""" inflect.py: correctly generate plurals, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert numbers to words Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Dyson Based upon the Perl module Lingua::EN::Inflect by Damian Conway. The original Perl module Lingua::EN::Inflect by Damian Conway is available from http://search.cpan.org/~dconway/ This module can be downloaded at http://pypi.org/project/inflect methods: classical inflect plural plural_noun plural_verb plural_adj singular_noun no num a an compare compare_nouns compare_verbs compare_adjs present_participle ordinal number_to_words join defnoun defverb defadj defa defan INFLECTIONS: classical inflect plural plural_noun plural_verb plural_adj singular_noun compare no num a an present_participle PLURALS: classical inflect plural plural_noun plural_verb plural_adj singular_noun no num compare compare_nouns compare_verbs compare_adjs COMPARISONS: classical compare compare_nouns compare_verbs compare_adjs ARTICLES: classical inflect num a an NUMERICAL: ordinal number_to_words USER_DEFINED: defnoun defverb defadj defa defan Exceptions: UnknownClassicalModeError BadNumValueError BadChunkingOptionError NumOutOfRangeError BadUserDefinedPatternError BadRcFileError BadGenderError """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import ast import sys import re class UnknownClassicalModeError(Exception): pass class BadNumValueError(Exception): pass class BadChunkingOptionError(Exception): pass class NumOutOfRangeError(Exception): pass class BadUserDefinedPatternError(Exception): pass class BadRcFileError(Exception): pass class BadGenderError(Exception): pass __version__ = "2.1.0" STDOUT_ON = False def print3(txt): if STDOUT_ON: print(txt) def enclose(s): return "(?:%s)" % s def joinstem(cutpoint=0, words=""): """ join stem of each word in words into a string for regex each word is truncated at cutpoint cutpoint is usually negative indicating the number of letters to remove from the end of each word e.g. joinstem(-2, ["ephemeris", "iris", ".*itis"]) returns (?:ephemer|ir|.*it) """ return enclose("|".join(w[:cutpoint] for w in words)) def bysize(words): """ take a list of words and return a dict of sets sorted by word length e.g. ret[3]=set(['ant', 'cat', 'dog', 'pig']) ret[4]=set(['frog', 'goat']) ret[5]=set(['horse']) ret[8]=set(['elephant']) """ ret = {} for w in words: if len(w) not in ret: ret[len(w)] = set() ret[len(w)].add(w) return ret def make_pl_si_lists(lst, plending, siendingsize, dojoinstem=True): """ given a list of singular words: lst an ending to append to make the plural: plending the number of characters to remove from the singular before appending plending: siendingsize a flag whether to create a joinstem: dojoinstem return: a list of pluralised words: si_list (called si because this is what you need to look for to make the singular) the pluralised words as a dict of sets sorted by word length: si_bysize the singular words as a dict of sets sorted by word length: pl_bysize if dojoinstem is True: a regular expression that matches any of the stems: stem """ if siendingsize is not None: siendingsize = -siendingsize si_list = [w[:siendingsize] + plending for w in lst] pl_bysize = bysize(lst) si_bysize = bysize(si_list) if dojoinstem: stem = joinstem(siendingsize, lst) return si_list, si_bysize, pl_bysize, stem else: return si_list, si_bysize, pl_bysize # 1. PLURALS pl_sb_irregular_s = { "corpus": "corpuses|corpora", "opus": "opuses|opera", "genus": "genera", "mythos": "mythoi", "penis": "penises|penes", "testis": "testes", "atlas": "atlases|atlantes", "yes": "yeses", } pl_sb_irregular = { "child": "children", "brother": "brothers|brethren", "loaf": "loaves", "hoof": "hoofs|hooves", "beef": "beefs|beeves", "thief": "thiefs|thieves", "money": "monies", "mongoose": "mongooses", "ox": "oxen", "cow": "cows|kine", "graffito": "graffiti", "octopus": "octopuses|octopodes", "genie": "genies|genii", "ganglion": "ganglions|ganglia", "trilby": "trilbys", "turf": "turfs|turves", "numen": "numina", "atman": "atmas", "occiput": "occiputs|occipita", "sabretooth": "sabretooths", "sabertooth": "sabertooths", "lowlife": "lowlifes", "flatfoot": "flatfoots", "tenderfoot": "tenderfoots", "romany": "romanies", "jerry": "jerries", "mary": "maries", "talouse": "talouses", "blouse": "blouses", "rom": "roma", "carmen": "carmina", } pl_sb_irregular.update(pl_sb_irregular_s) # pl_sb_irregular_keys = enclose('|'.join(pl_sb_irregular.keys())) pl_sb_irregular_caps = { "Romany": "Romanies", "Jerry": "Jerrys", "Mary": "Marys", "Rom": "Roma", } pl_sb_irregular_compound = {"prima donna": "prima donnas|prime donne"} si_sb_irregular = {v: k for (k, v) in pl_sb_irregular.items()} keys = list(si_sb_irregular.keys()) for k in keys: if "|" in k: k1, k2 = k.split("|") si_sb_irregular[k1] = si_sb_irregular[k2] = si_sb_irregular[k] del si_sb_irregular[k] si_sb_irregular_caps = {v: k for (k, v) in pl_sb_irregular_caps.items()} si_sb_irregular_compound = {v: k for (k, v) in pl_sb_irregular_compound.items()} keys = list(si_sb_irregular_compound.keys()) for k in keys: if "|" in k: k1, k2 = k.split("|") si_sb_irregular_compound[k1] = si_sb_irregular_compound[ k2 ] = si_sb_irregular_compound[k] del si_sb_irregular_compound[k] # si_sb_irregular_keys = enclose('|'.join(si_sb_irregular.keys())) # Z's that don't double pl_sb_z_zes_list = ("quartz", "topaz") pl_sb_z_zes_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_z_zes_list) pl_sb_ze_zes_list = ("snooze",) pl_sb_ze_zes_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_ze_zes_list) # CLASSICAL "..is" -> "..ides" pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete = [ # GENERAL WORDS... "ephemeris", "iris", "clitoris", "chrysalis", "epididymis", ] pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings = [ # INFLAMATIONS... "itis" ] pl_sb_C_is_ides = joinstem( -2, pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete + [".*%s" % w for w in pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings] ) pl_sb_C_is_ides_list = pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete + pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings ( si_sb_C_is_ides_list, si_sb_C_is_ides_bysize, pl_sb_C_is_ides_bysize, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_is_ides_list, "ides", 2, dojoinstem=False) # CLASSICAL "..a" -> "..ata" pl_sb_C_a_ata_list = ( "anathema", "bema", "carcinoma", "charisma", "diploma", "dogma", "drama", "edema", "enema", "enigma", "lemma", "lymphoma", "magma", "melisma", "miasma", "oedema", "sarcoma", "schema", "soma", "stigma", "stoma", "trauma", "gumma", "pragma", ) ( si_sb_C_a_ata_list, si_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ata, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_a_ata_list, "ata", 1) # UNCONDITIONAL "..a" -> "..ae" pl_sb_U_a_ae_list = ("alumna", "alga", "vertebra", "persona") ( si_sb_U_a_ae_list, si_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_U_a_ae, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_a_ae_list, "e", None) # CLASSICAL "..a" -> "..ae" pl_sb_C_a_ae_list = ( "amoeba", "antenna", "formula", "hyperbola", "medusa", "nebula", "parabola", "abscissa", "hydra", "nova", "lacuna", "aurora", "umbra", "flora", "fauna", ) ( si_sb_C_a_ae_list, si_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ae, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_a_ae_list, "e", None) # CLASSICAL "..en" -> "..ina" pl_sb_C_en_ina_list = ("stamen", "foramen", "lumen") ( si_sb_C_en_ina_list, si_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, pl_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, pl_sb_C_en_ina, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_en_ina_list, "ina", 2) # UNCONDITIONAL "..um" -> "..a" pl_sb_U_um_a_list = ( "bacterium", "agendum", "desideratum", "erratum", "stratum", "datum", "ovum", "extremum", "candelabrum", ) ( si_sb_U_um_a_list, si_sb_U_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_um_a, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_um_a_list, "a", 2) # CLASSICAL "..um" -> "..a" pl_sb_C_um_a_list = ( "maximum", "minimum", "momentum", "optimum", "quantum", "cranium", "curriculum", "dictum", "phylum", "aquarium", "compendium", "emporium", "enconium", "gymnasium", "honorarium", "interregnum", "lustrum", "memorandum", "millennium", "rostrum", "spectrum", "speculum", "stadium", "trapezium", "ultimatum", "medium", "vacuum", "velum", "consortium", "arboretum", ) ( si_sb_C_um_a_list, si_sb_C_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_um_a, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_um_a_list, "a", 2) # UNCONDITIONAL "..us" -> "i" pl_sb_U_us_i_list = ( "alumnus", "alveolus", "bacillus", "bronchus", "locus", "nucleus", "stimulus", "meniscus", "sarcophagus", ) ( si_sb_U_us_i_list, si_sb_U_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_U_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_U_us_i, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_us_i_list, "i", 2) # CLASSICAL "..us" -> "..i" pl_sb_C_us_i_list = ( "focus", "radius", "genius", "incubus", "succubus", "nimbus", "fungus", "nucleolus", "stylus", "torus", "umbilicus", "uterus", "hippopotamus", "cactus", ) ( si_sb_C_us_i_list, si_sb_C_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_us_i, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_us_i_list, "i", 2) # CLASSICAL "..us" -> "..us" (ASSIMILATED 4TH DECLENSION LATIN NOUNS) pl_sb_C_us_us = ( "status", "apparatus", "prospectus", "sinus", "hiatus", "impetus", "plexus", ) pl_sb_C_us_us_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_C_us_us) # UNCONDITIONAL "..on" -> "a" pl_sb_U_on_a_list = ( "criterion", "perihelion", "aphelion", "phenomenon", "prolegomenon", "noumenon", "organon", "asyndeton", "hyperbaton", ) ( si_sb_U_on_a_list, si_sb_U_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_on_a, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_on_a_list, "a", 2) # CLASSICAL "..on" -> "..a" pl_sb_C_on_a_list = ("oxymoron",) ( si_sb_C_on_a_list, si_sb_C_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_on_a, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_on_a_list, "a", 2) # CLASSICAL "..o" -> "..i" (BUT NORMALLY -> "..os") pl_sb_C_o_i = [ "solo", "soprano", "basso", "alto", "contralto", "tempo", "piano", "virtuoso", ] # list not tuple so can concat for pl_sb_U_o_os pl_sb_C_o_i_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_C_o_i) si_sb_C_o_i_bysize = bysize(["%si" % w[:-1] for w in pl_sb_C_o_i]) pl_sb_C_o_i_stems = joinstem(-1, pl_sb_C_o_i) # ALWAYS "..o" -> "..os" pl_sb_U_o_os_complete = {"ado", "ISO", "NATO", "NCO", "NGO", "oto"} si_sb_U_o_os_complete = {"%ss" % w for w in pl_sb_U_o_os_complete} pl_sb_U_o_os_endings = [ "aficionado", "aggro", "albino", "allegro", "ammo", "Antananarivo", "archipelago", "armadillo", "auto", "avocado", "Bamako", "Barquisimeto", "bimbo", "bingo", "Biro", "bolero", "Bolzano", "bongo", "Boto", "burro", "Cairo", "canto", "cappuccino", "casino", "cello", "Chicago", "Chimango", "cilantro", "cochito", "coco", "Colombo", "Colorado", "commando", "concertino", "contango", "credo", "crescendo", "cyano", "demo", "ditto", "Draco", "dynamo", "embryo", "Esperanto", "espresso", "euro", "falsetto", "Faro", "fiasco", "Filipino", "flamenco", "furioso", "generalissimo", "Gestapo", "ghetto", "gigolo", "gizmo", "Greensboro", "gringo", "Guaiabero", "guano", "gumbo", "gyro", "hairdo", "hippo", "Idaho", "impetigo", "inferno", "info", "intermezzo", "intertrigo", "Iquico", "jumbo", "junto", "Kakapo", "kilo", "Kinkimavo", "Kokako", "Kosovo", "Lesotho", "libero", "libido", "libretto", "lido", "Lilo", "limbo", "limo", "lineno", "lingo", "lino", "livedo", "loco", "logo", "lumbago", "macho", "macro", "mafioso", "magneto", "magnifico", "Majuro", "Malabo", "manifesto", "Maputo", "Maracaibo", "medico", "memo", "metro", "Mexico", "micro", "Milano", "Monaco", "mono", "Montenegro", "Morocco", "Muqdisho", "myo", "neutrino", "Ningbo", "octavo", "oregano", "Orinoco", "Orlando", "Oslo", "panto", "Paramaribo", "Pardusco", "pedalo", "photo", "pimento", "pinto", "pleco", "Pluto", "pogo", "polo", "poncho", "Porto-Novo", "Porto", "pro", "psycho", "pueblo", "quarto", "Quito", "rhino", "risotto", "rococo", "rondo", "Sacramento", "saddo", "sago", "salvo", "Santiago", "Sapporo", "Sarajevo", "scherzando", "scherzo", "silo", "sirocco", "sombrero", "staccato", "sterno", "stucco", "stylo", "sumo", "Taiko", "techno", "terrazzo", "testudo", "timpano", "tiro", "tobacco", "Togo", "Tokyo", "torero", "Torino", "Toronto", "torso", "tremolo", "typo", "tyro", "ufo", "UNESCO", "vaquero", "vermicello", "verso", "vibrato", "violoncello", "Virgo", "weirdo", "WHO", "WTO", "Yamoussoukro", "yo-yo", "zero", "Zibo", ] + pl_sb_C_o_i pl_sb_U_o_os_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_U_o_os_endings) si_sb_U_o_os_bysize = bysize(["%ss" % w for w in pl_sb_U_o_os_endings]) # UNCONDITIONAL "..ch" -> "..chs" pl_sb_U_ch_chs_list = ("czech", "eunuch", "stomach") ( si_sb_U_ch_chs_list, si_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, pl_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, pl_sb_U_ch_chs, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_ch_chs_list, "s", None) # UNCONDITIONAL "..[ei]x" -> "..ices" pl_sb_U_ex_ices_list = ("codex", "murex", "silex") ( si_sb_U_ex_ices_list, si_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ex_ices, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_ex_ices_list, "ices", 2) pl_sb_U_ix_ices_list = ("radix", "helix") ( si_sb_U_ix_ices_list, si_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ix_ices, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_ix_ices_list, "ices", 2) # CLASSICAL "..[ei]x" -> "..ices" pl_sb_C_ex_ices_list = ( "vortex", "vertex", "cortex", "latex", "pontifex", "apex", "index", "simplex", ) ( si_sb_C_ex_ices_list, si_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ex_ices, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_ex_ices_list, "ices", 2) pl_sb_C_ix_ices_list = ("appendix",) ( si_sb_C_ix_ices_list, si_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ix_ices, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_ix_ices_list, "ices", 2) # ARABIC: ".." -> "..i" pl_sb_C_i_list = ("afrit", "afreet", "efreet") (si_sb_C_i_list, si_sb_C_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_i) = make_pl_si_lists( pl_sb_C_i_list, "i", None ) # HEBREW: ".." -> "..im" pl_sb_C_im_list = ("goy", "seraph", "cherub") (si_sb_C_im_list, si_sb_C_im_bysize, pl_sb_C_im_bysize, pl_sb_C_im) = make_pl_si_lists( pl_sb_C_im_list, "im", None ) # UNCONDITIONAL "..man" -> "..mans" pl_sb_U_man_mans_list = """ ataman caiman cayman ceriman desman dolman farman harman hetman human leman ottoman shaman talisman """.split() pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_list = """ Alabaman Bahaman Burman German Hiroshiman Liman Nakayaman Norman Oklahoman Panaman Roman Selman Sonaman Tacoman Yakiman Yokohaman Yuman """.split() ( si_sb_U_man_mans_list, si_sb_U_man_mans_bysize, pl_sb_U_man_mans_bysize, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_man_mans_list, "s", None, dojoinstem=False) ( si_sb_U_man_mans_caps_list, si_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize, pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize, ) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_list, "s", None, dojoinstem=False) pl_sb_uninflected_s_complete = [ # PAIRS OR GROUPS SUBSUMED TO A SINGULAR... "breeches", "britches", "pajamas", "pyjamas", "clippers", "gallows", "hijinks", "headquarters", "pliers", "scissors", "testes", "herpes", "pincers", "shears", "proceedings", "trousers", # UNASSIMILATED LATIN 4th DECLENSION "cantus", "coitus", "nexus", # RECENT IMPORTS... "contretemps", "corps", "debris", "siemens", # DISEASES "mumps", # MISCELLANEOUS OTHERS... "diabetes", "jackanapes", "series", "species", "subspecies", "rabies", "chassis", "innings", "news", "mews", "haggis", ] pl_sb_uninflected_s_endings = [ # RECENT IMPORTS... "ois", # DISEASES "measles", ] pl_sb_uninflected_s = pl_sb_uninflected_s_complete + [ ".*%s" % w for w in pl_sb_uninflected_s_endings ] pl_sb_uninflected_herd = ( # DON'T INFLECT IN CLASSICAL MODE, OTHERWISE NORMAL INFLECTION "wildebeest", "swine", "eland", "bison", "buffalo", "elk", "rhinoceros", "zucchini", "caribou", "dace", "grouse", "guinea fowl", "guinea-fowl", "haddock", "hake", "halibut", "herring", "mackerel", "pickerel", "pike", "roe", "seed", "shad", "snipe", "teal", "turbot", "water fowl", "water-fowl", ) pl_sb_uninflected_complete = [ # SOME FISH AND HERD ANIMALS "tuna", "salmon", "mackerel", "trout", "bream", "sea-bass", "sea bass", "carp", "cod", "flounder", "whiting", "moose", # OTHER ODDITIES "graffiti", "djinn", "samuri", "offspring", "pence", "quid", "hertz", ] + pl_sb_uninflected_s_complete # SOME WORDS ENDING IN ...s (OFTEN PAIRS TAKEN AS A WHOLE) pl_sb_uninflected_caps = [ # ALL NATIONALS ENDING IN -ese "Portuguese", "Amoyese", "Borghese", "Congoese", "Faroese", "Foochowese", "Genevese", "Genoese", "Gilbertese", "Hottentotese", "Kiplingese", "Kongoese", "Lucchese", "Maltese", "Nankingese", "Niasese", "Pekingese", "Piedmontese", "Pistoiese", "Sarawakese", "Shavese", "Vermontese", "Wenchowese", "Yengeese", ] pl_sb_uninflected_endings = [ # SOME FISH AND HERD ANIMALS "fish", "deer", "sheep", # ALL NATIONALS ENDING IN -ese "nese", "rese", "lese", "mese", # DISEASES "pox", # OTHER ODDITIES "craft", ] + pl_sb_uninflected_s_endings # SOME WORDS ENDING IN ...s (OFTEN PAIRS TAKEN AS A WHOLE) pl_sb_uninflected_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_uninflected_endings) # SINGULAR WORDS ENDING IN ...s (ALL INFLECT WITH ...es) pl_sb_singular_s_complete = [ "acropolis", "aegis", "alias", "asbestos", "bathos", "bias", "bronchitis", "bursitis", "caddis", "cannabis", "canvas", "chaos", "cosmos", "dais", "digitalis", "epidermis", "ethos", "eyas", "gas", "glottis", "hubris", "ibis", "lens", "mantis", "marquis", "metropolis", "pathos", "pelvis", "polis", "rhinoceros", "sassafras", "trellis", ] + pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete pl_sb_singular_s_endings = ["ss", "us"] + pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings pl_sb_singular_s_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_singular_s_endings) si_sb_singular_s_complete = ["%ses" % w for w in pl_sb_singular_s_complete] si_sb_singular_s_endings = ["%ses" % w for w in pl_sb_singular_s_endings] si_sb_singular_s_bysize = bysize(si_sb_singular_s_endings) pl_sb_singular_s_es = ["[A-Z].*es"] pl_sb_singular_s = enclose( "|".join( pl_sb_singular_s_complete + [".*%s" % w for w in pl_sb_singular_s_endings] + pl_sb_singular_s_es ) ) # PLURALS ENDING IN uses -> use si_sb_ois_oi_case = ("Bolshois", "Hanois") si_sb_uses_use_case = ("Betelgeuses", "Duses", "Meuses", "Syracuses", "Toulouses") si_sb_uses_use = ( "abuses", "applauses", "blouses", "carouses", "causes", "chartreuses", "clauses", "contuses", "douses", "excuses", "fuses", "grouses", "hypotenuses", "masseuses", "menopauses", "misuses", "muses", "overuses", "pauses", "peruses", "profuses", "recluses", "reuses", "ruses", "souses", "spouses", "suffuses", "transfuses", "uses", ) si_sb_ies_ie_case = ( "Addies", "Aggies", "Allies", "Amies", "Angies", "Annies", "Annmaries", "Archies", "Arties", "Aussies", "Barbies", "Barries", "Basies", "Bennies", "Bernies", "Berties", "Bessies", "Betties", "Billies", "Blondies", "Bobbies", "Bonnies", "Bowies", "Brandies", "Bries", "Brownies", "Callies", "Carnegies", "Carries", "Cassies", "Charlies", "Cheries", "Christies", "Connies", "Curies", "Dannies", "Debbies", "Dixies", "Dollies", "Donnies", "Drambuies", "Eddies", "Effies", "Ellies", "Elsies", "Eries", "Ernies", "Essies", "Eugenies", "Fannies", "Flossies", "Frankies", "Freddies", "Gillespies", "Goldies", "Gracies", "Guthries", "Hallies", "Hatties", "Hetties", "Hollies", "Jackies", "Jamies", "Janies", "Jannies", "Jeanies", "Jeannies", "Jennies", "Jessies", "Jimmies", "Jodies", "Johnies", "Johnnies", "Josies", "Julies", "Kalgoorlies", "Kathies", "Katies", "Kellies", "Kewpies", "Kristies", "Laramies", "Lassies", "Lauries", "Leslies", "Lessies", "Lillies", "Lizzies", "Lonnies", "Lories", "Lorries", "Lotties", "Louies", "Mackenzies", "Maggies", "Maisies", "Mamies", "Marcies", "Margies", "Maries", "Marjories", "Matties", "McKenzies", "Melanies", "Mickies", "Millies", "Minnies", "Mollies", "Mounties", "Nannies", "Natalies", "Nellies", "Netties", "Ollies", "Ozzies", "Pearlies", "Pottawatomies", "Reggies", "Richies", "Rickies", "Robbies", "Ronnies", "Rosalies", "Rosemaries", "Rosies", "Roxies", "Rushdies", "Ruthies", "Sadies", "Sallies", "Sammies", "Scotties", "Selassies", "Sherries", "Sophies", "Stacies", "Stefanies", "Stephanies", "Stevies", "Susies", "Sylvies", "Tammies", "Terries", "Tessies", "Tommies", "Tracies", "Trekkies", "Valaries", "Valeries", "Valkyries", "Vickies", "Virgies", "Willies", "Winnies", "Wylies", "Yorkies", ) si_sb_ies_ie = ( "aeries", "baggies", "belies", "biggies", "birdies", "bogies", "bonnies", "boogies", "bookies", "bourgeoisies", "brownies", "budgies", "caddies", "calories", "camaraderies", "cockamamies", "collies", "cookies", "coolies", "cooties", "coteries", "crappies", "curies", "cutesies", "dogies", "eyrie", "floozies", "footsies", "freebies", "genies", "goalies", "groupies", "hies", "jalousies", "junkies", "kiddies", "laddies", "lassies", "lies", "lingeries", "magpies", "menageries", "mommies", "movies", "neckties", "newbies", "nighties", "oldies", "organdies", "overlies", "pies", "pinkies", "pixies", "potpies", "prairies", "quickies", "reveries", "rookies", "rotisseries", "softies", "sorties", "species", "stymies", "sweeties", "ties", "underlies", "unties", "veggies", "vies", "yuppies", "zombies", ) si_sb_oes_oe_case = ( "Chloes", "Crusoes", "Defoes", "Faeroes", "Ivanhoes", "Joes", "McEnroes", "Moes", "Monroes", "Noes", "Poes", "Roscoes", "Tahoes", "Tippecanoes", "Zoes", ) si_sb_oes_oe = ( "aloes", "backhoes", "canoes", "does", "floes", "foes", "hoes", "mistletoes", "oboes", "pekoes", "roes", "sloes", "throes", "tiptoes", "toes", "woes", ) si_sb_z_zes = ("quartzes", "topazes") si_sb_zzes_zz = ("buzzes", "fizzes", "frizzes", "razzes") si_sb_ches_che_case = ( "Andromaches", "Apaches", "Blanches", "Comanches", "Nietzsches", "Porsches", "Roches", ) si_sb_ches_che = ( "aches", "avalanches", "backaches", "bellyaches", "caches", "cloches", "creches", "douches", "earaches", "fiches", "headaches", "heartaches", "microfiches", "niches", "pastiches", "psyches", "quiches", "stomachaches", "toothaches", ) si_sb_xes_xe = ("annexes", "axes", "deluxes", "pickaxes") si_sb_sses_sse_case = ("Hesses", "Jesses", "Larousses", "Matisses") si_sb_sses_sse = ( "bouillabaisses", "crevasses", "demitasses", "impasses", "mousses", "posses", ) si_sb_ves_ve_case = ( # *[nwl]ives -> [nwl]live "Clives", "Palmolives", ) si_sb_ves_ve = ( # *[^d]eaves -> eave "interweaves", "weaves", # *[nwl]ives -> [nwl]live "olives", # *[eoa]lves -> [eoa]lve "bivalves", "dissolves", "resolves", "salves", "twelves", "valves", ) plverb_special_s = enclose( "|".join( [pl_sb_singular_s] + pl_sb_uninflected_s + list(pl_sb_irregular_s.keys()) + ["(.*[csx])is", "(.*)ceps", "[A-Z].*s"] ) ) pl_sb_postfix_adj = { "general": [r"(?!major|lieutenant|brigadier|adjutant|.*star)\S+"], "martial": ["court"], "force": ["pound"], } for k in list(pl_sb_postfix_adj.keys()): pl_sb_postfix_adj[k] = enclose( enclose("|".join(pl_sb_postfix_adj[k])) + "(?=(?:-|\\s+)%s)" % k ) pl_sb_postfix_adj_stems = "(" + "|".join(list(pl_sb_postfix_adj.values())) + ")(.*)" # PLURAL WORDS ENDING IS es GO TO SINGULAR is si_sb_es_is = ( "amanuenses", "amniocenteses", "analyses", "antitheses", "apotheoses", "arterioscleroses", "atheroscleroses", "axes", # 'bases', # bases -> basis "catalyses", "catharses", "chasses", "cirrhoses", "cocces", "crises", "diagnoses", "dialyses", "diereses", "electrolyses", "emphases", "exegeses", "geneses", "halitoses", "hydrolyses", "hypnoses", "hypotheses", "hystereses", "metamorphoses", "metastases", "misdiagnoses", "mitoses", "mononucleoses", "narcoses", "necroses", "nemeses", "neuroses", "oases", "osmoses", "osteoporoses", "paralyses", "parentheses", "parthenogeneses", "periphrases", "photosyntheses", "probosces", "prognoses", "prophylaxes", "prostheses", "preces", "psoriases", "psychoanalyses", "psychokineses", "psychoses", "scleroses", "scolioses", "sepses", "silicoses", "symbioses", "synopses", "syntheses", "taxes", "telekineses", "theses", "thromboses", "tuberculoses", "urinalyses", ) pl_prep_list = """ about above across after among around at athwart before behind below beneath beside besides between betwixt beyond but by during except for from in into near of off on onto out over since till to under until unto upon with""".split() pl_prep_list_da = pl_prep_list + ["de", "du", "da"] pl_prep_bysize = bysize(pl_prep_list_da) pl_prep = enclose("|".join(pl_prep_list_da)) pl_sb_prep_dual_compound = ( r"(.*?)((?:-|\s+)(?:" + pl_prep + r")(?:-|\s+))a(?:-|\s+)(.*)" ) singular_pronoun_genders = { "neuter", "feminine", "masculine", "gender-neutral", "feminine or masculine", "masculine or feminine", } pl_pron_nom = { # NOMINATIVE REFLEXIVE "i": "we", "myself": "ourselves", "you": "you", "yourself": "yourselves", "she": "they", "herself": "themselves", "he": "they", "himself": "themselves", "it": "they", "itself": "themselves", "they": "they", "themself": "themselves", # POSSESSIVE "mine": "ours", "yours": "yours", "hers": "theirs", "his": "theirs", "its": "theirs", "theirs": "theirs", } si_pron = {} si_pron["nom"] = {v: k for (k, v) in pl_pron_nom.items()} si_pron["nom"]["we"] = "I" pl_pron_acc = { # ACCUSATIVE REFLEXIVE "me": "us", "myself": "ourselves", "you": "you", "yourself": "yourselves", "her": "them", "herself": "themselves", "him": "them", "himself": "themselves", "it": "them", "itself": "themselves", "them": "them", "themself": "themselves", } pl_pron_acc_keys = enclose("|".join(list(pl_pron_acc.keys()))) pl_pron_acc_keys_bysize = bysize(list(pl_pron_acc.keys())) si_pron["acc"] = {v: k for (k, v) in pl_pron_acc.items()} for thecase, plur, gend, sing in ( ("nom", "they", "neuter", "it"), ("nom", "they", "feminine", "she"), ("nom", "they", "masculine", "he"), ("nom", "they", "gender-neutral", "they"), ("nom", "they", "feminine or masculine", "she or he"), ("nom", "they", "masculine or feminine", "he or she"), ("nom", "themselves", "neuter", "itself"), ("nom", "themselves", "feminine", "herself"), ("nom", "themselves", "masculine", "himself"), ("nom", "themselves", "gender-neutral", "themself"), ("nom", "themselves", "feminine or masculine", "herself or himself"), ("nom", "themselves", "masculine or feminine", "himself or herself"), ("nom", "theirs", "neuter", "its"), ("nom", "theirs", "feminine", "hers"), ("nom", "theirs", "masculine", "his"), ("nom", "theirs", "gender-neutral", "theirs"), ("nom", "theirs", "feminine or masculine", "hers or his"), ("nom", "theirs", "masculine or feminine", "his or hers"), ("acc", "them", "neuter", "it"), ("acc", "them", "feminine", "her"), ("acc", "them", "masculine", "him"), ("acc", "them", "gender-neutral", "them"), ("acc", "them", "feminine or masculine", "her or him"), ("acc", "them", "masculine or feminine", "him or her"), ("acc", "themselves", "neuter", "itself"), ("acc", "themselves", "feminine", "herself"), ("acc", "themselves", "masculine", "himself"), ("acc", "themselves", "gender-neutral", "themself"), ("acc", "themselves", "feminine or masculine", "herself or himself"), ("acc", "themselves", "masculine or feminine", "himself or herself"), ): try: si_pron[thecase][plur][gend] = sing except TypeError: si_pron[thecase][plur] = {} si_pron[thecase][plur][gend] = sing si_pron_acc_keys = enclose("|".join(list(si_pron["acc"].keys()))) si_pron_acc_keys_bysize = bysize(list(si_pron["acc"].keys())) def get_si_pron(thecase, word, gender): try: sing = si_pron[thecase][word] except KeyError: raise # not a pronoun try: return sing[gender] # has several types due to gender except TypeError: return sing # answer independent of gender plverb_irregular_pres = { # 1st PERS. SING. 2ND PERS. SING. 3RD PERS. SINGULAR # 3RD PERS. (INDET.) "am": "are", "are": "are", "is": "are", "was": "were", "were": "were", "was": "were", "have": "have", "have": "have", "has": "have", "do": "do", "do": "do", "does": "do", } plverb_ambiguous_pres = { # 1st PERS. SING. 2ND PERS. SING. 3RD PERS. SINGULAR # 3RD PERS. (INDET.) "act": "act", "act": "act", "acts": "act", "blame": "blame", "blame": "blame", "blames": "blame", "can": "can", "can": "can", "can": "can", "must": "must", "must": "must", "must": "must", "fly": "fly", "fly": "fly", "flies": "fly", "copy": "copy", "copy": "copy", "copies": "copy", "drink": "drink", "drink": "drink", "drinks": "drink", "fight": "fight", "fight": "fight", "fights": "fight", "fire": "fire", "fire": "fire", "fires": "fire", "like": "like", "like": "like", "likes": "like", "look": "look", "look": "look", "looks": "look", "make": "make", "make": "make", "makes": "make", "reach": "reach", "reach": "reach", "reaches": "reach", "run": "run", "run": "run", "runs": "run", "sink": "sink", "sink": "sink", "sinks": "sink", "sleep": "sleep", "sleep": "sleep", "sleeps": "sleep", "view": "view", "view": "view", "views": "view", } plverb_ambiguous_pres_keys = enclose("|".join(list(plverb_ambiguous_pres.keys()))) plverb_irregular_non_pres = ( "did", "had", "ate", "made", "put", "spent", "fought", "sank", "gave", "sought", "shall", "could", "ought", "should", ) plverb_ambiguous_non_pres = enclose( "|".join(("thought", "saw", "bent", "will", "might", "cut")) ) # "..oes" -> "..oe" (the rest are "..oes" -> "o") pl_v_oes_oe = ("canoes", "floes", "oboes", "roes", "throes", "woes") pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size4 = ("hoes", "toes") pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size5 = ("shoes",) pl_count_zero = ("0", "no", "zero", "nil") pl_count_one = ("1", "a", "an", "one", "each", "every", "this", "that") pl_adj_special = {"a": "some", "an": "some", "this": "these", "that": "those"} pl_adj_special_keys = enclose("|".join(list(pl_adj_special.keys()))) pl_adj_poss = { "my": "our", "your": "your", "its": "their", "her": "their", "his": "their", "their": "their", } pl_adj_poss_keys = enclose("|".join(list(pl_adj_poss.keys()))) # 2. INDEFINITE ARTICLES # THIS PATTERN MATCHES STRINGS OF CAPITALS STARTING WITH A "VOWEL-SOUND" # CONSONANT FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER CONSONANT, AND WHICH ARE NOT LIKELY # TO BE REAL WORDS (OH, ALL RIGHT THEN, IT'S JUST MAGIC!) A_abbrev = r""" (?! FJO | [HLMNS]Y. | RY[EO] | SQU | ( F[LR]? | [HL] | MN? | N | RH? | S[CHKLMNPTVW]? | X(YL)?) [AEIOU]) [FHLMNRSX][A-Z] """ # THIS PATTERN CODES THE BEGINNINGS OF ALL ENGLISH WORDS BEGINING WITH A # 'y' FOLLOWED BY A CONSONANT. ANY OTHER Y-CONSONANT PREFIX THEREFORE # IMPLIES AN ABBREVIATION. A_y_cons = "y(b[lor]|cl[ea]|fere|gg|p[ios]|rou|tt)" # EXCEPTIONS TO EXCEPTIONS A_explicit_a = enclose("|".join(("unabomber", "unanimous", "US"))) A_explicit_an = enclose( "|".join(("euler", "hour(?!i)", "heir", "honest", "hono[ur]", "mpeg")) ) A_ordinal_an = enclose("|".join(("[aefhilmnorsx]-?th",))) A_ordinal_a = enclose("|".join(("[bcdgjkpqtuvwyz]-?th",))) # NUMERICAL INFLECTIONS nth = { 0: "th", 1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd", 4: "th", 5: "th", 6: "th", 7: "th", 8: "th", 9: "th", 11: "th", 12: "th", 13: "th", } ordinal = dict( ty="tieth", one="first", two="second", three="third", five="fifth", eight="eighth", nine="ninth", twelve="twelfth", ) ordinal_suff = "|".join(list(ordinal.keys())) # NUMBERS unit = ["", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"] teen = [ "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", ] ten = [ "", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety", ] mill = [ " ", " thousand", " million", " billion", " trillion", " quadrillion", " quintillion", " sextillion", " septillion", " octillion", " nonillion", " decillion", ] # SUPPORT CLASSICAL PLURALIZATIONS def_classical = dict( all=False, zero=False, herd=False, names=True, persons=False, ancient=False ) all_classical = {k: True for k in list(def_classical.keys())} no_classical = {k: False for k in list(def_classical.keys())} # Maps strings to built-in constant types string_to_constant = {"True": True, "False": False, "None": None} class engine: def __init__(self): self.classical_dict = def_classical.copy() self.persistent_count = None self.mill_count = 0 self.pl_sb_user_defined = [] self.pl_v_user_defined = [] self.pl_adj_user_defined = [] self.si_sb_user_defined = [] self.A_a_user_defined = [] self.thegender = "neuter" deprecated_methods = dict( pl="plural", plnoun="plural_noun", plverb="plural_verb", pladj="plural_adj", sinoun="single_noun", prespart="present_participle", numwords="number_to_words", plequal="compare", plnounequal="compare_nouns", plverbequal="compare_verbs", pladjequal="compare_adjs", wordlist="join", ) def __getattr__(self, meth): if meth in self.deprecated_methods: print3( "{}() deprecated, use {}()".format(meth, self.deprecated_methods[meth]) ) raise DeprecationWarning raise AttributeError def defnoun(self, singular, plural): """ Set the noun plural of singular to plural. """ self.checkpat(singular) self.checkpatplural(plural) self.pl_sb_user_defined.extend((singular, plural)) self.si_sb_user_defined.extend((plural, singular)) return 1 def defverb(self, s1, p1, s2, p2, s3, p3): """ Set the verb plurals for s1, s2 and s3 to p1, p2 and p3 respectively. Where 1, 2 and 3 represent the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person forms of the verb. """ self.checkpat(s1) self.checkpat(s2) self.checkpat(s3) self.checkpatplural(p1) self.checkpatplural(p2) self.checkpatplural(p3) self.pl_v_user_defined.extend((s1, p1, s2, p2, s3, p3)) return 1 def defadj(self, singular, plural): """ Set the adjective plural of singular to plural. """ self.checkpat(singular) self.checkpatplural(plural) self.pl_adj_user_defined.extend((singular, plural)) return 1 def defa(self, pattern): """ Define the indefinate article as 'a' for words matching pattern. """ self.checkpat(pattern) self.A_a_user_defined.extend((pattern, "a")) return 1 def defan(self, pattern): """ Define the indefinate article as 'an' for words matching pattern. """ self.checkpat(pattern) self.A_a_user_defined.extend((pattern, "an")) return 1 def checkpat(self, pattern): """ check for errors in a regex pattern """ if pattern is None: return try: re.match(pattern, "") except re.error: print3("\nBad user-defined singular pattern:\n\t%s\n" % pattern) raise BadUserDefinedPatternError def checkpatplural(self, pattern): """ check for errors in a regex replace pattern """ return def ud_match(self, word, wordlist): for i in range(len(wordlist) - 2, -2, -2): # backwards through even elements mo = re.search(r"^%s$" % wordlist[i], word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: if wordlist[i + 1] is None: return None pl = re.sub( r"\$(\d+)", r"\\1", wordlist[i + 1] ) # change $n to \n for expand return mo.expand(pl) return None def classical(self, **kwargs): """ turn classical mode on and off for various categories turn on all classical modes: classical() classical(all=True) turn on or off specific claassical modes: e.g. classical(herd=True) classical(names=False) By default all classical modes are off except names. unknown value in args or key in kwargs rasies exception: UnknownClasicalModeError """ classical_mode = list(def_classical.keys()) if not kwargs: self.classical_dict = all_classical.copy() return if "all" in kwargs: if kwargs["all"]: self.classical_dict = all_classical.copy() else: self.classical_dict = no_classical.copy() for k, v in list(kwargs.items()): if k in classical_mode: self.classical_dict[k] = v else: raise UnknownClassicalModeError def num(self, count=None, show=None): # (;$count,$show) """ Set the number to be used in other method calls. Returns count. Set show to False to return '' instead. """ if count is not None: try: self.persistent_count = int(count) except ValueError: raise BadNumValueError if (show is None) or show: return str(count) else: self.persistent_count = None return "" def gender(self, gender): """ set the gender for the singular of plural pronouns can be one of: 'neuter' ('they' -> 'it') 'feminine' ('they' -> 'she') 'masculine' ('they' -> 'he') 'gender-neutral' ('they' -> 'they') 'feminine or masculine' ('they' -> 'she or he') 'masculine or feminine' ('they' -> 'he or she') """ if gender in singular_pronoun_genders: self.thegender = gender else: raise BadGenderError def _get_value_from_ast(self, obj): """ Return the value of the ast object. """ if isinstance(obj, ast.Num): return obj.n elif isinstance(obj, ast.Str): return obj.s elif isinstance(obj, ast.List): return [self._get_value_from_ast(e) for e in obj.elts] elif isinstance(obj, ast.Tuple): return tuple([self._get_value_from_ast(e) for e in obj.elts]) # None, True and False are NameConstants in Py3.4 and above. elif sys.version_info.major >= 3 and isinstance(obj, ast.NameConstant): return obj.value # For python versions below 3.4 elif isinstance(obj, ast.Name) and (obj.id in ["True", "False", "None"]): return string_to_constant[obj.id] # Probably passed a variable name. # Or passed a single word without wrapping it in quotes as an argument # ex: p.inflect("I plural(see)") instead of p.inflect("I plural('see')") raise NameError("name '%s' is not defined" % obj.id) def _string_to_substitute(self, mo, methods_dict): """ Return the string to be substituted for the match. """ matched_text, f_name = mo.groups() # matched_text is the complete match string. e.g. plural_noun(cat) # f_name is the function name. e.g. plural_noun # Return matched_text if function name is not in methods_dict if f_name not in methods_dict: return matched_text # Parse the matched text a_tree = ast.parse(matched_text) # get the args and kwargs from ast objects args_list = [self._get_value_from_ast(a) for a in a_tree.body[0].value.args] kwargs_list = { kw.arg: self._get_value_from_ast(kw.value) for kw in a_tree.body[0].value.keywords } # Call the corresponding function return methods_dict[f_name](*args_list, **kwargs_list) # 0. PERFORM GENERAL INFLECTIONS IN A STRING def inflect(self, text): """ Perform inflections in a string. e.g. inflect('The plural of cat is plural(cat)') returns 'The plural of cat is cats' can use plural, plural_noun, plural_verb, plural_adj, singular_noun, a, an, no, ordinal, number_to_words, and prespart """ save_persistent_count = self.persistent_count # Dictionary of allowed methods methods_dict = { "plural": self.plural, "plural_adj": self.plural_adj, "plural_noun": self.plural_noun, "plural_verb": self.plural_verb, "singular_noun": self.singular_noun, "a": self.a, "an": self.a, "no": self.no, "ordinal": self.ordinal, "number_to_words": self.number_to_words, "present_participle": self.present_participle, "num": self.num, } # Regular expression to find Python's function call syntax functions_re = re.compile(r"((\w+)\([^)]*\)*)", re.IGNORECASE) output = functions_re.sub( lambda mo: self._string_to_substitute(mo, methods_dict), text ) self.persistent_count = save_persistent_count return output # ## PLURAL SUBROUTINES def postprocess(self, orig, inflected): if "|" in inflected: inflected = inflected.split("|")[self.classical_dict["all"]] result = inflected.split(" ") # Try to fix word wise capitalization for index, word in enumerate(orig.split(" ")): if word == "I": # Is this the only word for exceptions like this # Where the original is fully capitalized # without 'meaning' capitalization? # Also this fails to handle a capitalizaion in context continue if word.capitalize() == word: result[index] = result[index].capitalize() if word == word.upper(): result[index] = result[index].upper() return " ".join(result) def partition_word(self, text): mo = re.search(r"\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z", text) try: return mo.group(1), mo.group(2), mo.group(3) except AttributeError: # empty string return "", "", "" def plural(self, text, count=None): """ Return the plural of text. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. """ pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess( word, self._pl_special_adjective(word, count) or self._pl_special_verb(word, count) or self._plnoun(word, count), ) return "{}{}{}".format(pre, plural, post) def plural_noun(self, text, count=None): """ Return the plural of text, where text is a noun. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. """ pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess(word, self._plnoun(word, count)) return "{}{}{}".format(pre, plural, post) def plural_verb(self, text, count=None): """ Return the plural of text, where text is a verb. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. """ pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess( word, self._pl_special_verb(word, count) or self._pl_general_verb(word, count), ) return "{}{}{}".format(pre, plural, post) def plural_adj(self, text, count=None): """ Return the plural of text, where text is an adjective. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. """ pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess(word, self._pl_special_adjective(word, count) or word) return "{}{}{}".format(pre, plural, post) def compare(self, word1, word2): """ compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise """ return ( self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_noun) or self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_verb) or self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_adj) ) def compare_nouns(self, word1, word2): """ compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality word1 and word2 are to be treated as nouns return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise """ return self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_noun) def compare_verbs(self, word1, word2): """ compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality word1 and word2 are to be treated as verbs return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise """ return self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_verb) def compare_adjs(self, word1, word2): """ compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality word1 and word2 are to be treated as adjectives return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise """ return self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_adj) def singular_noun(self, text, count=None, gender=None): """ Return the singular of text, where text is a plural noun. If count supplied, then return the singular if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that or if count is None otherwise return text unchanged. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. """ pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text sing = self._sinoun(word, count=count, gender=gender) if sing is not False: plural = self.postprocess( word, self._sinoun(word, count=count, gender=gender) ) return "{}{}{}".format(pre, plural, post) return False def _plequal(self, word1, word2, pl): classval = self.classical_dict.copy() self.classical_dict = all_classical.copy() if word1 == word2: return "eq" if word1 == pl(word2): return "p:s" if pl(word1) == word2: return "s:p" self.classical_dict = no_classical.copy() if word1 == pl(word2): return "p:s" if pl(word1) == word2: return "s:p" self.classical_dict = classval.copy() if pl == self.plural or pl == self.plural_noun: if self._pl_check_plurals_N(word1, word2): return "p:p" if self._pl_check_plurals_N(word2, word1): return "p:p" if pl == self.plural or pl == self.plural_adj: if self._pl_check_plurals_adj(word1, word2): return "p:p" return False def _pl_reg_plurals(self, pair, stems, end1, end2): pattern = r"({})({}\|\1{}|{}\|\1{})".format(stems, end1, end2, end2, end1) return bool(re.search(pattern, pair)) def _pl_check_plurals_N(self, word1, word2): stem_endings = ( (pl_sb_C_a_ata, "as", "ata"), (pl_sb_C_is_ides, "is", "ides"), (pl_sb_C_a_ae, "s", "e"), (pl_sb_C_en_ina, "ens", "ina"), (pl_sb_C_um_a, "ums", "a"), (pl_sb_C_us_i, "uses", "i"), (pl_sb_C_on_a, "ons", "a"), (pl_sb_C_o_i_stems, "os", "i"), (pl_sb_C_ex_ices, "exes", "ices"), (pl_sb_C_ix_ices, "ixes", "ices"), (pl_sb_C_i, "s", "i"), (pl_sb_C_im, "s", "im"), (".*eau", "s", "x"), (".*ieu", "s", "x"), (".*tri", "xes", "ces"), (".{2,}[yia]n", "xes", "ges"), ) pair = "{}|{}".format(word1, word2) return ( pair in pl_sb_irregular_s.values() or pair in pl_sb_irregular.values() or pair in pl_sb_irregular_caps.values() or any( self._pl_reg_plurals(pair, stems, end1, end2) for stems, end1, end2 in stem_endings ) ) def _pl_check_plurals_adj(self, word1, word2): word1a = word1[: word1.rfind("'")] if word1.endswith(("'s", "'")) else "" word2a = word2[: word2.rfind("'")] if word2.endswith(("'s", "'")) else "" return ( word1a and word2a and ( self._pl_check_plurals_N(word1a, word2a) or self._pl_check_plurals_N(word2a, word1a) ) ) def get_count(self, count=None): if count is None and self.persistent_count is not None: count = self.persistent_count if count is not None: count = ( 1 if ( (str(count) in pl_count_one) or ( self.classical_dict["zero"] and str(count).lower() in pl_count_zero ) ) else 2 ) else: count = "" return count # @profile def _plnoun(self, word, count=None): count = self.get_count(count) # DEFAULT TO PLURAL if count == 1: return word # HANDLE USER-DEFINED NOUNS value = self.ud_match(word, self.pl_sb_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE EMPTY WORD, SINGULAR COUNT AND UNINFLECTED PLURALS if word == "": return word lowerword = word.lower() if lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_complete: return word if word in pl_sb_uninflected_caps: return word for k, v in pl_sb_uninflected_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word if self.classical_dict["herd"] and lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_herd: return word # HANDLE COMPOUNDS ("Governor General", "mother-in-law", "aide-de-camp", ETC.) mo = re.search(r"^(?:%s)$" % pl_sb_postfix_adj_stems, word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo and mo.group(2) != "": return "{}{}".format(self._plnoun(mo.group(1), 2), mo.group(2)) if " a " in lowerword or "-a-" in lowerword: mo = re.search(r"^(?:%s)$" % pl_sb_prep_dual_compound, word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo and mo.group(2) != "" and mo.group(3) != "": return "{}{}{}".format( self._plnoun(mo.group(1), 2), mo.group(2), self._plnoun(mo.group(3)) ) lowersplit = lowerword.split(" ") if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return " ".join( lowersplit[: numword - 1] + [self._plnoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 2)] + lowersplit[numword:] ) # only pluralize denominators in units mo = re.search( r"(?P.+)( (%s) .+)" % "|".join(["per", "a"]), lowerword ) if mo: index = len(mo.group("denominator")) return "{}{}".format(self._plnoun(word[:index]), word[index:]) # handle units given in degrees (only accept if # there is no more than one word following) # degree Celsius => degrees Celsius but degree # fahrenheit hour => degree fahrenheit hours if len(lowersplit) >= 2 and lowersplit[-2] in ["degree"]: return " ".join([self._plnoun(lowersplit[0])] + lowersplit[1:]) lowersplit = lowerword.split("-") if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return " ".join( lowersplit[: numword - 1] + [ self._plnoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 2) + "-" + lowersplit[numword] + "-" ] ) + " ".join(lowersplit[(numword + 1) :]) # HANDLE PRONOUNS for k, v in pl_pron_acc_keys_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: # ends with accusivate pronoun for pk, pv in pl_prep_bysize.items(): if lowerword[:pk] in pv: # starts with a prep if lowerword.split() == [lowerword[:pk], lowerword[-k:]]: # only whitespace in between return lowerword[:-k] + pl_pron_acc[lowerword[-k:]] try: return pl_pron_nom[word.lower()] except KeyError: pass try: return pl_pron_acc[word.lower()] except KeyError: pass # HANDLE ISOLATED IRREGULAR PLURALS wordsplit = word.split() wordlast = wordsplit[-1] lowerwordlast = wordlast.lower() if wordlast in list(pl_sb_irregular_caps.keys()): llen = len(wordlast) return "{}{}".format(word[:-llen], pl_sb_irregular_caps[wordlast]) if lowerwordlast in list(pl_sb_irregular.keys()): llen = len(lowerwordlast) return "{}{}".format(word[:-llen], pl_sb_irregular[lowerwordlast]) if (" ".join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower() in list(pl_sb_irregular_compound.keys()): llen = len( " ".join(wordsplit[-2:]) ) # TODO: what if 2 spaces between these words? return "{}{}".format( word[:-llen], pl_sb_irregular_compound[(" ".join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower()], ) if lowerword[-3:] == "quy": return word[:-1] + "ies" if lowerword[-6:] == "person": if self.classical_dict["persons"]: return word + "s" else: return word[:-4] + "ople" # HANDLE FAMILIES OF IRREGULAR PLURALS if lowerword[-3:] == "man": for k, v in pl_sb_U_man_mans_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + "s" for k, v in pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize.items(): if word[-k:] in v: return word + "s" return word[:-3] + "men" if lowerword[-5:] == "mouse": return word[:-5] + "mice" if lowerword[-5:] == "louse": return word[:-5] + "lice" if lowerword[-5:] == "goose": return word[:-5] + "geese" if lowerword[-5:] == "tooth": return word[:-5] + "teeth" if lowerword[-4:] == "foot": return word[:-4] + "feet" if lowerword[-4:] == "taco": return word[:-5] + "tacos" if lowerword == "die": return "dice" # HANDLE UNASSIMILATED IMPORTS if lowerword[-4:] == "ceps": return word if lowerword[-4:] == "zoon": return word[:-2] + "a" if lowerword[-3:] in ("cis", "sis", "xis"): return word[:-2] + "es" for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ("h", pl_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, None, "s"), ("x", pl_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, -2, "ices"), ("x", pl_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, -2, "ices"), ("m", pl_sb_U_um_a_bysize, -2, "a"), ("s", pl_sb_U_us_i_bysize, -2, "i"), ("n", pl_sb_U_on_a_bysize, -2, "a"), ("a", pl_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, None, "e"), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE INCOMPLETELY ASSIMILATED IMPORTS if self.classical_dict["ancient"]: if lowerword[-4:] == "trix": return word[:-1] + "ces" if lowerword[-3:] in ("eau", "ieu"): return word + "x" if lowerword[-3:] in ("ynx", "inx", "anx") and len(word) > 4: return word[:-1] + "ges" for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ("n", pl_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, -2, "ina"), ("x", pl_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, -2, "ices"), ("x", pl_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, -2, "ices"), ("m", pl_sb_C_um_a_bysize, -2, "a"), ("s", pl_sb_C_us_i_bysize, -2, "i"), ("s", pl_sb_C_us_us_bysize, None, ""), ("a", pl_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, None, "e"), ("a", pl_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, None, "ta"), ("s", pl_sb_C_is_ides_bysize, -1, "des"), ("o", pl_sb_C_o_i_bysize, -1, "i"), ("n", pl_sb_C_on_a_bysize, -2, "a"), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post for d, numend, post in ( (pl_sb_C_i_bysize, None, "i"), (pl_sb_C_im_bysize, None, "im"), ): for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE SINGULAR NOUNS ENDING IN ...s OR OTHER SILIBANTS if lowerword in pl_sb_singular_s_complete: return word + "es" for k, v in pl_sb_singular_s_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + "es" if lowerword[-2:] == "es" and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word + "es" if lowerword[-1] == "z": for k, v in pl_sb_z_zes_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + "es" if lowerword[-2:-1] != "z": return word + "zes" if lowerword[-2:] == "ze": for k, v in pl_sb_ze_zes_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + "s" if lowerword[-2:] in ("ch", "sh", "zz", "ss") or lowerword[-1] == "x": return word + "es" # HANDLE ...f -> ...ves if lowerword[-3:] in ("elf", "alf", "olf"): return word[:-1] + "ves" if lowerword[-3:] == "eaf" and lowerword[-4:-3] != "d": return word[:-1] + "ves" if lowerword[-4:] in ("nife", "life", "wife"): return word[:-2] + "ves" if lowerword[-3:] == "arf": return word[:-1] + "ves" # HANDLE ...y if lowerword[-1] == "y": if lowerword[-2:-1] in "aeiou" or len(word) == 1: return word + "s" if self.classical_dict["names"]: if lowerword[-1] == "y" and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word + "s" return word[:-1] + "ies" # HANDLE ...o if lowerword in pl_sb_U_o_os_complete: return word + "s" for k, v in pl_sb_U_o_os_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + "s" if lowerword[-2:] in ("ao", "eo", "io", "oo", "uo"): return word + "s" if lowerword[-1] == "o": return word + "es" # OTHERWISE JUST ADD ...s return "%ss" % word def _pl_special_verb(self, word, count=None): if self.classical_dict["zero"] and str(count).lower() in pl_count_zero: return False count = self.get_count(count) if count == 1: return word # HANDLE USER-DEFINED VERBS value = self.ud_match(word, self.pl_v_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE IRREGULAR PRESENT TENSE (SIMPLE AND COMPOUND) lowerword = word.lower() try: firstword = lowerword.split()[0] except IndexError: return False # word is '' if firstword in list(plverb_irregular_pres.keys()): return "{}{}".format( plverb_irregular_pres[firstword], word[len(firstword) :] ) # HANDLE IRREGULAR FUTURE, PRETERITE AND PERFECT TENSES if firstword in plverb_irregular_non_pres: return word # HANDLE PRESENT NEGATIONS (SIMPLE AND COMPOUND) if firstword.endswith("n't") and firstword[:-3] in list( plverb_irregular_pres.keys() ): return "{}n't{}".format( plverb_irregular_pres[firstword[:-3]], word[len(firstword) :] ) if firstword.endswith("n't"): return word # HANDLE SPECIAL CASES mo = re.search(r"^(%s)$" % plverb_special_s, word) if mo: return False if re.search(r"\s", word): return False if lowerword == "quizzes": return "quiz" # HANDLE STANDARD 3RD PERSON (CHOP THE ...(e)s OFF SINGLE WORDS) if ( lowerword[-4:] in ("ches", "shes", "zzes", "sses") or lowerword[-3:] == "xes" ): return word[:-2] if lowerword[-3:] == "ies" and len(word) > 3: return lowerword[:-3] + "y" if ( lowerword in pl_v_oes_oe or lowerword[-4:] in pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size4 or lowerword[-5:] in pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size5 ): return word[:-1] if lowerword.endswith("oes") and len(word) > 3: return lowerword[:-2] mo = re.search(r"^(.*[^s])s$", word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return mo.group(1) # OTHERWISE, A REGULAR VERB (HANDLE ELSEWHERE) return False def _pl_general_verb(self, word, count=None): count = self.get_count(count) if count == 1: return word # HANDLE AMBIGUOUS PRESENT TENSES (SIMPLE AND COMPOUND) mo = re.search( r"^(%s)((\s.*)?)$" % plverb_ambiguous_pres_keys, word, re.IGNORECASE ) if mo: return "{}{}".format( plverb_ambiguous_pres[mo.group(1).lower()], mo.group(2) ) # HANDLE AMBIGUOUS PRETERITE AND PERFECT TENSES mo = re.search( r"^(%s)((\s.*)?)$" % plverb_ambiguous_non_pres, word, re.IGNORECASE ) if mo: return word # OTHERWISE, 1st OR 2ND PERSON IS UNINFLECTED return word def _pl_special_adjective(self, word, count=None): count = self.get_count(count) if count == 1: return word # HANDLE USER-DEFINED ADJECTIVES value = self.ud_match(word, self.pl_adj_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE KNOWN CASES mo = re.search(r"^(%s)$" % pl_adj_special_keys, word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s" % (pl_adj_special[mo.group(1).lower()]) # HANDLE POSSESSIVES mo = re.search(r"^(%s)$" % pl_adj_poss_keys, word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s" % (pl_adj_poss[mo.group(1).lower()]) mo = re.search(r"^(.*)'s?$", word) if mo: pl = self.plural_noun(mo.group(1)) trailing_s = "" if pl[-1] == "s" else "s" return "{}'{}".format(pl, trailing_s) # OTHERWISE, NO IDEA return False # @profile def _sinoun(self, word, count=None, gender=None): count = self.get_count(count) # DEFAULT TO PLURAL if count == 2: return word # SET THE GENDER try: if gender is None: gender = self.thegender elif gender not in singular_pronoun_genders: raise BadGenderError except (TypeError, IndexError): raise BadGenderError # HANDLE USER-DEFINED NOUNS value = self.ud_match(word, self.si_sb_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE EMPTY WORD, SINGULAR COUNT AND UNINFLECTED PLURALS if word == "": return word lowerword = word.lower() if word in si_sb_ois_oi_case: return word[:-1] if lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_complete: return word if word in pl_sb_uninflected_caps: return word for k, v in pl_sb_uninflected_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word if self.classical_dict["herd"] and lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_herd: return word if lowerword in pl_sb_C_us_us: return word # HANDLE COMPOUNDS ("Governor General", "mother-in-law", "aide-de-camp", ETC.) mo = re.search(r"^(?:%s)$" % pl_sb_postfix_adj_stems, word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo and mo.group(2) != "": return "{}{}".format( self._sinoun(mo.group(1), 1, gender=gender), mo.group(2) ) lowersplit = lowerword.split(" ") if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return " ".join( lowersplit[: numword - 1] + [ self._sinoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 1, gender=gender) or lowersplit[numword - 1] ] + lowersplit[numword:] ) lowersplit = lowerword.split("-") if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return " ".join( lowersplit[: numword - 1] + [ ( self._sinoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 1, gender=gender) or lowersplit[numword - 1] ) + "-" + lowersplit[numword] + "-" ] ) + " ".join(lowersplit[(numword + 1) :]) # HANDLE PRONOUNS for k, v in si_pron_acc_keys_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: # ends with accusivate pronoun for pk, pv in pl_prep_bysize.items(): if lowerword[:pk] in pv: # starts with a prep if lowerword.split() == [lowerword[:pk], lowerword[-k:]]: # only whitespace in between return lowerword[:-k] + get_si_pron( "acc", lowerword[-k:], gender ) try: return get_si_pron("nom", word.lower(), gender) except KeyError: pass try: return get_si_pron("acc", word.lower(), gender) except KeyError: pass # HANDLE ISOLATED IRREGULAR PLURALS wordsplit = word.split() wordlast = wordsplit[-1] lowerwordlast = wordlast.lower() if wordlast in list(si_sb_irregular_caps.keys()): llen = len(wordlast) return "{}{}".format(word[:-llen], si_sb_irregular_caps[wordlast]) if lowerwordlast in list(si_sb_irregular.keys()): llen = len(lowerwordlast) return "{}{}".format(word[:-llen], si_sb_irregular[lowerwordlast]) if (" ".join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower() in list(si_sb_irregular_compound.keys()): llen = len( " ".join(wordsplit[-2:]) ) # TODO: what if 2 spaces between these words? return "{}{}".format( word[:-llen], si_sb_irregular_compound[(" ".join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower()], ) if lowerword[-5:] == "quies": return word[:-3] + "y" if lowerword[-7:] == "persons": return word[:-1] if lowerword[-6:] == "people": return word[:-4] + "rson" # HANDLE FAMILIES OF IRREGULAR PLURALS if lowerword[-4:] == "mans": for k, v in si_sb_U_man_mans_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:-1] for k, v in si_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize.items(): if word[-k:] in v: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == "men": return word[:-3] + "man" if lowerword[-4:] == "mice": return word[:-4] + "mouse" if lowerword[-4:] == "lice": return word[:-4] + "louse" if lowerword[-5:] == "geese": return word[:-5] + "goose" if lowerword[-5:] == "teeth": return word[:-5] + "tooth" if lowerword[-4:] == "feet": return word[:-4] + "foot" if lowerword == "dice": return "die" # HANDLE UNASSIMILATED IMPORTS if lowerword[-4:] == "ceps": return word if lowerword[-3:] == "zoa": return word[:-1] + "on" for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ("s", si_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, -1, ""), ("s", si_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, -4, "ex"), ("s", si_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, -4, "ix"), ("a", si_sb_U_um_a_bysize, -1, "um"), ("i", si_sb_U_us_i_bysize, -1, "us"), ("a", si_sb_U_on_a_bysize, -1, "on"), ("e", si_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, -1, ""), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE INCOMPLETELY ASSIMILATED IMPORTS if self.classical_dict["ancient"]: if lowerword[-6:] == "trices": return word[:-3] + "x" if lowerword[-4:] in ("eaux", "ieux"): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-5:] in ("ynges", "inges", "anges") and len(word) > 6: return word[:-3] + "x" for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ("a", si_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, -3, "en"), ("s", si_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, -4, "ex"), ("s", si_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, -4, "ix"), ("a", si_sb_C_um_a_bysize, -1, "um"), ("i", si_sb_C_us_i_bysize, -1, "us"), ("s", pl_sb_C_us_us_bysize, None, ""), ("e", si_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, -1, ""), ("a", si_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, -2, ""), ("s", si_sb_C_is_ides_bysize, -3, "s"), ("i", si_sb_C_o_i_bysize, -1, "o"), ("a", si_sb_C_on_a_bysize, -1, "on"), ("m", si_sb_C_im_bysize, -2, ""), ("i", si_sb_C_i_bysize, -1, ""), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE PLURLS ENDING IN uses -> use if ( lowerword[-6:] == "houses" or word in si_sb_uses_use_case or lowerword in si_sb_uses_use ): return word[:-1] # HANDLE PLURLS ENDING IN ies -> ie if word in si_sb_ies_ie_case or lowerword in si_sb_ies_ie: return word[:-1] # HANDLE PLURLS ENDING IN oes -> oe if ( lowerword[-5:] == "shoes" or word in si_sb_oes_oe_case or lowerword in si_sb_oes_oe ): return word[:-1] # HANDLE SINGULAR NOUNS ENDING IN ...s OR OTHER SILIBANTS if word in si_sb_sses_sse_case or lowerword in si_sb_sses_sse: return word[:-1] if lowerword in si_sb_singular_s_complete: return word[:-2] for k, v in si_sb_singular_s_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:-2] if lowerword[-4:] == "eses" and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word[:-2] if lowerword in si_sb_z_zes: return word[:-2] if lowerword in si_sb_zzes_zz: return word[:-2] if lowerword[-4:] == "zzes": return word[:-3] if word in si_sb_ches_che_case or lowerword in si_sb_ches_che: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-4:] in ("ches", "shes"): return word[:-2] if lowerword in si_sb_xes_xe: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == "xes": return word[:-2] # HANDLE ...f -> ...ves if word in si_sb_ves_ve_case or lowerword in si_sb_ves_ve: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == "ves": if lowerword[-5:-3] in ("el", "al", "ol"): return word[:-3] + "f" if lowerword[-5:-3] == "ea" and word[-6:-5] != "d": return word[:-3] + "f" if lowerword[-5:-3] in ("ni", "li", "wi"): return word[:-3] + "fe" if lowerword[-5:-3] == "ar": return word[:-3] + "f" # HANDLE ...y if lowerword[-2:] == "ys": if len(lowerword) > 2 and lowerword[-3] in "aeiou": return word[:-1] if self.classical_dict["names"]: if lowerword[-2:] == "ys" and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == "ies": return word[:-3] + "y" # HANDLE ...o if lowerword[-2:] == "os": if lowerword in si_sb_U_o_os_complete: return word[:-1] for k, v in si_sb_U_o_os_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] in ("aos", "eos", "ios", "oos", "uos"): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == "oes": return word[:-2] # UNASSIMILATED IMPORTS FINAL RULE if word in si_sb_es_is: return word[:-2] + "is" # OTHERWISE JUST REMOVE ...s if lowerword[-1] == "s": return word[:-1] # COULD NOT FIND SINGULAR return False # ADJECTIVES def a(self, text, count=1): """ Return the appropriate indefinite article followed by text. The indefinite article is either 'a' or 'an'. If count is not one, then return count followed by text instead of 'a' or 'an'. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. """ mo = re.search(r"\A(\s*)(?:an?\s+)?(.+?)(\s*)\Z", text, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: word = mo.group(2) if not word: return text pre = mo.group(1) post = mo.group(3) result = self._indef_article(word, count) return "{}{}{}".format(pre, result, post) return "" an = a def _indef_article(self, word, count): mycount = self.get_count(count) if mycount != 1: return "{} {}".format(count, word) # HANDLE USER-DEFINED VARIANTS value = self.ud_match(word, self.A_a_user_defined) if value is not None: return "{} {}".format(value, word) # HANDLE ORDINAL FORMS for a in ((r"^(%s)" % A_ordinal_a, "a"), (r"^(%s)" % A_ordinal_an, "an")): mo = re.search(a[0], word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "{} {}".format(a[1], word) # HANDLE SPECIAL CASES for a in ( (r"^(%s)" % A_explicit_an, "an"), (r"^[aefhilmnorsx]$", "an"), (r"^[bcdgjkpqtuvwyz]$", "a"), ): mo = re.search(a[0], word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "{} {}".format(a[1], word) # HANDLE ABBREVIATIONS for a in ( (r"(%s)" % A_abbrev, "an", re.VERBOSE), (r"^[aefhilmnorsx][.-]", "an", re.IGNORECASE), (r"^[a-z][.-]", "a", re.IGNORECASE), ): mo = re.search(a[0], word, a[2]) if mo: return "{} {}".format(a[1], word) # HANDLE CONSONANTS mo = re.search(r"^[^aeiouy]", word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "a %s" % word # HANDLE SPECIAL VOWEL-FORMS for a in ( (r"^e[uw]", "a"), (r"^onc?e\b", "a"), (r"^onetime\b", "a"), (r"^uni([^nmd]|mo)", "a"), (r"^u[bcfghjkqrst][aeiou]", "a"), (r"^ukr", "a"), (r"^(%s)" % A_explicit_a, "a"), ): mo = re.search(a[0], word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "{} {}".format(a[1], word) # HANDLE SPECIAL CAPITALS mo = re.search(r"^U[NK][AIEO]?", word) if mo: return "a %s" % word # HANDLE VOWELS mo = re.search(r"^[aeiou]", word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "an %s" % word # HANDLE y... (BEFORE CERTAIN CONSONANTS IMPLIES (UNNATURALIZED) "i.." SOUND) mo = re.search(r"^(%s)" % A_y_cons, word, re.IGNORECASE) if mo: return "an %s" % word # OTHERWISE, GUESS "a" return "a %s" % word # 2. TRANSLATE ZERO-QUANTIFIED $word TO "no plural($word)" def no(self, text, count=None): """ If count is 0, no, zero or nil, return 'no' followed by the plural of text. If count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that return count followed by text. Otherwise return count follow by the plural of text. In the return value count is always followed by a space. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. """ if count is None and self.persistent_count is not None: count = self.persistent_count if count is None: count = 0 mo = re.search(r"\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z", text) pre = mo.group(1) word = mo.group(2) post = mo.group(3) if str(count).lower() in pl_count_zero: return "{}no {}{}".format(pre, self.plural(word, 0), post) else: return "{}{} {}{}".format(pre, count, self.plural(word, count), post) # PARTICIPLES def present_participle(self, word): """ Return the present participle for word. word is the 3rd person singular verb. """ plv = self.plural_verb(word, 2) for pat, repl in ( (r"ie$", r"y"), (r"ue$", r"u"), # TODO: isn't ue$ -> u encompassed in the following rule? (r"([auy])e$", r"\g<1>"), (r"ski$", r"ski"), (r"[^b]i$", r""), (r"^(are|were)$", r"be"), (r"^(had)$", r"hav"), (r"^(hoe)$", r"\g<1>"), (r"([^e])e$", r"\g<1>"), (r"er$", r"er"), (r"([^aeiou][aeiouy]([bdgmnprst]))$", r"\g<1>\g<2>"), ): (ans, num) = re.subn(pat, repl, plv) if num: return "%sing" % ans return "%sing" % ans # NUMERICAL INFLECTIONS def ordinal(self, num): """ Return the ordinal of num. num can be an integer or text e.g. ordinal(1) returns '1st' ordinal('one') returns 'first' """ if re.match(r"\d", str(num)): try: num % 2 n = num except TypeError: if "." in str(num): try: # numbers after decimal, # so only need last one for ordinal n = int(num[-1]) except ValueError: # ends with '.', so need to use whole string n = int(num[:-1]) else: n = int(num) try: post = nth[n % 100] except KeyError: post = nth[n % 10] return "{}{}".format(num, post) else: mo = re.search(r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, num) try: post = ordinal[mo.group(1)] return re.sub(r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, post, num) except AttributeError: return "%sth" % num def millfn(self, ind=0): if ind > len(mill) - 1: print3("number out of range") raise NumOutOfRangeError return mill[ind] def unitfn(self, units, mindex=0): return "{}{}".format(unit[units], self.millfn(mindex)) def tenfn(self, tens, units, mindex=0): if tens != 1: return "{}{}{}{}".format( ten[tens], "-" if tens and units else "", unit[units], self.millfn(mindex), ) return "{}{}".format(teen[units], mill[mindex]) def hundfn(self, hundreds, tens, units, mindex): if hundreds: andword = " %s " % self.number_args["andword"] if tens or units else "" return "{} hundred{}{}{}, ".format( unit[hundreds], # use unit not unitfn as simpler andword, self.tenfn(tens, units), self.millfn(mindex), ) if tens or units: return "{}{}, ".format(self.tenfn(tens, units), self.millfn(mindex)) return "" def group1sub(self, mo): units = int(mo.group(1)) if units == 1: return " %s, " % self.number_args["one"] elif units: return "%s, " % unit[units] else: return " %s, " % self.number_args["zero"] def group1bsub(self, mo): units = int(mo.group(1)) if units: return "%s, " % unit[units] else: return " %s, " % self.number_args["zero"] def group2sub(self, mo): tens = int(mo.group(1)) units = int(mo.group(2)) if tens: return "%s, " % self.tenfn(tens, units) if units: return " {} {}, ".format(self.number_args["zero"], unit[units]) return " {} {}, ".format(self.number_args["zero"], self.number_args["zero"]) def group3sub(self, mo): hundreds = int(mo.group(1)) tens = int(mo.group(2)) units = int(mo.group(3)) if hundreds == 1: hunword = " %s" % self.number_args["one"] elif hundreds: hunword = "%s" % unit[hundreds] else: hunword = " %s" % self.number_args["zero"] if tens: tenword = self.tenfn(tens, units) elif units: tenword = " {} {}".format(self.number_args["zero"], unit[units]) else: tenword = " {} {}".format( self.number_args["zero"], self.number_args["zero"] ) return "{} {}, ".format(hunword, tenword) def hundsub(self, mo): ret = self.hundfn( int(mo.group(1)), int(mo.group(2)), int(mo.group(3)), self.mill_count ) self.mill_count += 1 return ret def tensub(self, mo): return "%s, " % self.tenfn(int(mo.group(1)), int(mo.group(2)), self.mill_count) def unitsub(self, mo): return "%s, " % self.unitfn(int(mo.group(1)), self.mill_count) def enword(self, num, group): # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() if group == 1: num = re.sub(r"(\d)", self.group1sub, num) elif group == 2: num = re.sub(r"(\d)(\d)", self.group2sub, num) num = re.sub(r"(\d)", self.group1bsub, num, 1) elif group == 3: num = re.sub(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)", self.group3sub, num) num = re.sub(r"(\d)(\d)", self.group2sub, num, 1) num = re.sub(r"(\d)", self.group1sub, num, 1) elif int(num) == 0: num = self.number_args["zero"] elif int(num) == 1: num = self.number_args["one"] else: num = num.lstrip().lstrip("0") self.mill_count = 0 # surely there's a better way to do the next bit mo = re.search(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", num) while mo: num = re.sub(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", self.hundsub, num, 1) mo = re.search(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", num) num = re.sub(r"(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", self.tensub, num, 1) num = re.sub(r"(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", self.unitsub, num, 1) return num def blankfn(self, mo): """ do a global blank replace TODO: surely this can be done with an option to re.sub rather than this fn """ return "" def commafn(self, mo): """ do a global ',' replace TODO: surely this can be done with an option to re.sub rather than this fn """ return "," def spacefn(self, mo): """ do a global ' ' replace TODO: surely this can be done with an option to re.sub rather than this fn """ return " " def number_to_words( self, num, wantlist=False, group=0, comma=",", andword="and", zero="zero", one="one", decimal="point", threshold=None, ): """ Return a number in words. group = 1, 2 or 3 to group numbers before turning into words comma: define comma andword: word for 'and'. Can be set to ''. e.g. "one hundred and one" vs "one hundred one" zero: word for '0' one: word for '1' decimal: word for decimal point threshold: numbers above threshold not turned into words parameters not remembered from last call. Departure from Perl version. """ self.number_args = dict(andword=andword, zero=zero, one=one) num = "%s" % num # Handle "stylistic" conversions (up to a given threshold)... if threshold is not None and float(num) > threshold: spnum = num.split(".", 1) while comma: (spnum[0], n) = re.subn(r"(\d)(\d{3}(?:,|\Z))", r"\1,\2", spnum[0]) if n == 0: break try: return "{}.{}".format(spnum[0], spnum[1]) except IndexError: return "%s" % spnum[0] if group < 0 or group > 3: raise BadChunkingOptionError nowhite = num.lstrip() if nowhite[0] == "+": sign = "plus" elif nowhite[0] == "-": sign = "minus" else: sign = "" myord = num[-2:] in ("st", "nd", "rd", "th") if myord: num = num[:-2] finalpoint = False if decimal: if group != 0: chunks = num.split(".") else: chunks = num.split(".", 1) if chunks[-1] == "": # remove blank string if nothing after decimal chunks = chunks[:-1] finalpoint = True # add 'point' to end of output else: chunks = [num] first = 1 loopstart = 0 if chunks[0] == "": first = 0 if len(chunks) > 1: loopstart = 1 for i in range(loopstart, len(chunks)): chunk = chunks[i] # remove all non numeric \D chunk = re.sub(r"\D", self.blankfn, chunk) if chunk == "": chunk = "0" if group == 0 and (first == 0 or first == ""): chunk = self.enword(chunk, 1) else: chunk = self.enword(chunk, group) if chunk[-2:] == ", ": chunk = chunk[:-2] chunk = re.sub(r"\s+,", self.commafn, chunk) if group == 0 and first: chunk = re.sub(r", (\S+)\s+\Z", " %s \\1" % andword, chunk) chunk = re.sub(r"\s+", self.spacefn, chunk) # chunk = re.sub(r"(\A\s|\s\Z)", self.blankfn, chunk) chunk = chunk.strip() if first: first = "" chunks[i] = chunk numchunks = [] if first != 0: numchunks = chunks[0].split("%s " % comma) if myord and numchunks: # TODO: can this be just one re as it is in perl? mo = re.search(r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, numchunks[-1]) if mo: numchunks[-1] = re.sub( r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, ordinal[mo.group(1)], numchunks[-1] ) else: numchunks[-1] += "th" for chunk in chunks[1:]: numchunks.append(decimal) numchunks.extend(chunk.split("%s " % comma)) if finalpoint: numchunks.append(decimal) # wantlist: Perl list context. can explictly specify in Python if wantlist: if sign: numchunks = [sign] + numchunks return numchunks elif group: signout = "%s " % sign if sign else "" return "{}{}".format(signout, ", ".join(numchunks)) else: signout = "%s " % sign if sign else "" num = "{}{}".format(signout, numchunks.pop(0)) if decimal is None: first = True else: first = not num.endswith(decimal) for nc in numchunks: if nc == decimal: num += " %s" % nc first = 0 elif first: num += "{} {}".format(comma, nc) else: num += " %s" % nc return num # Join words with commas and a trailing 'and' (when appropriate)... def join( self, words, sep=None, sep_spaced=True, final_sep=None, conj="and", conj_spaced=True, ): """ Join words into a list. e.g. join(['ant', 'bee', 'fly']) returns 'ant, bee, and fly' options: conj: replacement for 'and' sep: separator. default ',', unless ',' is in the list then ';' final_sep: final separator. default ',', unless ',' is in the list then ';' conj_spaced: boolean. Should conj have spaces around it """ if not words: return "" if len(words) == 1: return words[0] if conj_spaced: if conj == "": conj = " " else: conj = " %s " % conj if len(words) == 2: return "{}{}{}".format(words[0], conj, words[1]) if sep is None: if "," in "".join(words): sep = ";" else: sep = "," if final_sep is None: final_sep = sep final_sep = "{}{}".format(final_sep, conj) if sep_spaced: sep += " " return "{}{}{}".format(sep.join(words[0:-1]), final_sep, words[-1])