# mypy: ignore-errors import importlib from . import testing from .. import assert_raises from .. import config from .. import engines from .. import eq_ from .. import fixtures from .. import is_not_none from .. import is_true from .. import ne_ from .. import provide_metadata from ..assertions import expect_raises from ..assertions import expect_raises_message from ..config import requirements from ..provision import set_default_schema_on_connection from ..schema import Column from ..schema import Table from ... import bindparam from ... import dialects from ... import event from ... import exc from ... import Integer from ... import literal_column from ... import select from ... import String from ...sql.compiler import Compiled from ...util import inspect_getfullargspec class PingTest(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True def test_do_ping(self): with testing.db.connect() as conn: is_true( testing.db.dialect.do_ping(conn.connection.dbapi_connection) ) class ArgSignatureTest(fixtures.TestBase): """test that all visit_XYZ() in :class:`_sql.Compiler` subclasses have ``**kw``, for #8988. This test uses runtime code inspection. Does not need to be a ``__backend__`` test as it only needs to run once provided all target dialects have been imported. For third party dialects, the suite would be run with that third party as a "--dburi", which means its compiler classes will have been imported by the time this test runs. """ def _all_subclasses(): # type: ignore # noqa for d in dialects.__all__: if not d.startswith("_"): importlib.import_module("sqlalchemy.dialects.%s" % d) stack = [Compiled] while stack: cls = stack.pop(0) stack.extend(cls.__subclasses__()) yield cls @testing.fixture(params=list(_all_subclasses())) def all_subclasses(self, request): yield request.param def test_all_visit_methods_accept_kw(self, all_subclasses): cls = all_subclasses for k in cls.__dict__: if k.startswith("visit_"): meth = getattr(cls, k) insp = inspect_getfullargspec(meth) is_not_none( insp.varkw, f"Compiler visit method {cls.__name__}.{k}() does " "not accommodate for **kw in its argument signature", ) class ExceptionTest(fixtures.TablesTest): """Test basic exception wrapping. DBAPIs vary a lot in exception behavior so to actually anticipate specific exceptions from real round trips, we need to be conservative. """ run_deletes = "each" __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "manual_pk", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), Column("data", String(50)), ) @requirements.duplicate_key_raises_integrity_error def test_integrity_error(self): with config.db.connect() as conn: trans = conn.begin() conn.execute( self.tables.manual_pk.insert(), {"id": 1, "data": "d1"} ) assert_raises( exc.IntegrityError, conn.execute, self.tables.manual_pk.insert(), {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, ) trans.rollback() def test_exception_with_non_ascii(self): with config.db.connect() as conn: try: # try to create an error message that likely has non-ascii # characters in the DBAPI's message string. unfortunately # there's no way to make this happen with some drivers like # mysqlclient, pymysql. this at least does produce a non- # ascii error message for cx_oracle, psycopg2 conn.execute(select(literal_column("méil"))) assert False except exc.DBAPIError as err: err_str = str(err) assert str(err.orig) in str(err) assert isinstance(err_str, str) class IsolationLevelTest(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("isolation_level",) def _get_non_default_isolation_level(self): levels = requirements.get_isolation_levels(config) default = levels["default"] supported = levels["supported"] s = set(supported).difference(["AUTOCOMMIT", default]) if s: return s.pop() else: config.skip_test("no non-default isolation level available") def test_default_isolation_level(self): eq_( config.db.dialect.default_isolation_level, requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)["default"], ) def test_non_default_isolation_level(self): non_default = self._get_non_default_isolation_level() with config.db.connect() as conn: existing = conn.get_isolation_level() ne_(existing, non_default) conn.execution_options(isolation_level=non_default) eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), non_default) conn.dialect.reset_isolation_level( conn.connection.dbapi_connection ) eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), existing) def test_all_levels(self): levels = requirements.get_isolation_levels(config) all_levels = levels["supported"] for level in set(all_levels).difference(["AUTOCOMMIT"]): with config.db.connect() as conn: conn.execution_options(isolation_level=level) eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), level) trans = conn.begin() trans.rollback() eq_(conn.get_isolation_level(), level) with config.db.connect() as conn: eq_( conn.get_isolation_level(), levels["default"], ) @testing.requires.get_isolation_level_values def test_invalid_level_execution_option(self, connection_no_trans): """test for the new get_isolation_level_values() method""" connection = connection_no_trans with expect_raises_message( exc.ArgumentError, "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " "Valid isolation levels for '%s' are %s" % ( "FOO", connection.dialect.name, ", ".join( requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)["supported"] ), ), ): connection.execution_options(isolation_level="FOO") @testing.requires.get_isolation_level_values @testing.requires.dialect_level_isolation_level_param def test_invalid_level_engine_param(self, testing_engine): """test for the new get_isolation_level_values() method and support for the dialect-level 'isolation_level' parameter. """ eng = testing_engine(options=dict(isolation_level="FOO")) with expect_raises_message( exc.ArgumentError, "Invalid value '%s' for isolation_level. " "Valid isolation levels for '%s' are %s" % ( "FOO", eng.dialect.name, ", ".join( requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)["supported"] ), ), ): eng.connect() class AutocommitIsolationTest(fixtures.TablesTest): run_deletes = "each" __requires__ = ("autocommit",) __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "some_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), Column("data", String(50)), test_needs_acid=True, ) def _test_conn_autocommits(self, conn, autocommit): trans = conn.begin() conn.execute( self.tables.some_table.insert(), {"id": 1, "data": "some data"} ) trans.rollback() eq_( conn.scalar(select(self.tables.some_table.c.id)), 1 if autocommit else None, ) conn.rollback() with conn.begin(): conn.execute(self.tables.some_table.delete()) def test_autocommit_on(self, connection_no_trans): conn = connection_no_trans c2 = conn.execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") self._test_conn_autocommits(c2, True) c2.dialect.reset_isolation_level(c2.connection.dbapi_connection) self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False) def test_autocommit_off(self, connection_no_trans): conn = connection_no_trans self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False) def test_turn_autocommit_off_via_default_iso_level( self, connection_no_trans ): conn = connection_no_trans conn = conn.execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, True) conn.execution_options( isolation_level=requirements.get_isolation_levels(config)[ "default" ] ) self._test_conn_autocommits(conn, False) class EscapingTest(fixtures.TestBase): @provide_metadata def test_percent_sign_round_trip(self): """test that the DBAPI accommodates for escaped / nonescaped percent signs in a way that matches the compiler """ m = self.metadata t = Table("t", m, Column("data", String(50))) t.create(config.db) with config.db.begin() as conn: conn.execute(t.insert(), dict(data="some % value")) conn.execute(t.insert(), dict(data="some %% other value")) eq_( conn.scalar( select(t.c.data).where( t.c.data == literal_column("'some % value'") ) ), "some % value", ) eq_( conn.scalar( select(t.c.data).where( t.c.data == literal_column("'some %% other value'") ) ), "some %% other value", ) class WeCanSetDefaultSchemaWEventsTest(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("default_schema_name_switch",) def test_control_case(self): default_schema_name = config.db.dialect.default_schema_name eng = engines.testing_engine() with eng.connect(): pass eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, default_schema_name) def test_wont_work_wo_insert(self): default_schema_name = config.db.dialect.default_schema_name eng = engines.testing_engine() @event.listens_for(eng, "connect") def on_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record): set_default_schema_on_connection( config, dbapi_connection, config.test_schema ) with eng.connect() as conn: what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn) eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema) eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, default_schema_name) def test_schema_change_on_connect(self): eng = engines.testing_engine() @event.listens_for(eng, "connect", insert=True) def on_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record): set_default_schema_on_connection( config, dbapi_connection, config.test_schema ) with eng.connect() as conn: what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn) eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema) eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, config.test_schema) def test_schema_change_works_w_transactions(self): eng = engines.testing_engine() @event.listens_for(eng, "connect", insert=True) def on_connect(dbapi_connection, *arg): set_default_schema_on_connection( config, dbapi_connection, config.test_schema ) with eng.connect() as conn: trans = conn.begin() what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn) eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema) trans.rollback() what_it_should_be = eng.dialect._get_default_schema_name(conn) eq_(what_it_should_be, config.test_schema) eq_(eng.dialect.default_schema_name, config.test_schema) class FutureWeCanSetDefaultSchemaWEventsTest( fixtures.FutureEngineMixin, WeCanSetDefaultSchemaWEventsTest ): pass class DifficultParametersTest(fixtures.TestBase): __backend__ = True tough_parameters = testing.combinations( ("boring",), ("per cent",), ("per % cent",), ("%percent",), ("par(ens)",), ("percent%(ens)yah",), ("col:ons",), ("_starts_with_underscore",), ("dot.s",), ("more :: %colons%",), ("_name",), ("___name",), ("[BracketsAndCase]",), ("42numbers",), ("percent%signs",), ("has spaces",), ("/slashes/",), ("more/slashes",), ("q?marks",), ("1param",), ("1col:on",), argnames="paramname", ) @tough_parameters @config.requirements.unusual_column_name_characters def test_round_trip_same_named_column( self, paramname, connection, metadata ): name = paramname t = Table( "t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column(name, String(50), nullable=False), ) # table is created t.create(connection) # automatic param generated by insert connection.execute(t.insert().values({"id": 1, name: "some name"})) # automatic param generated by criteria, plus selecting the column stmt = select(t.c[name]).where(t.c[name] == "some name") eq_(connection.scalar(stmt), "some name") # use the name in a param explicitly stmt = select(t.c[name]).where(t.c[name] == bindparam(name)) row = connection.execute(stmt, {name: "some name"}).first() # name works as the key from cursor.description eq_(row._mapping[name], "some name") # use expanding IN stmt = select(t.c[name]).where( t.c[name].in_(["some name", "some other_name"]) ) row = connection.execute(stmt).first() @testing.fixture def multirow_fixture(self, metadata, connection): mytable = Table( "mytable", metadata, Column("myid", Integer), Column("name", String(50)), Column("desc", String(50)), ) mytable.create(connection) connection.execute( mytable.insert(), [ {"myid": 1, "name": "a", "desc": "a_desc"}, {"myid": 2, "name": "b", "desc": "b_desc"}, {"myid": 3, "name": "c", "desc": "c_desc"}, {"myid": 4, "name": "d", "desc": "d_desc"}, ], ) yield mytable @tough_parameters def test_standalone_bindparam_escape( self, paramname, connection, multirow_fixture ): tbl1 = multirow_fixture stmt = select(tbl1.c.myid).where( tbl1.c.name == bindparam(paramname, value="x") ) res = connection.scalar(stmt, {paramname: "c"}) eq_(res, 3) @tough_parameters def test_standalone_bindparam_escape_expanding( self, paramname, connection, multirow_fixture ): tbl1 = multirow_fixture stmt = ( select(tbl1.c.myid) .where(tbl1.c.name.in_(bindparam(paramname, value=["a", "b"]))) .order_by(tbl1.c.myid) ) res = connection.scalars(stmt, {paramname: ["d", "a"]}).all() eq_(res, [1, 4]) class ReturningGuardsTest(fixtures.TablesTest): """test that the various 'returning' flags are set appropriately""" __backend__ = True @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): Table( "t", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False), Column("data", String(50)), ) @testing.fixture def run_stmt(self, connection): t = self.tables.t def go(stmt, executemany, id_param_name, expect_success): stmt = stmt.returning(t.c.id) if executemany: if not expect_success: # for RETURNING executemany(), we raise our own # error as this is independent of general RETURNING # support with expect_raises_message( exc.StatementError, rf"Dialect {connection.dialect.name}\+" f"{connection.dialect.driver} with " f"current server capabilities does not support " f".*RETURNING when executemany is used", ): result = connection.execute( stmt, [ {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"}, {id_param_name: 2, "data": "d2"}, {id_param_name: 3, "data": "d3"}, ], ) else: result = connection.execute( stmt, [ {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"}, {id_param_name: 2, "data": "d2"}, {id_param_name: 3, "data": "d3"}, ], ) eq_(result.all(), [(1,), (2,), (3,)]) else: if not expect_success: # for RETURNING execute(), we pass all the way to the DB # and let it fail with expect_raises(exc.DBAPIError): connection.execute( stmt, {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"} ) else: result = connection.execute( stmt, {id_param_name: 1, "data": "d1"} ) eq_(result.all(), [(1,)]) return go def test_insert_single(self, connection, run_stmt): t = self.tables.t stmt = t.insert() run_stmt(stmt, False, "id", connection.dialect.insert_returning) def test_insert_many(self, connection, run_stmt): t = self.tables.t stmt = t.insert() run_stmt( stmt, True, "id", connection.dialect.insert_executemany_returning ) def test_update_single(self, connection, run_stmt): t = self.tables.t connection.execute( t.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, {"id": 2, "data": "d2"}, {"id": 3, "data": "d3"}, ], ) stmt = t.update().where(t.c.id == bindparam("b_id")) run_stmt(stmt, False, "b_id", connection.dialect.update_returning) def test_update_many(self, connection, run_stmt): t = self.tables.t connection.execute( t.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, {"id": 2, "data": "d2"}, {"id": 3, "data": "d3"}, ], ) stmt = t.update().where(t.c.id == bindparam("b_id")) run_stmt( stmt, True, "b_id", connection.dialect.update_executemany_returning ) def test_delete_single(self, connection, run_stmt): t = self.tables.t connection.execute( t.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, {"id": 2, "data": "d2"}, {"id": 3, "data": "d3"}, ], ) stmt = t.delete().where(t.c.id == bindparam("b_id")) run_stmt(stmt, False, "b_id", connection.dialect.delete_returning) def test_delete_many(self, connection, run_stmt): t = self.tables.t connection.execute( t.insert(), [ {"id": 1, "data": "d1"}, {"id": 2, "data": "d2"}, {"id": 3, "data": "d3"}, ], ) stmt = t.delete().where(t.c.id == bindparam("b_id")) run_stmt( stmt, True, "b_id", connection.dialect.delete_executemany_returning )