# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BSD 2-Clause License # # Apprise - Push Notification Library. # Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import asyncio import concurrent.futures as cf import os from itertools import chain from . import common from .conversion import convert_between from .utils import is_exclusive_match from .manager_plugins import NotificationManager from .utils import parse_list from .utils import parse_urls from .utils import cwe312_url from .emojis import apply_emojis from .logger import logger from .asset import AppriseAsset from .apprise_config import AppriseConfig from .apprise_attachment import AppriseAttachment from .locale import AppriseLocale from .config.base import ConfigBase from .plugins.base import NotifyBase from . import plugins from . import __version__ # Grant access to our Notification Manager Singleton N_MGR = NotificationManager() class Apprise: """ Our Notification Manager """ def __init__(self, servers=None, asset=None, location=None, debug=False): """ Loads a set of server urls while applying the Asset() module to each if specified. If no asset is provided, then the default asset is used. Optionally specify a global ContentLocation for a more strict means of handling Attachments. """ # Initialize a server list of URLs self.servers = list() # Assigns an central asset object that will be later passed into each # notification plugin. Assets contain information such as the local # directory images can be found in. It can also identify remote # URL paths that contain the images you want to present to the end # user. If no asset is specified, then the default one is used. self.asset = \ asset if isinstance(asset, AppriseAsset) else AppriseAsset() if servers: self.add(servers) # Initialize our locale object self.locale = AppriseLocale() # Set our debug flag self.debug = debug # Store our hosting location for optional strict rule handling # of Attachments. Setting this to None removes any attachment # restrictions. self.location = location @staticmethod def instantiate(url, asset=None, tag=None, suppress_exceptions=True): """ Returns the instance of a instantiated plugin based on the provided Server URL. If the url fails to be parsed, then None is returned. The specified url can be either a string (the URL itself) or a dictionary containing all of the components needed to istantiate the notification service. If identifying a dictionary, at the bare minimum, one must specify the schema. An example of a url dictionary object might look like: { schema: 'mailto', host: 'google.com', user: 'myuser', password: 'mypassword', } Alternatively the string is much easier to specify: mailto://user:mypassword@google.com The dictionary works well for people who are calling details() to extract the components they need to build the URL manually. """ # Initialize our result set results = None # Prepare our Asset Object asset = asset if isinstance(asset, AppriseAsset) else AppriseAsset() if isinstance(url, str): # Acquire our url tokens results = plugins.url_to_dict( url, secure_logging=asset.secure_logging) if results is None: # Failed to parse the server URL; detailed logging handled # inside url_to_dict - nothing to report here. return None elif isinstance(url, dict): # We already have our result set results = url if results.get('schema') not in N_MGR: # schema is a mandatory dictionary item as it is the only way # we can index into our loaded plugins logger.error('Dictionary does not include a "schema" entry.') logger.trace( 'Invalid dictionary unpacked as:{}{}'.format( os.linesep, os.linesep.join( ['{}="{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in results.items()]))) return None logger.trace( 'Dictionary unpacked as:{}{}'.format( os.linesep, os.linesep.join( ['{}="{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in results.items()]))) # Otherwise we handle the invalid input specified else: logger.error( 'An invalid URL type (%s) was specified for instantiation', type(url)) return None if not N_MGR[results['schema']].enabled: # # First Plugin Enable Check (Pre Initialization) # # Plugin has been disabled at a global level logger.error( '%s:// is disabled on this system.', results['schema']) return None # Build a list of tags to associate with the newly added notifications results['tag'] = set(parse_list(tag)) # Set our Asset Object results['asset'] = asset if suppress_exceptions: try: # Attempt to create an instance of our plugin using the parsed # URL information plugin = N_MGR[results['schema']](**results) # Create log entry of loaded URL logger.debug( 'Loaded {} URL: {}'.format( N_MGR[results['schema']].service_name, plugin.url(privacy=asset.secure_logging))) except Exception: # CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling loggable_url = url if not asset.secure_logging \ else cwe312_url(url) # the arguments are invalid or can not be used. logger.error( 'Could not load {} URL: {}'.format( N_MGR[results['schema']].service_name, loggable_url)) return None else: # Attempt to create an instance of our plugin using the parsed # URL information but don't wrap it in a try catch plugin = N_MGR[results['schema']](**results) if not plugin.enabled: # # Second Plugin Enable Check (Post Initialization) # # Service/Plugin is disabled (on a more local level). This is a # case where the plugin was initially enabled but then after the # __init__() was called under the hood something pre-determined # that it could no longer be used. # The only downside to doing it this way is services are # initialized prior to returning the details() if 3rd party tools # are polling what is available. These services that become # disabled thereafter are shown initially that they can be used. logger.error( '%s:// has become disabled on this system.', results['schema']) return None return plugin def add(self, servers, asset=None, tag=None): """ Adds one or more server URLs into our list. You can override the global asset if you wish by including it with the server(s) that you add. The tag allows you to associate 1 or more tag values to the server(s) being added. tagging a service allows you to exclusively access them when calling the notify() function. """ # Initialize our return status return_status = True if asset is None: # prepare default asset asset = self.asset if isinstance(servers, str): # build our server list servers = parse_urls(servers) if len(servers) == 0: return False elif isinstance(servers, dict): # no problem, we support kwargs, convert it to a list servers = [servers] elif isinstance(servers, (ConfigBase, NotifyBase, AppriseConfig)): # Go ahead and just add our plugin into our list self.servers.append(servers) return True elif not isinstance(servers, (tuple, set, list)): logger.error( "An invalid notification (type={}) was specified.".format( type(servers))) return False for _server in servers: if isinstance(_server, (ConfigBase, NotifyBase, AppriseConfig)): # Go ahead and just add our plugin into our list self.servers.append(_server) continue elif not isinstance(_server, (str, dict)): logger.error( "An invalid notification (type={}) was specified.".format( type(_server))) return_status = False continue # Instantiate ourselves an object, this function throws or # returns None if it fails instance = Apprise.instantiate(_server, asset=asset, tag=tag) if not isinstance(instance, NotifyBase): # No logging is required as instantiate() handles failure # and/or success reasons for us return_status = False continue # Add our initialized plugin to our server listings self.servers.append(instance) # Return our status return return_status def clear(self): """ Empties our server list """ self.servers[:] = [] def find(self, tag=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG, match_always=True): """ Returns a list of all servers matching against the tag specified. """ # Build our tag setup # - top level entries are treated as an 'or' # - second level (or more) entries are treated as 'and' # # examples: # tag="tagA, tagB" = tagA or tagB # tag=['tagA', 'tagB'] = tagA or tagB # tag=[('tagA', 'tagC'), 'tagB'] = (tagA and tagC) or tagB # tag=[('tagB', 'tagC')] = tagB and tagC # A match_always flag allows us to pick up on our 'any' keyword # and notify these services under all circumstances match_always = common.MATCH_ALWAYS_TAG if match_always else None # Iterate over our loaded plugins for entry in self.servers: if isinstance(entry, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)): # load our servers servers = entry.servers() else: servers = [entry, ] for server in servers: # Apply our tag matching based on our defined logic if is_exclusive_match( logic=tag, data=server.tags, match_all=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG, match_always=match_always): yield server return def notify(self, body, title='', notify_type=common.NotifyType.INFO, body_format=None, tag=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG, match_always=True, attach=None, interpret_escapes=None): """ Send a notification to all the plugins previously loaded. If the body_format specified is NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN, it will be converted to HTML if the Notification type expects this. if the tag is specified (either a string or a set/list/tuple of strings), then only the notifications flagged with that tagged value are notified. By default, all added services are notified (tag=MATCH_ALL_TAG) This function returns True if all notifications were successfully sent, False if even just one of them fails, and None if no notifications were sent at all as a result of tag filtering and/or simply having empty configuration files that were read. Attach can contain a list of attachment URLs. attach can also be represented by an AttachBase() (or list of) object(s). This identifies the products you wish to notify Set interpret_escapes to True if you want to pre-escape a string such as turning a \n into an actual new line, etc. """ try: # Process arguments and build synchronous and asynchronous calls # (this step can throw internal errors). sequential_calls, parallel_calls = self._create_notify_calls( body, title, notify_type=notify_type, body_format=body_format, tag=tag, match_always=match_always, attach=attach, interpret_escapes=interpret_escapes, ) except TypeError: # No notifications sent, and there was an internal error. return False if not sequential_calls and not parallel_calls: # Nothing to send return None sequential_result = Apprise._notify_sequential(*sequential_calls) parallel_result = Apprise._notify_parallel_threadpool(*parallel_calls) return sequential_result and parallel_result async def async_notify(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Send a notification to all the plugins previously loaded, for asynchronous callers. The arguments are identical to those of Apprise.notify(). """ try: # Process arguments and build synchronous and asynchronous calls # (this step can throw internal errors). sequential_calls, parallel_calls = self._create_notify_calls( *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: # No notifications sent, and there was an internal error. return False if not sequential_calls and not parallel_calls: # Nothing to send return None sequential_result = Apprise._notify_sequential(*sequential_calls) parallel_result = \ await Apprise._notify_parallel_asyncio(*parallel_calls) return sequential_result and parallel_result def _create_notify_calls(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates notifications for all the plugins loaded. Returns a list of (server, notify() kwargs) tuples for plugins with parallelism disabled and another list for plugins with parallelism enabled. """ all_calls = list(self._create_notify_gen(*args, **kwargs)) # Split into sequential and parallel notify() calls. sequential, parallel = [], [] for (server, notify_kwargs) in all_calls: if server.asset.async_mode: parallel.append((server, notify_kwargs)) else: sequential.append((server, notify_kwargs)) return sequential, parallel def _create_notify_gen(self, body, title='', notify_type=common.NotifyType.INFO, body_format=None, tag=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG, match_always=True, attach=None, interpret_escapes=None): """ Internal generator function for _create_notify_calls(). """ if len(self) == 0: # Nothing to notify msg = "There are no service(s) to notify" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if not (title or body or attach): msg = "No message content specified to deliver" logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) try: if title and isinstance(title, bytes): title = title.decode(self.asset.encoding) if body and isinstance(body, bytes): body = body.decode(self.asset.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = 'The content passed into Apprise was not of encoding ' \ 'type: {}'.format(self.asset.encoding) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) # Tracks conversions conversion_body_map = dict() conversion_title_map = dict() # Prepare attachments if required if attach is not None and not isinstance(attach, AppriseAttachment): attach = AppriseAttachment( attach, asset=self.asset, location=self.location) # Allow Asset default value body_format = self.asset.body_format \ if body_format is None else body_format # Allow Asset default value interpret_escapes = self.asset.interpret_escapes \ if interpret_escapes is None else interpret_escapes # Iterate over our loaded plugins for server in self.find(tag, match_always=match_always): # If our code reaches here, we either did not define a tag (it # was set to None), or we did define a tag and the logic above # determined we need to notify the service it's associated with # First we need to generate a key we will use to determine if we # need to build our data out. Entries without are merged with # the body at this stage. key = server.notify_format if server.title_maxlen > 0\ else f'_{server.notify_format}' if server.interpret_emojis: # alter our key slightly to handle emojis since their value is # pulled out of the notification key += "-emojis" if key not in conversion_title_map: # Prepare our title conversion_title_map[key] = '' if not title else title # Conversion of title only occurs for services where the title # is blended with the body (title_maxlen <= 0) if conversion_title_map[key] and server.title_maxlen <= 0: conversion_title_map[key] = convert_between( body_format, server.notify_format, content=conversion_title_map[key]) # Our body is always converted no matter what conversion_body_map[key] = \ convert_between( body_format, server.notify_format, content=body) if interpret_escapes: # # Escape our content # try: # Added overhead required due to Python 3 Encoding Bug # identified here: https://bugs.python.org/issue21331 conversion_body_map[key] = \ conversion_body_map[key]\ .encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')\ .decode('unicode-escape') conversion_title_map[key] = \ conversion_title_map[key]\ .encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')\ .decode('unicode-escape') except AttributeError: # Must be of string type msg = 'Failed to escape message body' logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if server.interpret_emojis: # # Convert our :emoji: definitions # conversion_body_map[key] = \ apply_emojis(conversion_body_map[key]) conversion_title_map[key] = \ apply_emojis(conversion_title_map[key]) kwargs = dict( body=conversion_body_map[key], title=conversion_title_map[key], notify_type=notify_type, attach=attach, body_format=body_format ) yield (server, kwargs) @staticmethod def _notify_sequential(*servers_kwargs): """ Process a list of notify() calls sequentially and synchronously. """ success = True for (server, kwargs) in servers_kwargs: try: # Send notification result = server.notify(**kwargs) success = success and result except TypeError: # These are our internally thrown notifications. success = False except Exception: # A catch all so we don't have to abort early # just because one of our plugins has a bug in it. logger.exception("Unhandled Notification Exception") success = False return success @staticmethod def _notify_parallel_threadpool(*servers_kwargs): """ Process a list of notify() calls in parallel and synchronously. """ n_calls = len(servers_kwargs) # 0-length case if n_calls == 0: return True # There's no need to use a thread pool for just a single notification if n_calls == 1: return Apprise._notify_sequential(servers_kwargs[0]) # Create log entry logger.info( 'Notifying %d service(s) with threads.', len(servers_kwargs)) with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: success = True futures = [executor.submit(server.notify, **kwargs) for (server, kwargs) in servers_kwargs] for future in cf.as_completed(futures): try: result = future.result() success = success and result except TypeError: # These are our internally thrown notifications. success = False except Exception: # A catch all so we don't have to abort early # just because one of our plugins has a bug in it. logger.exception("Unhandled Notification Exception") success = False return success @staticmethod async def _notify_parallel_asyncio(*servers_kwargs): """ Process a list of async_notify() calls in parallel and asynchronously. """ n_calls = len(servers_kwargs) # 0-length case if n_calls == 0: return True # (Unlike with the thread pool, we don't optimize for the single- # notification case because asyncio can do useful work while waiting # for that thread to complete) # Create log entry logger.info( 'Notifying %d service(s) asynchronously.', len(servers_kwargs)) async def do_call(server, kwargs): return await server.async_notify(**kwargs) cors = (do_call(server, kwargs) for (server, kwargs) in servers_kwargs) results = await asyncio.gather(*cors, return_exceptions=True) if any(isinstance(status, Exception) and not isinstance(status, TypeError) for status in results): # A catch all so we don't have to abort early just because # one of our plugins has a bug in it. logger.exception("Unhandled Notification Exception") return False if any(isinstance(status, TypeError) for status in results): # These are our internally thrown notifications. return False return all(results) def details(self, lang=None, show_requirements=False, show_disabled=False): """ Returns the details associated with the Apprise object """ # general object returned response = { # Defines the current version of Apprise 'version': __version__, # Lists all of the currently supported Notifications 'schemas': [], # Includes the configured asset details 'asset': self.asset.details(), } for plugin in N_MGR.plugins(): # Iterate over our hashed plugins and dynamically build details on # their status: content = { 'service_name': getattr(plugin, 'service_name', None), 'service_url': getattr(plugin, 'service_url', None), 'setup_url': getattr(plugin, 'setup_url', None), # Placeholder - populated below 'details': None, # Let upstream service know of the plugins that support # attachments 'attachment_support': getattr( plugin, 'attachment_support', False), # Differentiat between what is a custom loaded plugin and # which is native. 'category': getattr(plugin, 'category', None) } # Standard protocol(s) should be None or a tuple enabled = getattr(plugin, 'enabled', True) if not show_disabled and not enabled: # Do not show inactive plugins continue elif show_disabled: # Add current state to response content['enabled'] = enabled # Standard protocol(s) should be None or a tuple protocols = getattr(plugin, 'protocol', None) if isinstance(protocols, str): protocols = (protocols, ) # Secure protocol(s) should be None or a tuple secure_protocols = getattr(plugin, 'secure_protocol', None) if isinstance(secure_protocols, str): secure_protocols = (secure_protocols, ) # Add our protocol details to our content content.update({ 'protocols': protocols, 'secure_protocols': secure_protocols, }) if not lang: # Simply return our results content['details'] = plugins.details(plugin) if show_requirements: content['requirements'] = plugins.requirements(plugin) else: # Emulate the specified language when returning our results with self.locale.lang_at(lang): content['details'] = plugins.details(plugin) if show_requirements: content['requirements'] = plugins.requirements(plugin) # Build our response object response['schemas'].append(content) return response def urls(self, privacy=False): """ Returns all of the loaded URLs defined in this apprise object. """ return [x.url(privacy=privacy) for x in self.servers] def pop(self, index): """ Removes an indexed Notification Service from the stack and returns it. The thing is we can never pop AppriseConfig() entries, only what was loaded within them. So pop needs to carefully iterate over our list and only track actual entries. """ # Tracking variables prev_offset = -1 offset = prev_offset for idx, s in enumerate(self.servers): if isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)): servers = s.servers() if len(servers) > 0: # Acquire a new maximum offset to work with offset = prev_offset + len(servers) if offset >= index: # we can pop an element from our config stack fn = s.pop if isinstance(s, ConfigBase) \ else s.server_pop return fn(index if prev_offset == -1 else (index - prev_offset - 1)) else: offset = prev_offset + 1 if offset == index: return self.servers.pop(idx) # Update our old offset prev_offset = offset # If we reach here, then we indexed out of range raise IndexError('list index out of range') def __getitem__(self, index): """ Returns the indexed server entry of a loaded notification server """ # Tracking variables prev_offset = -1 offset = prev_offset for idx, s in enumerate(self.servers): if isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)): # Get our list of servers associate with our config object servers = s.servers() if len(servers) > 0: # Acquire a new maximum offset to work with offset = prev_offset + len(servers) if offset >= index: return servers[index if prev_offset == -1 else (index - prev_offset - 1)] else: offset = prev_offset + 1 if offset == index: return self.servers[idx] # Update our old offset prev_offset = offset # If we reach here, then we indexed out of range raise IndexError('list index out of range') def __getstate__(self): """ Pickle Support dumps() """ attributes = { 'asset': self.asset, # Prepare our URL list as we need to extract the associated tags # and asset details associated with it 'urls': [{ 'url': server.url(privacy=False), 'tag': server.tags if server.tags else None, 'asset': server.asset} for server in self.servers], 'locale': self.locale, 'debug': self.debug, 'location': self.location, } return attributes def __setstate__(self, state): """ Pickle Support loads() """ self.servers = list() self.asset = state['asset'] self.locale = state['locale'] self.location = state['location'] for entry in state['urls']: self.add(entry['url'], asset=entry['asset'], tag=entry['tag']) def __bool__(self): """ Allows the Apprise object to be wrapped in an 'if statement'. True is returned if at least one service has been loaded. """ return len(self) > 0 def __iter__(self): """ Returns an iterator to each of our servers loaded. This includes those found inside configuration. """ return chain(*[[s] if not isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)) else iter(s.servers()) for s in self.servers]) def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of servers loaded; this includes those found within loaded configuration. This funtion nnever actually counts the Config entry themselves (if they exist), only what they contain. """ return sum([1 if not isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)) else len(s.servers()) for s in self.servers])