# orm/session.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Provides the Session class and related utilities.""" from __future__ import annotations import contextlib from enum import Enum import itertools import sys import typing from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import cast from typing import Dict from typing import Generic from typing import Iterable from typing import Iterator from typing import List from typing import NoReturn from typing import Optional from typing import overload from typing import Sequence from typing import Set from typing import Tuple from typing import Type from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union import weakref from . import attributes from . import bulk_persistence from . import context from . import descriptor_props from . import exc from . import identity from . import loading from . import query from . import state as statelib from ._typing import _O from ._typing import insp_is_mapper from ._typing import is_composite_class from ._typing import is_orm_option from ._typing import is_user_defined_option from .base import _class_to_mapper from .base import _none_set from .base import _state_mapper from .base import instance_str from .base import LoaderCallableStatus from .base import object_mapper from .base import object_state from .base import PassiveFlag from .base import state_str from .context import FromStatement from .context import ORMCompileState from .identity import IdentityMap from .query import Query from .state import InstanceState from .state_changes import _StateChange from .state_changes import _StateChangeState from .state_changes import _StateChangeStates from .unitofwork import UOWTransaction from .. import engine from .. import exc as sa_exc from .. import sql from .. import util from ..engine import Connection from ..engine import Engine from ..engine.util import TransactionalContext from ..event import dispatcher from ..event import EventTarget from ..inspection import inspect from ..inspection import Inspectable from ..sql import coercions from ..sql import dml from ..sql import roles from ..sql import Select from ..sql import TableClause from ..sql import visitors from ..sql.base import _NoArg from ..sql.base import CompileState from ..sql.schema import Table from ..sql.selectable import ForUpdateArg from ..sql.selectable import LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL from ..util import IdentitySet from ..util.typing import Literal from ..util.typing import Protocol if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from ._typing import _EntityType from ._typing import _IdentityKeyType from ._typing import _InstanceDict from ._typing import OrmExecuteOptionsParameter from .interfaces import ORMOption from .interfaces import UserDefinedOption from .mapper import Mapper from .path_registry import PathRegistry from .query import RowReturningQuery from ..engine import CursorResult from ..engine import Result from ..engine import Row from ..engine import RowMapping from ..engine.base import Transaction from ..engine.base import TwoPhaseTransaction from ..engine.interfaces import _CoreAnyExecuteParams from ..engine.interfaces import _CoreSingleExecuteParams from ..engine.interfaces import _ExecuteOptions from ..engine.interfaces import CoreExecuteOptionsParameter from ..engine.result import ScalarResult from ..event import _InstanceLevelDispatch from ..sql._typing import _ColumnsClauseArgument from ..sql._typing import _InfoType from ..sql._typing import _T0 from ..sql._typing import _T1 from ..sql._typing import _T2 from ..sql._typing import _T3 from ..sql._typing import _T4 from ..sql._typing import _T5 from ..sql._typing import _T6 from ..sql._typing import _T7 from ..sql._typing import _TypedColumnClauseArgument as _TCCA from ..sql.base import Executable from ..sql.base import ExecutableOption from ..sql.dml import UpdateBase from ..sql.elements import ClauseElement from ..sql.roles import TypedColumnsClauseRole from ..sql.selectable import ForUpdateParameter from ..sql.selectable import TypedReturnsRows _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Any) __all__ = [ "Session", "SessionTransaction", "sessionmaker", "ORMExecuteState", "close_all_sessions", "make_transient", "make_transient_to_detached", "object_session", ] _sessions: weakref.WeakValueDictionary[int, Session] = ( weakref.WeakValueDictionary() ) """Weak-referencing dictionary of :class:`.Session` objects. """ statelib._sessions = _sessions _PKIdentityArgument = Union[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]] _BindArguments = Dict[str, Any] _EntityBindKey = Union[Type[_O], "Mapper[_O]"] _SessionBindKey = Union[Type[Any], "Mapper[Any]", "TableClause", str] _SessionBind = Union["Engine", "Connection"] JoinTransactionMode = Literal[ "conditional_savepoint", "rollback_only", "control_fully", "create_savepoint", ] class _ConnectionCallableProto(Protocol): """a callable that returns a :class:`.Connection` given an instance. This callable, when present on a :class:`.Session`, is called only from the ORM's persistence mechanism (i.e. the unit of work flush process) to allow for connection-per-instance schemes (i.e. horizontal sharding) to be used as persistence time. This callable is not present on a plain :class:`.Session`, however is established when using the horizontal sharding extension. """ def __call__( self, mapper: Optional[Mapper[Any]] = None, instance: Optional[object] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> Connection: ... def _state_session(state: InstanceState[Any]) -> Optional[Session]: """Given an :class:`.InstanceState`, return the :class:`.Session` associated, if any. """ return state.session class _SessionClassMethods: """Class-level methods for :class:`.Session`, :class:`.sessionmaker`.""" @classmethod @util.deprecated( "1.3", "The :meth:`.Session.close_all` method is deprecated and will be " "removed in a future release. Please refer to " ":func:`.session.close_all_sessions`.", ) def close_all(cls) -> None: """Close *all* sessions in memory.""" close_all_sessions() @classmethod @util.preload_module("sqlalchemy.orm.util") def identity_key( cls, class_: Optional[Type[Any]] = None, ident: Union[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]] = None, *, instance: Optional[Any] = None, row: Optional[Union[Row[Any], RowMapping]] = None, identity_token: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> _IdentityKeyType[Any]: """Return an identity key. This is an alias of :func:`.util.identity_key`. """ return util.preloaded.orm_util.identity_key( class_, ident, instance=instance, row=row, identity_token=identity_token, ) @classmethod def object_session(cls, instance: object) -> Optional[Session]: """Return the :class:`.Session` to which an object belongs. This is an alias of :func:`.object_session`. """ return object_session(instance) class SessionTransactionState(_StateChangeState): ACTIVE = 1 PREPARED = 2 COMMITTED = 3 DEACTIVE = 4 CLOSED = 5 PROVISIONING_CONNECTION = 6 # backwards compatibility ACTIVE, PREPARED, COMMITTED, DEACTIVE, CLOSED, PROVISIONING_CONNECTION = tuple( SessionTransactionState ) class ORMExecuteState(util.MemoizedSlots): """Represents a call to the :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` method, as passed to the :meth:`.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` event hook. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :ref:`session_execute_events` - top level documentation on how to use :meth:`_orm.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` """ __slots__ = ( "session", "statement", "parameters", "execution_options", "local_execution_options", "bind_arguments", "identity_token", "_compile_state_cls", "_starting_event_idx", "_events_todo", "_update_execution_options", ) session: Session """The :class:`_orm.Session` in use.""" statement: Executable """The SQL statement being invoked. For an ORM selection as would be retrieved from :class:`_orm.Query`, this is an instance of :class:`_sql.select` that was generated from the ORM query. """ parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] """Dictionary of parameters that was passed to :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`.""" execution_options: _ExecuteOptions """The complete dictionary of current execution options. This is a merge of the statement level options with the locally passed execution options. .. seealso:: :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.local_execution_options` :meth:`_sql.Executable.execution_options` :ref:`orm_queryguide_execution_options` """ local_execution_options: _ExecuteOptions """Dictionary view of the execution options passed to the :meth:`.Session.execute` method. This does not include options that may be associated with the statement being invoked. .. seealso:: :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.execution_options` """ bind_arguments: _BindArguments """The dictionary passed as the :paramref:`_orm.Session.execute.bind_arguments` dictionary. This dictionary may be used by extensions to :class:`_orm.Session` to pass arguments that will assist in determining amongst a set of database connections which one should be used to invoke this statement. """ _compile_state_cls: Optional[Type[ORMCompileState]] _starting_event_idx: int _events_todo: List[Any] _update_execution_options: Optional[_ExecuteOptions] def __init__( self, session: Session, statement: Executable, parameters: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams], execution_options: _ExecuteOptions, bind_arguments: _BindArguments, compile_state_cls: Optional[Type[ORMCompileState]], events_todo: List[_InstanceLevelDispatch[Session]], ): """Construct a new :class:`_orm.ORMExecuteState`. this object is constructed internally. """ self.session = session self.statement = statement self.parameters = parameters self.local_execution_options = execution_options self.execution_options = statement._execution_options.union( execution_options ) self.bind_arguments = bind_arguments self._compile_state_cls = compile_state_cls self._events_todo = list(events_todo) def _remaining_events(self) -> List[_InstanceLevelDispatch[Session]]: return self._events_todo[self._starting_event_idx + 1 :] def invoke_statement( self, statement: Optional[Executable] = None, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, execution_options: Optional[OrmExecuteOptionsParameter] = None, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, ) -> Result[Any]: """Execute the statement represented by this :class:`.ORMExecuteState`, without re-invoking events that have already proceeded. This method essentially performs a re-entrant execution of the current statement for which the :meth:`.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` event is being currently invoked. The use case for this is for event handlers that want to override how the ultimate :class:`_engine.Result` object is returned, such as for schemes that retrieve results from an offline cache or which concatenate results from multiple executions. When the :class:`_engine.Result` object is returned by the actual handler function within :meth:`_orm.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` and is propagated to the calling :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` method, the remainder of the :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` method is preempted and the :class:`_engine.Result` object is returned to the caller of :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` immediately. :param statement: optional statement to be invoked, in place of the statement currently represented by :attr:`.ORMExecuteState.statement`. :param params: optional dictionary of parameters or list of parameters which will be merged into the existing :attr:`.ORMExecuteState.parameters` of this :class:`.ORMExecuteState`. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 a list of parameter dictionaries is accepted for executemany executions. :param execution_options: optional dictionary of execution options will be merged into the existing :attr:`.ORMExecuteState.execution_options` of this :class:`.ORMExecuteState`. :param bind_arguments: optional dictionary of bind_arguments which will be merged amongst the current :attr:`.ORMExecuteState.bind_arguments` of this :class:`.ORMExecuteState`. :return: a :class:`_engine.Result` object with ORM-level results. .. seealso:: :ref:`do_orm_execute_re_executing` - background and examples on the appropriate usage of :meth:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.invoke_statement`. """ if statement is None: statement = self.statement _bind_arguments = dict(self.bind_arguments) if bind_arguments: _bind_arguments.update(bind_arguments) _bind_arguments["_sa_skip_events"] = True _params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] if params: if self.is_executemany: _params = [] exec_many_parameters = cast( "List[Dict[str, Any]]", self.parameters ) for _existing_params, _new_params in itertools.zip_longest( exec_many_parameters, cast("List[Dict[str, Any]]", params), ): if _existing_params is None or _new_params is None: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( f"Can't apply executemany parameters to " f"statement; number of parameter sets passed to " f"Session.execute() ({len(exec_many_parameters)}) " f"does not match number of parameter sets given " f"to ORMExecuteState.invoke_statement() " f"({len(params)})" ) _existing_params = dict(_existing_params) _existing_params.update(_new_params) _params.append(_existing_params) else: _params = dict(cast("Dict[str, Any]", self.parameters)) _params.update(cast("Dict[str, Any]", params)) else: _params = self.parameters _execution_options = self.local_execution_options if execution_options: _execution_options = _execution_options.union(execution_options) return self.session._execute_internal( statement, _params, execution_options=_execution_options, bind_arguments=_bind_arguments, _parent_execute_state=self, ) @property def bind_mapper(self) -> Optional[Mapper[Any]]: """Return the :class:`_orm.Mapper` that is the primary "bind" mapper. For an :class:`_orm.ORMExecuteState` object invoking an ORM statement, that is, the :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_orm_statement` attribute is ``True``, this attribute will return the :class:`_orm.Mapper` that is considered to be the "primary" mapper of the statement. The term "bind mapper" refers to the fact that a :class:`_orm.Session` object may be "bound" to multiple :class:`_engine.Engine` objects keyed to mapped classes, and the "bind mapper" determines which of those :class:`_engine.Engine` objects would be selected. For a statement that is invoked against a single mapped class, :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.bind_mapper` is intended to be a reliable way of getting this mapper. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0b2 .. seealso:: :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.all_mappers` """ mp: Optional[Mapper[Any]] = self.bind_arguments.get("mapper", None) return mp @property def all_mappers(self) -> Sequence[Mapper[Any]]: """Return a sequence of all :class:`_orm.Mapper` objects that are involved at the top level of this statement. By "top level" we mean those :class:`_orm.Mapper` objects that would be represented in the result set rows for a :func:`_sql.select` query, or for a :func:`_dml.update` or :func:`_dml.delete` query, the mapper that is the main subject of the UPDATE or DELETE. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0b2 .. seealso:: :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.bind_mapper` """ if not self.is_orm_statement: return [] elif isinstance(self.statement, (Select, FromStatement)): result = [] seen = set() for d in self.statement.column_descriptions: ent = d["entity"] if ent: insp = inspect(ent, raiseerr=False) if insp and insp.mapper and insp.mapper not in seen: seen.add(insp.mapper) result.append(insp.mapper) return result elif self.statement.is_dml and self.bind_mapper: return [self.bind_mapper] else: return [] @property def is_orm_statement(self) -> bool: """return True if the operation is an ORM statement. This indicates that the select(), insert(), update(), or delete() being invoked contains ORM entities as subjects. For a statement that does not have ORM entities and instead refers only to :class:`.Table` metadata, it is invoked as a Core SQL statement and no ORM-level automation takes place. """ return self._compile_state_cls is not None @property def is_executemany(self) -> bool: """return True if the parameters are a multi-element list of dictionaries with more than one dictionary. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ return isinstance(self.parameters, list) @property def is_select(self) -> bool: """return True if this is a SELECT operation.""" return self.statement.is_select @property def is_insert(self) -> bool: """return True if this is an INSERT operation.""" return self.statement.is_dml and self.statement.is_insert @property def is_update(self) -> bool: """return True if this is an UPDATE operation.""" return self.statement.is_dml and self.statement.is_update @property def is_delete(self) -> bool: """return True if this is a DELETE operation.""" return self.statement.is_dml and self.statement.is_delete @property def _is_crud(self) -> bool: return isinstance(self.statement, (dml.Update, dml.Delete)) def update_execution_options(self, **opts: Any) -> None: """Update the local execution options with new values.""" self.local_execution_options = self.local_execution_options.union(opts) def _orm_compile_options( self, ) -> Optional[ Union[ context.ORMCompileState.default_compile_options, Type[context.ORMCompileState.default_compile_options], ] ]: if not self.is_select: return None try: opts = self.statement._compile_options except AttributeError: return None if opts is not None and opts.isinstance( context.ORMCompileState.default_compile_options ): return opts # type: ignore else: return None @property def lazy_loaded_from(self) -> Optional[InstanceState[Any]]: """An :class:`.InstanceState` that is using this statement execution for a lazy load operation. The primary rationale for this attribute is to support the horizontal sharding extension, where it is available within specific query execution time hooks created by this extension. To that end, the attribute is only intended to be meaningful at **query execution time**, and importantly not any time prior to that, including query compilation time. """ return self.load_options._lazy_loaded_from @property def loader_strategy_path(self) -> Optional[PathRegistry]: """Return the :class:`.PathRegistry` for the current load path. This object represents the "path" in a query along relationships when a particular object or collection is being loaded. """ opts = self._orm_compile_options() if opts is not None: return opts._current_path else: return None @property def is_column_load(self) -> bool: """Return True if the operation is refreshing column-oriented attributes on an existing ORM object. This occurs during operations such as :meth:`_orm.Session.refresh`, as well as when an attribute deferred by :func:`_orm.defer` is being loaded, or an attribute that was expired either directly by :meth:`_orm.Session.expire` or via a commit operation is being loaded. Handlers will very likely not want to add any options to queries when such an operation is occurring as the query should be a straight primary key fetch which should not have any additional WHERE criteria, and loader options travelling with the instance will have already been added to the query. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0b2 .. seealso:: :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_relationship_load` """ opts = self._orm_compile_options() return opts is not None and opts._for_refresh_state @property def is_relationship_load(self) -> bool: """Return True if this load is loading objects on behalf of a relationship. This means, the loader in effect is either a LazyLoader, SelectInLoader, SubqueryLoader, or similar, and the entire SELECT statement being emitted is on behalf of a relationship load. Handlers will very likely not want to add any options to queries when such an operation is occurring, as loader options are already capable of being propagated to relationship loaders and should be already present. .. seealso:: :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_column_load` """ opts = self._orm_compile_options() if opts is None: return False path = self.loader_strategy_path return path is not None and not path.is_root @property def load_options( self, ) -> Union[ context.QueryContext.default_load_options, Type[context.QueryContext.default_load_options], ]: """Return the load_options that will be used for this execution.""" if not self.is_select: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "This ORM execution is not against a SELECT statement " "so there are no load options." ) lo: Union[ context.QueryContext.default_load_options, Type[context.QueryContext.default_load_options], ] = self.execution_options.get( "_sa_orm_load_options", context.QueryContext.default_load_options ) return lo @property def update_delete_options( self, ) -> Union[ bulk_persistence.BulkUDCompileState.default_update_options, Type[bulk_persistence.BulkUDCompileState.default_update_options], ]: """Return the update_delete_options that will be used for this execution.""" if not self._is_crud: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "This ORM execution is not against an UPDATE or DELETE " "statement so there are no update options." ) uo: Union[ bulk_persistence.BulkUDCompileState.default_update_options, Type[bulk_persistence.BulkUDCompileState.default_update_options], ] = self.execution_options.get( "_sa_orm_update_options", bulk_persistence.BulkUDCompileState.default_update_options, ) return uo @property def _non_compile_orm_options(self) -> Sequence[ORMOption]: return [ opt for opt in self.statement._with_options if is_orm_option(opt) and not opt._is_compile_state ] @property def user_defined_options(self) -> Sequence[UserDefinedOption]: """The sequence of :class:`.UserDefinedOptions` that have been associated with the statement being invoked. """ return [ opt for opt in self.statement._with_options if is_user_defined_option(opt) ] class SessionTransactionOrigin(Enum): """indicates the origin of a :class:`.SessionTransaction`. This enumeration is present on the :attr:`.SessionTransaction.origin` attribute of any :class:`.SessionTransaction` object. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ AUTOBEGIN = 0 """transaction were started by autobegin""" BEGIN = 1 """transaction were started by calling :meth:`_orm.Session.begin`""" BEGIN_NESTED = 2 """tranaction were started by :meth:`_orm.Session.begin_nested`""" SUBTRANSACTION = 3 """transaction is an internal "subtransaction" """ class SessionTransaction(_StateChange, TransactionalContext): """A :class:`.Session`-level transaction. :class:`.SessionTransaction` is produced from the :meth:`_orm.Session.begin` and :meth:`_orm.Session.begin_nested` methods. It's largely an internal object that in modern use provides a context manager for session transactions. Documentation on interacting with :class:`_orm.SessionTransaction` is at: :ref:`unitofwork_transaction`. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 The scoping and API methods to work with the :class:`_orm.SessionTransaction` object directly have been simplified. .. seealso:: :ref:`unitofwork_transaction` :meth:`.Session.begin` :meth:`.Session.begin_nested` :meth:`.Session.rollback` :meth:`.Session.commit` :meth:`.Session.in_transaction` :meth:`.Session.in_nested_transaction` :meth:`.Session.get_transaction` :meth:`.Session.get_nested_transaction` """ _rollback_exception: Optional[BaseException] = None _connections: Dict[ Union[Engine, Connection], Tuple[Connection, Transaction, bool, bool] ] session: Session _parent: Optional[SessionTransaction] _state: SessionTransactionState _new: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[InstanceState[Any], object] _deleted: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[InstanceState[Any], object] _dirty: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[InstanceState[Any], object] _key_switches: weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[ InstanceState[Any], Tuple[Any, Any] ] origin: SessionTransactionOrigin """Origin of this :class:`_orm.SessionTransaction`. Refers to a :class:`.SessionTransactionOrigin` instance which is an enumeration indicating the source event that led to constructing this :class:`_orm.SessionTransaction`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ nested: bool = False """Indicates if this is a nested, or SAVEPOINT, transaction. When :attr:`.SessionTransaction.nested` is True, it is expected that :attr:`.SessionTransaction.parent` will be present as well, linking to the enclosing :class:`.SessionTransaction`. .. seealso:: :attr:`.SessionTransaction.origin` """ def __init__( self, session: Session, origin: SessionTransactionOrigin, parent: Optional[SessionTransaction] = None, ): TransactionalContext._trans_ctx_check(session) self.session = session self._connections = {} self._parent = parent self.nested = nested = origin is SessionTransactionOrigin.BEGIN_NESTED self.origin = origin if session._close_state is _SessionCloseState.CLOSED: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "This Session has been permanently closed and is unable " "to handle any more transaction requests." ) if nested: if not parent: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Can't start a SAVEPOINT transaction when no existing " "transaction is in progress" ) self._previous_nested_transaction = session._nested_transaction elif origin is SessionTransactionOrigin.SUBTRANSACTION: assert parent is not None else: assert parent is None self._state = SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE self._take_snapshot() # make sure transaction is assigned before we call the # dispatch self.session._transaction = self self.session.dispatch.after_transaction_create(self.session, self) def _raise_for_prerequisite_state( self, operation_name: str, state: _StateChangeState ) -> NoReturn: if state is SessionTransactionState.DEACTIVE: if self._rollback_exception: raise sa_exc.PendingRollbackError( "This Session's transaction has been rolled back " "due to a previous exception during flush." " To begin a new transaction with this Session, " "first issue Session.rollback()." f" Original exception was: {self._rollback_exception}", code="7s2a", ) else: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "This session is in 'inactive' state, due to the " "SQL transaction being rolled back; no further SQL " "can be emitted within this transaction." ) elif state is SessionTransactionState.CLOSED: raise sa_exc.ResourceClosedError("This transaction is closed") elif state is SessionTransactionState.PROVISIONING_CONNECTION: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "This session is provisioning a new connection; concurrent " "operations are not permitted", code="isce", ) else: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( f"This session is in '{state.name.lower()}' state; no " "further SQL can be emitted within this transaction." ) @property def parent(self) -> Optional[SessionTransaction]: """The parent :class:`.SessionTransaction` of this :class:`.SessionTransaction`. If this attribute is ``None``, indicates this :class:`.SessionTransaction` is at the top of the stack, and corresponds to a real "COMMIT"/"ROLLBACK" block. If non-``None``, then this is either a "subtransaction" (an internal marker object used by the flush process) or a "nested" / SAVEPOINT transaction. If the :attr:`.SessionTransaction.nested` attribute is ``True``, then this is a SAVEPOINT, and if ``False``, indicates this a subtransaction. """ return self._parent @property def is_active(self) -> bool: return ( self.session is not None and self._state is SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE ) @property def _is_transaction_boundary(self) -> bool: return self.nested or not self._parent @_StateChange.declare_states( (SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE,), _StateChangeStates.NO_CHANGE ) def connection( self, bindkey: Optional[Mapper[Any]], execution_options: Optional[_ExecuteOptions] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Connection: bind = self.session.get_bind(bindkey, **kwargs) return self._connection_for_bind(bind, execution_options) @_StateChange.declare_states( (SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE,), _StateChangeStates.NO_CHANGE ) def _begin(self, nested: bool = False) -> SessionTransaction: return SessionTransaction( self.session, ( SessionTransactionOrigin.BEGIN_NESTED if nested else SessionTransactionOrigin.SUBTRANSACTION ), self, ) def _iterate_self_and_parents( self, upto: Optional[SessionTransaction] = None ) -> Iterable[SessionTransaction]: current = self result: Tuple[SessionTransaction, ...] = () while current: result += (current,) if current._parent is upto: break elif current._parent is None: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Transaction %s is not on the active transaction list" % (upto) ) else: current = current._parent return result def _take_snapshot(self) -> None: if not self._is_transaction_boundary: parent = self._parent assert parent is not None self._new = parent._new self._deleted = parent._deleted self._dirty = parent._dirty self._key_switches = parent._key_switches return is_begin = self.origin in ( SessionTransactionOrigin.BEGIN, SessionTransactionOrigin.AUTOBEGIN, ) if not is_begin and not self.session._flushing: self.session.flush() self._new = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._deleted = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._dirty = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._key_switches = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def _restore_snapshot(self, dirty_only: bool = False) -> None: """Restore the restoration state taken before a transaction began. Corresponds to a rollback. """ assert self._is_transaction_boundary to_expunge = set(self._new).union(self.session._new) self.session._expunge_states(to_expunge, to_transient=True) for s, (oldkey, newkey) in self._key_switches.items(): # we probably can do this conditionally based on # if we expunged or not, but safe_discard does that anyway self.session.identity_map.safe_discard(s) # restore the old key s.key = oldkey # now restore the object, but only if we didn't expunge if s not in to_expunge: self.session.identity_map.replace(s) for s in set(self._deleted).union(self.session._deleted): self.session._update_impl(s, revert_deletion=True) assert not self.session._deleted for s in self.session.identity_map.all_states(): if not dirty_only or s.modified or s in self._dirty: s._expire(s.dict, self.session.identity_map._modified) def _remove_snapshot(self) -> None: """Remove the restoration state taken before a transaction began. Corresponds to a commit. """ assert self._is_transaction_boundary if not self.nested and self.session.expire_on_commit: for s in self.session.identity_map.all_states(): s._expire(s.dict, self.session.identity_map._modified) statelib.InstanceState._detach_states( list(self._deleted), self.session ) self._deleted.clear() elif self.nested: parent = self._parent assert parent is not None parent._new.update(self._new) parent._dirty.update(self._dirty) parent._deleted.update(self._deleted) parent._key_switches.update(self._key_switches) @_StateChange.declare_states( (SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE,), _StateChangeStates.NO_CHANGE ) def _connection_for_bind( self, bind: _SessionBind, execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter], ) -> Connection: if bind in self._connections: if execution_options: util.warn( "Connection is already established for the " "given bind; execution_options ignored" ) return self._connections[bind][0] self._state = SessionTransactionState.PROVISIONING_CONNECTION local_connect = False should_commit = True try: if self._parent: conn = self._parent._connection_for_bind( bind, execution_options ) if not self.nested: return conn else: if isinstance(bind, engine.Connection): conn = bind if conn.engine in self._connections: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Session already has a Connection associated " "for the given Connection's Engine" ) else: conn = bind.connect() local_connect = True try: if execution_options: conn = conn.execution_options(**execution_options) transaction: Transaction if self.session.twophase and self._parent is None: # TODO: shouldn't we only be here if not # conn.in_transaction() ? # if twophase is set and conn.in_transaction(), validate # that it is in fact twophase. transaction = conn.begin_twophase() elif self.nested: transaction = conn.begin_nested() elif conn.in_transaction(): join_transaction_mode = self.session.join_transaction_mode if join_transaction_mode == "conditional_savepoint": if conn.in_nested_transaction(): join_transaction_mode = "create_savepoint" else: join_transaction_mode = "rollback_only" if join_transaction_mode in ( "control_fully", "rollback_only", ): if conn.in_nested_transaction(): transaction = ( conn._get_required_nested_transaction() ) else: transaction = conn._get_required_transaction() if join_transaction_mode == "rollback_only": should_commit = False elif join_transaction_mode == "create_savepoint": transaction = conn.begin_nested() else: assert False, join_transaction_mode else: transaction = conn.begin() except: # connection will not not be associated with this Session; # close it immediately so that it isn't closed under GC if local_connect: conn.close() raise else: bind_is_connection = isinstance(bind, engine.Connection) self._connections[conn] = self._connections[conn.engine] = ( conn, transaction, should_commit, not bind_is_connection, ) self.session.dispatch.after_begin(self.session, self, conn) return conn finally: self._state = SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE def prepare(self) -> None: if self._parent is not None or not self.session.twophase: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "'twophase' mode not enabled, or not root transaction; " "can't prepare." ) self._prepare_impl() @_StateChange.declare_states( (SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE,), SessionTransactionState.PREPARED ) def _prepare_impl(self) -> None: if self._parent is None or self.nested: self.session.dispatch.before_commit(self.session) stx = self.session._transaction assert stx is not None if stx is not self: for subtransaction in stx._iterate_self_and_parents(upto=self): subtransaction.commit() if not self.session._flushing: for _flush_guard in range(100): if self.session._is_clean(): break self.session.flush() else: raise exc.FlushError( "Over 100 subsequent flushes have occurred within " "session.commit() - is an after_flush() hook " "creating new objects?" ) if self._parent is None and self.session.twophase: try: for t in set(self._connections.values()): cast("TwoPhaseTransaction", t[1]).prepare() except: with util.safe_reraise(): self.rollback() self._state = SessionTransactionState.PREPARED @_StateChange.declare_states( (SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE, SessionTransactionState.PREPARED), SessionTransactionState.CLOSED, ) def commit(self, _to_root: bool = False) -> None: if self._state is not SessionTransactionState.PREPARED: with self._expect_state(SessionTransactionState.PREPARED): self._prepare_impl() if self._parent is None or self.nested: for conn, trans, should_commit, autoclose in set( self._connections.values() ): if should_commit: trans.commit() self._state = SessionTransactionState.COMMITTED self.session.dispatch.after_commit(self.session) self._remove_snapshot() with self._expect_state(SessionTransactionState.CLOSED): self.close() if _to_root and self._parent: self._parent.commit(_to_root=True) @_StateChange.declare_states( ( SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE, SessionTransactionState.DEACTIVE, SessionTransactionState.PREPARED, ), SessionTransactionState.CLOSED, ) def rollback( self, _capture_exception: bool = False, _to_root: bool = False ) -> None: stx = self.session._transaction assert stx is not None if stx is not self: for subtransaction in stx._iterate_self_and_parents(upto=self): subtransaction.close() boundary = self rollback_err = None if self._state in ( SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE, SessionTransactionState.PREPARED, ): for transaction in self._iterate_self_and_parents(): if transaction._parent is None or transaction.nested: try: for t in set(transaction._connections.values()): t[1].rollback() transaction._state = SessionTransactionState.DEACTIVE self.session.dispatch.after_rollback(self.session) except: rollback_err = sys.exc_info() finally: transaction._state = SessionTransactionState.DEACTIVE transaction._restore_snapshot( dirty_only=transaction.nested ) boundary = transaction break else: transaction._state = SessionTransactionState.DEACTIVE sess = self.session if not rollback_err and not sess._is_clean(): # if items were added, deleted, or mutated # here, we need to re-restore the snapshot util.warn( "Session's state has been changed on " "a non-active transaction - this state " "will be discarded." ) boundary._restore_snapshot(dirty_only=boundary.nested) with self._expect_state(SessionTransactionState.CLOSED): self.close() if self._parent and _capture_exception: self._parent._rollback_exception = sys.exc_info()[1] if rollback_err and rollback_err[1]: raise rollback_err[1].with_traceback(rollback_err[2]) sess.dispatch.after_soft_rollback(sess, self) if _to_root and self._parent: self._parent.rollback(_to_root=True) @_StateChange.declare_states( _StateChangeStates.ANY, SessionTransactionState.CLOSED ) def close(self, invalidate: bool = False) -> None: if self.nested: self.session._nested_transaction = ( self._previous_nested_transaction ) self.session._transaction = self._parent for connection, transaction, should_commit, autoclose in set( self._connections.values() ): if invalidate and self._parent is None: connection.invalidate() if should_commit and transaction.is_active: transaction.close() if autoclose and self._parent is None: connection.close() self._state = SessionTransactionState.CLOSED sess = self.session # TODO: these two None sets were historically after the # event hook below, and in 2.0 I changed it this way for some reason, # and I remember there being a reason, but not what it was. # Why do we need to get rid of them at all? test_memusage::CycleTest # passes with these commented out. # self.session = None # type: ignore # self._connections = None # type: ignore sess.dispatch.after_transaction_end(sess, self) def _get_subject(self) -> Session: return self.session def _transaction_is_active(self) -> bool: return self._state is SessionTransactionState.ACTIVE def _transaction_is_closed(self) -> bool: return self._state is SessionTransactionState.CLOSED def _rollback_can_be_called(self) -> bool: return self._state not in (COMMITTED, CLOSED) class _SessionCloseState(Enum): ACTIVE = 1 CLOSED = 2 CLOSE_IS_RESET = 3 class Session(_SessionClassMethods, EventTarget): """Manages persistence operations for ORM-mapped objects. The :class:`_orm.Session` is **not safe for use in concurrent threads.**. See :ref:`session_faq_threadsafe` for background. The Session's usage paradigm is described at :doc:`/orm/session`. """ _is_asyncio = False dispatch: dispatcher[Session] identity_map: IdentityMap """A mapping of object identities to objects themselves. Iterating through ``Session.identity_map.values()`` provides access to the full set of persistent objects (i.e., those that have row identity) currently in the session. .. seealso:: :func:`.identity_key` - helper function to produce the keys used in this dictionary. """ _new: Dict[InstanceState[Any], Any] _deleted: Dict[InstanceState[Any], Any] bind: Optional[Union[Engine, Connection]] __binds: Dict[_SessionBindKey, _SessionBind] _flushing: bool _warn_on_events: bool _transaction: Optional[SessionTransaction] _nested_transaction: Optional[SessionTransaction] hash_key: int autoflush: bool expire_on_commit: bool enable_baked_queries: bool twophase: bool join_transaction_mode: JoinTransactionMode _query_cls: Type[Query[Any]] _close_state: _SessionCloseState def __init__( self, bind: Optional[_SessionBind] = None, *, autoflush: bool = True, future: Literal[True] = True, expire_on_commit: bool = True, autobegin: bool = True, twophase: bool = False, binds: Optional[Dict[_SessionBindKey, _SessionBind]] = None, enable_baked_queries: bool = True, info: Optional[_InfoType] = None, query_cls: Optional[Type[Query[Any]]] = None, autocommit: Literal[False] = False, join_transaction_mode: JoinTransactionMode = "conditional_savepoint", close_resets_only: Union[bool, _NoArg] = _NoArg.NO_ARG, ): r"""Construct a new :class:`_orm.Session`. See also the :class:`.sessionmaker` function which is used to generate a :class:`.Session`-producing callable with a given set of arguments. :param autoflush: When ``True``, all query operations will issue a :meth:`~.Session.flush` call to this ``Session`` before proceeding. This is a convenience feature so that :meth:`~.Session.flush` need not be called repeatedly in order for database queries to retrieve results. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_flushing` - additional background on autoflush :param autobegin: Automatically start transactions (i.e. equivalent to invoking :meth:`_orm.Session.begin`) when database access is requested by an operation. Defaults to ``True``. Set to ``False`` to prevent a :class:`_orm.Session` from implicitly beginning transactions after construction, as well as after any of the :meth:`_orm.Session.rollback`, :meth:`_orm.Session.commit`, or :meth:`_orm.Session.close` methods are called. .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. seealso:: :ref:`session_autobegin_disable` :param bind: An optional :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection` to which this ``Session`` should be bound. When specified, all SQL operations performed by this session will execute via this connectable. :param binds: A dictionary which may specify any number of :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection` objects as the source of connectivity for SQL operations on a per-entity basis. The keys of the dictionary consist of any series of mapped classes, arbitrary Python classes that are bases for mapped classes, :class:`_schema.Table` objects and :class:`_orm.Mapper` objects. The values of the dictionary are then instances of :class:`_engine.Engine` or less commonly :class:`_engine.Connection` objects. Operations which proceed relative to a particular mapped class will consult this dictionary for the closest matching entity in order to determine which :class:`_engine.Engine` should be used for a particular SQL operation. The complete heuristics for resolution are described at :meth:`.Session.get_bind`. Usage looks like:: Session = sessionmaker(binds={ SomeMappedClass: create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://engine1'), SomeDeclarativeBase: create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://engine2'), some_mapper: create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://engine3'), some_table: create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://engine4'), }) .. seealso:: :ref:`session_partitioning` :meth:`.Session.bind_mapper` :meth:`.Session.bind_table` :meth:`.Session.get_bind` :param \class_: Specify an alternate class other than ``sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`` which should be used by the returned class. This is the only argument that is local to the :class:`.sessionmaker` function, and is not sent directly to the constructor for ``Session``. :param enable_baked_queries: legacy; defaults to ``True``. A parameter consumed by the :mod:`sqlalchemy.ext.baked` extension to determine if "baked queries" should be cached, as is the normal operation of this extension. When set to ``False``, caching as used by this particular extension is disabled. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 The ``sqlalchemy.ext.baked`` extension is legacy and is not used by any of SQLAlchemy's internals. This flag therefore only affects applications that are making explicit use of this extension within their own code. :param expire_on_commit: Defaults to ``True``. When ``True``, all instances will be fully expired after each :meth:`~.commit`, so that all attribute/object access subsequent to a completed transaction will load from the most recent database state. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_committing` :param future: Deprecated; this flag is always True. .. seealso:: :ref:`migration_20_toplevel` :param info: optional dictionary of arbitrary data to be associated with this :class:`.Session`. Is available via the :attr:`.Session.info` attribute. Note the dictionary is copied at construction time so that modifications to the per- :class:`.Session` dictionary will be local to that :class:`.Session`. :param query_cls: Class which should be used to create new Query objects, as returned by the :meth:`~.Session.query` method. Defaults to :class:`_query.Query`. :param twophase: When ``True``, all transactions will be started as a "two phase" transaction, i.e. using the "two phase" semantics of the database in use along with an XID. During a :meth:`~.commit`, after :meth:`~.flush` has been issued for all attached databases, the :meth:`~.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare` method on each database's :class:`.TwoPhaseTransaction` will be called. This allows each database to roll back the entire transaction, before each transaction is committed. :param autocommit: the "autocommit" keyword is present for backwards compatibility but must remain at its default value of ``False``. :param join_transaction_mode: Describes the transactional behavior to take when a given bind is a :class:`_engine.Connection` that has already begun a transaction outside the scope of this :class:`_orm.Session`; in other words the :meth:`_engine.Connection.in_transaction()` method returns True. The following behaviors only take effect when the :class:`_orm.Session` **actually makes use of the connection given**; that is, a method such as :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`, :meth:`_orm.Session.connection`, etc. are actually invoked: * ``"conditional_savepoint"`` - this is the default. if the given :class:`_engine.Connection` is begun within a transaction but does not have a SAVEPOINT, then ``"rollback_only"`` is used. If the :class:`_engine.Connection` is additionally within a SAVEPOINT, in other words :meth:`_engine.Connection.in_nested_transaction()` method returns True, then ``"create_savepoint"`` is used. ``"conditional_savepoint"`` behavior attempts to make use of savepoints in order to keep the state of the existing transaction unchanged, but only if there is already a savepoint in progress; otherwise, it is not assumed that the backend in use has adequate support for SAVEPOINT, as availability of this feature varies. ``"conditional_savepoint"`` also seeks to establish approximate backwards compatibility with previous :class:`_orm.Session` behavior, for applications that are not setting a specific mode. It is recommended that one of the explicit settings be used. * ``"create_savepoint"`` - the :class:`_orm.Session` will use :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested()` in all cases to create its own transaction. This transaction by its nature rides "on top" of any existing transaction that's opened on the given :class:`_engine.Connection`; if the underlying database and the driver in use has full, non-broken support for SAVEPOINT, the external transaction will remain unaffected throughout the lifespan of the :class:`_orm.Session`. The ``"create_savepoint"`` mode is the most useful for integrating a :class:`_orm.Session` into a test suite where an externally initiated transaction should remain unaffected; however, it relies on proper SAVEPOINT support from the underlying driver and database. .. tip:: When using SQLite, the SQLite driver included through Python 3.11 does not handle SAVEPOINTs correctly in all cases without workarounds. See the sections :ref:`pysqlite_serializable` and :ref:`aiosqlite_serializable` for details on current workarounds. * ``"control_fully"`` - the :class:`_orm.Session` will take control of the given transaction as its own; :meth:`_orm.Session.commit` will call ``.commit()`` on the transaction, :meth:`_orm.Session.rollback` will call ``.rollback()`` on the transaction, :meth:`_orm.Session.close` will call ``.rollback`` on the transaction. .. tip:: This mode of use is equivalent to how SQLAlchemy 1.4 would handle a :class:`_engine.Connection` given with an existing SAVEPOINT (i.e. :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_nested`); the :class:`_orm.Session` would take full control of the existing SAVEPOINT. * ``"rollback_only"`` - the :class:`_orm.Session` will take control of the given transaction for ``.rollback()`` calls only; ``.commit()`` calls will not be propagated to the given transaction. ``.close()`` calls will have no effect on the given transaction. .. tip:: This mode of use is equivalent to how SQLAlchemy 1.4 would handle a :class:`_engine.Connection` given with an existing regular database transaction (i.e. :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin`); the :class:`_orm.Session` would propagate :meth:`_orm.Session.rollback` calls to the underlying transaction, but not :meth:`_orm.Session.commit` or :meth:`_orm.Session.close` calls. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0rc1 :param close_resets_only: Defaults to ``True``. Determines if the session should reset itself after calling ``.close()`` or should pass in a no longer usable state, disabling re-use. .. versionadded:: 2.0.22 added flag ``close_resets_only``. A future SQLAlchemy version may change the default value of this flag to ``False``. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_closing` - Detail on the semantics of :meth:`_orm.Session.close` and :meth:`_orm.Session.reset`. """ # noqa # considering allowing the "autocommit" keyword to still be accepted # as long as it's False, so that external test suites, oslo.db etc # continue to function as the argument appears to be passed in lots # of cases including in our own test suite if autocommit: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "autocommit=True is no longer supported" ) self.identity_map = identity.WeakInstanceDict() if not future: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "The 'future' parameter passed to " "Session() may only be set to True." ) self._new = {} # InstanceState->object, strong refs object self._deleted = {} # same self.bind = bind self.__binds = {} self._flushing = False self._warn_on_events = False self._transaction = None self._nested_transaction = None self.hash_key = _new_sessionid() self.autobegin = autobegin self.autoflush = autoflush self.expire_on_commit = expire_on_commit self.enable_baked_queries = enable_baked_queries # the idea is that at some point NO_ARG will warn that in the future # the default will switch to close_resets_only=False. if close_resets_only or close_resets_only is _NoArg.NO_ARG: self._close_state = _SessionCloseState.CLOSE_IS_RESET else: self._close_state = _SessionCloseState.ACTIVE if ( join_transaction_mode and join_transaction_mode not in JoinTransactionMode.__args__ # type: ignore ): raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( f"invalid selection for join_transaction_mode: " f'"{join_transaction_mode}"' ) self.join_transaction_mode = join_transaction_mode self.twophase = twophase self._query_cls = query_cls if query_cls else query.Query if info: self.info.update(info) if binds is not None: for key, bind in binds.items(): self._add_bind(key, bind) _sessions[self.hash_key] = self # used by sqlalchemy.engine.util.TransactionalContext _trans_context_manager: Optional[TransactionalContext] = None connection_callable: Optional[_ConnectionCallableProto] = None def __enter__(self: _S) -> _S: return self def __exit__(self, type_: Any, value: Any, traceback: Any) -> None: self.close() @contextlib.contextmanager def _maker_context_manager(self: _S) -> Iterator[_S]: with self: with self.begin(): yield self def in_transaction(self) -> bool: """Return True if this :class:`_orm.Session` has begun a transaction. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :attr:`_orm.Session.is_active` """ return self._transaction is not None def in_nested_transaction(self) -> bool: """Return True if this :class:`_orm.Session` has begun a nested transaction, e.g. SAVEPOINT. .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ return self._nested_transaction is not None def get_transaction(self) -> Optional[SessionTransaction]: """Return the current root transaction in progress, if any. .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ trans = self._transaction while trans is not None and trans._parent is not None: trans = trans._parent return trans def get_nested_transaction(self) -> Optional[SessionTransaction]: """Return the current nested transaction in progress, if any. .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ return self._nested_transaction @util.memoized_property def info(self) -> _InfoType: """A user-modifiable dictionary. The initial value of this dictionary can be populated using the ``info`` argument to the :class:`.Session` constructor or :class:`.sessionmaker` constructor or factory methods. The dictionary here is always local to this :class:`.Session` and can be modified independently of all other :class:`.Session` objects. """ return {} def _autobegin_t(self, begin: bool = False) -> SessionTransaction: if self._transaction is None: if not begin and not self.autobegin: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Autobegin is disabled on this Session; please call " "session.begin() to start a new transaction" ) trans = SessionTransaction( self, ( SessionTransactionOrigin.BEGIN if begin else SessionTransactionOrigin.AUTOBEGIN ), ) assert self._transaction is trans return trans return self._transaction def begin(self, nested: bool = False) -> SessionTransaction: """Begin a transaction, or nested transaction, on this :class:`.Session`, if one is not already begun. The :class:`_orm.Session` object features **autobegin** behavior, so that normally it is not necessary to call the :meth:`_orm.Session.begin` method explicitly. However, it may be used in order to control the scope of when the transactional state is begun. When used to begin the outermost transaction, an error is raised if this :class:`.Session` is already inside of a transaction. :param nested: if True, begins a SAVEPOINT transaction and is equivalent to calling :meth:`~.Session.begin_nested`. For documentation on SAVEPOINT transactions, please see :ref:`session_begin_nested`. :return: the :class:`.SessionTransaction` object. Note that :class:`.SessionTransaction` acts as a Python context manager, allowing :meth:`.Session.begin` to be used in a "with" block. See :ref:`session_explicit_begin` for an example. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_autobegin` :ref:`unitofwork_transaction` :meth:`.Session.begin_nested` """ trans = self._transaction if trans is None: trans = self._autobegin_t(begin=True) if not nested: return trans assert trans is not None if nested: trans = trans._begin(nested=nested) assert self._transaction is trans self._nested_transaction = trans else: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "A transaction is already begun on this Session." ) return trans # needed for __enter__/__exit__ hook def begin_nested(self) -> SessionTransaction: """Begin a "nested" transaction on this Session, e.g. SAVEPOINT. The target database(s) and associated drivers must support SQL SAVEPOINT for this method to function correctly. For documentation on SAVEPOINT transactions, please see :ref:`session_begin_nested`. :return: the :class:`.SessionTransaction` object. Note that :class:`.SessionTransaction` acts as a context manager, allowing :meth:`.Session.begin_nested` to be used in a "with" block. See :ref:`session_begin_nested` for a usage example. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_begin_nested` :ref:`pysqlite_serializable` - special workarounds required with the SQLite driver in order for SAVEPOINT to work correctly. For asyncio use cases, see the section :ref:`aiosqlite_serializable`. """ return self.begin(nested=True) def rollback(self) -> None: """Rollback the current transaction in progress. If no transaction is in progress, this method is a pass-through. The method always rolls back the topmost database transaction, discarding any nested transactions that may be in progress. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_rollback` :ref:`unitofwork_transaction` """ if self._transaction is None: pass else: self._transaction.rollback(_to_root=True) def commit(self) -> None: """Flush pending changes and commit the current transaction. When the COMMIT operation is complete, all objects are fully :term:`expired`, erasing their internal contents, which will be automatically re-loaded when the objects are next accessed. In the interim, these objects are in an expired state and will not function if they are :term:`detached` from the :class:`.Session`. Additionally, this re-load operation is not supported when using asyncio-oriented APIs. The :paramref:`.Session.expire_on_commit` parameter may be used to disable this behavior. When there is no transaction in place for the :class:`.Session`, indicating that no operations were invoked on this :class:`.Session` since the previous call to :meth:`.Session.commit`, the method will begin and commit an internal-only "logical" transaction, that does not normally affect the database unless pending flush changes were detected, but will still invoke event handlers and object expiration rules. The outermost database transaction is committed unconditionally, automatically releasing any SAVEPOINTs in effect. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_committing` :ref:`unitofwork_transaction` :ref:`asyncio_orm_avoid_lazyloads` """ trans = self._transaction if trans is None: trans = self._autobegin_t() trans.commit(_to_root=True) def prepare(self) -> None: """Prepare the current transaction in progress for two phase commit. If no transaction is in progress, this method raises an :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError`. Only root transactions of two phase sessions can be prepared. If the current transaction is not such, an :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError` is raised. """ trans = self._transaction if trans is None: trans = self._autobegin_t() trans.prepare() def connection( self, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None, ) -> Connection: r"""Return a :class:`_engine.Connection` object corresponding to this :class:`.Session` object's transactional state. Either the :class:`_engine.Connection` corresponding to the current transaction is returned, or if no transaction is in progress, a new one is begun and the :class:`_engine.Connection` returned (note that no transactional state is established with the DBAPI until the first SQL statement is emitted). Ambiguity in multi-bind or unbound :class:`.Session` objects can be resolved through any of the optional keyword arguments. This ultimately makes usage of the :meth:`.get_bind` method for resolution. :param bind_arguments: dictionary of bind arguments. May include "mapper", "bind", "clause", other custom arguments that are passed to :meth:`.Session.get_bind`. :param execution_options: a dictionary of execution options that will be passed to :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`, **when the connection is first procured only**. If the connection is already present within the :class:`.Session`, a warning is emitted and the arguments are ignored. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_transaction_isolation` """ if bind_arguments: bind = bind_arguments.pop("bind", None) if bind is None: bind = self.get_bind(**bind_arguments) else: bind = self.get_bind() return self._connection_for_bind( bind, execution_options=execution_options, ) def _connection_for_bind( self, engine: _SessionBind, execution_options: Optional[CoreExecuteOptionsParameter] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> Connection: TransactionalContext._trans_ctx_check(self) trans = self._transaction if trans is None: trans = self._autobegin_t() return trans._connection_for_bind(engine, execution_options) @overload def _execute_internal( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, _parent_execute_state: Optional[Any] = None, _add_event: Optional[Any] = None, _scalar_result: Literal[True] = ..., ) -> Any: ... @overload def _execute_internal( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, _parent_execute_state: Optional[Any] = None, _add_event: Optional[Any] = None, _scalar_result: bool = ..., ) -> Result[Any]: ... def _execute_internal( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, _parent_execute_state: Optional[Any] = None, _add_event: Optional[Any] = None, _scalar_result: bool = False, ) -> Any: statement = coercions.expect(roles.StatementRole, statement) if not bind_arguments: bind_arguments = {} else: bind_arguments = dict(bind_arguments) if ( statement._propagate_attrs.get("compile_state_plugin", None) == "orm" ): compile_state_cls = CompileState._get_plugin_class_for_plugin( statement, "orm" ) if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance( compile_state_cls, context.AbstractORMCompileState ) else: compile_state_cls = None bind_arguments.setdefault("clause", statement) execution_options = util.coerce_to_immutabledict(execution_options) if _parent_execute_state: events_todo = _parent_execute_state._remaining_events() else: events_todo = self.dispatch.do_orm_execute if _add_event: events_todo = list(events_todo) + [_add_event] if events_todo: if compile_state_cls is not None: # for event handlers, do the orm_pre_session_exec # pass ahead of the event handlers, so that things like # .load_options, .update_delete_options etc. are populated. # is_pre_event=True allows the hook to hold off on things # it doesn't want to do twice, including autoflush as well # as "pre fetch" for DML, etc. ( statement, execution_options, ) = compile_state_cls.orm_pre_session_exec( self, statement, params, execution_options, bind_arguments, True, ) orm_exec_state = ORMExecuteState( self, statement, params, execution_options, bind_arguments, compile_state_cls, events_todo, ) for idx, fn in enumerate(events_todo): orm_exec_state._starting_event_idx = idx fn_result: Optional[Result[Any]] = fn(orm_exec_state) if fn_result: if _scalar_result: return fn_result.scalar() else: return fn_result statement = orm_exec_state.statement execution_options = orm_exec_state.local_execution_options if compile_state_cls is not None: # now run orm_pre_session_exec() "for real". if there were # event hooks, this will re-run the steps that interpret # new execution_options into load_options / update_delete_options, # which we assume the event hook might have updated. # autoflush will also be invoked in this step if enabled. ( statement, execution_options, ) = compile_state_cls.orm_pre_session_exec( self, statement, params, execution_options, bind_arguments, False, ) bind = self.get_bind(**bind_arguments) conn = self._connection_for_bind(bind) if _scalar_result and not compile_state_cls: if TYPE_CHECKING: params = cast(_CoreSingleExecuteParams, params) return conn.scalar( statement, params or {}, execution_options=execution_options ) if compile_state_cls: result: Result[Any] = compile_state_cls.orm_execute_statement( self, statement, params or {}, execution_options, bind_arguments, conn, ) else: result = conn.execute( statement, params or {}, execution_options=execution_options ) if _scalar_result: return result.scalar() else: return result @overload def execute( self, statement: TypedReturnsRows[_T], params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, _parent_execute_state: Optional[Any] = None, _add_event: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> Result[_T]: ... @overload def execute( self, statement: UpdateBase, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, _parent_execute_state: Optional[Any] = None, _add_event: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> CursorResult[Any]: ... @overload def execute( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, _parent_execute_state: Optional[Any] = None, _add_event: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> Result[Any]: ... def execute( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, _parent_execute_state: Optional[Any] = None, _add_event: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> Result[Any]: r"""Execute a SQL expression construct. Returns a :class:`_engine.Result` object representing results of the statement execution. E.g.:: from sqlalchemy import select result = session.execute( select(User).where(User.id == 5) ) The API contract of :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` is similar to that of :meth:`_engine.Connection.execute`, the :term:`2.0 style` version of :class:`_engine.Connection`. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 the :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` method is now the primary point of ORM statement execution when using :term:`2.0 style` ORM usage. :param statement: An executable statement (i.e. an :class:`.Executable` expression such as :func:`_expression.select`). :param params: Optional dictionary, or list of dictionaries, containing bound parameter values. If a single dictionary, single-row execution occurs; if a list of dictionaries, an "executemany" will be invoked. The keys in each dictionary must correspond to parameter names present in the statement. :param execution_options: optional dictionary of execution options, which will be associated with the statement execution. This dictionary can provide a subset of the options that are accepted by :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`, and may also provide additional options understood only in an ORM context. .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_execution_options` - ORM-specific execution options :param bind_arguments: dictionary of additional arguments to determine the bind. May include "mapper", "bind", or other custom arguments. Contents of this dictionary are passed to the :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method. :return: a :class:`_engine.Result` object. """ return self._execute_internal( statement, params, execution_options=execution_options, bind_arguments=bind_arguments, _parent_execute_state=_parent_execute_state, _add_event=_add_event, ) @overload def scalar( self, statement: TypedReturnsRows[Tuple[_T]], params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> Optional[_T]: ... @overload def scalar( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> Any: ... def scalar( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreSingleExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> Any: """Execute a statement and return a scalar result. Usage and parameters are the same as that of :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`; the return result is a scalar Python value. """ return self._execute_internal( statement, params, execution_options=execution_options, bind_arguments=bind_arguments, _scalar_result=True, **kw, ) @overload def scalars( self, statement: TypedReturnsRows[Tuple[_T]], params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> ScalarResult[_T]: ... @overload def scalars( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> ScalarResult[Any]: ... def scalars( self, statement: Executable, params: Optional[_CoreAnyExecuteParams] = None, *, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> ScalarResult[Any]: """Execute a statement and return the results as scalars. Usage and parameters are the same as that of :meth:`_orm.Session.execute`; the return result is a :class:`_result.ScalarResult` filtering object which will return single elements rather than :class:`_row.Row` objects. :return: a :class:`_result.ScalarResult` object .. versionadded:: 1.4.24 Added :meth:`_orm.Session.scalars` .. versionadded:: 1.4.26 Added :meth:`_orm.scoped_session.scalars` .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_select_orm_entities` - contrasts the behavior of :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` to :meth:`_orm.Session.scalars` """ return self._execute_internal( statement, params=params, execution_options=execution_options, bind_arguments=bind_arguments, _scalar_result=False, # mypy appreciates this **kw, ).scalars() def close(self) -> None: """Close out the transactional resources and ORM objects used by this :class:`_orm.Session`. This expunges all ORM objects associated with this :class:`_orm.Session`, ends any transaction in progress and :term:`releases` any :class:`_engine.Connection` objects which this :class:`_orm.Session` itself has checked out from associated :class:`_engine.Engine` objects. The operation then leaves the :class:`_orm.Session` in a state which it may be used again. .. tip:: In the default running mode the :meth:`_orm.Session.close` method **does not prevent the Session from being used again**. The :class:`_orm.Session` itself does not actually have a distinct "closed" state; it merely means the :class:`_orm.Session` will release all database connections and ORM objects. Setting the parameter :paramref:`_orm.Session.close_resets_only` to ``False`` will instead make the ``close`` final, meaning that any further action on the session will be forbidden. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 The :meth:`.Session.close` method does not immediately create a new :class:`.SessionTransaction` object; instead, the new :class:`.SessionTransaction` is created only if the :class:`.Session` is used again for a database operation. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_closing` - detail on the semantics of :meth:`_orm.Session.close` and :meth:`_orm.Session.reset`. :meth:`_orm.Session.reset` - a similar method that behaves like ``close()`` with the parameter :paramref:`_orm.Session.close_resets_only` set to ``True``. """ self._close_impl(invalidate=False) def reset(self) -> None: """Close out the transactional resources and ORM objects used by this :class:`_orm.Session`, resetting the session to its initial state. This method provides for same "reset-only" behavior that the :meth:`_orm.Session.close` method has provided historically, where the state of the :class:`_orm.Session` is reset as though the object were brand new, and ready to be used again. This method may then be useful for :class:`_orm.Session` objects which set :paramref:`_orm.Session.close_resets_only` to ``False``, so that "reset only" behavior is still available. .. versionadded:: 2.0.22 .. seealso:: :ref:`session_closing` - detail on the semantics of :meth:`_orm.Session.close` and :meth:`_orm.Session.reset`. :meth:`_orm.Session.close` - a similar method will additionally prevent re-use of the Session when the parameter :paramref:`_orm.Session.close_resets_only` is set to ``False``. """ self._close_impl(invalidate=False, is_reset=True) def invalidate(self) -> None: """Close this Session, using connection invalidation. This is a variant of :meth:`.Session.close` that will additionally ensure that the :meth:`_engine.Connection.invalidate` method will be called on each :class:`_engine.Connection` object that is currently in use for a transaction (typically there is only one connection unless the :class:`_orm.Session` is used with multiple engines). This can be called when the database is known to be in a state where the connections are no longer safe to be used. Below illustrates a scenario when using `gevent `_, which can produce ``Timeout`` exceptions that may mean the underlying connection should be discarded:: import gevent try: sess = Session() sess.add(User()) sess.commit() except gevent.Timeout: sess.invalidate() raise except: sess.rollback() raise The method additionally does everything that :meth:`_orm.Session.close` does, including that all ORM objects are expunged. """ self._close_impl(invalidate=True) def _close_impl(self, invalidate: bool, is_reset: bool = False) -> None: if not is_reset and self._close_state is _SessionCloseState.ACTIVE: self._close_state = _SessionCloseState.CLOSED self.expunge_all() if self._transaction is not None: for transaction in self._transaction._iterate_self_and_parents(): transaction.close(invalidate) def expunge_all(self) -> None: """Remove all object instances from this ``Session``. This is equivalent to calling ``expunge(obj)`` on all objects in this ``Session``. """ all_states = self.identity_map.all_states() + list(self._new) self.identity_map._kill() self.identity_map = identity.WeakInstanceDict() self._new = {} self._deleted = {} statelib.InstanceState._detach_states(all_states, self) def _add_bind(self, key: _SessionBindKey, bind: _SessionBind) -> None: try: insp = inspect(key) except sa_exc.NoInspectionAvailable as err: if not isinstance(key, type): raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Not an acceptable bind target: %s" % key ) from err else: self.__binds[key] = bind else: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(insp, Inspectable) if isinstance(insp, TableClause): self.__binds[insp] = bind elif insp_is_mapper(insp): self.__binds[insp.class_] = bind for _selectable in insp._all_tables: self.__binds[_selectable] = bind else: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Not an acceptable bind target: %s" % key ) def bind_mapper( self, mapper: _EntityBindKey[_O], bind: _SessionBind ) -> None: """Associate a :class:`_orm.Mapper` or arbitrary Python class with a "bind", e.g. an :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection`. The given entity is added to a lookup used by the :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method. :param mapper: a :class:`_orm.Mapper` object, or an instance of a mapped class, or any Python class that is the base of a set of mapped classes. :param bind: an :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection` object. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_partitioning` :paramref:`.Session.binds` :meth:`.Session.bind_table` """ self._add_bind(mapper, bind) def bind_table(self, table: TableClause, bind: _SessionBind) -> None: """Associate a :class:`_schema.Table` with a "bind", e.g. an :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection`. The given :class:`_schema.Table` is added to a lookup used by the :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method. :param table: a :class:`_schema.Table` object, which is typically the target of an ORM mapping, or is present within a selectable that is mapped. :param bind: an :class:`_engine.Engine` or :class:`_engine.Connection` object. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_partitioning` :paramref:`.Session.binds` :meth:`.Session.bind_mapper` """ self._add_bind(table, bind) def get_bind( self, mapper: Optional[_EntityBindKey[_O]] = None, *, clause: Optional[ClauseElement] = None, bind: Optional[_SessionBind] = None, _sa_skip_events: Optional[bool] = None, _sa_skip_for_implicit_returning: bool = False, **kw: Any, ) -> Union[Engine, Connection]: """Return a "bind" to which this :class:`.Session` is bound. The "bind" is usually an instance of :class:`_engine.Engine`, except in the case where the :class:`.Session` has been explicitly bound directly to a :class:`_engine.Connection`. For a multiply-bound or unbound :class:`.Session`, the ``mapper`` or ``clause`` arguments are used to determine the appropriate bind to return. Note that the "mapper" argument is usually present when :meth:`.Session.get_bind` is called via an ORM operation such as a :meth:`.Session.query`, each individual INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operation within a :meth:`.Session.flush`, call, etc. The order of resolution is: 1. if mapper given and :paramref:`.Session.binds` is present, locate a bind based first on the mapper in use, then on the mapped class in use, then on any base classes that are present in the ``__mro__`` of the mapped class, from more specific superclasses to more general. 2. if clause given and ``Session.binds`` is present, locate a bind based on :class:`_schema.Table` objects found in the given clause present in ``Session.binds``. 3. if ``Session.binds`` is present, return that. 4. if clause given, attempt to return a bind linked to the :class:`_schema.MetaData` ultimately associated with the clause. 5. if mapper given, attempt to return a bind linked to the :class:`_schema.MetaData` ultimately associated with the :class:`_schema.Table` or other selectable to which the mapper is mapped. 6. No bind can be found, :exc:`~sqlalchemy.exc.UnboundExecutionError` is raised. Note that the :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method can be overridden on a user-defined subclass of :class:`.Session` to provide any kind of bind resolution scheme. See the example at :ref:`session_custom_partitioning`. :param mapper: Optional mapped class or corresponding :class:`_orm.Mapper` instance. The bind can be derived from a :class:`_orm.Mapper` first by consulting the "binds" map associated with this :class:`.Session`, and secondly by consulting the :class:`_schema.MetaData` associated with the :class:`_schema.Table` to which the :class:`_orm.Mapper` is mapped for a bind. :param clause: A :class:`_expression.ClauseElement` (i.e. :func:`_expression.select`, :func:`_expression.text`, etc.). If the ``mapper`` argument is not present or could not produce a bind, the given expression construct will be searched for a bound element, typically a :class:`_schema.Table` associated with bound :class:`_schema.MetaData`. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_partitioning` :paramref:`.Session.binds` :meth:`.Session.bind_mapper` :meth:`.Session.bind_table` """ # this function is documented as a subclassing hook, so we have # to call this method even if the return is simple if bind: return bind elif not self.__binds and self.bind: # simplest and most common case, we have a bind and no # per-mapper/table binds, we're done return self.bind # we don't have self.bind and either have self.__binds # or we don't have self.__binds (which is legacy). Look at the # mapper and the clause if mapper is None and clause is None: if self.bind: return self.bind else: raise sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError( "This session is not bound to a single Engine or " "Connection, and no context was provided to locate " "a binding." ) # look more closely at the mapper. if mapper is not None: try: inspected_mapper = inspect(mapper) except sa_exc.NoInspectionAvailable as err: if isinstance(mapper, type): raise exc.UnmappedClassError(mapper) from err else: raise else: inspected_mapper = None # match up the mapper or clause in the __binds if self.__binds: # matching mappers and selectables to entries in the # binds dictionary; supported use case. if inspected_mapper: for cls in inspected_mapper.class_.__mro__: if cls in self.__binds: return self.__binds[cls] if clause is None: clause = inspected_mapper.persist_selectable if clause is not None: plugin_subject = clause._propagate_attrs.get( "plugin_subject", None ) if plugin_subject is not None: for cls in plugin_subject.mapper.class_.__mro__: if cls in self.__binds: return self.__binds[cls] for obj in visitors.iterate(clause): if obj in self.__binds: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(obj, Table) return self.__binds[obj] # none of the __binds matched, but we have a fallback bind. # return that if self.bind: return self.bind context = [] if inspected_mapper is not None: context.append(f"mapper {inspected_mapper}") if clause is not None: context.append("SQL expression") raise sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError( f"Could not locate a bind configured on " f'{", ".join(context)} or this Session.' ) @overload def query(self, _entity: _EntityType[_O]) -> Query[_O]: ... @overload def query( self, _colexpr: TypedColumnsClauseRole[_T] ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T]]: ... # START OVERLOADED FUNCTIONS self.query RowReturningQuery 2-8 # code within this block is **programmatically, # statically generated** by tools/generate_tuple_map_overloads.py @overload def query( self, __ent0: _TCCA[_T0], __ent1: _TCCA[_T1] ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T0, _T1]]: ... @overload def query( self, __ent0: _TCCA[_T0], __ent1: _TCCA[_T1], __ent2: _TCCA[_T2] ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T0, _T1, _T2]]: ... @overload def query( self, __ent0: _TCCA[_T0], __ent1: _TCCA[_T1], __ent2: _TCCA[_T2], __ent3: _TCCA[_T3], ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T0, _T1, _T2, _T3]]: ... @overload def query( self, __ent0: _TCCA[_T0], __ent1: _TCCA[_T1], __ent2: _TCCA[_T2], __ent3: _TCCA[_T3], __ent4: _TCCA[_T4], ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T0, _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4]]: ... @overload def query( self, __ent0: _TCCA[_T0], __ent1: _TCCA[_T1], __ent2: _TCCA[_T2], __ent3: _TCCA[_T3], __ent4: _TCCA[_T4], __ent5: _TCCA[_T5], ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T0, _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5]]: ... @overload def query( self, __ent0: _TCCA[_T0], __ent1: _TCCA[_T1], __ent2: _TCCA[_T2], __ent3: _TCCA[_T3], __ent4: _TCCA[_T4], __ent5: _TCCA[_T5], __ent6: _TCCA[_T6], ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T0, _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6]]: ... @overload def query( self, __ent0: _TCCA[_T0], __ent1: _TCCA[_T1], __ent2: _TCCA[_T2], __ent3: _TCCA[_T3], __ent4: _TCCA[_T4], __ent5: _TCCA[_T5], __ent6: _TCCA[_T6], __ent7: _TCCA[_T7], ) -> RowReturningQuery[Tuple[_T0, _T1, _T2, _T3, _T4, _T5, _T6, _T7]]: ... # END OVERLOADED FUNCTIONS self.query @overload def query( self, *entities: _ColumnsClauseArgument[Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> Query[Any]: ... def query( self, *entities: _ColumnsClauseArgument[Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> Query[Any]: """Return a new :class:`_query.Query` object corresponding to this :class:`_orm.Session`. Note that the :class:`_query.Query` object is legacy as of SQLAlchemy 2.0; the :func:`_sql.select` construct is now used to construct ORM queries. .. seealso:: :ref:`unified_tutorial` :ref:`queryguide_toplevel` :ref:`query_api_toplevel` - legacy API doc """ return self._query_cls(entities, self, **kwargs) def _identity_lookup( self, mapper: Mapper[_O], primary_key_identity: Union[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]], identity_token: Any = None, passive: PassiveFlag = PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_OFF, lazy_loaded_from: Optional[InstanceState[Any]] = None, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, ) -> Union[Optional[_O], LoaderCallableStatus]: """Locate an object in the identity map. Given a primary key identity, constructs an identity key and then looks in the session's identity map. If present, the object may be run through unexpiration rules (e.g. load unloaded attributes, check if was deleted). e.g.:: obj = session._identity_lookup(inspect(SomeClass), (1, )) :param mapper: mapper in use :param primary_key_identity: the primary key we are searching for, as a tuple. :param identity_token: identity token that should be used to create the identity key. Used as is, however overriding subclasses can repurpose this in order to interpret the value in a special way, such as if None then look among multiple target tokens. :param passive: passive load flag passed to :func:`.loading.get_from_identity`, which impacts the behavior if the object is found; the object may be validated and/or unexpired if the flag allows for SQL to be emitted. :param lazy_loaded_from: an :class:`.InstanceState` that is specifically asking for this identity as a related identity. Used for sharding schemes where there is a correspondence between an object and a related object being lazy-loaded (or otherwise relationship-loaded). :return: None if the object is not found in the identity map, *or* if the object was unexpired and found to have been deleted. if passive flags disallow SQL and the object is expired, returns PASSIVE_NO_RESULT. In all other cases the instance is returned. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 - the :meth:`.Session._identity_lookup` method was moved from :class:`_query.Query` to :class:`.Session`, to avoid having to instantiate the :class:`_query.Query` object. """ key = mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key( primary_key_identity, identity_token=identity_token ) # work around: https://github.com/python/typing/discussions/1143 return_value = loading.get_from_identity(self, mapper, key, passive) return return_value @util.non_memoized_property @contextlib.contextmanager def no_autoflush(self) -> Iterator[Session]: """Return a context manager that disables autoflush. e.g.:: with session.no_autoflush: some_object = SomeClass() session.add(some_object) # won't autoflush some_object.related_thing = session.query(SomeRelated).first() Operations that proceed within the ``with:`` block will not be subject to flushes occurring upon query access. This is useful when initializing a series of objects which involve existing database queries, where the uncompleted object should not yet be flushed. """ autoflush = self.autoflush self.autoflush = False try: yield self finally: self.autoflush = autoflush @util.langhelpers.tag_method_for_warnings( "This warning originated from the Session 'autoflush' process, " "which was invoked automatically in response to a user-initiated " "operation.", sa_exc.SAWarning, ) def _autoflush(self) -> None: if self.autoflush and not self._flushing: try: self.flush() except sa_exc.StatementError as e: # note we are reraising StatementError as opposed to # raising FlushError with "chaining" to remain compatible # with code that catches StatementError, IntegrityError, # etc. e.add_detail( "raised as a result of Query-invoked autoflush; " "consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this " "flush is occurring prematurely" ) raise e.with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) def refresh( self, instance: object, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: ForUpdateParameter = None, ) -> None: """Expire and refresh attributes on the given instance. The selected attributes will first be expired as they would when using :meth:`_orm.Session.expire`; then a SELECT statement will be issued to the database to refresh column-oriented attributes with the current value available in the current transaction. :func:`_orm.relationship` oriented attributes will also be immediately loaded if they were already eagerly loaded on the object, using the same eager loading strategy that they were loaded with originally. .. versionadded:: 1.4 - the :meth:`_orm.Session.refresh` method can also refresh eagerly loaded attributes. :func:`_orm.relationship` oriented attributes that would normally load using the ``select`` (or "lazy") loader strategy will also load **if they are named explicitly in the attribute_names collection**, emitting a SELECT statement for the attribute using the ``immediate`` loader strategy. If lazy-loaded relationships are not named in :paramref:`_orm.Session.refresh.attribute_names`, then they remain as "lazy loaded" attributes and are not implicitly refreshed. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.4 The :meth:`_orm.Session.refresh` method will now refresh lazy-loaded :func:`_orm.relationship` oriented attributes for those which are named explicitly in the :paramref:`_orm.Session.refresh.attribute_names` collection. .. tip:: While the :meth:`_orm.Session.refresh` method is capable of refreshing both column and relationship oriented attributes, its primary focus is on refreshing of local column-oriented attributes on a single instance. For more open ended "refresh" functionality, including the ability to refresh the attributes on many objects at once while having explicit control over relationship loader strategies, use the :ref:`populate existing ` feature instead. Note that a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as were previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes in database state outside of that transaction. Refreshing attributes usually only makes sense at the start of a transaction where database rows have not yet been accessed. :param attribute_names: optional. An iterable collection of string attribute names indicating a subset of attributes to be refreshed. :param with_for_update: optional boolean ``True`` indicating FOR UPDATE should be used, or may be a dictionary containing flags to indicate a more specific set of FOR UPDATE flags for the SELECT; flags should match the parameters of :meth:`_query.Query.with_for_update`. Supersedes the :paramref:`.Session.refresh.lockmode` parameter. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_expire` - introductory material :meth:`.Session.expire` :meth:`.Session.expire_all` :ref:`orm_queryguide_populate_existing` - allows any ORM query to refresh objects as they would be loaded normally. """ try: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) from err self._expire_state(state, attribute_names) # this autoflush previously used to occur as a secondary effect # of the load_on_ident below. Meaning we'd organize the SELECT # based on current DB pks, then flush, then if pks changed in that # flush, crash. this was unticketed but discovered as part of # #8703. So here, autoflush up front, dont autoflush inside # load_on_ident. self._autoflush() if with_for_update == {}: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "with_for_update should be the boolean value " "True, or a dictionary with options. " "A blank dictionary is ambiguous." ) with_for_update = ForUpdateArg._from_argument(with_for_update) stmt: Select[Any] = sql.select(object_mapper(instance)) if ( loading.load_on_ident( self, stmt, state.key, refresh_state=state, with_for_update=with_for_update, only_load_props=attribute_names, require_pk_cols=True, # technically unnecessary as we just did autoflush # above, however removes the additional unnecessary # call to _autoflush() no_autoflush=True, is_user_refresh=True, ) is None ): raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Could not refresh instance '%s'" % instance_str(instance) ) def expire_all(self) -> None: """Expires all persistent instances within this Session. When any attributes on a persistent instance is next accessed, a query will be issued using the :class:`.Session` object's current transactional context in order to load all expired attributes for the given instance. Note that a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as were previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes in database state outside of that transaction. To expire individual objects and individual attributes on those objects, use :meth:`Session.expire`. The :class:`.Session` object's default behavior is to expire all state whenever the :meth:`Session.rollback` or :meth:`Session.commit` methods are called, so that new state can be loaded for the new transaction. For this reason, calling :meth:`Session.expire_all` is not usually needed, assuming the transaction is isolated. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_expire` - introductory material :meth:`.Session.expire` :meth:`.Session.refresh` :meth:`_orm.Query.populate_existing` """ for state in self.identity_map.all_states(): state._expire(state.dict, self.identity_map._modified) def expire( self, instance: object, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> None: """Expire the attributes on an instance. Marks the attributes of an instance as out of date. When an expired attribute is next accessed, a query will be issued to the :class:`.Session` object's current transactional context in order to load all expired attributes for the given instance. Note that a highly isolated transaction will return the same values as were previously read in that same transaction, regardless of changes in database state outside of that transaction. To expire all objects in the :class:`.Session` simultaneously, use :meth:`Session.expire_all`. The :class:`.Session` object's default behavior is to expire all state whenever the :meth:`Session.rollback` or :meth:`Session.commit` methods are called, so that new state can be loaded for the new transaction. For this reason, calling :meth:`Session.expire` only makes sense for the specific case that a non-ORM SQL statement was emitted in the current transaction. :param instance: The instance to be refreshed. :param attribute_names: optional list of string attribute names indicating a subset of attributes to be expired. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_expire` - introductory material :meth:`.Session.expire` :meth:`.Session.refresh` :meth:`_orm.Query.populate_existing` """ try: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) from err self._expire_state(state, attribute_names) def _expire_state( self, state: InstanceState[Any], attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]], ) -> None: self._validate_persistent(state) if attribute_names: state._expire_attributes(state.dict, attribute_names) else: # pre-fetch the full cascade since the expire is going to # remove associations cascaded = list( state.manager.mapper.cascade_iterator("refresh-expire", state) ) self._conditional_expire(state) for o, m, st_, dct_ in cascaded: self._conditional_expire(st_) def _conditional_expire( self, state: InstanceState[Any], autoflush: Optional[bool] = None ) -> None: """Expire a state if persistent, else expunge if pending""" if state.key: state._expire(state.dict, self.identity_map._modified) elif state in self._new: self._new.pop(state) state._detach(self) def expunge(self, instance: object) -> None: """Remove the `instance` from this ``Session``. This will free all internal references to the instance. Cascading will be applied according to the *expunge* cascade rule. """ try: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) from err if state.session_id is not self.hash_key: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Instance %s is not present in this Session" % state_str(state) ) cascaded = list( state.manager.mapper.cascade_iterator("expunge", state) ) self._expunge_states([state] + [st_ for o, m, st_, dct_ in cascaded]) def _expunge_states( self, states: Iterable[InstanceState[Any]], to_transient: bool = False ) -> None: for state in states: if state in self._new: self._new.pop(state) elif self.identity_map.contains_state(state): self.identity_map.safe_discard(state) self._deleted.pop(state, None) elif self._transaction: # state is "detached" from being deleted, but still present # in the transaction snapshot self._transaction._deleted.pop(state, None) statelib.InstanceState._detach_states( states, self, to_transient=to_transient ) def _register_persistent(self, states: Set[InstanceState[Any]]) -> None: """Register all persistent objects from a flush. This is used both for pending objects moving to the persistent state as well as already persistent objects. """ pending_to_persistent = self.dispatch.pending_to_persistent or None for state in states: mapper = _state_mapper(state) # prevent against last minute dereferences of the object obj = state.obj() if obj is not None: instance_key = mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) if ( _none_set.intersection(instance_key[1]) and not mapper.allow_partial_pks or _none_set.issuperset(instance_key[1]) ): raise exc.FlushError( "Instance %s has a NULL identity key. If this is an " "auto-generated value, check that the database table " "allows generation of new primary key values, and " "that the mapped Column object is configured to " "expect these generated values. Ensure also that " "this flush() is not occurring at an inappropriate " "time, such as within a load() event." % state_str(state) ) if state.key is None: state.key = instance_key elif state.key != instance_key: # primary key switch. use safe_discard() in case another # state has already replaced this one in the identity # map (see test/orm/test_naturalpks.py ReversePKsTest) self.identity_map.safe_discard(state) trans = self._transaction assert trans is not None if state in trans._key_switches: orig_key = trans._key_switches[state][0] else: orig_key = state.key trans._key_switches[state] = ( orig_key, instance_key, ) state.key = instance_key # there can be an existing state in the identity map # that is replaced when the primary keys of two instances # are swapped; see test/orm/test_naturalpks.py -> test_reverse old = self.identity_map.replace(state) if ( old is not None and mapper._identity_key_from_state(old) == instance_key and old.obj() is not None ): util.warn( "Identity map already had an identity for %s, " "replacing it with newly flushed object. Are there " "load operations occurring inside of an event handler " "within the flush?" % (instance_key,) ) state._orphaned_outside_of_session = False statelib.InstanceState._commit_all_states( ((state, state.dict) for state in states), self.identity_map ) self._register_altered(states) if pending_to_persistent is not None: for state in states.intersection(self._new): pending_to_persistent(self, state) # remove from new last, might be the last strong ref for state in set(states).intersection(self._new): self._new.pop(state) def _register_altered(self, states: Iterable[InstanceState[Any]]) -> None: if self._transaction: for state in states: if state in self._new: self._transaction._new[state] = True else: self._transaction._dirty[state] = True def _remove_newly_deleted( self, states: Iterable[InstanceState[Any]] ) -> None: persistent_to_deleted = self.dispatch.persistent_to_deleted or None for state in states: if self._transaction: self._transaction._deleted[state] = True if persistent_to_deleted is not None: # get a strong reference before we pop out of # self._deleted obj = state.obj() # noqa self.identity_map.safe_discard(state) self._deleted.pop(state, None) state._deleted = True # can't call state._detach() here, because this state # is still in the transaction snapshot and needs to be # tracked as part of that if persistent_to_deleted is not None: persistent_to_deleted(self, state) def add(self, instance: object, _warn: bool = True) -> None: """Place an object into this :class:`_orm.Session`. Objects that are in the :term:`transient` state when passed to the :meth:`_orm.Session.add` method will move to the :term:`pending` state, until the next flush, at which point they will move to the :term:`persistent` state. Objects that are in the :term:`detached` state when passed to the :meth:`_orm.Session.add` method will move to the :term:`persistent` state directly. If the transaction used by the :class:`_orm.Session` is rolled back, objects which were transient when they were passed to :meth:`_orm.Session.add` will be moved back to the :term:`transient` state, and will no longer be present within this :class:`_orm.Session`. .. seealso:: :meth:`_orm.Session.add_all` :ref:`session_adding` - at :ref:`session_basics` """ if _warn and self._warn_on_events: self._flush_warning("Session.add()") try: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) from err self._save_or_update_state(state) def add_all(self, instances: Iterable[object]) -> None: """Add the given collection of instances to this :class:`_orm.Session`. See the documentation for :meth:`_orm.Session.add` for a general behavioral description. .. seealso:: :meth:`_orm.Session.add` :ref:`session_adding` - at :ref:`session_basics` """ if self._warn_on_events: self._flush_warning("Session.add_all()") for instance in instances: self.add(instance, _warn=False) def _save_or_update_state(self, state: InstanceState[Any]) -> None: state._orphaned_outside_of_session = False self._save_or_update_impl(state) mapper = _state_mapper(state) for o, m, st_, dct_ in mapper.cascade_iterator( "save-update", state, halt_on=self._contains_state ): self._save_or_update_impl(st_) def delete(self, instance: object) -> None: """Mark an instance as deleted. The object is assumed to be either :term:`persistent` or :term:`detached` when passed; after the method is called, the object will remain in the :term:`persistent` state until the next flush proceeds. During this time, the object will also be a member of the :attr:`_orm.Session.deleted` collection. When the next flush proceeds, the object will move to the :term:`deleted` state, indicating a ``DELETE`` statement was emitted for its row within the current transaction. When the transaction is successfully committed, the deleted object is moved to the :term:`detached` state and is no longer present within this :class:`_orm.Session`. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_deleting` - at :ref:`session_basics` """ if self._warn_on_events: self._flush_warning("Session.delete()") try: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) from err self._delete_impl(state, instance, head=True) def _delete_impl( self, state: InstanceState[Any], obj: object, head: bool ) -> None: if state.key is None: if head: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Instance '%s' is not persisted" % state_str(state) ) else: return to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) if state in self._deleted: return self.identity_map.add(state) if to_attach: self._after_attach(state, obj) if head: # grab the cascades before adding the item to the deleted list # so that autoflush does not delete the item # the strong reference to the instance itself is significant here cascade_states = list( state.manager.mapper.cascade_iterator("delete", state) ) else: cascade_states = None self._deleted[state] = obj if head: if TYPE_CHECKING: assert cascade_states is not None for o, m, st_, dct_ in cascade_states: self._delete_impl(st_, o, False) def get( self, entity: _EntityBindKey[_O], ident: _PKIdentityArgument, *, options: Optional[Sequence[ORMOption]] = None, populate_existing: bool = False, with_for_update: ForUpdateParameter = None, identity_token: Optional[Any] = None, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, ) -> Optional[_O]: """Return an instance based on the given primary key identifier, or ``None`` if not found. E.g.:: my_user = session.get(User, 5) some_object = session.get(VersionedFoo, (5, 10)) some_object = session.get( VersionedFoo, {"id": 5, "version_id": 10} ) .. versionadded:: 1.4 Added :meth:`_orm.Session.get`, which is moved from the now legacy :meth:`_orm.Query.get` method. :meth:`_orm.Session.get` is special in that it provides direct access to the identity map of the :class:`.Session`. If the given primary key identifier is present in the local identity map, the object is returned directly from this collection and no SQL is emitted, unless the object has been marked fully expired. If not present, a SELECT is performed in order to locate the object. :meth:`_orm.Session.get` also will perform a check if the object is present in the identity map and marked as expired - a SELECT is emitted to refresh the object as well as to ensure that the row is still present. If not, :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError` is raised. :param entity: a mapped class or :class:`.Mapper` indicating the type of entity to be loaded. :param ident: A scalar, tuple, or dictionary representing the primary key. For a composite (e.g. multiple column) primary key, a tuple or dictionary should be passed. For a single-column primary key, the scalar calling form is typically the most expedient. If the primary key of a row is the value "5", the call looks like:: my_object = session.get(SomeClass, 5) The tuple form contains primary key values typically in the order in which they correspond to the mapped :class:`_schema.Table` object's primary key columns, or if the :paramref:`_orm.Mapper.primary_key` configuration parameter were used, in the order used for that parameter. For example, if the primary key of a row is represented by the integer digits "5, 10" the call would look like:: my_object = session.get(SomeClass, (5, 10)) The dictionary form should include as keys the mapped attribute names corresponding to each element of the primary key. If the mapped class has the attributes ``id``, ``version_id`` as the attributes which store the object's primary key value, the call would look like:: my_object = session.get(SomeClass, {"id": 5, "version_id": 10}) :param options: optional sequence of loader options which will be applied to the query, if one is emitted. :param populate_existing: causes the method to unconditionally emit a SQL query and refresh the object with the newly loaded data, regardless of whether or not the object is already present. :param with_for_update: optional boolean ``True`` indicating FOR UPDATE should be used, or may be a dictionary containing flags to indicate a more specific set of FOR UPDATE flags for the SELECT; flags should match the parameters of :meth:`_query.Query.with_for_update`. Supersedes the :paramref:`.Session.refresh.lockmode` parameter. :param execution_options: optional dictionary of execution options, which will be associated with the query execution if one is emitted. This dictionary can provide a subset of the options that are accepted by :meth:`_engine.Connection.execution_options`, and may also provide additional options understood only in an ORM context. .. versionadded:: 1.4.29 .. seealso:: :ref:`orm_queryguide_execution_options` - ORM-specific execution options :param bind_arguments: dictionary of additional arguments to determine the bind. May include "mapper", "bind", or other custom arguments. Contents of this dictionary are passed to the :meth:`.Session.get_bind` method. .. versionadded: 2.0.0rc1 :return: The object instance, or ``None``. """ return self._get_impl( entity, ident, loading.load_on_pk_identity, options=options, populate_existing=populate_existing, with_for_update=with_for_update, identity_token=identity_token, execution_options=execution_options, bind_arguments=bind_arguments, ) def get_one( self, entity: _EntityBindKey[_O], ident: _PKIdentityArgument, *, options: Optional[Sequence[ORMOption]] = None, populate_existing: bool = False, with_for_update: ForUpdateParameter = None, identity_token: Optional[Any] = None, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, ) -> _O: """Return exactly one instance based on the given primary key identifier, or raise an exception if not found. Raises ``sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound`` if the query selects no rows. For a detailed documentation of the arguments see the method :meth:`.Session.get`. .. versionadded:: 2.0.22 :return: The object instance. .. seealso:: :meth:`.Session.get` - equivalent method that instead returns ``None`` if no row was found with the provided primary key """ instance = self.get( entity, ident, options=options, populate_existing=populate_existing, with_for_update=with_for_update, identity_token=identity_token, execution_options=execution_options, bind_arguments=bind_arguments, ) if instance is None: raise sa_exc.NoResultFound( "No row was found when one was required" ) return instance def _get_impl( self, entity: _EntityBindKey[_O], primary_key_identity: _PKIdentityArgument, db_load_fn: Callable[..., _O], *, options: Optional[Sequence[ExecutableOption]] = None, populate_existing: bool = False, with_for_update: ForUpdateParameter = None, identity_token: Optional[Any] = None, execution_options: OrmExecuteOptionsParameter = util.EMPTY_DICT, bind_arguments: Optional[_BindArguments] = None, ) -> Optional[_O]: # convert composite types to individual args if ( is_composite_class(primary_key_identity) and type(primary_key_identity) in descriptor_props._composite_getters ): getter = descriptor_props._composite_getters[ type(primary_key_identity) ] primary_key_identity = getter(primary_key_identity) mapper: Optional[Mapper[_O]] = inspect(entity) if mapper is None or not mapper.is_mapper: raise sa_exc.ArgumentError( "Expected mapped class or mapper, got: %r" % entity ) is_dict = isinstance(primary_key_identity, dict) if not is_dict: primary_key_identity = util.to_list( primary_key_identity, default=[None] ) if len(primary_key_identity) != len(mapper.primary_key): raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Incorrect number of values in identifier to formulate " "primary key for session.get(); primary key columns " "are %s" % ",".join("'%s'" % c for c in mapper.primary_key) ) if is_dict: pk_synonyms = mapper._pk_synonyms if pk_synonyms: correct_keys = set(pk_synonyms).intersection( primary_key_identity ) if correct_keys: primary_key_identity = dict(primary_key_identity) for k in correct_keys: primary_key_identity[pk_synonyms[k]] = ( primary_key_identity[k] ) try: primary_key_identity = list( primary_key_identity[prop.key] for prop in mapper._identity_key_props ) except KeyError as err: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Incorrect names of values in identifier to formulate " "primary key for session.get(); primary key attribute " "names are %s (synonym names are also accepted)" % ",".join( "'%s'" % prop.key for prop in mapper._identity_key_props ) ) from err if ( not populate_existing and not mapper.always_refresh and with_for_update is None ): instance = self._identity_lookup( mapper, primary_key_identity, identity_token=identity_token, execution_options=execution_options, bind_arguments=bind_arguments, ) if instance is not None: # reject calls for id in identity map but class # mismatch. if not isinstance(instance, mapper.class_): return None return instance # TODO: this was being tested before, but this is not possible assert instance is not LoaderCallableStatus.PASSIVE_CLASS_MISMATCH # set_label_style() not strictly necessary, however this will ensure # that tablename_colname style is used which at the moment is # asserted in a lot of unit tests :) load_options = context.QueryContext.default_load_options if populate_existing: load_options += {"_populate_existing": populate_existing} statement = sql.select(mapper).set_label_style( LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL ) if with_for_update is not None: statement._for_update_arg = ForUpdateArg._from_argument( with_for_update ) if options: statement = statement.options(*options) return db_load_fn( self, statement, primary_key_identity, load_options=load_options, identity_token=identity_token, execution_options=execution_options, bind_arguments=bind_arguments, ) def merge( self, instance: _O, *, load: bool = True, options: Optional[Sequence[ORMOption]] = None, ) -> _O: """Copy the state of a given instance into a corresponding instance within this :class:`.Session`. :meth:`.Session.merge` examines the primary key attributes of the source instance, and attempts to reconcile it with an instance of the same primary key in the session. If not found locally, it attempts to load the object from the database based on primary key, and if none can be located, creates a new instance. The state of each attribute on the source instance is then copied to the target instance. The resulting target instance is then returned by the method; the original source instance is left unmodified, and un-associated with the :class:`.Session` if not already. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with ``cascade="merge"``. See :ref:`unitofwork_merging` for a detailed discussion of merging. :param instance: Instance to be merged. :param load: Boolean, when False, :meth:`.merge` switches into a "high performance" mode which causes it to forego emitting history events as well as all database access. This flag is used for cases such as transferring graphs of objects into a :class:`.Session` from a second level cache, or to transfer just-loaded objects into the :class:`.Session` owned by a worker thread or process without re-querying the database. The ``load=False`` use case adds the caveat that the given object has to be in a "clean" state, that is, has no pending changes to be flushed - even if the incoming object is detached from any :class:`.Session`. This is so that when the merge operation populates local attributes and cascades to related objects and collections, the values can be "stamped" onto the target object as is, without generating any history or attribute events, and without the need to reconcile the incoming data with any existing related objects or collections that might not be loaded. The resulting objects from ``load=False`` are always produced as "clean", so it is only appropriate that the given objects should be "clean" as well, else this suggests a mis-use of the method. :param options: optional sequence of loader options which will be applied to the :meth:`_orm.Session.get` method when the merge operation loads the existing version of the object from the database. .. versionadded:: 1.4.24 .. seealso:: :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` - provides for an alternative means of "merging" a single object into the :class:`.Session` """ if self._warn_on_events: self._flush_warning("Session.merge()") _recursive: Dict[InstanceState[Any], object] = {} _resolve_conflict_map: Dict[_IdentityKeyType[Any], object] = {} if load: # flush current contents if we expect to load data self._autoflush() object_mapper(instance) # verify mapped autoflush = self.autoflush try: self.autoflush = False return self._merge( attributes.instance_state(instance), attributes.instance_dict(instance), load=load, options=options, _recursive=_recursive, _resolve_conflict_map=_resolve_conflict_map, ) finally: self.autoflush = autoflush def _merge( self, state: InstanceState[_O], state_dict: _InstanceDict, *, options: Optional[Sequence[ORMOption]] = None, load: bool, _recursive: Dict[Any, object], _resolve_conflict_map: Dict[_IdentityKeyType[Any], object], ) -> _O: mapper: Mapper[_O] = _state_mapper(state) if state in _recursive: return cast(_O, _recursive[state]) new_instance = False key = state.key merged: Optional[_O] if key is None: if state in self._new: util.warn( "Instance %s is already pending in this Session yet is " "being merged again; this is probably not what you want " "to do" % state_str(state) ) if not load: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "merge() with load=False option does not support " "objects transient (i.e. unpersisted) objects. flush() " "all changes on mapped instances before merging with " "load=False." ) key = mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) key_is_persistent = LoaderCallableStatus.NEVER_SET not in key[ 1 ] and ( not _none_set.intersection(key[1]) or ( mapper.allow_partial_pks and not _none_set.issuperset(key[1]) ) ) else: key_is_persistent = True if key in self.identity_map: try: merged = self.identity_map[key] except KeyError: # object was GC'ed right as we checked for it merged = None else: merged = None if merged is None: if key_is_persistent and key in _resolve_conflict_map: merged = cast(_O, _resolve_conflict_map[key]) elif not load: if state.modified: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "merge() with load=False option does not support " "objects marked as 'dirty'. flush() all changes on " "mapped instances before merging with load=False." ) merged = mapper.class_manager.new_instance() merged_state = attributes.instance_state(merged) merged_state.key = key self._update_impl(merged_state) new_instance = True elif key_is_persistent: merged = self.get( mapper.class_, key[1], identity_token=key[2], options=options, ) if merged is None: merged = mapper.class_manager.new_instance() merged_state = attributes.instance_state(merged) merged_dict = attributes.instance_dict(merged) new_instance = True self._save_or_update_state(merged_state) else: merged_state = attributes.instance_state(merged) merged_dict = attributes.instance_dict(merged) _recursive[state] = merged _resolve_conflict_map[key] = merged # check that we didn't just pull the exact same # state out. if state is not merged_state: # version check if applicable if mapper.version_id_col is not None: existing_version = mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( state, state_dict, mapper.version_id_col, passive=PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, ) merged_version = mapper._get_state_attr_by_column( merged_state, merged_dict, mapper.version_id_col, passive=PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE, ) if ( existing_version is not LoaderCallableStatus.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT and merged_version is not LoaderCallableStatus.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT and existing_version != merged_version ): raise exc.StaleDataError( "Version id '%s' on merged state %s " "does not match existing version '%s'. " "Leave the version attribute unset when " "merging to update the most recent version." % ( existing_version, state_str(merged_state), merged_version, ) ) merged_state.load_path = state.load_path merged_state.load_options = state.load_options # since we are copying load_options, we need to copy # the callables_ that would have been generated by those # load_options. # assumes that the callables we put in state.callables_ # are not instance-specific (which they should not be) merged_state._copy_callables(state) for prop in mapper.iterate_properties: prop.merge( self, state, state_dict, merged_state, merged_dict, load, _recursive, _resolve_conflict_map, ) if not load: # remove any history merged_state._commit_all(merged_dict, self.identity_map) merged_state.manager.dispatch._sa_event_merge_wo_load( merged_state, None ) if new_instance: merged_state.manager.dispatch.load(merged_state, None) return merged def _validate_persistent(self, state: InstanceState[Any]) -> None: if not self.identity_map.contains_state(state): raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Instance '%s' is not persistent within this Session" % state_str(state) ) def _save_impl(self, state: InstanceState[Any]) -> None: if state.key is not None: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Object '%s' already has an identity - " "it can't be registered as pending" % state_str(state) ) obj = state.obj() to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) if state not in self._new: self._new[state] = obj state.insert_order = len(self._new) if to_attach: self._after_attach(state, obj) def _update_impl( self, state: InstanceState[Any], revert_deletion: bool = False ) -> None: if state.key is None: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Instance '%s' is not persisted" % state_str(state) ) if state._deleted: if revert_deletion: if not state._attached: return del state._deleted else: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Instance '%s' has been deleted. " "Use the make_transient() " "function to send this object back " "to the transient state." % state_str(state) ) obj = state.obj() # check for late gc if obj is None: return to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) self._deleted.pop(state, None) if revert_deletion: self.identity_map.replace(state) else: self.identity_map.add(state) if to_attach: self._after_attach(state, obj) elif revert_deletion: self.dispatch.deleted_to_persistent(self, state) def _save_or_update_impl(self, state: InstanceState[Any]) -> None: if state.key is None: self._save_impl(state) else: self._update_impl(state) def enable_relationship_loading(self, obj: object) -> None: """Associate an object with this :class:`.Session` for related object loading. .. warning:: :meth:`.enable_relationship_loading` exists to serve special use cases and is not recommended for general use. Accesses of attributes mapped with :func:`_orm.relationship` will attempt to load a value from the database using this :class:`.Session` as the source of connectivity. The values will be loaded based on foreign key and primary key values present on this object - if not present, then those relationships will be unavailable. The object will be attached to this session, but will **not** participate in any persistence operations; its state for almost all purposes will remain either "transient" or "detached", except for the case of relationship loading. Also note that backrefs will often not work as expected. Altering a relationship-bound attribute on the target object may not fire off a backref event, if the effective value is what was already loaded from a foreign-key-holding value. The :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` method is similar to the ``load_on_pending`` flag on :func:`_orm.relationship`. Unlike that flag, :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` allows an object to remain transient while still being able to load related items. To make a transient object associated with a :class:`.Session` via :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` pending, add it to the :class:`.Session` using :meth:`.Session.add` normally. If the object instead represents an existing identity in the database, it should be merged using :meth:`.Session.merge`. :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` does not improve behavior when the ORM is used normally - object references should be constructed at the object level, not at the foreign key level, so that they are present in an ordinary way before flush() proceeds. This method is not intended for general use. .. seealso:: :paramref:`_orm.relationship.load_on_pending` - this flag allows per-relationship loading of many-to-ones on items that are pending. :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` - allows for an object to be added to a :class:`.Session` without SQL emitted, which then will unexpire attributes on access. """ try: state = attributes.instance_state(obj) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(obj) from err to_attach = self._before_attach(state, obj) state._load_pending = True if to_attach: self._after_attach(state, obj) def _before_attach(self, state: InstanceState[Any], obj: object) -> bool: self._autobegin_t() if state.session_id == self.hash_key: return False if state.session_id and state.session_id in _sessions: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( "Object '%s' is already attached to session '%s' " "(this is '%s')" % (state_str(state), state.session_id, self.hash_key) ) self.dispatch.before_attach(self, state) return True def _after_attach(self, state: InstanceState[Any], obj: object) -> None: state.session_id = self.hash_key if state.modified and state._strong_obj is None: state._strong_obj = obj self.dispatch.after_attach(self, state) if state.key: self.dispatch.detached_to_persistent(self, state) else: self.dispatch.transient_to_pending(self, state) def __contains__(self, instance: object) -> bool: """Return True if the instance is associated with this session. The instance may be pending or persistent within the Session for a result of True. """ try: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) from err return self._contains_state(state) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[object]: """Iterate over all pending or persistent instances within this Session. """ return iter( list(self._new.values()) + list(self.identity_map.values()) ) def _contains_state(self, state: InstanceState[Any]) -> bool: return state in self._new or self.identity_map.contains_state(state) def flush(self, objects: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None) -> None: """Flush all the object changes to the database. Writes out all pending object creations, deletions and modifications to the database as INSERTs, DELETEs, UPDATEs, etc. Operations are automatically ordered by the Session's unit of work dependency solver. Database operations will be issued in the current transactional context and do not affect the state of the transaction, unless an error occurs, in which case the entire transaction is rolled back. You may flush() as often as you like within a transaction to move changes from Python to the database's transaction buffer. :param objects: Optional; restricts the flush operation to operate only on elements that are in the given collection. This feature is for an extremely narrow set of use cases where particular objects may need to be operated upon before the full flush() occurs. It is not intended for general use. """ if self._flushing: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("Session is already flushing") if self._is_clean(): return try: self._flushing = True self._flush(objects) finally: self._flushing = False def _flush_warning(self, method: Any) -> None: util.warn( "Usage of the '%s' operation is not currently supported " "within the execution stage of the flush process. " "Results may not be consistent. Consider using alternative " "event listeners or connection-level operations instead." % method ) def _is_clean(self) -> bool: return ( not self.identity_map.check_modified() and not self._deleted and not self._new ) def _flush(self, objects: Optional[Sequence[object]] = None) -> None: dirty = self._dirty_states if not dirty and not self._deleted and not self._new: self.identity_map._modified.clear() return flush_context = UOWTransaction(self) if self.dispatch.before_flush: self.dispatch.before_flush(self, flush_context, objects) # re-establish "dirty states" in case the listeners # added dirty = self._dirty_states deleted = set(self._deleted) new = set(self._new) dirty = set(dirty).difference(deleted) # create the set of all objects we want to operate upon if objects: # specific list passed in objset = set() for o in objects: try: state = attributes.instance_state(o) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(o) from err objset.add(state) else: objset = None # store objects whose fate has been decided processed = set() # put all saves/updates into the flush context. detect top-level # orphans and throw them into deleted. if objset: proc = new.union(dirty).intersection(objset).difference(deleted) else: proc = new.union(dirty).difference(deleted) for state in proc: is_orphan = _state_mapper(state)._is_orphan(state) is_persistent_orphan = is_orphan and state.has_identity if ( is_orphan and not is_persistent_orphan and state._orphaned_outside_of_session ): self._expunge_states([state]) else: _reg = flush_context.register_object( state, isdelete=is_persistent_orphan ) assert _reg, "Failed to add object to the flush context!" processed.add(state) # put all remaining deletes into the flush context. if objset: proc = deleted.intersection(objset).difference(processed) else: proc = deleted.difference(processed) for state in proc: _reg = flush_context.register_object(state, isdelete=True) assert _reg, "Failed to add object to the flush context!" if not flush_context.has_work: return flush_context.transaction = transaction = self._autobegin_t()._begin() try: self._warn_on_events = True try: flush_context.execute() finally: self._warn_on_events = False self.dispatch.after_flush(self, flush_context) flush_context.finalize_flush_changes() if not objects and self.identity_map._modified: len_ = len(self.identity_map._modified) statelib.InstanceState._commit_all_states( [ (state, state.dict) for state in self.identity_map._modified ], instance_dict=self.identity_map, ) util.warn( "Attribute history events accumulated on %d " "previously clean instances " "within inner-flush event handlers have been " "reset, and will not result in database updates. " "Consider using set_committed_value() within " "inner-flush event handlers to avoid this warning." % len_ ) # useful assertions: # if not objects: # assert not self.identity_map._modified # else: # assert self.identity_map._modified == \ # self.identity_map._modified.difference(objects) self.dispatch.after_flush_postexec(self, flush_context) transaction.commit() except: with util.safe_reraise(): transaction.rollback(_capture_exception=True) def bulk_save_objects( self, objects: Iterable[object], return_defaults: bool = False, update_changed_only: bool = True, preserve_order: bool = True, ) -> None: """Perform a bulk save of the given list of objects. .. legacy:: This method is a legacy feature as of the 2.0 series of SQLAlchemy. For modern bulk INSERT and UPDATE, see the sections :ref:`orm_queryguide_bulk_insert` and :ref:`orm_queryguide_bulk_update`. For general INSERT and UPDATE of existing ORM mapped objects, prefer standard :term:`unit of work` data management patterns, introduced in the :ref:`unified_tutorial` at :ref:`tutorial_orm_data_manipulation`. SQLAlchemy 2.0 now uses :ref:`engine_insertmanyvalues` with modern dialects which solves previous issues of bulk INSERT slowness. :param objects: a sequence of mapped object instances. The mapped objects are persisted as is, and are **not** associated with the :class:`.Session` afterwards. For each object, whether the object is sent as an INSERT or an UPDATE is dependent on the same rules used by the :class:`.Session` in traditional operation; if the object has the :attr:`.InstanceState.key` attribute set, then the object is assumed to be "detached" and will result in an UPDATE. Otherwise, an INSERT is used. In the case of an UPDATE, statements are grouped based on which attributes have changed, and are thus to be the subject of each SET clause. If ``update_changed_only`` is False, then all attributes present within each object are applied to the UPDATE statement, which may help in allowing the statements to be grouped together into a larger executemany(), and will also reduce the overhead of checking history on attributes. :param return_defaults: when True, rows that are missing values which generate defaults, namely integer primary key defaults and sequences, will be inserted **one at a time**, so that the primary key value is available. In particular this will allow joined-inheritance and other multi-table mappings to insert correctly without the need to provide primary key values ahead of time; however, :paramref:`.Session.bulk_save_objects.return_defaults` **greatly reduces the performance gains** of the method overall. It is strongly advised to please use the standard :meth:`_orm.Session.add_all` approach. :param update_changed_only: when True, UPDATE statements are rendered based on those attributes in each state that have logged changes. When False, all attributes present are rendered into the SET clause with the exception of primary key attributes. :param preserve_order: when True, the order of inserts and updates matches exactly the order in which the objects are given. When False, common types of objects are grouped into inserts and updates, to allow for more batching opportunities. .. seealso:: :doc:`queryguide/dml` :meth:`.Session.bulk_insert_mappings` :meth:`.Session.bulk_update_mappings` """ obj_states: Iterable[InstanceState[Any]] obj_states = (attributes.instance_state(obj) for obj in objects) if not preserve_order: # the purpose of this sort is just so that common mappers # and persistence states are grouped together, so that groupby # will return a single group for a particular type of mapper. # it's not trying to be deterministic beyond that. obj_states = sorted( obj_states, key=lambda state: (id(state.mapper), state.key is not None), ) def grouping_key( state: InstanceState[_O], ) -> Tuple[Mapper[_O], bool]: return (state.mapper, state.key is not None) for (mapper, isupdate), states in itertools.groupby( obj_states, grouping_key ): self._bulk_save_mappings( mapper, states, isupdate, True, return_defaults, update_changed_only, False, ) def bulk_insert_mappings( self, mapper: Mapper[Any], mappings: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], return_defaults: bool = False, render_nulls: bool = False, ) -> None: """Perform a bulk insert of the given list of mapping dictionaries. .. legacy:: This method is a legacy feature as of the 2.0 series of SQLAlchemy. For modern bulk INSERT and UPDATE, see the sections :ref:`orm_queryguide_bulk_insert` and :ref:`orm_queryguide_bulk_update`. The 2.0 API shares implementation details with this method and adds new features as well. :param mapper: a mapped class, or the actual :class:`_orm.Mapper` object, representing the single kind of object represented within the mapping list. :param mappings: a sequence of dictionaries, each one containing the state of the mapped row to be inserted, in terms of the attribute names on the mapped class. If the mapping refers to multiple tables, such as a joined-inheritance mapping, each dictionary must contain all keys to be populated into all tables. :param return_defaults: when True, the INSERT process will be altered to ensure that newly generated primary key values will be fetched. The rationale for this parameter is typically to enable :ref:`Joined Table Inheritance ` mappings to be bulk inserted. .. note:: for backends that don't support RETURNING, the :paramref:`_orm.Session.bulk_insert_mappings.return_defaults` parameter can significantly decrease performance as INSERT statements can no longer be batched. See :ref:`engine_insertmanyvalues` for background on which backends are affected. :param render_nulls: When True, a value of ``None`` will result in a NULL value being included in the INSERT statement, rather than the column being omitted from the INSERT. This allows all the rows being INSERTed to have the identical set of columns which allows the full set of rows to be batched to the DBAPI. Normally, each column-set that contains a different combination of NULL values than the previous row must omit a different series of columns from the rendered INSERT statement, which means it must be emitted as a separate statement. By passing this flag, the full set of rows are guaranteed to be batchable into one batch; the cost however is that server-side defaults which are invoked by an omitted column will be skipped, so care must be taken to ensure that these are not necessary. .. warning:: When this flag is set, **server side default SQL values will not be invoked** for those columns that are inserted as NULL; the NULL value will be sent explicitly. Care must be taken to ensure that no server-side default functions need to be invoked for the operation as a whole. .. seealso:: :doc:`queryguide/dml` :meth:`.Session.bulk_save_objects` :meth:`.Session.bulk_update_mappings` """ self._bulk_save_mappings( mapper, mappings, False, False, return_defaults, False, render_nulls, ) def bulk_update_mappings( self, mapper: Mapper[Any], mappings: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> None: """Perform a bulk update of the given list of mapping dictionaries. .. legacy:: This method is a legacy feature as of the 2.0 series of SQLAlchemy. For modern bulk INSERT and UPDATE, see the sections :ref:`orm_queryguide_bulk_insert` and :ref:`orm_queryguide_bulk_update`. The 2.0 API shares implementation details with this method and adds new features as well. :param mapper: a mapped class, or the actual :class:`_orm.Mapper` object, representing the single kind of object represented within the mapping list. :param mappings: a sequence of dictionaries, each one containing the state of the mapped row to be updated, in terms of the attribute names on the mapped class. If the mapping refers to multiple tables, such as a joined-inheritance mapping, each dictionary may contain keys corresponding to all tables. All those keys which are present and are not part of the primary key are applied to the SET clause of the UPDATE statement; the primary key values, which are required, are applied to the WHERE clause. .. seealso:: :doc:`queryguide/dml` :meth:`.Session.bulk_insert_mappings` :meth:`.Session.bulk_save_objects` """ self._bulk_save_mappings( mapper, mappings, True, False, False, False, False ) def _bulk_save_mappings( self, mapper: Mapper[_O], mappings: Union[Iterable[InstanceState[_O]], Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]], isupdate: bool, isstates: bool, return_defaults: bool, update_changed_only: bool, render_nulls: bool, ) -> None: mapper = _class_to_mapper(mapper) self._flushing = True transaction = self._autobegin_t()._begin() try: if isupdate: bulk_persistence._bulk_update( mapper, mappings, transaction, isstates, update_changed_only, ) else: bulk_persistence._bulk_insert( mapper, mappings, transaction, isstates, return_defaults, render_nulls, ) transaction.commit() except: with util.safe_reraise(): transaction.rollback(_capture_exception=True) finally: self._flushing = False def is_modified( self, instance: object, include_collections: bool = True ) -> bool: r"""Return ``True`` if the given instance has locally modified attributes. This method retrieves the history for each instrumented attribute on the instance and performs a comparison of the current value to its previously committed value, if any. It is in effect a more expensive and accurate version of checking for the given instance in the :attr:`.Session.dirty` collection; a full test for each attribute's net "dirty" status is performed. E.g.:: return session.is_modified(someobject) A few caveats to this method apply: * Instances present in the :attr:`.Session.dirty` collection may report ``False`` when tested with this method. This is because the object may have received change events via attribute mutation, thus placing it in :attr:`.Session.dirty`, but ultimately the state is the same as that loaded from the database, resulting in no net change here. * Scalar attributes may not have recorded the previously set value when a new value was applied, if the attribute was not loaded, or was expired, at the time the new value was received - in these cases, the attribute is assumed to have a change, even if there is ultimately no net change against its database value. SQLAlchemy in most cases does not need the "old" value when a set event occurs, so it skips the expense of a SQL call if the old value isn't present, based on the assumption that an UPDATE of the scalar value is usually needed, and in those few cases where it isn't, is less expensive on average than issuing a defensive SELECT. The "old" value is fetched unconditionally upon set only if the attribute container has the ``active_history`` flag set to ``True``. This flag is set typically for primary key attributes and scalar object references that are not a simple many-to-one. To set this flag for any arbitrary mapped column, use the ``active_history`` argument with :func:`.column_property`. :param instance: mapped instance to be tested for pending changes. :param include_collections: Indicates if multivalued collections should be included in the operation. Setting this to ``False`` is a way to detect only local-column based properties (i.e. scalar columns or many-to-one foreign keys) that would result in an UPDATE for this instance upon flush. """ state = object_state(instance) if not state.modified: return False dict_ = state.dict for attr in state.manager.attributes: if ( not include_collections and hasattr(attr.impl, "get_collection") ) or not hasattr(attr.impl, "get_history"): continue (added, unchanged, deleted) = attr.impl.get_history( state, dict_, passive=PassiveFlag.NO_CHANGE ) if added or deleted: return True else: return False @property def is_active(self) -> bool: """True if this :class:`.Session` not in "partial rollback" state. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 The :class:`_orm.Session` no longer begins a new transaction immediately, so this attribute will be False when the :class:`_orm.Session` is first instantiated. "partial rollback" state typically indicates that the flush process of the :class:`_orm.Session` has failed, and that the :meth:`_orm.Session.rollback` method must be emitted in order to fully roll back the transaction. If this :class:`_orm.Session` is not in a transaction at all, the :class:`_orm.Session` will autobegin when it is first used, so in this case :attr:`_orm.Session.is_active` will return True. Otherwise, if this :class:`_orm.Session` is within a transaction, and that transaction has not been rolled back internally, the :attr:`_orm.Session.is_active` will also return True. .. seealso:: :ref:`faq_session_rollback` :meth:`_orm.Session.in_transaction` """ return self._transaction is None or self._transaction.is_active @property def _dirty_states(self) -> Iterable[InstanceState[Any]]: """The set of all persistent states considered dirty. This method returns all states that were modified including those that were possibly deleted. """ return self.identity_map._dirty_states() @property def dirty(self) -> IdentitySet: """The set of all persistent instances considered dirty. E.g.:: some_mapped_object in session.dirty Instances are considered dirty when they were modified but not deleted. Note that this 'dirty' calculation is 'optimistic'; most attribute-setting or collection modification operations will mark an instance as 'dirty' and place it in this set, even if there is no net change to the attribute's value. At flush time, the value of each attribute is compared to its previously saved value, and if there's no net change, no SQL operation will occur (this is a more expensive operation so it's only done at flush time). To check if an instance has actionable net changes to its attributes, use the :meth:`.Session.is_modified` method. """ return IdentitySet( [ state.obj() for state in self._dirty_states if state not in self._deleted ] ) @property def deleted(self) -> IdentitySet: "The set of all instances marked as 'deleted' within this ``Session``" return util.IdentitySet(list(self._deleted.values())) @property def new(self) -> IdentitySet: "The set of all instances marked as 'new' within this ``Session``." return util.IdentitySet(list(self._new.values())) _S = TypeVar("_S", bound="Session") class sessionmaker(_SessionClassMethods, Generic[_S]): """A configurable :class:`.Session` factory. The :class:`.sessionmaker` factory generates new :class:`.Session` objects when called, creating them given the configurational arguments established here. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker # an Engine, which the Session will use for connection # resources engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://scott:tiger@localhost/') Session = sessionmaker(engine) with Session() as session: session.add(some_object) session.add(some_other_object) session.commit() Context manager use is optional; otherwise, the returned :class:`_orm.Session` object may be closed explicitly via the :meth:`_orm.Session.close` method. Using a ``try:/finally:`` block is optional, however will ensure that the close takes place even if there are database errors:: session = Session() try: session.add(some_object) session.add(some_other_object) session.commit() finally: session.close() :class:`.sessionmaker` acts as a factory for :class:`_orm.Session` objects in the same way as an :class:`_engine.Engine` acts as a factory for :class:`_engine.Connection` objects. In this way it also includes a :meth:`_orm.sessionmaker.begin` method, that provides a context manager which both begins and commits a transaction, as well as closes out the :class:`_orm.Session` when complete, rolling back the transaction if any errors occur:: Session = sessionmaker(engine) with Session.begin() as session: session.add(some_object) session.add(some_other_object) # commits transaction, closes session .. versionadded:: 1.4 When calling upon :class:`_orm.sessionmaker` to construct a :class:`_orm.Session`, keyword arguments may also be passed to the method; these arguments will override that of the globally configured parameters. Below we use a :class:`_orm.sessionmaker` bound to a certain :class:`_engine.Engine` to produce a :class:`_orm.Session` that is instead bound to a specific :class:`_engine.Connection` procured from that engine:: Session = sessionmaker(engine) # bind an individual session to a connection with engine.connect() as connection: with Session(bind=connection) as session: # work with session The class also includes a method :meth:`_orm.sessionmaker.configure`, which can be used to specify additional keyword arguments to the factory, which will take effect for subsequent :class:`.Session` objects generated. This is usually used to associate one or more :class:`_engine.Engine` objects with an existing :class:`.sessionmaker` factory before it is first used:: # application starts, sessionmaker does not have # an engine bound yet Session = sessionmaker() # ... later, when an engine URL is read from a configuration # file or other events allow the engine to be created engine = create_engine('sqlite:///foo.db') Session.configure(bind=engine) sess = Session() # work with session .. seealso:: :ref:`session_getting` - introductory text on creating sessions using :class:`.sessionmaker`. """ class_: Type[_S] @overload def __init__( self, bind: Optional[_SessionBind] = ..., *, class_: Type[_S], autoflush: bool = ..., expire_on_commit: bool = ..., info: Optional[_InfoType] = ..., **kw: Any, ): ... @overload def __init__( self: "sessionmaker[Session]", bind: Optional[_SessionBind] = ..., *, autoflush: bool = ..., expire_on_commit: bool = ..., info: Optional[_InfoType] = ..., **kw: Any, ): ... def __init__( self, bind: Optional[_SessionBind] = None, *, class_: Type[_S] = Session, # type: ignore autoflush: bool = True, expire_on_commit: bool = True, info: Optional[_InfoType] = None, **kw: Any, ): r"""Construct a new :class:`.sessionmaker`. All arguments here except for ``class_`` correspond to arguments accepted by :class:`.Session` directly. See the :meth:`.Session.__init__` docstring for more details on parameters. :param bind: a :class:`_engine.Engine` or other :class:`.Connectable` with which newly created :class:`.Session` objects will be associated. :param class\_: class to use in order to create new :class:`.Session` objects. Defaults to :class:`.Session`. :param autoflush: The autoflush setting to use with newly created :class:`.Session` objects. .. seealso:: :ref:`session_flushing` - additional background on autoflush :param expire_on_commit=True: the :paramref:`_orm.Session.expire_on_commit` setting to use with newly created :class:`.Session` objects. :param info: optional dictionary of information that will be available via :attr:`.Session.info`. Note this dictionary is *updated*, not replaced, when the ``info`` parameter is specified to the specific :class:`.Session` construction operation. :param \**kw: all other keyword arguments are passed to the constructor of newly created :class:`.Session` objects. """ kw["bind"] = bind kw["autoflush"] = autoflush kw["expire_on_commit"] = expire_on_commit if info is not None: kw["info"] = info self.kw = kw # make our own subclass of the given class, so that # events can be associated with it specifically. self.class_ = type(class_.__name__, (class_,), {}) def begin(self) -> contextlib.AbstractContextManager[_S]: """Produce a context manager that both provides a new :class:`_orm.Session` as well as a transaction that commits. e.g.:: Session = sessionmaker(some_engine) with Session.begin() as session: session.add(some_object) # commits transaction, closes session .. versionadded:: 1.4 """ session = self() return session._maker_context_manager() def __call__(self, **local_kw: Any) -> _S: """Produce a new :class:`.Session` object using the configuration established in this :class:`.sessionmaker`. In Python, the ``__call__`` method is invoked on an object when it is "called" in the same way as a function:: Session = sessionmaker(some_engine) session = Session() # invokes sessionmaker.__call__() """ for k, v in self.kw.items(): if k == "info" and "info" in local_kw: d = v.copy() d.update(local_kw["info"]) local_kw["info"] = d else: local_kw.setdefault(k, v) return self.class_(**local_kw) def configure(self, **new_kw: Any) -> None: """(Re)configure the arguments for this sessionmaker. e.g.:: Session = sessionmaker() Session.configure(bind=create_engine('sqlite://')) """ self.kw.update(new_kw) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "%s(class_=%r, %s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.class_.__name__, ", ".join("%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in self.kw.items()), ) def close_all_sessions() -> None: """Close all sessions in memory. This function consults a global registry of all :class:`.Session` objects and calls :meth:`.Session.close` on them, which resets them to a clean state. This function is not for general use but may be useful for test suites within the teardown scheme. .. versionadded:: 1.3 """ for sess in _sessions.values(): sess.close() def make_transient(instance: object) -> None: """Alter the state of the given instance so that it is :term:`transient`. .. note:: :func:`.make_transient` is a special-case function for advanced use cases only. The given mapped instance is assumed to be in the :term:`persistent` or :term:`detached` state. The function will remove its association with any :class:`.Session` as well as its :attr:`.InstanceState.identity`. The effect is that the object will behave as though it were newly constructed, except retaining any attribute / collection values that were loaded at the time of the call. The :attr:`.InstanceState.deleted` flag is also reset if this object had been deleted as a result of using :meth:`.Session.delete`. .. warning:: :func:`.make_transient` does **not** "unexpire" or otherwise eagerly load ORM-mapped attributes that are not currently loaded at the time the function is called. This includes attributes which: * were expired via :meth:`.Session.expire` * were expired as the natural effect of committing a session transaction, e.g. :meth:`.Session.commit` * are normally :term:`lazy loaded` but are not currently loaded * are "deferred" (see :ref:`orm_queryguide_column_deferral`) and are not yet loaded * were not present in the query which loaded this object, such as that which is common in joined table inheritance and other scenarios. After :func:`.make_transient` is called, unloaded attributes such as those above will normally resolve to the value ``None`` when accessed, or an empty collection for a collection-oriented attribute. As the object is transient and un-associated with any database identity, it will no longer retrieve these values. .. seealso:: :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` """ state = attributes.instance_state(instance) s = _state_session(state) if s: s._expunge_states([state]) # remove expired state state.expired_attributes.clear() # remove deferred callables if state.callables: del state.callables if state.key: del state.key if state._deleted: del state._deleted def make_transient_to_detached(instance: object) -> None: """Make the given transient instance :term:`detached`. .. note:: :func:`.make_transient_to_detached` is a special-case function for advanced use cases only. All attribute history on the given instance will be reset as though the instance were freshly loaded from a query. Missing attributes will be marked as expired. The primary key attributes of the object, which are required, will be made into the "key" of the instance. The object can then be added to a session, or merged possibly with the load=False flag, at which point it will look as if it were loaded that way, without emitting SQL. This is a special use case function that differs from a normal call to :meth:`.Session.merge` in that a given persistent state can be manufactured without any SQL calls. .. seealso:: :func:`.make_transient` :meth:`.Session.enable_relationship_loading` """ state = attributes.instance_state(instance) if state.session_id or state.key: raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("Given object must be transient") state.key = state.mapper._identity_key_from_state(state) if state._deleted: del state._deleted state._commit_all(state.dict) state._expire_attributes(state.dict, state.unloaded) def object_session(instance: object) -> Optional[Session]: """Return the :class:`.Session` to which the given instance belongs. This is essentially the same as the :attr:`.InstanceState.session` accessor. See that attribute for details. """ try: state = attributes.instance_state(instance) except exc.NO_STATE as err: raise exc.UnmappedInstanceError(instance) from err else: return _state_session(state) _new_sessionid = util.counter()