# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import time import datetime from requests import Session, ConnectionError, Timeout, ReadTimeout, RequestException from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError from subzero.language import Language from babelfish import language_converters from subliminal import Episode, Movie from subliminal.score import get_equivalent_release_groups from subliminal.utils import sanitize_release_group, sanitize from subliminal_patch.exceptions import TooManyRequests, APIThrottled from subliminal.exceptions import DownloadLimitExceeded, AuthenticationError, ConfigurationError, ServiceUnavailable, \ ProviderError from .mixins import ProviderRetryMixin from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle from subliminal.subtitle import fix_line_ending, SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal_patch.subtitle import guess_matches from subliminal_patch.utils import fix_inconsistent_naming from subliminal.cache import region from dogpile.cache.api import NO_VALUE from guessit import guessit logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME = datetime.timedelta(weeks=1).total_seconds() TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME = datetime.timedelta(hours=12).total_seconds() retry_amount = 3 def fix_tv_naming(title): """Fix TV show titles with inconsistent naming using dictionary, but do not sanitize them. :param str title: original title. :return: new title. :rtype: str """ return fix_inconsistent_naming(title, {"Superman & Lois": "Superman and Lois", }, True) def fix_movie_naming(title): return fix_inconsistent_naming(title, { }, True) class OpenSubtitlesComSubtitle(Subtitle): provider_name = 'opensubtitlescom' hash_verifiable = False def __init__(self, language, forced, hearing_impaired, page_link, file_id, releases, uploader, title, year, hash_matched, file_hash=None, season=None, episode=None): language = Language.rebuild(language, hi=hearing_impaired, forced=forced) self.title = title self.year = year self.season = season self.episode = episode self.releases = releases self.release_info = releases self.language = language self.hearing_impaired = hearing_impaired self.forced = forced self.file_id = file_id self.page_link = page_link self.download_link = None self.uploader = uploader self.matches = None self.hash = file_hash self.encoding = 'utf-8' self.hash_matched = hash_matched @property def id(self): return self.file_id def get_matches(self, video): matches = set() type_ = "movie" if isinstance(video, Movie) else "episode" # handle movies and series separately if type_ == "episode": # series matches.add('series') # year if video.year == self.year: matches.add('year') # season if video.season == self.season: matches.add('season') # episode if video.episode == self.episode: matches.add('episode') else: # title matches.add('title') # year if video.year == self.year: matches.add('year') # rest is same for both groups # release_group if (video.release_group and self.releases and any(r in sanitize_release_group(self.releases) for r in get_equivalent_release_groups(sanitize_release_group(video.release_group)))): matches.add('release_group') if self.hash_matched: matches.add('hash') # other properties matches |= guess_matches(video, guessit(self.releases, {"type": type_})) self.matches = matches return matches class OpenSubtitlesComProvider(ProviderRetryMixin, Provider): """OpenSubtitlesCom Provider""" server_url = 'https://api.opensubtitles.com/api/v1/' languages = {Language.fromopensubtitles(lang) for lang in language_converters['szopensubtitles'].codes} languages.update(set(Language.rebuild(lang, forced=True) for lang in languages)) languages.update(set(Language.rebuild(l, hi=True) for l in languages)) video_types = (Episode, Movie) def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, use_hash=True, api_key=None): if not all((username, password)): raise ConfigurationError('Username and password must be specified') if not api_key: raise ConfigurationError('Api_key must be specified') if not all((username, password)): raise ConfigurationError('Username and password must be specified') self.session = Session() self.session.headers = {'User-Agent': os.environ.get("SZ_USER_AGENT", "Sub-Zero/2"), 'Api-Key': api_key, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} self.token = None self.username = username self.password = password self.video = None self.use_hash = use_hash self._started = None def initialize(self): self._started = time.time() self.login() def terminate(self): self.session.close() def ping(self): return self._started and (time.time() - self._started) < TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME def login(self): r = self.retry( lambda: checked( lambda: self.session.post(self.server_url + 'login', json={"username": self.username, "password": self.password}, allow_redirects=False, timeout=30), validate_json=True, json_key_name='token' ), amount=retry_amount ) self.token = r.json()['token'] region.set("oscom_token", self.token) return @staticmethod def sanitize_external_ids(external_id): if isinstance(external_id, str): external_id = external_id.lower().lstrip('tt').lstrip('0') sanitized_id = external_id[:-1].lstrip('0') + external_id[-1] return int(sanitized_id) @region.cache_on_arguments(expiration_time=SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME) def search_titles(self, title): title_id = None parameters = {'query': title.lower()} logging.debug(f'Searching using this title: {title}') results = self.retry( lambda: checked( lambda: self.session.get(self.server_url + 'features', params=parameters, timeout=30), validate_token=True, validate_json=True, json_key_name='data' ), amount=retry_amount ) if results == 401: logging.debug('Authentication failed: clearing cache and attempting to login.') region.delete("oscom_token") self.login() results = self.retry( lambda: checked( lambda: self.session.get(self.server_url + 'features', params=parameters, timeout=30), validate_json=True, json_key_name='data' ), amount=retry_amount ) # deserialize results results_dict = results.json()['data'] # loop over results for result in results_dict: if 'title' in result['attributes']: if isinstance(self.video, Episode): if fix_tv_naming(title).lower() == result['attributes']['title'].lower() and \ (not self.video.year or self.video.year == int(result['attributes']['year'])): title_id = result['id'] break else: if fix_movie_naming(title).lower() == result['attributes']['title'].lower() and \ (not self.video.year or self.video.year == int(result['attributes']['year'])): title_id = result['id'] break else: continue if title_id: logging.debug(f'Found this title ID: {title_id}') return self.sanitize_external_ids(title_id) if not title_id: logger.debug(f'No match found for {title}') def query(self, languages, video): if region.get("oscom_token", expiration_time=TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME) is NO_VALUE: logger.debug("No cached token, we'll try to login again.") self.login() self.video = video if self.use_hash: file_hash = self.video.hashes.get('opensubtitlescom') logging.debug(f'Searching using this hash: {hash}') else: file_hash = None if isinstance(self.video, Episode): title = self.video.series else: title = self.video.title imdb_id = None if isinstance(self.video, Episode) and self.video.series_imdb_id: imdb_id = self.sanitize_external_ids(self.video.series_imdb_id) elif isinstance(self.video, Movie) and self.video.imdb_id: imdb_id = self.sanitize_external_ids(self.video.imdb_id) title_id = None if not imdb_id: title_id = self.search_titles(title) if not title_id: return [] lang_strings = [str(lang.basename) for lang in languages] langs = ','.join(lang_strings) logging.debug(f'Searching for this languages: {lang_strings}') # query the server if isinstance(self.video, Episode): res = self.retry( lambda: checked( lambda: self.session.get(self.server_url + 'subtitles', params=(('ai_translated', 'exclude'), ('episode_number', self.video.episode), ('imdb_id', imdb_id if not title_id else None), ('languages', langs.lower()), ('machine_translated', 'exclude'), ('moviehash', file_hash), ('parent_feature_id', title_id if title_id else None), ('season_number', self.video.season)), timeout=30), validate_json=True, json_key_name='data' ), amount=retry_amount ) else: res = self.retry( lambda: checked( lambda: self.session.get(self.server_url + 'subtitles', params=(('ai_translated', 'exclude'), ('id', title_id if title_id else None), ('imdb_id', imdb_id if not title_id else None), ('languages', langs.lower()), ('machine_translated', 'exclude'), ('moviehash', file_hash)), timeout=30), validate_json=True, json_key_name='data' ), amount=retry_amount ) subtitles = [] result = res.json() # filter out forced subtitles or not depending on the required languages if all([lang.forced for lang in languages]): # only forced result['data'] = [x for x in result['data'] if x['attributes']['foreign_parts_only']] elif any([lang.forced for lang in languages]): # also forced pass else: # not forced result['data'] = [x for x in result['data'] if not x['attributes']['foreign_parts_only']] logging.debug(f"Query returned {len(result['data'])} subtitles") if len(result['data']): for item in result['data']: if 'season_number' in item['attributes']['feature_details']: season_number = item['attributes']['feature_details']['season_number'] else: season_number = None if 'episode_number' in item['attributes']['feature_details']: episode_number = item['attributes']['feature_details']['episode_number'] else: episode_number = None if 'moviehash_match' in item['attributes']: moviehash_match = item['attributes']['moviehash_match'] else: moviehash_match = False if len(item['attributes']['files']): subtitle = OpenSubtitlesComSubtitle( language=Language.fromietf(item['attributes']['language']), forced=item['attributes']['foreign_parts_only'], hearing_impaired=item['attributes']['hearing_impaired'], page_link=item['attributes']['url'], file_id=item['attributes']['files'][0]['file_id'], releases=item['attributes']['release'], uploader=item['attributes']['uploader']['name'], title=item['attributes']['feature_details']['movie_name'], year=item['attributes']['feature_details']['year'], season=season_number, episode=episode_number, hash_matched=moviehash_match ) subtitle.get_matches(self.video) subtitles.append(subtitle) return subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): return self.query(languages, video) def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): if region.get("oscom_token", expiration_time=TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME) is NO_VALUE: logger.debug("No cached token, we'll try to login again.") self.login() if self.token is NO_VALUE: logger.debug("Unable to obtain an authentication token right now, we'll try again later.") raise ProviderError("Unable to obtain an authentication token") logger.info('Downloading subtitle %r', subtitle) headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Beaker ' + self.token} res = self.retry( lambda: checked( lambda: self.session.post(self.server_url + 'download', json={'file_id': subtitle.file_id, 'sub_format': 'srt'}, headers=headers, timeout=30), validate_json=True, json_key_name='link' ), amount=retry_amount ) download_data = res.json() subtitle.download_link = download_data['link'] r = self.retry( lambda: checked( lambda: self.session.get(subtitle.download_link, timeout=30), validate_content=True ), amount=retry_amount ) if not r: logger.debug(f'Could not download subtitle from {subtitle.download_link}') subtitle.content = None return else: subtitle_content = r.content subtitle.content = fix_line_ending(subtitle_content) def checked(fn, raise_api_limit=False, validate_token=False, validate_json=False, json_key_name=None, validate_content=False): """Run :fn: and check the response status before returning it. :param fn: the function to make an API call to OpenSubtitles.com. :param raise_api_limit: if True we wait a little bit longer before running the call again. :param validate_token: test if token is valid and return 401 if not. :param validate_json: test if response is valid json. :param json_key_name: test if returned json contain a specific key. :param validate_content: test if response have a content (used with download). :return: the response. """ response = None try: try: response = fn() except APIThrottled: if not raise_api_limit: logger.info("API request limit hit, waiting and trying again once.") time.sleep(2) return checked(fn, raise_api_limit=True) raise except (ConnectionError, Timeout, ReadTimeout): raise ServiceUnavailable(f'Unknown Error, empty response: {response.status_code}: {response}') except Exception: logging.exception('Unhandled exception raised.') raise ProviderError('Unhandled exception raised. Check log.') else: status_code = response.status_code except Exception: status_code = None else: if status_code == 400: raise ConfigurationError('Do not use email but username') elif status_code == 401: time.sleep(1) if validate_token: return 401 else: raise AuthenticationError(f'Login failed: {response.reason}') elif status_code == 403: raise ProviderError("Bazarr API key seems to be in problem") elif status_code == 406: try: json_response = response.json() download_count = json_response['requests'] remaining_download = json_response['remaining'] quota_reset_time = json_response['reset_time'] except JSONDecodeError: raise ProviderError('Invalid JSON returned by provider') else: raise DownloadLimitExceeded(f"Daily download limit reached. {download_count} subtitles have been " f"downloaded and {remaining_download} remaining subtitles can be " f"downloaded. Quota will be reset in {quota_reset_time}.") elif status_code == 410: raise ProviderError("Download as expired") elif status_code == 429: raise TooManyRequests() elif status_code == 502: # this one should deal with Bad Gateway issue on their side. raise APIThrottled() elif 500 <= status_code <= 599: raise ProviderError(response.reason) if status_code != 200: raise ProviderError(f'Bad status code: {response.status_code}') if validate_json: try: json_test = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: raise ProviderError('Invalid JSON returned by provider') else: if json_key_name not in json_test: raise ProviderError(f'Invalid JSON returned by provider: no {json_key_name} key in returned json.') if validate_content: if not hasattr(response, 'content'): logging.error('Download link returned no content attribute.') return False elif not response.content: logging.error(f'This download link returned empty content: {response.url}') return False return response