import sys from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import deque from import Sized from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import timedelta from math import ceil from threading import Event, RLock, Thread from typing import ( Any, Callable, Deque, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, NewType, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, ) from . import filesize, get_console from .console import ( Console, JustifyMethod, RenderableType, RenderGroup, ) from .jupyter import JupyterMixin from .highlighter import Highlighter from .live import Live from .progress_bar import ProgressBar from .spinner import Spinner from .style import StyleType from .table import Column, Table from .text import Text, TextType TaskID = NewType("TaskID", int) ProgressType = TypeVar("ProgressType") GetTimeCallable = Callable[[], float] class _TrackThread(Thread): """A thread to periodically update progress.""" def __init__(self, progress: "Progress", task_id: "TaskID", update_period: float): self.progress = progress self.task_id = task_id self.update_period = update_period self.done = Event() self.completed = 0 super().__init__() def run(self) -> None: task_id = self.task_id advance = self.progress.advance update_period = self.update_period last_completed = 0 wait = self.done.wait while not wait(update_period): completed = self.completed if last_completed != completed: advance(task_id, completed - last_completed) last_completed = completed self.progress.update(self.task_id, completed=self.completed, refresh=True) def __enter__(self) -> "_TrackThread": self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self.done.set() self.join() def track( sequence: Union[Sequence[ProgressType], Iterable[ProgressType]], description="Working...", total: Optional[float] = None, auto_refresh=True, console: Optional[Console] = None, transient: bool = False, get_time: Callable[[], float] = None, refresh_per_second: float = 10, style: StyleType = "bar.back", complete_style: StyleType = "bar.complete", finished_style: StyleType = "bar.finished", pulse_style: StyleType = "bar.pulse", update_period: float = 0.1, disable: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[ProgressType]: """Track progress by iterating over a sequence. Args: sequence (Iterable[ProgressType]): A sequence (must support "len") you wish to iterate over. description (str, optional): Description of task show next to progress bar. Defaults to "Working". total: (float, optional): Total number of steps. Default is len(sequence). auto_refresh (bool, optional): Automatic refresh, disable to force a refresh after each iteration. Default is True. transient: (bool, optional): Clear the progress on exit. Defaults to False. console (Console, optional): Console to write to. Default creates internal Console instance. refresh_per_second (float): Number of times per second to refresh the progress information. Defaults to 10. style (StyleType, optional): Style for the bar background. Defaults to "bar.back". complete_style (StyleType, optional): Style for the completed bar. Defaults to "bar.complete". finished_style (StyleType, optional): Style for a finished bar. Defaults to "bar.done". pulse_style (StyleType, optional): Style for pulsing bars. Defaults to "bar.pulse". update_period (float, optional): Minimum time (in seconds) between calls to update(). Defaults to 0.1. disable (bool, optional): Disable display of progress. Returns: Iterable[ProgressType]: An iterable of the values in the sequence. """ columns: List["ProgressColumn"] = ( [TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}")] if description else [] ) columns.extend( ( BarColumn( style=style, complete_style=complete_style, finished_style=finished_style, pulse_style=pulse_style, ), TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%"), TimeRemainingColumn(), ) ) progress = Progress( *columns, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, console=console, transient=transient, get_time=get_time, refresh_per_second=refresh_per_second or 10, disable=disable, ) with progress: yield from progress.track( sequence, total=total, description=description, update_period=update_period ) class ProgressColumn(ABC): """Base class for a widget to use in progress display.""" max_refresh: Optional[float] = None def __init__(self, table_column: Column = None) -> None: self._table_column = table_column self._renderable_cache: Dict[TaskID, Tuple[float, RenderableType]] = {} self._update_time: Optional[float] = None def get_table_column(self) -> Column: """Get a table column, used to build tasks table.""" return self._table_column or Column() def __call__(self, task: "Task") -> RenderableType: """Called by the Progress object to return a renderable for the given task. Args: task (Task): An object containing information regarding the task. Returns: RenderableType: Anything renderable (including str). """ current_time = task.get_time() # type: ignore if self.max_refresh is not None and not task.completed: try: timestamp, renderable = self._renderable_cache[] except KeyError: pass else: if timestamp + self.max_refresh > current_time: return renderable renderable = self.render(task) self._renderable_cache[] = (current_time, renderable) return renderable @abstractmethod def render(self, task: "Task") -> RenderableType: """Should return a renderable object.""" class RenderableColumn(ProgressColumn): """A column to insert an arbitrary column. Args: renderable (RenderableType, optional): Any renderable. Defaults to empty string. """ def __init__(self, renderable: RenderableType = "", *, table_column: Column = None): self.renderable = renderable super().__init__(table_column=table_column) def render(self, task: "Task") -> RenderableType: return self.renderable class SpinnerColumn(ProgressColumn): """A column with a 'spinner' animation. Args: spinner_name (str, optional): Name of spinner animation. Defaults to "dots". style (StyleType, optional): Style of spinner. Defaults to "progress.spinner". speed (float, optional): Speed factor of spinner. Defaults to 1.0. finished_text (TextType, optional): Text used when task is finished. Defaults to " ". """ def __init__( self, spinner_name: str = "dots", style: Optional[StyleType] = "progress.spinner", speed: float = 1.0, finished_text: TextType = " ", table_column: Column = None, ): self.spinner = Spinner(spinner_name, style=style, speed=speed) self.finished_text = ( Text.from_markup(finished_text) if isinstance(finished_text, str) else finished_text ) super().__init__(table_column=table_column) def set_spinner( self, spinner_name: str, spinner_style: Optional[StyleType] = "progress.spinner", speed: float = 1.0, ): """Set a new spinner. Args: spinner_name (str): Spinner name, see python -m rich.spinner. spinner_style (Optional[StyleType], optional): Spinner style. Defaults to "progress.spinner". speed (float, optional): Speed factor of spinner. Defaults to 1.0. """ self.spinner = Spinner(spinner_name, style=spinner_style, speed=speed) def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: text = ( self.finished_text if task.finished else self.spinner.render(task.get_time()) ) return text class TextColumn(ProgressColumn): """A column containing text.""" def __init__( self, text_format: str, style: StyleType = "none", justify: JustifyMethod = "left", markup: bool = True, highlighter: Highlighter = None, table_column: Column = None, ) -> None: self.text_format = text_format self.justify = justify = style self.markup = markup self.highlighter = highlighter super().__init__(table_column=table_column or Column(no_wrap=True)) def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: _text = self.text_format.format(task=task) if self.markup: text = Text.from_markup(_text,, justify=self.justify) else: text = Text(_text,, justify=self.justify) if self.highlighter: self.highlighter.highlight(text) return text class BarColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders a visual progress bar. Args: bar_width (Optional[int], optional): Width of bar or None for full width. Defaults to 40. style (StyleType, optional): Style for the bar background. Defaults to "bar.back". complete_style (StyleType, optional): Style for the completed bar. Defaults to "bar.complete". finished_style (StyleType, optional): Style for a finished bar. Defaults to "bar.done". pulse_style (StyleType, optional): Style for pulsing bars. Defaults to "bar.pulse". """ def __init__( self, bar_width: Optional[int] = 40, style: StyleType = "bar.back", complete_style: StyleType = "bar.complete", finished_style: StyleType = "bar.finished", pulse_style: StyleType = "bar.pulse", table_column: Column = None, ) -> None: self.bar_width = bar_width = style self.complete_style = complete_style self.finished_style = finished_style self.pulse_style = pulse_style super().__init__(table_column=table_column) def render(self, task: "Task") -> ProgressBar: """Gets a progress bar widget for a task.""" return ProgressBar( total=max(0,, completed=max(0, task.completed), width=None if self.bar_width is None else max(1, self.bar_width), pulse=not task.started, animation_time=task.get_time(),, complete_style=self.complete_style, finished_style=self.finished_style, pulse_style=self.pulse_style, ) class TimeElapsedColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders time elapsed.""" def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: """Show time remaining.""" elapsed = task.finished_time if task.finished else task.elapsed if elapsed is None: return Text("-:--:--", style="progress.elapsed") delta = timedelta(seconds=int(elapsed)) return Text(str(delta), style="progress.elapsed") class TimeRemainingColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders estimated time remaining.""" # Only refresh twice a second to prevent jitter max_refresh = 0.5 def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: """Show time remaining.""" remaining = task.time_remaining if remaining is None: return Text("-:--:--", style="progress.remaining") remaining_delta = timedelta(seconds=int(remaining)) return Text(str(remaining_delta), style="progress.remaining") class FileSizeColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders completed filesize.""" def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: """Show data completed.""" data_size = filesize.decimal(int(task.completed)) return Text(data_size, style="progress.filesize") class TotalFileSizeColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders total filesize.""" def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: """Show data completed.""" data_size = filesize.decimal(int( return Text(data_size, style="") class DownloadColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders file size downloaded and total, e.g. '0.5/2.3 GB'. Args: binary_units (bool, optional): Use binary units, KiB, MiB etc. Defaults to False. """ def __init__(self, binary_units: bool = False, table_column: Column = None) -> None: self.binary_units = binary_units super().__init__(table_column=table_column) def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: """Calculate common unit for completed and total.""" completed = int(task.completed) total = int( if self.binary_units: unit, suffix = filesize.pick_unit_and_suffix( total, ["bytes", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"], 1024, ) else: unit, suffix = filesize.pick_unit_and_suffix( total, ["bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"], 1000 ) completed_ratio = completed / unit total_ratio = total / unit precision = 0 if unit == 1 else 1 completed_str = f"{completed_ratio:,.{precision}f}" total_str = f"{total_ratio:,.{precision}f}" download_status = f"{completed_str}/{total_str} {suffix}" download_text = Text(download_status, style="") return download_text class TransferSpeedColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders human readable transfer speed.""" def render(self, task: "Task") -> Text: """Show data transfer speed.""" speed = task.finished_speed or task.speed if speed is None: return Text("?", style="") data_speed = filesize.decimal(int(speed)) return Text(f"{data_speed}/s", style="") class ProgressSample(NamedTuple): """Sample of progress for a given time.""" timestamp: float """Timestamp of sample.""" completed: float """Number of steps completed.""" @dataclass class Task: """Information regarding a progress task. This object should be considered read-only outside of the :class:`~Progress` class. """ id: TaskID """Task ID associated with this task (used in Progress methods).""" description: str """str: Description of the task.""" total: float """str: Total number of steps in this task.""" completed: float """float: Number of steps completed""" _get_time: GetTimeCallable """Callable to get the current time.""" finished_time: Optional[float] = None """float: Time task was finished.""" visible: bool = True """bool: Indicates if this task is visible in the progress display.""" fields: Dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) """dict: Arbitrary fields passed in via Progress.update.""" start_time: Optional[float] = field(default=None, init=False, repr=False) """Optional[float]: Time this task was started, or None if not started.""" stop_time: Optional[float] = field(default=None, init=False, repr=False) """Optional[float]: Time this task was stopped, or None if not stopped.""" finished_speed: Optional[float] = None """Optional[float]: The last speed for a finshed task.""" _progress: Deque[ProgressSample] = field( default_factory=deque, init=False, repr=False ) _lock: RLock = field(repr=False, default_factory=RLock) """Thread lock.""" def get_time(self) -> float: """float: Get the current time, in seconds.""" return self._get_time() # type: ignore @property def started(self) -> bool: """bool: Check if the task as started.""" return self.start_time is not None @property def remaining(self) -> float: """float: Get the number of steps remaining.""" return - self.completed @property def elapsed(self) -> Optional[float]: """Optional[float]: Time elapsed since task was started, or ``None`` if the task hasn't started.""" if self.start_time is None: return None if self.stop_time is not None: return self.stop_time - self.start_time return self.get_time() - self.start_time @property def finished(self) -> bool: """Check if the task has finished.""" return self.finished_time is not None @property def percentage(self) -> float: """float: Get progress of task as a percentage.""" if not return 0.0 completed = (self.completed / * 100.0 completed = min(100.0, max(0.0, completed)) return completed @property def speed(self) -> Optional[float]: """Optional[float]: Get the estimated speed in steps per second.""" if self.start_time is None: return None with self._lock: progress = self._progress if not progress: return None total_time = progress[-1].timestamp - progress[0].timestamp if total_time == 0: return None iter_progress = iter(progress) next(iter_progress) total_completed = sum(sample.completed for sample in iter_progress) speed = total_completed / total_time return speed @property def time_remaining(self) -> Optional[float]: """Optional[float]: Get estimated time to completion, or ``None`` if no data.""" if self.finished: return 0.0 speed = self.speed if not speed: return None estimate = ceil(self.remaining / speed) return estimate def _reset(self) -> None: """Reset progress.""" self._progress.clear() self.finished_time = None self.finished_speed = None class Progress(JupyterMixin): """Renders an auto-updating progress bar(s). Args: console (Console, optional): Optional Console instance. Default will an internal Console instance writing to stdout. auto_refresh (bool, optional): Enable auto refresh. If disabled, you will need to call `refresh()`. refresh_per_second (Optional[float], optional): Number of times per second to refresh the progress information or None to use default (10). Defaults to None. speed_estimate_period: (float, optional): Period (in seconds) used to calculate the speed estimate. Defaults to 30. transient: (bool, optional): Clear the progress on exit. Defaults to False. redirect_stdout: (bool, optional): Enable redirection of stdout, so ``print`` may be used. Defaults to True. redirect_stderr: (bool, optional): Enable redirection of stderr. Defaults to True. get_time: (Callable, optional): A callable that gets the current time, or None to use Console.get_time. Defaults to None. disable (bool, optional): Disable progress display. Defaults to False expand (bool, optional): Expand tasks table to fit width. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, *columns: Union[str, ProgressColumn], console: Console = None, auto_refresh: bool = True, refresh_per_second: float = 10, speed_estimate_period: float = 30.0, transient: bool = False, redirect_stdout: bool = True, redirect_stderr: bool = True, get_time: GetTimeCallable = None, disable: bool = False, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: assert ( refresh_per_second is None or refresh_per_second > 0 # type: ignore ), "refresh_per_second must be > 0" self._lock = RLock() self.columns = columns or ( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%"), TimeRemainingColumn(), ) self.speed_estimate_period = speed_estimate_period self.disable = disable self.expand = expand self._tasks: Dict[TaskID, Task] = {} self._task_index: TaskID = TaskID(0) = Live( console=console or get_console(), auto_refresh=auto_refresh, refresh_per_second=refresh_per_second, transient=transient, redirect_stdout=redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr=redirect_stderr, get_renderable=self.get_renderable, ) self.get_time = get_time or self.console.get_time self.print = self.console.print self.log = self.console.log @property def console(self) -> Console: return @property def tasks(self) -> List[Task]: """Get a list of Task instances.""" with self._lock: return list(self._tasks.values()) @property def task_ids(self) -> List[TaskID]: """A list of task IDs.""" with self._lock: return list(self._tasks.keys()) @property def finished(self) -> bool: """Check if all tasks have been completed.""" with self._lock: if not self._tasks: return True return all(task.finished for task in self._tasks.values()) def start(self) -> None: """Start the progress display.""" if not self.disable: def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the progress display.""" def __enter__(self) -> "Progress": self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self.stop() def track( self, sequence: Union[Iterable[ProgressType], Sequence[ProgressType]], total: Optional[float] = None, task_id: Optional[TaskID] = None, description="Working...", update_period: float = 0.1, ) -> Iterable[ProgressType]: """Track progress by iterating over a sequence. Args: sequence (Sequence[ProgressType]): A sequence of values you want to iterate over and track progress. total: (float, optional): Total number of steps. Default is len(sequence). task_id: (TaskID): Task to track. Default is new task. description: (str, optional): Description of task, if new task is created. update_period (float, optional): Minimum time (in seconds) between calls to update(). Defaults to 0.1. Returns: Iterable[ProgressType]: An iterable of values taken from the provided sequence. """ if total is None: if isinstance(sequence, Sized): task_total = float(len(sequence)) else: raise ValueError( f"unable to get size of {sequence!r}, please specify 'total'" ) else: task_total = total if task_id is None: task_id = self.add_task(description, total=task_total) else: self.update(task_id, total=task_total) if with _TrackThread(self, task_id, update_period) as track_thread: for value in sequence: yield value track_thread.completed += 1 else: advance = self.advance refresh = self.refresh for value in sequence: yield value advance(task_id, 1) refresh() def start_task(self, task_id: TaskID) -> None: """Start a task. Starts a task (used when calculating elapsed time). You may need to call this manually, if you called ``add_task`` with ``start=False``. Args: task_id (TaskID): ID of task. """ with self._lock: task = self._tasks[task_id] if task.start_time is None: task.start_time = self.get_time() def stop_task(self, task_id: TaskID) -> None: """Stop a task. This will freeze the elapsed time on the task. Args: task_id (TaskID): ID of task. """ with self._lock: task = self._tasks[task_id] current_time = self.get_time() if task.start_time is None: task.start_time = current_time task.stop_time = current_time def update( self, task_id: TaskID, *, total: Optional[float] = None, completed: float = None, advance: float = None, description: str = None, visible: bool = None, refresh: bool = False, **fields: Any, ) -> None: """Update information associated with a task. Args: task_id (TaskID): Task id (returned by add_task). total (float, optional): Updates if not None. completed (float, optional): Updates task.completed if not None. advance (float, optional): Add a value to task.completed if not None. description (str, optional): Change task description if not None. visible (bool, optional): Set visible flag if not None. refresh (bool): Force a refresh of progress information. Default is False. **fields (Any): Additional data fields required for rendering. """ with self._lock: task = self._tasks[task_id] completed_start = task.completed if total is not None: = total task._reset() if advance is not None: task.completed += advance if completed is not None: task.completed = completed if description is not None: task.description = description if visible is not None: task.visible = visible task.fields.update(fields) update_completed = task.completed - completed_start current_time = self.get_time() old_sample_time = current_time - self.speed_estimate_period _progress = task._progress popleft = _progress.popleft while _progress and _progress[0].timestamp < old_sample_time: popleft() while len(_progress) > 1000: popleft() if update_completed > 0: _progress.append(ProgressSample(current_time, update_completed)) if task.completed >= and task.finished_time is None: task.finished_time = task.elapsed if refresh: self.refresh() def reset( self, task_id: TaskID, *, start: bool = True, total: Optional[float] = None, completed: int = 0, visible: Optional[bool] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, **fields: Any, ) -> None: """Reset a task so completed is 0 and the clock is reset. Args: task_id (TaskID): ID of task. start (bool, optional): Start the task after reset. Defaults to True. total (float, optional): New total steps in task, or None to use current total. Defaults to None. completed (int, optional): Number of steps completed. Defaults to 0. **fields (str): Additional data fields required for rendering. """ current_time = self.get_time() with self._lock: task = self._tasks[task_id] task._reset() task.start_time = current_time if start else None if total is not None: = total task.completed = completed if visible is not None: task.visible = visible if fields: task.fields = fields if description is not None: task.description = description task.finished_time = None self.refresh() def advance(self, task_id: TaskID, advance: float = 1) -> None: """Advance task by a number of steps. Args: task_id (TaskID): ID of task. advance (float): Number of steps to advance. Default is 1. """ current_time = self.get_time() with self._lock: task = self._tasks[task_id] completed_start = task.completed task.completed += advance update_completed = task.completed - completed_start old_sample_time = current_time - self.speed_estimate_period _progress = task._progress popleft = _progress.popleft while _progress and _progress[0].timestamp < old_sample_time: popleft() while len(_progress) > 1000: popleft() _progress.append(ProgressSample(current_time, update_completed)) if task.completed >= and task.finished_time is None: task.finished_time = task.elapsed task.finished_speed = task.speed def refresh(self) -> None: """Refresh (render) the progress information.""" if not self.disable and def get_renderable(self) -> RenderableType: """Get a renderable for the progress display.""" renderable = RenderGroup(*self.get_renderables()) return renderable def get_renderables(self) -> Iterable[RenderableType]: """Get a number of renderables for the progress display.""" table = self.make_tasks_table(self.tasks) yield table def make_tasks_table(self, tasks: Iterable[Task]) -> Table: """Get a table to render the Progress display. Args: tasks (Iterable[Task]): An iterable of Task instances, one per row of the table. Returns: Table: A table instance. """ table_columns = ( ( Column(no_wrap=True) if isinstance(_column, str) else _column.get_table_column().copy() ) for _column in self.columns ) table = Table.grid(*table_columns, padding=(0, 1), expand=self.expand) for task in tasks: if task.visible: table.add_row( *( ( column.format(task=task) if isinstance(column, str) else column(task) ) for column in self.columns ) ) return table def __rich__(self) -> RenderableType: """Makes the Progress class itself renderable.""" with self._lock: return self.get_renderable() def add_task( self, description: str, start: bool = True, total: float = 100.0, completed: int = 0, visible: bool = True, **fields: Any, ) -> TaskID: """Add a new 'task' to the Progress display. Args: description (str): A description of the task. start (bool, optional): Start the task immediately (to calculate elapsed time). If set to False, you will need to call `start` manually. Defaults to True. total (float, optional): Number of total steps in the progress if know. Defaults to 100. completed (int, optional): Number of steps completed so far.. Defaults to 0. visible (bool, optional): Enable display of the task. Defaults to True. **fields (str): Additional data fields required for rendering. Returns: TaskID: An ID you can use when calling `update`. """ with self._lock: task = Task( self._task_index, description, total, completed, visible=visible, fields=fields, _get_time=self.get_time, _lock=self._lock, ) self._tasks[self._task_index] = task if start: self.start_task(self._task_index) new_task_index = self._task_index self._task_index = TaskID(int(self._task_index) + 1) self.refresh() return new_task_index def remove_task(self, task_id: TaskID) -> None: """Delete a task if it exists. Args: task_id (TaskID): A task ID. """ with self._lock: del self._tasks[task_id] if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no coverage import random import time from .panel import Panel from .rule import Rule from .syntax import Syntax from .table import Table syntax = Syntax( '''def loop_last(values: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, T]]: """Iterate and generate a tuple with a flag for last value.""" iter_values = iter(values) try: previous_value = next(iter_values) except StopIteration: return for value in iter_values: yield False, previous_value previous_value = value yield True, previous_value''', "python", line_numbers=True, ) table = Table("foo", "bar", "baz") table.add_row("1", "2", "3") progress_renderables = [ "Text may be printed while the progress bars are rendering.", Panel("In fact, [i]any[/i] renderable will work"), "Such as [magenta]tables[/]...", table, "Pretty printed structures...", {"type": "example", "text": "Pretty printed"}, "Syntax...", syntax, Rule("Give it a try!"), ] from itertools import cycle examples = cycle(progress_renderables) console = Console(record=True) with Progress( SpinnerColumn(), TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%"), TimeRemainingColumn(), TimeElapsedColumn(), console=console, transient=True, ) as progress: task1 = progress.add_task("[red]Downloading", total=1000) task2 = progress.add_task("[green]Processing", total=1000) task3 = progress.add_task("[yellow]Thinking", total=1000, start=False) while not progress.finished: progress.update(task1, advance=0.5) progress.update(task2, advance=0.3) time.sleep(0.01) if random.randint(0, 100) < 1: progress.log(next(examples))