs: p = re.compile(r'[\[\(]?(whisperai)[\]\)]?|[\[\(]whisper[\]\)]', re.IGNORECASE) if logger.warning(f"Skipping subtitle '{filename}' as it's suspected of being AI generated") continue sub_languages = self._try_determine_subtitle_languages(filename) if len(sub_languages) > 1: logger.warning(f"Skipping subtitle '{filename}' as it's suspected of containing multiple languages") continue # Check if file is obviously corrupt. If no size is returned, assume OK filesize = item.get('size', self.corrupted_file_size_threshold) if filesize < self.corrupted_file_size_threshold: logger.warning(f"Skipping possibly corrupt file '{filename}': Filesize is just {filesize} bytes") continue if not filename.endswith(unhandled_archive_formats): lang = sub_languages[0] if len(sub_languages) > 1 else Language("jpn") list_of_subtitles.append(JimakuSubtitle(lang, video, download_url, filename)) else: logger.debug(f"Skipping archive '{filename}' as it's not a supported format") return list_of_subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages=None): subtitles = self._query(video) if not subtitles: return [] return [s for s in subtitles] def download_subtitle(self, subtitle: JimakuSubtitle): target_url = subtitle.download_url response = self.session.get(target_url, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status() if subtitle.is_archive: archive = get_archive_from_bytes(response.content) if archive: if isinstance(, Episode): subtitle.content = get_subtitle_from_archive( archive,, ) else: subtitle.content = get_subtitle_from_archive( archive ) else: logger.warning("Archive seems to not be an archive! File possibly corrupt?") return None else: subtitle.content = response.content def _do_jimaku_request(self, url_path, url_params={}): url = urljoin(f"{self.api_url}/{url_path}", '?' + urlencode(url_params)) retry_count = 0 while retry_count < self.api_ratelimit_backoff_limit: response = self.session.get(url, timeout=10) if response.status_code == 429: reset_time = 5 retry_count + 1 logger.warning(f"Jimaku ratelimit hit, waiting for '{reset_time}' seconds ({retry_count}/{self.api_ratelimit_backoff_limit} tries)") time.sleep(reset_time) continue elif response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError("Unauthorized. API key possibly invalid") else: response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() logger.debug(f"Length of response on {url}: {len(data)}") if len(data) == 0: logger.error(f"Jimaku returned no items for our our query: {url}") return None elif 'error' in data: raise ServiceUnavailable(f"Jimaku returned an error: '{data.get('error')}', Code: '{data.get('code')}'") else: return data raise APIThrottled(f"Jimaku ratelimit max backoff limit of {self.api_ratelimit_backoff_limit} reached, aborting") # Wrapper functions to indirectly call _do_jimaku_request with different cache configs @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=REFINER_EXPIRATION_TIME) def _search_for_entry(self, url_path, url_params={}): return self._do_jimaku_request(url_path, url_params) @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=timedelta(minutes=1).total_seconds()) def _search_for_subtitles(self, url_path, url_params={}): return self._do_jimaku_request(url_path, url_params) @staticmethod def _try_determine_subtitle_languages(filename): # This is more like a guess and not a 100% fool-proof way of detecting multi-lang subs: # It assumes that language codes, if present, are in the last metadata group of the subs filename. # If such codes are not present, or we failed to match any at all, then we'll just assume that the sub is purely Japanese. default_language = Language("jpn") dot_delimit = filename.split(".") bracket_delimit = re.split(r'[\[\]\(\)]+', filename) candidate_list = list() if len(dot_delimit) > 2: candidate_list = dot_delimit[-2] elif len(bracket_delimit) > 2: candidate_list = bracket_delimit[-2] candidates = [] if len(candidate_list) == 0 else re.split(r'[,\-\+\& ]+', candidate_list) # Discard match group if any candidate... # ...contains any numbers, as the group is likely encoding information if any(re.compile(r'\d').search(string) for string in candidates): return [default_language] # >= 5 chars long, as the group is likely other unrelated metadata if any(len(string) >= 5 for string in candidates): return [default_language] languages = list() for candidate in candidates: candidate = candidate.lower() if candidate in ["ass", "srt"]: continue # Sometimes, languages are hidden in 4 character blocks, i.e. "JPSC" if len(candidate) == 4: for addendum in [candidate[:2], candidate[2:]]: candidates.append(addendum) continue # Sometimes, language codes can have additional info such as 'cc' or 'sdh'. For example: "ja[cc]" if len(dot_delimit) > 2 and any(c in candidate for c in '[]()'): candidate = re.split(r'[\[\]\(\)]+', candidate)[0] try: language_squash = { "jp": "ja", "jap": "ja", "chs": "zho", "cht": "zho", "zhi": "zho", "cn": "zho" } candidate = language_squash[candidate] if candidate in language_squash else candidate if len(candidate) > 2: language = Language(candidate) else: language = Language.fromietf(candidate) if not any(l.alpha3 == language.alpha3 for l in languages): languages.append(language) except: if candidate in FULL_LANGUAGE_LIST: # Create a dummy for the unknown language languages.append(Language("zul")) if len(languages) > 1: # Sometimes a metadata group that actually contains info about codecs gets processed as valid languages. # To prevent false positives, we'll check if Japanese language codes are in the processed languages list. # If not, then it's likely that we didn't actually match language codes -> Assume Japanese only subtitle. contains_jpn = any([l for l in languages if l.alpha3 == "jpn"]) return languages if contains_jpn else [Language("jpn")] else: return [default_language] def _assemble_jimaku_search_url(self, video, media_name, additional_params={}): endpoint = "entries/search" anilist_id = video.anilist_id params = {} if anilist_id: params = {'anilist_id': anilist_id} else: if self.enable_name_search_fallback or isinstance(video, Movie): params = {'query': media_name} else: logger.error(f"Skipping '{media_name}': Got no AniList ID and fuzzy matching using name is disabled") return None if additional_params: params.update(additional_params)"Will search for entry based on params: {params}") return urljoin(endpoint, '?' + urlencode(params))