bazarr_version = '0.2.1' from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, redirect import bottle bottle.debug(True) bottle.TEMPLATES.clear() import os bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0,os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'views/')) import sqlite3 import itertools import operator import requests import pycountry import pretty import datetime from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from fdsend import send_file import urllib from init_db import * import update_db from get_languages import * from get_providers import * from get_series import * from get_episodes import * from get_general_settings import * from get_sonarr_settings import * from check_update import * from list_subtitles import * from get_subtitle import * from utils import * from scheduler import * import logging from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler logger = logging.getLogger('waitress') db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT log_level FROM table_settings_general") log_level = c.fetchone() c.close() log_level = log_level[0] if log_level is None: log_level = "INFO" log_level = getattr(logging, log_level) class OneLineExceptionFormatter(logging.Formatter): def formatException(self, exc_info): """ Format an exception so that it prints on a single line. """ result = super(OneLineExceptionFormatter, self).formatException(exc_info) return repr(result) # or format into one line however you want to def format(self, record): s = super(OneLineExceptionFormatter, self).format(record) if record.exc_text: s = s.replace('\n', '') + '|' return s def configure_logging(): global fh fh = TimedRotatingFileHandler(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/log/bazarr.log'), when="midnight", interval=1, backupCount=7) f = OneLineExceptionFormatter('%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s|%(message)s|', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') fh.setFormatter(f) logging.getLogger("enzyme").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger("apscheduler").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("subliminal").setLevel(logging.ERROR) root = logging.getLogger() root.setLevel(log_level) root.addHandler(fh) configure_logging() @route('/') def redirect_root(): redirect (base_url) @route(base_url + 'static/:path#.+#', name='static') def static(path): return static_file(path, root=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static')) @route(base_url + 'emptylog') def emptylog(): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] fh.doRollover()'Log file emptied') redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'bazarr.log') def download_log(): return static_file('bazarr.log', root=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/log/'), download='bazarr.log') @route(base_url + 'image_proxy/', method='GET') def image_proxy(url): from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[1] img_pil = + '/' + url).content)) img_buffer = BytesIO() img_pil.tobytes(), img_pil.format) return send_file(img_buffer, ctype=img_pil.format) @route(base_url) def series(): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_shows") missing_count = c.fetchone() missing_count = missing_count[0] page = if page == "": page = "1" offset = (int(page) - 1) * 15 max_page = (missing_count / 15) + 1 c.execute("SELECT tvdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, sonarrSeriesId, poster, audio_language FROM table_shows ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT 15 OFFSET ?", (offset,)) data = c.fetchall() c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1") languages = c.fetchall() c.close() output = template('series', rows=data, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url) return output @route(base_url + 'edit_series/', method='POST') def edit_series(no): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] lang = request.forms.getall('languages') if len(lang) > 0: if lang[0] == '': lang = None else: pass else: lang = None hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired') if hi == "on": hi = "True" else: hi = "False" conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("UPDATE table_shows SET languages = ?, hearing_impaired = ? WHERE tvdbId LIKE ?", (str(lang), hi, no)) conn.commit() c.close() list_missing_subtitles(no) redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'episodes/', method='GET') def episodes(no): from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[1] conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) conn.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace) c = conn.cursor() series_details = [] series_details = c.execute("SELECT title, overview, poster, fanart, hearing_impaired, tvdbid FROM table_shows WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (str(no),)).fetchone() tvdbid = series_details[5] episodes = c.execute("SELECT title, path_substitution(path), season, episode, subtitles, sonarrSeriesId, missing_subtitles, sonarrEpisodeId FROM table_episodes WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ? ORDER BY episode ASC", (str(no),)).fetchall() c.close() episodes = reversed(sorted(episodes, key=operator.itemgetter(2))) seasons_list = [] for key,season in itertools.groupby(episodes,operator.itemgetter(2)): seasons_list.append(list(season)) return template('episodes', no=no, details=series_details, seasons=seasons_list, url_sonarr_short=url_sonarr_short, base_url=base_url, tvdbid=tvdbid) @route(base_url + 'scan_disk/', method='GET') def scan_disk(no): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] series_scan_subtitles(no) redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'search_missing_subtitles/', method='GET') def search_missing_subtitles(no): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] series_download_subtitles(no) redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'history') def history(): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_history") row_count = c.fetchone() row_count = row_count[0] page = if page == "": page = "1" offset = (int(page) - 1) * 15 max_page = (row_count / 15) + 1 c.execute("SELECT table_history.action, table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_history.timestamp, table_history.description, table_history.sonarrSeriesId FROM table_history INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_history.sonarrSeriesId INNER JOIN table_episodes on table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId = table_history.sonarrEpisodeId ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET ?", (offset,)) data = c.fetchall() c.close() data = reversed(sorted(data, key=operator.itemgetter(4))) return template('history', rows=data, row_count=row_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url) @route(base_url + 'wanted') def wanted(): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_episodes WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'") missing_count = c.fetchone() missing_count = missing_count[0] page = if page == "": page = "1" offset = (int(page) - 1) * 15 max_page = (missing_count / 15) + 1 c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_episodes.missing_subtitles, table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId, path_substitution(table_episodes.path), table_shows.hearing_impaired, table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.missing_subtitles != '[]' ORDER BY table_episodes._rowid_ DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET ?", (offset,)) data = c.fetchall() c.close() return template('wanted', rows=data, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url) @route(base_url + 'wanted_search_missing_subtitles') def wanted_search_missing_subtitles_list(): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] wanted_search_missing_subtitles() redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'settings') def settings(): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_general") settings_general = c.fetchone() c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_languages ORDER BY name") settings_languages = c.fetchall() c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers ORDER BY name") settings_providers = c.fetchall() c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_sonarr") settings_sonarr = c.fetchone() c.close() return template('settings', settings_general=settings_general, settings_languages=settings_languages, settings_providers=settings_providers, settings_sonarr=settings_sonarr, base_url=base_url) @route(base_url + 'save_settings', method='POST') def save_settings(): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = conn.cursor() settings_general_ip = request.forms.get('settings_general_ip') settings_general_port = request.forms.get('settings_general_port') settings_general_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_general_baseurl') settings_general_loglevel = request.forms.get('settings_general_loglevel') settings_general_sourcepath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_sourcepath') settings_general_destpath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_destpath') settings_general_pathmapping = [] settings_general_pathmapping.extend([list(a) for a in zip(settings_general_sourcepath, settings_general_destpath)]) settings_general_branch = request.forms.get('settings_general_branch') settings_general_automatic = request.forms.get('settings_general_automatic') if settings_general_automatic is None: settings_general_automatic = 'False' else: settings_general_automatic = 'True' c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET ip = ?, port = ?, base_url = ?, path_mapping = ?, log_level = ?, branch=?, auto_update=?", (settings_general_ip, settings_general_port, settings_general_baseurl, str(settings_general_pathmapping), settings_general_loglevel, settings_general_branch, settings_general_automatic)) get_general_settings() settings_sonarr_ip = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_ip') settings_sonarr_port = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_port') settings_sonarr_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_baseurl') settings_sonarr_ssl = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_ssl') if settings_sonarr_ssl is None: settings_sonarr_ssl = 'False' else: settings_sonarr_ssl = 'True' settings_sonarr_apikey = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_apikey') c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_sonarr SET ip = ?, port = ?, base_url = ?, ssl = ?, apikey = ?", (settings_sonarr_ip, settings_sonarr_port, settings_sonarr_baseurl, settings_sonarr_ssl, settings_sonarr_apikey)) settings_subliminal_providers = request.forms.getall('settings_subliminal_providers') c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET enabled = 0") for item in settings_subliminal_providers: c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET enabled = '1' WHERE name = ?", (item,)) settings_addic7ed_username = request.forms.get('settings_addic7ed_username') settings_addic7ed_password = request.forms.get('settings_addic7ed_password') c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'addic7ed'", (settings_addic7ed_username, settings_addic7ed_password)) settings_legendastv_username = request.forms.get('settings_legendastv_username') settings_legendastv_password = request.forms.get('settings_legendastv_password') c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'legendastv'", (settings_legendastv_username, settings_legendastv_password)) settings_opensubtitles_username = request.forms.get('settings_opensubtitles_username') settings_opensubtitles_password = request.forms.get('settings_opensubtitles_password') c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'opensubtitles'", (settings_opensubtitles_username, settings_opensubtitles_password)) settings_subliminal_languages = request.forms.getall('settings_subliminal_languages') c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_languages SET enabled = 0") for item in settings_subliminal_languages: c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_languages SET enabled = '1' WHERE code2 = ?", (item,)) conn.commit() c.close()'Settings saved succefully. You must restart Bazarr.') redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'check_update') def check_update(): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] check_and_apply_update() redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'system') def system(): def get_time_from_interval(interval): interval_clean = interval.split('[') interval_clean = interval_clean[1][:-1] interval_split = interval_clean.split(':') hour = interval_split[0] minute = interval_split[1].lstrip("0") second = interval_split[2].lstrip("0") text = "every " if hour != "0": text = text + hour if hour == "1": text = text + " hour" else: text = text + " hours" if minute != "" and second != "": text = text + ", " elif minute == "" and second != "": text = text + " and " elif minute != "" and second == "": text = text + " and " if minute != "": text = text + minute if minute == "1": text = text + " minute" else: text = text + " minutes" if second != "": text = text + " and " if second != "": text = text + second if second == "1": text = text + " second" else: text = text + " seconds" return text def get_time_from_cron(cron): text = "at " hour = str(cron[5]) minute = str(cron[6]) second = str(cron[7]) if hour != "0" and hour != "*": text = text + hour if hour == "0" or hour == "1": text = text + " hour" else: text = text + " hours" if minute != "*" and second != "0": text = text + ", " elif minute == "*" and second != "0": text = text + " and " elif minute != "0" and minute != "*" and second == "0": text = text + " and " if minute != "0" and minute != "*": text = text + minute if minute == "0" or minute == "1": text = text + " minute" else: text = text + " minutes" if second != "0" and second != "*": text = text + " and " if second != "0" and second != "*": text = text + second if second == "0" or second == "1": text = text + " second" else: text = text + " seconds" return text task_list = [] for job in scheduler.get_jobs(): if job.trigger.__str__().startswith('interval'): task_list.append([, get_time_from_interval(str(job.trigger)),,]) elif job.trigger.__str__().startswith('cron'): task_list.append([, get_time_from_cron(job.trigger.fields),,]) i = 0 with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/log/bazarr.log')) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f, 1): pass row_count = i max_page = (row_count / 50) + 1 return template('system', base_url=base_url, task_list=task_list, row_count=row_count, max_page=max_page, bazarr_version=bazarr_version) @route(base_url + 'logs/') def get_logs(page): page_size = 50 begin = (page * page_size) - page_size end = (page * page_size) - 1 logs_complete = [] for line in reversed(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/log/bazarr.log')).readlines()): logs_complete.append(line.rstrip()) logs = logs_complete[begin:end] return template('logs', logs=logs, base_url=base_url) @route(base_url + 'execute/') def execute_task(taskid): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] execute_now(taskid) redirect(ref) @route(base_url + 'remove_subtitles', method='POST') def remove_subtitles(): episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath') language = request.forms.get('language') subtitlesPath = request.forms.get('subtitlesPath') sonarrSeriesId = request.forms.get('sonarrSeriesId') sonarrEpisodeId = request.forms.get('sonarrEpisodeId') tvdbid = request.forms.get('tvdbid') try: os.remove(subtitlesPath) result = pycountry.languages.lookup(language).name + " subtitles deleted from disk." history_log(0, sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result) except OSError: pass store_subtitles(episodePath) list_missing_subtitles(sonarrSeriesId) @route(base_url + 'get_subtitle', method='POST') def get_subtitle(): ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath') language = request.forms.get('language') hi = request.forms.get('hi') sonarrSeriesId = request.forms.get('sonarrSeriesId') sonarrEpisodeId = request.forms.get('sonarrEpisodeId') tvdbid = request.forms.get('tvdbid') db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers WHERE enabled = 1") enabled_providers = c.fetchall() c.close() providers_list = [] providers_auth = {} if len(enabled_providers) > 0: for provider in enabled_providers: providers_list.append(provider[0]) try: if provider[2] is not '' and provider[3] is not '': provider_auth = providers_auth.append(provider[0]) provider_auth.update({'username':providers[2], 'password':providers[3]}) else: providers_auth = None except: providers_auth = None else: providers_list = None providers_auth = None try: result = download_subtitle(episodePath, language, hi, providers_list, providers_auth) if result is not None: history_log(1, sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result) store_subtitles(episodePath) list_missing_subtitles(sonarrSeriesId) redirect(ref) except OSError: pass'Bazarr is started and waiting for request on http://' + str(ip) + ':' + str(port) + str(base_url)) run(host=ip, port=port, server='waitress')'Bazarr has been stopped.')