# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BSD 2-Clause License # # Apprise - Push Notification Library. # Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # To use this plugin, you need to create a webhook; you can read more about # this here: # https://dev.outlook.com/Connectors/\ # GetStarted#creating-messages-through-office-365-connectors-\ # in-microsoft-teams # # More details are here on API Construction: # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-ca/outlook/actionable-messages/\ # message-card-reference # # I personally created a free account at teams.microsoft.com and then # went to the store (bottom left hand side of slack like interface). # # From here you can search for 'Incoming Webhook'. Once you click on it, # you can associate the webhook with your team. At this point, you can # optionally also assign it a name, an avatar. Finally you'll have to # assign it a channel it will notify. # # When you've completed this, it will generate you a (webhook) URL that # looks like: # https://team-name.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/ \ # abcdefgf8-2f4b-4eca-8f61-225c83db1967@abcdefg2-5a99-4849-8efc-\ # c9e78d28e57d/IncomingWebhook/291289f63a8abd3593e834af4d79f9fe/\ # a2329f43-0ffb-46ab-948b-c9abdad9d643 # # Yes... The URL is that big... But it looks like this (greatly simplified): # https://TEAM-NAME.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/ABCD/IncomingWebhook/DEFG/HIJK # ^ ^ ^ ^ # | | | | # These are important <--------------------------^--------------------^----^ # # The Legacy format didn't have the team name identified and reads 'outlook' # While this still works, consider that Microsoft will be dropping support # for this soon, so you may need to update your IncomingWebhook. Here is # what a legacy URL looked like: # https://outlook.office.com/webhook/ABCD/IncomingWebhook/DEFG/HIJK # ^ ^ ^ ^ # | | | | # legacy team reference: 'outlook' | | | # | | | # These are important <--------------^--------------------^----^ # # You'll notice that the first token is actually 2 separated by an @ symbol # But lets just ignore that and assume it's one great big token instead. # # These 3 tokens need to be placed in the URL after the Team # msteams://TEAM/ABCD/DEFG/HIJK # import re import requests import json from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError from .base import NotifyBase from ..common import NotifyImageSize from ..common import NotifyType from ..common import NotifyFormat from ..utils import parse_bool from ..utils import validate_regex from ..utils import apply_template from ..utils import TemplateType from ..apprise_attachment import AppriseAttachment from ..locale import gettext_lazy as _ class NotifyMSTeams(NotifyBase): """ A wrapper for Microsoft Teams Notifications """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'MSTeams' # The services URL service_url = 'https://teams.micrsoft.com/' # The default secure protocol secure_protocol = 'msteams' # A URL that takes you to the setup/help of the specific protocol setup_url = 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_msteams' # MSTeams uses the http protocol with JSON requests notify_url_v1 = 'https://outlook.office.com/webhook/' \ '{token_a}/IncomingWebhook/{token_b}/{token_c}' # New MSTeams webhook (as of April 11th, 2021) notify_url_v2 = 'https://{team}.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/' \ '{token_a}/IncomingWebhook/{token_b}/{token_c}' # Allows the user to specify the NotifyImageSize object image_size = NotifyImageSize.XY_72 # The maximum allowable characters allowed in the body per message body_maxlen = 1000 # Default Notification Format notify_format = NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN # There is no reason we should exceed 35KB when reading in a JSON file. # If it is more than this, then it is not accepted max_msteams_template_size = 35000 # Define object templates templates = ( # New required format '{schema}://{team}/{token_a}/{token_b}/{token_c}', # Deprecated '{schema}://{token_a}/{token_b}/{token_c}', ) # Define our template tokens template_tokens = dict(NotifyBase.template_tokens, **{ # The Microsoft Team Name 'team': { 'name': _('Team Name'), 'type': 'string', 'required': True, 'regex': (r'^[A-Z0-9_-]+$', 'i'), }, # Token required as part of the API request # /AAAAAAAAA@AAAAAAAAA/........./......... 'token_a': { 'name': _('Token A'), 'type': 'string', 'private': True, 'required': True, 'regex': (r'^[A-Z0-9-]+@[A-Z0-9-]+$', 'i'), }, # Token required as part of the API request # /................../BBBBBBBBB/.......... 'token_b': { 'name': _('Token B'), 'type': 'string', 'private': True, 'required': True, 'regex': (r'^[a-z0-9]+$', 'i'), }, # Token required as part of the API request # /........./........./CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 'token_c': { 'name': _('Token C'), 'type': 'string', 'private': True, 'required': True, 'regex': (r'^[a-z0-9-]+$', 'i'), }, }) # Define our template arguments template_args = dict(NotifyBase.template_args, **{ 'image': { 'name': _('Include Image'), 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'map_to': 'include_image', }, 'version': { 'name': _('Version'), 'type': 'choice:int', 'values': (1, 2), 'default': 2, }, 'template': { 'name': _('Template Path'), 'type': 'string', 'private': True, }, }) # Define our token control template_kwargs = { 'tokens': { 'name': _('Template Tokens'), 'prefix': ':', }, } def __init__(self, token_a, token_b, token_c, team=None, version=None, include_image=True, template=None, tokens=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize Microsoft Teams Object You can optional specify a template and identify arguments you wish to populate your template with when posting. Some reserved template arguments that can not be over-ridden are: `body`, `title`, and `type`. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self.version = int(version) except TypeError: # None was specified... take on default self.version = self.template_args['version']['default'] except ValueError: # invalid content was provided; let this get caught in the next # validation check for the version self.version = None if self.version not in self.template_args['version']['values']: msg = 'An invalid MSTeams Version ' \ '({}) was specified.'.format(version) self.logger.warning(msg) raise TypeError(msg) self.team = validate_regex(team) if not self.team: NotifyBase.logger.deprecate( "Apprise requires you to identify your Microsoft Team name as " "part of the URL. e.g.: " "msteams://TEAM-NAME/{token_a}/{token_b}/{token_c}") # Fallback self.team = 'outlook' self.token_a = validate_regex( token_a, *self.template_tokens['token_a']['regex']) if not self.token_a: msg = 'An invalid MSTeams (first) Token ' \ '({}) was specified.'.format(token_a) self.logger.warning(msg) raise TypeError(msg) self.token_b = validate_regex( token_b, *self.template_tokens['token_b']['regex']) if not self.token_b: msg = 'An invalid MSTeams (second) Token ' \ '({}) was specified.'.format(token_b) self.logger.warning(msg) raise TypeError(msg) self.token_c = validate_regex( token_c, *self.template_tokens['token_c']['regex']) if not self.token_c: msg = 'An invalid MSTeams (third) Token ' \ '({}) was specified.'.format(token_c) self.logger.warning(msg) raise TypeError(msg) # Place a thumbnail image inline with the message body self.include_image = include_image # Our template object is just an AppriseAttachment object self.template = AppriseAttachment(asset=self.asset) if template: # Add our definition to our template self.template.add(template) # Enforce maximum file size self.template[0].max_file_size = self.max_msteams_template_size # Template functionality self.tokens = {} if isinstance(tokens, dict): self.tokens.update(tokens) elif tokens: msg = 'The specified MSTeams Template Tokens ' \ '({}) are not identified as a dictionary.'.format(tokens) self.logger.warning(msg) raise TypeError(msg) # else: NoneType - this is okay return def gen_payload(self, body, title='', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO, **kwargs): """ This function generates our payload whether it be the generic one Apprise generates by default, or one provided by a specified external template. """ # Acquire our to-be footer icon if configured to do so image_url = None if not self.include_image \ else self.image_url(notify_type) if not self.template: # By default we use a generic working payload if there was # no template specified payload = { "@type": "MessageCard", "@context": "https://schema.org/extensions", "summary": self.app_desc, "themeColor": self.color(notify_type), "sections": [ { "activityImage": None, "activityTitle": title, "text": body, }, ] } if image_url: payload['sections'][0]['activityImage'] = image_url return payload # If our code reaches here, then we generate ourselves the payload template = self.template[0] if not template: # We could not access the attachment self.logger.error( 'Could not access MSTeam template {}.'.format( template.url(privacy=True))) return False # Take a copy of our token dictionary tokens = self.tokens.copy() # Apply some defaults template values tokens['app_body'] = body tokens['app_title'] = title tokens['app_type'] = notify_type tokens['app_id'] = self.app_id tokens['app_desc'] = self.app_desc tokens['app_color'] = self.color(notify_type) tokens['app_image_url'] = image_url tokens['app_url'] = self.app_url # Enforce Application mode tokens['app_mode'] = TemplateType.JSON try: with open(template.path, 'r') as fp: content = json.loads(apply_template(fp.read(), **tokens)) except (OSError, IOError): self.logger.error( 'MSTeam template {} could not be read.'.format( template.url(privacy=True))) return None except JSONDecodeError as e: self.logger.error( 'MSTeam template {} contains invalid JSON.'.format( template.url(privacy=True))) self.logger.debug('JSONDecodeError: {}'.format(e)) return None # Load our JSON data (if valid) has_error = False if '@type' not in content: self.logger.error( 'MSTeam template {} is missing @type kwarg.'.format( template.url(privacy=True))) has_error = True if '@context' not in content: self.logger.error( 'MSTeam template {} is missing @context kwarg.'.format( template.url(privacy=True))) has_error = True return content if not has_error else None def send(self, body, title='', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO, **kwargs): """ Perform Microsoft Teams Notification """ headers = { 'User-Agent': self.app_id, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } notify_url = self.notify_url_v2.format( team=self.team, token_a=self.token_a, token_b=self.token_b, token_c=self.token_c, ) if self.version > 1 else \ self.notify_url_v1.format( token_a=self.token_a, token_b=self.token_b, token_c=self.token_c) # Generate our payload if it's possible payload = self.gen_payload( body=body, title=title, notify_type=notify_type, **kwargs) if not payload: # No need to present a reason; that will come from the # gen_payload() function itself return False self.logger.debug('MSTeams POST URL: %s (cert_verify=%r)' % ( notify_url, self.verify_certificate, )) self.logger.debug('MSTeams Payload: %s' % str(payload)) # Always call throttle before any remote server i/o is made self.throttle() try: r = requests.post( notify_url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers, verify=self.verify_certificate, timeout=self.request_timeout, ) if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok: # We had a problem status_str = \ NotifyMSTeams.http_response_code_lookup(r.status_code) self.logger.warning( 'Failed to send MSTeams notification: ' '{}{}error={}.'.format( status_str, ', ' if status_str else '', r.status_code)) self.logger.debug( 'Response Details:\r\n{}'.format(r.content)) # We failed return False else: self.logger.info('Sent MSTeams notification.') except requests.RequestException as e: self.logger.warning( 'A Connection error occurred sending MSTeams notification.') self.logger.debug('Socket Exception: %s' % str(e)) # We failed return False return True def url(self, privacy=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the URL built dynamically based on specified arguments. """ # Define any URL parameters params = { 'image': 'yes' if self.include_image else 'no', } if self.version != self.template_args['version']['default']: params['version'] = str(self.version) if self.template: params['template'] = NotifyMSTeams.quote( self.template[0].url(), safe='') # Extend our parameters params.update(self.url_parameters(privacy=privacy, *args, **kwargs)) # Store any template entries if specified params.update({':{}'.format(k): v for k, v in self.tokens.items()}) if self.version > 1: return '{schema}://{team}/{token_a}/{token_b}/{token_c}/'\ '?{params}'.format( schema=self.secure_protocol, team=NotifyMSTeams.quote(self.team, safe=''), token_a=self.pprint(self.token_a, privacy, safe=''), token_b=self.pprint(self.token_b, privacy, safe=''), token_c=self.pprint(self.token_c, privacy, safe=''), params=NotifyMSTeams.urlencode(params), ) else: # Version 1 return '{schema}://{token_a}/{token_b}/{token_c}/'\ '?{params}'.format( schema=self.secure_protocol, token_a=self.pprint(self.token_a, privacy, safe='@'), token_b=self.pprint(self.token_b, privacy, safe=''), token_c=self.pprint(self.token_c, privacy, safe=''), params=NotifyMSTeams.urlencode(params), ) @staticmethod def parse_url(url): """ Parses the URL and returns enough arguments that can allow us to re-instantiate this object. """ results = NotifyBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=False) if not results: # We're done early as we couldn't load the results return results # Get unquoted entries entries = NotifyMSTeams.split_path(results['fullpath']) # Deprecated mode (backwards compatibility) if results.get('user'): # If a user was found, it's because it's still part of the first # token, so we concatinate them results['token_a'] = '{}@{}'.format( NotifyMSTeams.unquote(results['user']), NotifyMSTeams.unquote(results['host']), ) else: # Get the Team from the hostname results['team'] = NotifyMSTeams.unquote(results['host']) # Get the token from the path results['token_a'] = None if not entries \ else NotifyMSTeams.unquote(entries.pop(0)) results['token_b'] = None if not entries \ else NotifyMSTeams.unquote(entries.pop(0)) results['token_c'] = None if not entries \ else NotifyMSTeams.unquote(entries.pop(0)) # Get Image results['include_image'] = \ parse_bool(results['qsd'].get('image', True)) # Get Team name if defined if 'team' in results['qsd'] and results['qsd']['team']: results['team'] = \ NotifyMSTeams.unquote(results['qsd']['team']) # Template Handling if 'template' in results['qsd'] and results['qsd']['template']: results['template'] = \ NotifyMSTeams.unquote(results['qsd']['template']) # Override version if defined if 'version' in results['qsd'] and results['qsd']['version']: results['version'] = \ NotifyMSTeams.unquote(results['qsd']['version']) else: # Set our version if not otherwise set results['version'] = 1 if not results.get('team') else 2 # Store our tokens results['tokens'] = results['qsd:'] return results @staticmethod def parse_native_url(url): """ Legacy Support: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/ABCD/IncomingWebhook/DEFG/HIJK New Hook Support: https://team-name.office.com/webhook/ABCD/IncomingWebhook/DEFG/HIJK """ # We don't need to do incredibly details token matching as the purpose # of this is just to detect that were dealing with an msteams url # token parsing will occur once we initialize the function result = re.match( r'^https?://(?P[^.]+)(?P\.webhook)?\.office\.com/' r'webhook(?Pb2)?/' r'(?P[A-Z0-9-]+@[A-Z0-9-]+)/' r'IncomingWebhook/' r'(?P[A-Z0-9]+)/' r'(?P[A-Z0-9-]+)/?' r'(?P\?.+)?$', url, re.I) if result: if result.group('v2a'): # Version 2 URL return NotifyMSTeams.parse_url( '{schema}://{team}/{token_a}/{token_b}/{token_c}' '/{params}'.format( schema=NotifyMSTeams.secure_protocol, team=result.group('team'), token_a=result.group('token_a'), token_b=result.group('token_b'), token_c=result.group('token_c'), params='' if not result.group('params') else result.group('params'))) else: # Version 1 URLs # team is also set to 'outlook' in this case return NotifyMSTeams.parse_url( '{schema}://{token_a}/{token_b}/{token_c}' '/{params}'.format( schema=NotifyMSTeams.secure_protocol, token_a=result.group('token_a'), token_b=result.group('token_b'), token_c=result.group('token_c'), params='' if not result.group('params') else result.group('params'))) return None