# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging from random import randint import re import six import os from datetime import datetime __author__ = "Arun KR (kra3) " __license__ = "Simplified BSD" RE_IP = re.compile(r'^[\d+]{1,3}\.[\d+]{1,3}\.[\d+]{1,3}\.[\d+]{1,3}$', re.I) RE_PRIV_IP = re.compile(r'^(?:127\.0\.0\.1|10\.|192\.168\.|172\.(?:1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.)') RE_LOCALE = re.compile(r'(^|\s*,\s*)([a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z]{1,8})*)\s*(;\s*q\s*=\s*(1(\.0{0,3})?|0(\.[0-9]{0,3})))?', re.I) RE_GA_ACCOUNT_ID = re.compile(r'^(UA|MO)-[0-9]*-[0-9]*$') RE_FIRST_THREE_OCTETS_OF_IP = re.compile(r'^((\d{1,3}\.){3})\d{1,3}$') def convert_ga_timestamp(timestamp_string): timestamp = float(timestamp_string) if timestamp > ((2 ** 31) - 1): timestamp /= 1000 return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) def get_32bit_random_num(): return randint(0, 0x7fffffff) def is_valid_ip(ip): return True if RE_IP.match(str(ip)) else False def is_private_ip(ip): return True if RE_PRIV_IP.match(str(ip)) else False def validate_locale(locale): return RE_LOCALE.findall(str(locale)) def is_valid_google_account(account): return True if RE_GA_ACCOUNT_ID.match(str(account)) else False def generate_hash(tmpstr): hash_val = 1 if tmpstr: hash_val = 0 for ordinal in map(ord, tmpstr[::-1]): hash_val = ((hash_val << 6) & 0xfffffff) + ordinal + (ordinal << 14) left_most_7 = hash_val & 0xfe00000 if left_most_7 != 0: hash_val ^= left_most_7 >> 21 return hash_val def anonymize_ip(ip): if ip: match = RE_FIRST_THREE_OCTETS_OF_IP.findall(str(ip)) if match: return '%s%s' % (match[0][0], '0') return '' def encode_uri_components(value): '''Mimics Javascript's encodeURIComponent() function for consistency with the GA Javascript client.''' return convert_to_uri_component_encoding(six.moves.urllib.parse.quote(value)) def convert_to_uri_component_encoding(value): return value.replace('%21', '!').replace('%2A', '*').replace('%27', "'").replace('%28', '(').replace('%29', ')') # Taken from expicient.com BJs repo. def stringify(s, stype=None, fn=None): ''' Converts elements of a complex data structure to strings The data structure can be a multi-tiered one - with tuples and lists etc This method will loop through each and convert everything to string. For example - it can be - [[{'a1': {'a2': {'a3': ('a4', timedelta(0, 563)), 'a5': {'a6': datetime()}}}}]] which will be converted to - [[{'a1': {'a2': {'a3': ('a4', '0:09:23'), 'a5': {'a6': '2009-05-27 16:19:52.401500' }}}}]] @param stype: If only one type of data element needs to be converted to string without affecting others, stype can be used. In the earlier example, if it is called with stringify(s, stype=datetime.timedelta) the result would be [[{'a1': {'a2': {'a3': ('a4', '0:09:23'), 'a5': {'a6': datetime() }}}}]] Also, even though the name is stringify, any function can be run on it, based on parameter fn. If fn is None, it will be stringified. ''' if type(s) in [list, set, dict, tuple]: if isinstance(s, dict): for k in s: s[k] = stringify(s[k], stype, fn) elif type(s) in [list, set]: for i, k in enumerate(s): s[i] = stringify(k, stype, fn) else: #tuple tmp = [] for k in s: tmp.append(stringify(k, stype, fn)) s = tuple(tmp) else: if fn: if not stype or (stype == type(s)): return fn(s) else: # To do str(s). But, str() can fail on unicode. So, use .encode instead if not stype or (stype == type(s)): try: return six.text_type(s) #return s.encode('ascii', 'replace') except AttributeError: return str(s) except UnicodeDecodeError: return s.decode('ascii', 'replace') return s