# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import re from ..URLBase import URLBase from ..common import NotifyType from ..common import NOTIFY_TYPES from ..common import NotifyFormat from ..common import NOTIFY_FORMATS from ..common import OverflowMode from ..common import OVERFLOW_MODES from ..AppriseLocale import gettext_lazy as _ class NotifyBase(URLBase): """ This is the base class for all notification services """ # The services URL service_url = None # A URL that takes you to the setup/help of the specific protocol setup_url = None # Most Servers do not like more then 1 request per 5 seconds, so 5.5 gives # us a safe play range. Override the one defined already in the URLBase request_rate_per_sec = 5.5 # Allows the user to specify the NotifyImageSize object image_size = None # The maximum allowable characters allowed in the body per message body_maxlen = 32768 # Defines the maximum allowable characters in the title; set this to zero # if a title can't be used. Titles that are not used but are defined are # automatically placed into the body title_maxlen = 250 # Set the maximum line count; if this is set to anything larger then zero # the message (prior to it being sent) will be truncated to this number # of lines. Setting this to zero disables this feature. body_max_line_count = 0 # Default Notify Format notify_format = NotifyFormat.TEXT # Default Overflow Mode overflow_mode = OverflowMode.UPSTREAM # Default Title HTML Tagging # When a title is specified for a notification service that doesn't accept # titles, by default apprise tries to give a plesant view and convert the # title so that it can be placed into the body. The default is to just # use a tag. The below causes the title to get generated: default_html_tag_id = 'b' # Define a default set of template arguments used for dynamically building # details about our individual plugins for developers. # Define object templates templates = () # Provides a mapping of tokens, certain entries are fixed and automatically # configured if found (such as schema, host, user, pass, and port) template_tokens = {} # Here is where we define all of the arguments we accept on the url # such as: schema://whatever/?overflow=upstream&format=text # These act the same way as tokens except they are optional and/or # have default values set if mandatory. This rule must be followed template_args = { 'overflow': { 'name': _('Overflow Mode'), 'type': 'choice:string', 'values': OVERFLOW_MODES, # Provide a default 'default': overflow_mode, # look up default using the following parent class value at # runtime. The variable name identified here (in this case # overflow_mode) is checked and it's result is placed over-top of # the 'default'. This is done because once a parent class inherits # this one, the overflow_mode already set as a default 'could' be # potentially over-ridden and changed to a different value. '_lookup_default': 'overflow_mode', }, 'format': { 'name': _('Notify Format'), 'type': 'choice:string', 'values': NOTIFY_FORMATS, # Provide a default 'default': notify_format, # look up default using the following parent class value at # runtime. '_lookup_default': 'notify_format', }, 'verify': { 'name': _('Verify SSL'), # SSL Certificate Authority Verification 'type': 'bool', # Provide a default 'default': URLBase.verify_certificate, # look up default using the following parent class value at # runtime. '_lookup_default': 'verify_certificate', }, } # kwargs are dynamically built because a prefix causes us to parse the # content slightly differently. The prefix is required and can be either # a (+ or -). Below would handle the +key=value: # { # 'headers': { # 'name': _('HTTP Header'), # 'prefix': '+', # 'type': 'string', # }, # }, # # In a kwarg situation, the 'key' is always presumed to be treated as # a string. When the 'type' is defined, it is being defined to respect # the 'value'. template_kwargs = {} def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize some general configuration that will keep things consistent when working with the notifiers that will inherit this class. """ super(NotifyBase, self).__init__(**kwargs) if 'format' in kwargs: # Store the specified format if specified notify_format = kwargs.get('format', '') if notify_format.lower() not in NOTIFY_FORMATS: msg = 'Invalid notification format %s'.format(notify_format) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) # Provide override self.notify_format = notify_format if 'overflow' in kwargs: # Store the specified format if specified overflow = kwargs.get('overflow', '') if overflow.lower() not in OVERFLOW_MODES: msg = 'Invalid overflow method {}'.format(overflow) self.logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) # Provide override self.overflow_mode = overflow def image_url(self, notify_type, logo=False, extension=None): """ Returns Image URL if possible """ if not self.image_size: return None if notify_type not in NOTIFY_TYPES: return None return self.asset.image_url( notify_type=notify_type, image_size=self.image_size, logo=logo, extension=extension, ) def image_path(self, notify_type, extension=None): """ Returns the path of the image if it can """ if not self.image_size: return None if notify_type not in NOTIFY_TYPES: return None return self.asset.image_path( notify_type=notify_type, image_size=self.image_size, extension=extension, ) def image_raw(self, notify_type, extension=None): """ Returns the raw image if it can """ if not self.image_size: return None if notify_type not in NOTIFY_TYPES: return None return self.asset.image_raw( notify_type=notify_type, image_size=self.image_size, extension=extension, ) def color(self, notify_type, color_type=None): """ Returns the html color (hex code) associated with the notify_type """ if notify_type not in NOTIFY_TYPES: return None return self.asset.color( notify_type=notify_type, color_type=color_type, ) def notify(self, body, title=None, notify_type=NotifyType.INFO, overflow=None, **kwargs): """ Performs notification """ # Handle situations where the title is None title = '' if not title else title # Apply our overflow (if defined) for chunk in self._apply_overflow(body=body, title=title, overflow=overflow): # Send notification if not self.send(body=chunk['body'], title=chunk['title'], notify_type=notify_type): # Toggle our return status flag return False return True def _apply_overflow(self, body, title=None, overflow=None): """ Takes the message body and title as input. This function then applies any defined overflow restrictions associated with the notification service and may alter the message if/as required. The function will always return a list object in the following structure: [ { title: 'the title goes here', body: 'the message body goes here', }, { title: 'the title goes here', body: 'the message body goes here', }, ] """ response = list() # tidy title = '' if not title else title.strip() body = '' if not body else body.rstrip() if overflow is None: # default overflow = self.overflow_mode if self.title_maxlen <= 0 and len(title) > 0: if self.notify_format == NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN: # Content is appended to body as markdown body = '**{}**\r\n{}'.format(title, body) elif self.notify_format == NotifyFormat.HTML: # Content is appended to body as html body = '<{open_tag}>{title}' \ '
\r\n{body}'.format( open_tag=self.default_html_tag_id, title=self.escape_html(title), close_tag=self.default_html_tag_id, body=body) else: # Content is appended to body as text body = '{}\r\n{}'.format(title, body) title = '' # Enforce the line count first always if self.body_max_line_count > 0: # Limit results to just the first 2 line otherwise # there is just to much content to display body = re.split(r'\r*\n', body) body = '\r\n'.join(body[0:self.body_max_line_count]) if overflow == OverflowMode.UPSTREAM: # Nothing more to do response.append({'body': body, 'title': title}) return response elif len(title) > self.title_maxlen: # Truncate our Title title = title[:self.title_maxlen] if self.body_maxlen > 0 and len(body) <= self.body_maxlen: response.append({'body': body, 'title': title}) return response if overflow == OverflowMode.TRUNCATE: # Truncate our body and return response.append({ 'body': body[:self.body_maxlen], 'title': title, }) # For truncate mode, we're done now return response # If we reach here, then we are in SPLIT mode. # For here, we want to split the message as many times as we have to # in order to fit it within the designated limits. response = [{ 'body': body[i: i + self.body_maxlen], 'title': title} for i in range(0, len(body), self.body_maxlen)] return response def send(self, body, title='', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO, **kwargs): """ Should preform the actual notification itself. """ raise NotImplementedError( "send() is not implimented by the child class.") @staticmethod def parse_url(url, verify_host=True): """Parses the URL and returns it broken apart into a dictionary. This is very specific and customized for Apprise. Args: url (str): The URL you want to fully parse. verify_host (:obj:`bool`, optional): a flag kept with the parsed URL which some child classes will later use to verify SSL keys (if SSL transactions take place). Unless under very specific circumstances, it is strongly recomended that you leave this default value set to True. Returns: A dictionary is returned containing the URL fully parsed if successful, otherwise None is returned. """ results = URLBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=verify_host) if not results: # We're done; we failed to parse our url return results # Allow overriding the default format if 'format' in results['qsd']: results['format'] = results['qsd'].get('format') if results['format'] not in NOTIFY_FORMATS: URLBase.logger.warning( 'Unsupported format specified {}'.format( results['format'])) del results['format'] # Allow overriding the default overflow if 'overflow' in results['qsd']: results['overflow'] = results['qsd'].get('overflow') if results['overflow'] not in OVERFLOW_MODES: URLBase.logger.warning( 'Unsupported overflow specified {}'.format( results['overflow'])) del results['overflow'] return results @staticmethod def parse_native_url(url): """ This is a base class that can be optionally over-ridden by child classes who can build their Apprise URL based on the one provided by the notification service they choose to use. The intent of this is to make Apprise a little more userfriendly to people who aren't familiar with constructing URLs and wish to use the ones that were just provied by their notification serivice that they're using. This function will return None if the passed in URL can't be matched as belonging to the notification service. Otherwise this function should return the same set of results that parse_url() does. """ return None