############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """HTTP Request Parser This server uses asyncore to accept connections and do initial processing but threads to do work. """ from io import BytesIO import re from urllib import parse from urllib.parse import unquote_to_bytes from waitress.buffers import OverflowableBuffer from waitress.receiver import ChunkedReceiver, FixedStreamReceiver from waitress.rfc7230 import HEADER_FIELD_RE, ONLY_DIGIT_RE from waitress.utilities import ( BadRequest, RequestEntityTooLarge, RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, ServerNotImplemented, find_double_newline, ) def unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(bytestring): return unquote_to_bytes(bytestring).decode("latin-1") class ParsingError(Exception): pass class TransferEncodingNotImplemented(Exception): pass class HTTPRequestParser: """A structure that collects the HTTP request. Once the stream is completed, the instance is passed to a server task constructor. """ completed = False # Set once request is completed. empty = False # Set if no request was made. expect_continue = False # client sent "Expect: 100-continue" header headers_finished = False # True when headers have been read header_plus = b"" chunked = False content_length = 0 header_bytes_received = 0 body_bytes_received = 0 body_rcv = None version = "1.0" error = None connection_close = False # Other attributes: first_line, header, headers, command, uri, version, # path, query, fragment def __init__(self, adj): """ adj is an Adjustments object. """ # headers is a mapping containing keys translated to uppercase # with dashes turned into underscores. self.headers = {} self.adj = adj def received(self, data): """ Receives the HTTP stream for one request. Returns the number of bytes consumed. Sets the completed flag once both the header and the body have been received. """ if self.completed: return 0 # Can't consume any more. datalen = len(data) br = self.body_rcv if br is None: # In header. max_header = self.adj.max_request_header_size s = self.header_plus + data index = find_double_newline(s) consumed = 0 if index >= 0: # If the headers have ended, and we also have part of the body # message in data we still want to validate we aren't going # over our limit for received headers. self.header_bytes_received = index consumed = datalen - (len(s) - index) else: self.header_bytes_received += datalen consumed = datalen # If the first line + headers is over the max length, we return a # RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge error rather than continuing to # attempt to parse the headers. if self.header_bytes_received >= max_header: self.parse_header(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n") self.error = RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge( "exceeds max_header of %s" % max_header ) self.completed = True return consumed if index >= 0: # Header finished. header_plus = s[:index] # Remove preceding blank lines. This is suggested by # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.5 to support # clients sending an extra CR LF after another request when # using HTTP pipelining header_plus = header_plus.lstrip() if not header_plus: self.empty = True self.completed = True else: try: self.parse_header(header_plus) except ParsingError as e: self.error = BadRequest(e.args[0]) self.completed = True except TransferEncodingNotImplemented as e: self.error = ServerNotImplemented(e.args[0]) self.completed = True else: if self.body_rcv is None: # no content-length header and not a t-e: chunked # request self.completed = True if self.content_length > 0: max_body = self.adj.max_request_body_size # we won't accept this request if the content-length # is too large if self.content_length >= max_body: self.error = RequestEntityTooLarge( "exceeds max_body of %s" % max_body ) self.completed = True self.headers_finished = True return consumed # Header not finished yet. self.header_plus = s return datalen else: # In body. consumed = br.received(data) self.body_bytes_received += consumed max_body = self.adj.max_request_body_size if self.body_bytes_received >= max_body: # this will only be raised during t-e: chunked requests self.error = RequestEntityTooLarge("exceeds max_body of %s" % max_body) self.completed = True elif br.error: # garbage in chunked encoding input probably self.error = br.error self.completed = True elif br.completed: # The request (with the body) is ready to use. self.completed = True if self.chunked: # We've converted the chunked transfer encoding request # body into a normal request body, so we know its content # length; set the header here. We already popped the # TRANSFER_ENCODING header in parse_header, so this will # appear to the client to be an entirely non-chunked HTTP # request with a valid content-length. self.headers["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = str(br.__len__()) return consumed def parse_header(self, header_plus): """ Parses the header_plus block of text (the headers plus the first line of the request). """ index = header_plus.find(b"\r\n") if index >= 0: first_line = header_plus[:index].rstrip() header = header_plus[index + 2 :] else: raise ParsingError("HTTP message header invalid") if b"\r" in first_line or b"\n" in first_line: raise ParsingError("Bare CR or LF found in HTTP message") self.first_line = first_line # for testing lines = get_header_lines(header) headers = self.headers for line in lines: header = HEADER_FIELD_RE.match(line) if not header: raise ParsingError("Invalid header") key, value = header.group("name", "value") if b"_" in key: # TODO(xistence): Should we drop this request instead? continue # Only strip off whitespace that is considered valid whitespace by # RFC7230, don't strip the rest value = value.strip(b" \t") key1 = key.upper().replace(b"-", b"_").decode("latin-1") # If a header already exists, we append subsequent values # separated by a comma. Applications already need to handle # the comma separated values, as HTTP front ends might do # the concatenation for you (behavior specified in RFC2616). try: headers[key1] += (b", " + value).decode("latin-1") except KeyError: headers[key1] = value.decode("latin-1") # command, uri, version will be bytes command, uri, version = crack_first_line(first_line) if command == uri == version == b"": raise ParsingError("Start line is invalid") # self.request_uri is like nginx's request_uri: # "full original request URI (with arguments)" self.request_uri = uri.decode("latin-1") version = version.decode("latin-1") command = command.decode("latin-1") self.command = command self.version = version ( self.proxy_scheme, self.proxy_netloc, self.path, self.query, self.fragment, ) = split_uri(uri) self.url_scheme = self.adj.url_scheme connection = headers.get("CONNECTION", "") if version == "1.0": if connection.lower() != "keep-alive": self.connection_close = True if version == "1.1": # since the server buffers data from chunked transfers and clients # never need to deal with chunked requests, downstream clients # should not see the HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING header; we pop it # here te = headers.pop("TRANSFER_ENCODING", "") # NB: We can not just call bare strip() here because it will also # remove other non-printable characters that we explicitly do not # want removed so that if someone attempts to smuggle a request # with these characters we don't fall prey to it. # # For example \x85 is stripped by default, but it is not considered # valid whitespace to be stripped by RFC7230. encodings = [ encoding.strip(" \t").lower() for encoding in te.split(",") if encoding ] for encoding in encodings: # Out of the transfer-codings listed in # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4 we only support # chunked at this time. # Note: the identity transfer-coding was removed in RFC7230: # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#appendix-A.2 and is thus # not supported if encoding not in {"chunked"}: raise TransferEncodingNotImplemented( "Transfer-Encoding requested is not supported." ) if encodings and encodings[-1] == "chunked": self.chunked = True buf = OverflowableBuffer(self.adj.inbuf_overflow) self.body_rcv = ChunkedReceiver(buf) elif encodings: # pragma: nocover raise TransferEncodingNotImplemented( "Transfer-Encoding requested is not supported." ) expect = headers.get("EXPECT", "").lower() self.expect_continue = expect == "100-continue" if connection.lower() == "close": self.connection_close = True if not self.chunked: cl = headers.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "0") if not ONLY_DIGIT_RE.match(cl.encode("latin-1")): raise ParsingError("Content-Length is invalid") cl = int(cl) self.content_length = cl if cl > 0: buf = OverflowableBuffer(self.adj.inbuf_overflow) self.body_rcv = FixedStreamReceiver(cl, buf) def get_body_stream(self): body_rcv = self.body_rcv if body_rcv is not None: return body_rcv.getfile() else: return BytesIO() def close(self): body_rcv = self.body_rcv if body_rcv is not None: body_rcv.getbuf().close() def split_uri(uri): # urlsplit handles byte input by returning bytes on py3, so # scheme, netloc, path, query, and fragment are bytes scheme = netloc = path = query = fragment = b"" # urlsplit below will treat this as a scheme-less netloc, thereby losing # the original intent of the request. Here we shamelessly stole 4 lines of # code from the CPython stdlib to parse out the fragment and query but # leave the path alone. See # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/8c9e9b0cd5b24dfbf1424d1f253d02de80e8f5ef/Lib/urllib/parse.py#L465-L468 # and https://github.com/Pylons/waitress/issues/260 if uri[:2] == b"//": path = uri if b"#" in path: path, fragment = path.split(b"#", 1) if b"?" in path: path, query = path.split(b"?", 1) else: try: scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = parse.urlsplit(uri) except UnicodeError: raise ParsingError("Bad URI") return ( scheme.decode("latin-1"), netloc.decode("latin-1"), unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(path), query.decode("latin-1"), fragment.decode("latin-1"), ) def get_header_lines(header): """ Splits the header into lines, putting multi-line headers together. """ r = [] lines = header.split(b"\r\n") for line in lines: if not line: continue if b"\r" in line or b"\n" in line: raise ParsingError( 'Bare CR or LF found in header line "%s"' % str(line, "latin-1") ) if line.startswith((b" ", b"\t")): if not r: # https://corte.si/posts/code/pathod/pythonservers/index.html raise ParsingError('Malformed header line "%s"' % str(line, "latin-1")) r[-1] += line else: r.append(line) return r first_line_re = re.compile( rb"(?P[!#$%&'*+\-.^_`|~0-9A-Za-z]+) " rb"(?P(?:[^ :?#]+://[^ ?#/]*(?:[0-9]{1,5})?)?[^ ]+)" rb"(?: HTTP/(?P[0-9]\.[0-9]))?" ) def crack_first_line(line): m = first_line_re.fullmatch(line) if m is None: return b"", b"", b"" version = m["version"] or b"" method = m["method"] uri = m["uri"] # the request methods that are currently defined are all uppercase: # https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-methods/http-methods.xhtml and # the request method is case sensitive according to # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.1 # By disallowing anything but uppercase methods we save poor # unsuspecting souls from sending lowercase HTTP methods to waitress # and having the request complete, while servers like nginx drop the # request onto the floor. if method != method.upper(): raise ParsingError('Malformed HTTP method "%s"' % str(method, "latin-1")) return method, uri, version