import re import warnings from .protocols.base import BaseProtocol from .exceptions import WebSocketError try: from collections import OrderedDict except ImportError: class OrderedDict: pass class WebSocketApplication(object): protocol_class = BaseProtocol def __init__(self, ws): self.protocol = self.protocol_class(self) = ws def handle(self): self.protocol.on_open() while True: try: message = except WebSocketError: self.protocol.on_close() break self.protocol.on_message(message) def on_open(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_close(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def on_message(self, message, *args, **kwargs):, **kwargs) @classmethod def protocol_name(cls): return cls.protocol_class.PROTOCOL_NAME class Resource(object): def __init__(self, apps=None): self.apps = apps if apps else [] if isinstance(apps, dict): if not isinstance(apps, OrderedDict): warnings.warn("Using an unordered dictionary for the " "app list is discouraged and may lead to " "undefined behavior.", UserWarning) self.apps = apps.items() # An app can either be a standard WSGI application (an object we call with # __call__(self, environ, start_response)) or a class we instantiate # (and which can handle websockets). This function tells them apart. # Override this if you have apps that can handle websockets but don't # fulfill these criteria. def _is_websocket_app(self, app): return isinstance(app, type) and issubclass(app, WebSocketApplication) def _app_by_path(self, environ_path, is_websocket_request): # Which app matched the current path? for path, app in self.apps: if re.match(path, environ_path): if is_websocket_request == self._is_websocket_app(app): return app return None def app_protocol(self, path): # app_protocol will only be called for websocket apps app = self._app_by_path(path, True) if hasattr(app, 'protocol_name'): return app.protocol_name() else: return '' def __call__(self, environ, start_response): environ = environ is_websocket_call = 'wsgi.websocket' in environ current_app = self._app_by_path(environ['PATH_INFO'], is_websocket_call) if current_app is None: raise Exception("No apps defined") if is_websocket_call: ws = environ['wsgi.websocket'] current_app = current_app(ws) = ws # TODO: needed? current_app.handle() # Always return something, calling WSGI middleware may rely on it return [] else: return current_app(environ, start_response)