# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BSD 2-Clause License # # Apprise - Push Notification Library. # Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import click import logging import platform import sys import os import re from os.path import isfile from os.path import exists from os.path import expanduser from os.path import expandvars from . import NotifyType from . import NotifyFormat from . import Apprise from . import AppriseAsset from . import AppriseConfig from .utils import parse_list from .common import NOTIFY_TYPES from .common import NOTIFY_FORMATS from .common import ContentLocation from .logger import logger from . import __title__ from . import __version__ from . import __license__ from . import __copywrite__ # By default we allow looking 1 level down recursivly in Apprise configuration # files. DEFAULT_RECURSION_DEPTH = 1 # Defines our click context settings adding -h to the additional options that # can be specified to get the help menu to come up CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) # Define our default configuration we use if nothing is otherwise specified DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATHS = ( # Legacy Path Support '~/.apprise', '~/.apprise.yml', '~/.config/apprise', '~/.config/apprise.yml', # Plugin Support Extended Directory Search Paths '~/.apprise/apprise', '~/.apprise/apprise.yml', '~/.config/apprise/apprise', '~/.config/apprise/apprise.yml', # Global Configuration Support '/etc/apprise', '/etc/apprise.yml', '/etc/apprise/apprise', '/etc/apprise/apprise.yml', ) # Define our paths to search for plugins DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATHS = ( '~/.apprise/plugins', '~/.config/apprise/plugins', # Global Plugin Support '/var/lib/apprise/plugins', ) # Detect Windows if platform.system() == 'Windows': # Default Config Search Path for Windows Users DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATHS = ( expandvars('%APPDATA%\\Apprise\\apprise'), expandvars('%APPDATA%\\Apprise\\apprise.yml'), expandvars('%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Apprise\\apprise'), expandvars('%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Apprise\\apprise.yml'), # # Global Support # # C:\ProgramData\Apprise\ expandvars('%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Apprise\\apprise'), expandvars('%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Apprise\\apprise.yml'), # C:\Program Files\Apprise expandvars('%PROGRAMFILES%\\Apprise\\apprise'), expandvars('%PROGRAMFILES%\\Apprise\\apprise.yml'), # C:\Program Files\Common Files expandvars('%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\\Apprise\\apprise'), expandvars('%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\\Apprise\\apprise.yml'), ) # Default Plugin Search Path for Windows Users DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATHS = ( expandvars('%APPDATA%\\Apprise\\plugins'), expandvars('%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Apprise\\plugins'), # # Global Support # # C:\ProgramData\Apprise\plugins expandvars('%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Apprise\\plugins'), # C:\Program Files\Apprise\plugins expandvars('%PROGRAMFILES%\\Apprise\\plugins'), # C:\Program Files\Common Files expandvars('%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\\Apprise\\plugins'), ) def print_help_msg(command): """ Prints help message when -h or --help is specified. """ with click.Context(command) as ctx: click.echo(command.get_help(ctx)) def print_version_msg(): """ Prints version message when -V or --version is specified. """ result = list() result.append('{} v{}'.format(__title__, __version__)) result.append(__copywrite__) result.append( 'This code is licensed under the {} License.'.format(__license__)) click.echo('\n'.join(result)) @click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option('--body', '-b', default=None, type=str, help='Specify the message body. If no body is specified then ' 'content is read from .') @click.option('--title', '-t', default=None, type=str, help='Specify the message title. This field is complete ' 'optional.') @click.option('--plugin-path', '-P', default=None, type=str, multiple=True, metavar='PLUGIN_PATH', help='Specify one or more plugin paths to scan.') @click.option('--config', '-c', default=None, type=str, multiple=True, metavar='CONFIG_URL', help='Specify one or more configuration locations.') @click.option('--attach', '-a', default=None, type=str, multiple=True, metavar='ATTACHMENT_URL', help='Specify one or more attachment.') @click.option('--notification-type', '-n', default=NotifyType.INFO, type=str, metavar='TYPE', help='Specify the message type (default={}). ' 'Possible values are "{}", and "{}".'.format( NotifyType.INFO, '", "'.join(NOTIFY_TYPES[:-1]), NOTIFY_TYPES[-1])) @click.option('--input-format', '-i', default=NotifyFormat.TEXT, type=str, metavar='FORMAT', help='Specify the message input format (default={}). ' 'Possible values are "{}", and "{}".'.format( NotifyFormat.TEXT, '", "'.join(NOTIFY_FORMATS[:-1]), NOTIFY_FORMATS[-1])) @click.option('--theme', '-T', default='default', type=str, metavar='THEME', help='Specify the default theme.') @click.option('--tag', '-g', default=None, type=str, multiple=True, metavar='TAG', help='Specify one or more tags to filter ' 'which services to notify. Use multiple --tag (-g) entries to ' '"OR" the tags together and comma separated to "AND" them. ' 'If no tags are specified then all services are notified.') @click.option('--disable-async', '-Da', is_flag=True, help='Send all notifications sequentially') @click.option('--dry-run', '-d', is_flag=True, help='Perform a trial run but only prints the notification ' 'services to-be triggered to stdout. Notifications are never ' 'sent using this mode.') @click.option('--details', '-l', is_flag=True, help='Prints details about the current services supported by ' 'Apprise.') @click.option('--recursion-depth', '-R', default=DEFAULT_RECURSION_DEPTH, type=int, help='The number of recursive import entries that can be ' 'loaded from within Apprise configuration. By default ' 'this is set to {}.'.format(DEFAULT_RECURSION_DEPTH)) @click.option('--verbose', '-v', count=True, help='Makes the operation more talkative. Use multiple v to ' 'increase the verbosity. I.e.: -vvvv') @click.option('--interpret-escapes', '-e', is_flag=True, help='Enable interpretation of backslash escapes') @click.option('--interpret-emojis', '-j', is_flag=True, help='Enable interpretation of :emoji: definitions') @click.option('--debug', '-D', is_flag=True, help='Debug mode') @click.option('--version', '-V', is_flag=True, help='Display the apprise version and exit.') @click.argument('urls', nargs=-1, metavar='SERVER_URL [SERVER_URL2 [SERVER_URL3]]',) def main(body, title, config, attach, urls, notification_type, theme, tag, input_format, dry_run, recursion_depth, verbose, disable_async, details, interpret_escapes, interpret_emojis, plugin_path, debug, version): """ Send a notification to all of the specified servers identified by their URLs the content provided within the title, body and notification-type. For a list of all of the supported services and information on how to use them, check out at https://github.com/caronc/apprise """ # Note: Click ignores the return values of functions it wraps, If you # want to return a specific error code, you must call sys.exit() # as you will see below. debug = True if debug else False if debug: # Verbosity must be a minimum of 3 verbose = 3 if verbose < 3 else verbose # Logging ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) if verbose > 3: # -vvvv: Most Verbose Debug Logging logger.setLevel(logging.TRACE) elif verbose > 2: # -vvv: Debug Logging logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif verbose > 1: # -vv: INFO Messages logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif verbose > 0: # -v: WARNING Messages logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) else: # No verbosity means we display ERRORS only AND any deprecation # warnings logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Format our logger formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) # Update our asyncio logger asyncio_logger = logging.getLogger('asyncio') for handler in logger.handlers: asyncio_logger.addHandler(handler) asyncio_logger.setLevel(logger.level) if version: print_version_msg() sys.exit(0) # Simple Error Checking notification_type = notification_type.strip().lower() if notification_type not in NOTIFY_TYPES: logger.error( 'The --notification-type (-n) value of {} is not supported.' .format(notification_type)) # 2 is the same exit code returned by Click if there is a parameter # issue. For consistency, we also return a 2 sys.exit(2) input_format = input_format.strip().lower() if input_format not in NOTIFY_FORMATS: logger.error( 'The --input-format (-i) value of {} is not supported.' .format(input_format)) # 2 is the same exit code returned by Click if there is a parameter # issue. For consistency, we also return a 2 sys.exit(2) if not plugin_path: # Prepare a default set of plugin path plugin_path = \ next((path for path in DEFAULT_PLUGIN_PATHS if exists(expanduser(path))), None) # Prepare our asset asset = AppriseAsset( # Our body format body_format=input_format, # Interpret Escapes interpret_escapes=interpret_escapes, # Interpret Emojis interpret_emojis=None if not interpret_emojis else True, # Set the theme theme=theme, # Async mode allows a user to send all of their notifications # asynchronously. This was made an option incase there are problems # in the future where it is better that everything runs sequentially/ # synchronously instead. async_mode=disable_async is not True, # Load our plugins plugin_paths=plugin_path, ) # Create our Apprise object a = Apprise(asset=asset, debug=debug, location=ContentLocation.LOCAL) if details: # Print details and exit results = a.details(show_requirements=True, show_disabled=True) # Sort our results: plugins = sorted( results['schemas'], key=lambda i: str(i['service_name'])) for entry in plugins: protocols = [] if not entry['protocols'] else \ [p for p in entry['protocols'] if isinstance(p, str)] protocols.extend( [] if not entry['secure_protocols'] else [p for p in entry['secure_protocols'] if isinstance(p, str)]) if len(protocols) == 1: # Simplify view by swapping {schema} with the single # protocol value # Convert tuple to list entry['details']['templates'] = \ list(entry['details']['templates']) for x in range(len(entry['details']['templates'])): entry['details']['templates'][x] = \ re.sub( r'^[^}]+}://', '{}://'.format(protocols[0]), entry['details']['templates'][x]) fg = "green" if entry['enabled'] else "red" if entry['category'] == 'custom': # Identify these differently fg = "cyan" # Flip the enable switch so it forces the requirements # to be displayed entry['enabled'] = False click.echo(click.style( '{} {:<30} '.format( '+' if entry['enabled'] else '-', str(entry['service_name'])), fg=fg, bold=True), nl=(not entry['enabled'] or len(protocols) == 1)) if not entry['enabled']: if entry['requirements']['details']: click.echo( ' ' + str(entry['requirements']['details'])) if entry['requirements']['packages_required']: click.echo(' Python Packages Required:') for req in entry['requirements']['packages_required']: click.echo(' - ' + req) if entry['requirements']['packages_recommended']: click.echo(' Python Packages Recommended:') for req in entry['requirements']['packages_recommended']: click.echo(' - ' + req) # new line padding between entries if entry['category'] == 'native': click.echo() continue if len(protocols) > 1: click.echo('| Schema(s): {}'.format( ', '.join(protocols), )) prefix = ' - ' click.echo('{}{}'.format( prefix, '\n{}'.format(prefix).join(entry['details']['templates']))) # new line padding between entries click.echo() sys.exit(0) # end if details() # The priorities of what is accepted are parsed in order below: # 1. URLs by command line # 2. Configuration by command line # 3. URLs by environment variable: APPRISE_URLS # 4. Configuration by environment variable: APPRISE_CONFIG # 5. Default Configuration File(s) (if found) # if urls: if tag: # Ignore any tags specified logger.warning( '--tag (-g) entries are ignored when using specified URLs') tag = None # Load our URLs (if any defined) for url in urls: a.add(url) if config: # Provide a warning to the end user if they specified both logger.warning( 'You defined both URLs and a --config (-c) entry; ' 'Only the URLs will be referenced.') elif config: # We load our configuration file(s) now only if no URLs were specified # Specified config entries trump all a.add(AppriseConfig( paths=config, asset=asset, recursion=recursion_depth)) elif os.environ.get('APPRISE_URLS', '').strip(): logger.debug('Loading provided APPRISE_URLS environment variable') if tag: # Ignore any tags specified logger.warning( '--tag (-g) entries are ignored when using specified URLs') tag = None # Attempt to use our APPRISE_URLS environment variable (if populated) a.add(os.environ['APPRISE_URLS'].strip()) elif os.environ.get('APPRISE_CONFIG', '').strip(): logger.debug('Loading provided APPRISE_CONFIG environment variable') # Fall back to config environment variable (if populated) a.add(AppriseConfig( paths=os.environ['APPRISE_CONFIG'].strip(), asset=asset, recursion=recursion_depth)) else: # Load default configuration a.add(AppriseConfig( paths=[f for f in DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATHS if isfile(expanduser(f))], asset=asset, recursion=recursion_depth)) if len(a) == 0 and not urls: logger.error( 'You must specify at least one server URL or populated ' 'configuration file.') print_help_msg(main) sys.exit(1) # each --tag entry comprises of a comma separated 'and' list # we or each of of the --tag and sets specified. tags = None if not tag else [parse_list(t) for t in tag] if not dry_run: if body is None: logger.trace('No --body (-b) specified; reading from stdin') # if no body was specified, then read from STDIN body = click.get_text_stream('stdin').read() # now print it out result = a.notify( body=body, title=title, notify_type=notification_type, tag=tags, attach=attach) else: # Number of rows to assume in the terminal. In future, maybe this can # be detected and made dynamic. The actual row count is 80, but 5 # characters are already reserved for the counter on the left rows = 75 # Initialize our URL response; This is populated within the for/loop # below; but plays a factor at the end when we need to determine if # we iterated at least once in the loop. url = None for idx, server in enumerate(a.find(tag=tags)): url = server.url(privacy=True) click.echo("{: 3d}. {}".format( idx + 1, url if len(url) <= rows else '{}...'.format(url[:rows - 3]))) if server.tags: click.echo("{} - {}".format(' ' * 5, ', '.join(server.tags))) # Initialize a default response of nothing matched, otherwise # if we matched at least one entry, we can return True result = None if url is None else True if result is None: # There were no notifications set. This is a result of just having # empty configuration files and/or being to restrictive when filtering # by specific tag(s) # Exit code 3 is used since Click uses exit code 2 if there is an # error with the parameters specified sys.exit(3) elif result is False: # At least 1 notification service failed to send sys.exit(1) # else: We're good! sys.exit(0)