# coding=utf-8 import six import json import re import os import logging import datetime import socket import traceback import time import operator import unicodedata import itertools import rarfile import requests from os import scandir from collections import defaultdict from bs4 import UnicodeDammit from babelfish import LanguageReverseError from guessit.jsonutils import GuessitEncoder from subliminal import refiner_manager from concurrent.futures import as_completed from .extensions import provider_registry from .exceptions import MustGetBlacklisted from .score import compute_score as default_compute_score from subliminal.utils import hash_napiprojekt, hash_opensubtitles, hash_shooter, hash_thesubdb from subliminal.video import VIDEO_EXTENSIONS, Video, Episode, Movie from subliminal.core import guessit, ProviderPool, io, is_windows_special_path, \ ThreadPoolExecutor, check_video from subzero.language import Language, ENDSWITH_LANGUAGECODE_RE, FULL_LANGUAGE_LIST logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # may be absolute or relative paths; set to selected options CUSTOM_PATHS = [] INCLUDE_EXOTIC_SUBS = True DOWNLOAD_TRIES = 3 DOWNLOAD_RETRY_SLEEP = 6 # fixme: this may be overkill REMOVE_CRAP_FROM_FILENAME = re.compile(r"(?i)(?:([\s_-]+(?:obfuscated|scrambled|nzbgeek|chamele0n|buymore|xpost|postbot" r"|asrequested)(?:\[.+\])?)|([\s_-]\w{2,})(\[.+\]))(?=\.\w+$|$)") SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS = ('.srt', '.sub', '.smi', '.txt', '.ssa', '.ass', '.mpl', '.vtt') _POOL_LIFETIME = datetime.timedelta(hours=12) HI_REGEX = re.compile(r'[*¶♫♪].{3,}[*¶♫♪]|[\[\(\{].{3,}[\]\)\}](? %r", to_, from_) translated.add(from_) if translated == items: logger.debug("Nothing to translate found") return translated or items def check_set(self, items: set): """ Check a set of languages. For example, if the set is {Language('es')} and one of the equals of the instance is (Language('es'), Language('es', 'MX')), the set will now have to {Language('es'), Language('es', 'MX')}. It will return a copy of the original set to avoid messing up outside its scope. Note that hearing_impaired and forced language attributes are not yet tested. """ to_add = [] for equals in self: from_, to_ = equals if from_ in items: logger.debug("Adding %r to %s item(s) set", to_, len(items)) to_add.append(to_) new_items = items.copy() new_items.update(to_add) logger.debug("New set: %s items", len(new_items)) return new_items def update_subtitle(self, subtitle): for equals in self: from_, to_ = equals if from_ == subtitle.language: logger.debug("Updating language for %r (to %r)", subtitle, to_) subtitle.language = to_ break class SZProviderPool(ProviderPool): def __init__(self, providers=None, provider_configs=None, blacklist=None, ban_list=None, throttle_callback=None, pre_download_hook=None, post_download_hook=None, language_hook=None, language_equals=None): #: Name of providers to use self.providers = set(providers or []) #: Initialized providers self.initialized_providers = {} #: Discarded providers self.discarded_providers = set() self.blacklist = _Blacklist(blacklist or []) #: Should be a dict of 2 lists of strings self.ban_list = _Banlist(**(ban_list or {'must_contain': [], 'must_not_contain': []})) self.lang_equals = _LanguageEquals(language_equals or []) self.throttle_callback = throttle_callback self.pre_download_hook = pre_download_hook self.post_download_hook = post_download_hook self.language_hook = language_hook self._born = time.time() if not self.throttle_callback: self.throttle_callback = lambda x, y, ids=None, language=None: x #: Provider configuration self.provider_configs = _ProviderConfigs(self) self.provider_configs.update(provider_configs or {}) def update(self, providers, provider_configs, blacklist, ban_list, language_equals=None): # Check if the pool was initialized enough hours ago self._check_lifetime() providers = set(providers or []) # Check if any new provider has been added updated = providers != self.providers or ban_list != self.ban_list removed_providers = set(sorted(self.providers - providers)) logger.debug("Discarded providers: %s | New providers: %s", self.discarded_providers, providers) self.discarded_providers.difference_update(providers) logger.debug("Updated discarded providers: %s", self.discarded_providers) removed_providers.update(self.discarded_providers) logger.debug("Removed providers: %s", removed_providers) self.providers.difference_update(removed_providers) self.providers.update(list(providers)) # Terminate and delete removed providers from instance for removed in removed_providers: logger.debug("Removing provider: %s", removed) try: del self[removed] # If the user has updated the providers but hasn't made any # subtitle searches yet, the removed provider won't be in the # self dictionary except KeyError: pass # self.provider_configs = provider_configs self.provider_configs.update(provider_configs) self.blacklist = _Blacklist(blacklist or []) self.ban_list = _Banlist(**ban_list or {'must_contain': [], 'must_not_contain': []}) self.lang_equals = _LanguageEquals(language_equals or []) return updated def _check_lifetime(self): # This method is used to avoid possible memory leaks if abs(self._born - time.time()) > _POOL_LIFETIME.seconds: logger.info("%s elapsed. Terminating providers", _POOL_LIFETIME) self._born = time.time() self.terminate() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.terminate() def __getitem__(self, name): if name not in self.providers: raise KeyError if name not in self.initialized_providers: logger.info('Initializing provider %s', name) provider = provider_registry[name](**self.provider_configs.get(name, {})) provider.initialize() self.initialized_providers[name] = provider return self.initialized_providers[name] def __delitem__(self, name): if name not in self.initialized_providers: raise KeyError(name) try: logger.info('Terminating provider %s', name) self.initialized_providers[name].terminate() except (requests.Timeout, socket.timeout) as e: logger.error('Provider %r timed out, improperly terminated', name) self.throttle_callback(name, e) except Exception as e: logger.exception('Provider %r terminated unexpectedly', name) self.throttle_callback(name, e) del self.initialized_providers[name] def list_subtitles_provider(self, provider, video, languages): """List subtitles with a single provider. The video and languages are checked against the provider. patch: add traceback info :param str provider: name of the provider. :param video: video to list subtitles for. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param languages: languages to search for. :type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :return: found subtitles. :rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` or None """ logger.debug("Languages requested: %r", languages) if self.language_hook: languages_search_base = self.language_hook(provider) else: languages_search_base = languages # check video validity if not provider_registry[provider].check(video): logger.info('Skipping provider %r: not a valid video', provider) return [] # check whether we want to search this provider for the languages use_languages = languages_search_base & languages if not use_languages: logger.info('Skipping provider %r: no language to search for (advanced: %r, requested: %r)', provider, languages_search_base, languages) return [] # check supported languages provider_languages = self.lang_equals.check_set(set(provider_registry[provider].languages)) & use_languages if not provider_languages: logger.info('Skipping provider %r: no language to search for', provider) return [] # list subtitles results = [] to_request = self.lang_equals.translate(provider_languages) & set(provider_registry[provider].languages) logger.info('Listing subtitles with provider %r and languages %r', provider, to_request) try: results = self[provider].list_subtitles(video, to_request) seen = [] out = [] for s in results: self.lang_equals.update_subtitle(s) if not self.blacklist.is_valid(provider, s): continue if not self.ban_list.is_valid(s): continue if s.id in seen: continue s.radarrId = video.radarrId if hasattr(video, 'radarrId') else None s.sonarrSeriesId = video.sonarrSeriesId if hasattr(video, 'sonarrSeriesId') else None s.sonarrEpisodeId = video.sonarrEpisodeId if hasattr(video, 'sonarrEpisodeId') else None s.plex_media_fps = float(video.fps) if video.fps else None out.append(s) seen.append(s.id) return out except Exception as e: ids = { 'radarrId': video.radarrId if hasattr(video, 'radarrId') else None, 'sonarrSeriesId': video.sonarrSeriesId if hasattr(video, 'sonarrSeriesId') else None, 'sonarrEpisodeId': video.sonarrEpisodeId if hasattr(video, 'sonarrEpisodeId') else None, } logger.exception('Unexpected error in provider %r: %s', provider, traceback.format_exc()) self.throttle_callback(provider, e, ids=ids, language=list(languages)[0] if len(languages) else None) def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): """List subtitles. patch: handle LanguageReverseError :param video: video to list subtitles for. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param languages: languages to search for. :type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :return: found subtitles. :rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` """ subtitles = [] for name in self.providers: # check discarded providers if name in self.discarded_providers: logger.debug('Skipping discarded provider %r', name) continue # list subtitles try: provider_subtitles = self.list_subtitles_provider(name, video, languages) except LanguageReverseError: logger.exception("Unexpected language reverse error in %s, skipping. Error: %s", name, traceback.format_exc()) continue if provider_subtitles is None: logger.info('Discarding provider %s', name) self.discarded_providers.add(name) continue # add the subtitles subtitles.extend(provider_subtitles) return subtitles def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): """Download `subtitle`'s :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.content`. patch: add retry functionality :param subtitle: subtitle to download. :type subtitle: :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` :return: `True` if the subtitle has been successfully downloaded, `False` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ # check discarded providers if subtitle.provider_name in self.discarded_providers: logger.warning('Provider %r is discarded', subtitle.provider_name) return False logger.info('Downloading subtitle %r', subtitle) tries = 0 ids = { 'radarrId': subtitle.radarrId if hasattr(subtitle, 'radarrId') else None, 'sonarrSeriesId': subtitle.sonarrSeriesId if hasattr(subtitle, 'sonarrSeriesId') else None, 'sonarrEpisodeId': subtitle.sonarrEpisodeId if hasattr(subtitle, 'sonarrEpisodeId') else None, } # retry downloading on failure until settings' download retry limit hit while True: tries += 1 try: if self.pre_download_hook: self.pre_download_hook(subtitle) self[subtitle.provider_name].download_subtitle(subtitle) if self.post_download_hook: self.post_download_hook(subtitle) break except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ProxyError, requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.Timeout, socket.timeout) as e: logger.error('Provider %r connection error', subtitle.provider_name) self.throttle_callback(subtitle.provider_name, e, ids=ids, language=subtitle.language) except (rarfile.BadRarFile, MustGetBlacklisted) as e: self.throttle_callback(subtitle.provider_name, e, ids=ids, language=subtitle.language) return False except Exception as e: logger.exception('Unexpected error in provider %r, Traceback: %s', subtitle.provider_name, traceback.format_exc()) self.throttle_callback(subtitle.provider_name, e, ids=ids, language=subtitle.language) self.discarded_providers.add(subtitle.provider_name) return False if tries == DOWNLOAD_TRIES: self.discarded_providers.add(subtitle.provider_name) logger.error('Maximum retries reached for provider %r, discarding it', subtitle.provider_name) return False # don't hammer the provider logger.debug('Errors while downloading subtitle, retrying provider %r in %s seconds', subtitle.provider_name, DOWNLOAD_RETRY_SLEEP) time.sleep(DOWNLOAD_RETRY_SLEEP) # check subtitle validity if not subtitle.is_valid(): logger.error('Invalid subtitle') return False if not os.environ.get("SZ_KEEP_ENCODING", False): subtitle.normalize() return True def download_best_subtitles(self, subtitles, video, languages, min_score=0, hearing_impaired=False, only_one=False, compute_score=None): """Download the best matching subtitles. patch: - hearing_impaired is now string - add .score to subtitle - move all languages check further to the top (still necessary?) :param subtitles: the subtitles to use. :type subtitles: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` :param video: video to download subtitles for. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param languages: languages to download. :type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :param int min_score: minimum score for a subtitle to be downloaded. :param bool hearing_impaired: hearing impaired preference. :param bool only_one: download only one subtitle, not one per language. :param compute_score: function that takes `subtitle` and `video` as positional arguments, `hearing_impaired` as keyword argument and returns the score. :return: downloaded subtitles. :rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` """ compute_score = compute_score or default_compute_score use_hearing_impaired = hearing_impaired in ("prefer", "force HI") is_episode = isinstance(video, Episode) max_score = sum(val for key, val in compute_score._scores['episode' if is_episode else 'movie'].items() if key != "hash") # sort subtitles by score unsorted_subtitles = [] for s in subtitles: # get the matches if s.language.basename not in [x.basename for x in languages]: logger.debug("%r: Skipping, language not searched for", s) continue try: matches = s.get_matches(video) except AttributeError: logger.error("%r: Match computation failed: %s", s, traceback.format_exc()) continue orig_matches = matches.copy() logger.debug('%r: Found matches %r', s, matches) score, score_without_hash = compute_score(matches, s, video, use_hearing_impaired) unsorted_subtitles.append( (s, score, score_without_hash, matches, orig_matches)) # sort subtitles by score scored_subtitles = sorted(unsorted_subtitles, key=operator.itemgetter(1, 2), reverse=True) # download best subtitles, falling back on the next on error downloaded_subtitles = [] for subtitle, score, score_without_hash, matches, orig_matches in scored_subtitles: # check score if score < min_score: min_score_in_percent = round(min_score * 100 / max_score, 2) if min_score > 0 else 0 logger.info('%r: Score %d is below min_score: %d out of %d (or %r%%)', subtitle, score, min_score, max_score, min_score_in_percent) break # stop when all languages are downloaded if set(str(s.language) for s in downloaded_subtitles) == languages: logger.debug('All languages downloaded') break # check downloaded languages if subtitle.language in set(str(s.language) for s in downloaded_subtitles): logger.debug('%r: Skipping subtitle: already downloaded', subtitle.language) continue # bail out if hearing_impaired was wrong if subtitle.hearing_impaired_verifiable and "hearing_impaired" not in matches and \ hearing_impaired in ("force HI", "force non-HI"): logger.debug('%r: Skipping subtitle with score %d because hearing-impaired set to %s', subtitle, score, hearing_impaired) continue if is_episode: can_verify_series = True if not subtitle.hash_verifiable and "hash" in matches: can_verify_series = False matches_series = False if {"season", "episode"}.issubset(orig_matches) and \ ("series" in orig_matches or "imdb_id" in orig_matches): matches_series = True if can_verify_series and not matches_series: logger.debug("%r: Skipping subtitle with score %d, because it doesn't match our series/episode", subtitle, score) continue # download logger.debug("%r: Trying to download subtitle with matches %s, score: %s; release(s): %s", subtitle, matches, score, subtitle.release_info) if self.download_subtitle(subtitle): subtitle.score = score downloaded_subtitles.append(subtitle) # stop if only one subtitle is requested if only_one: logger.debug('Only one subtitle downloaded') break return downloaded_subtitles def list_supported_languages(self): """List supported languages. :return: languages supported by the providers. :rtype: list of dicts """ languages = [] for name in self.providers: # list supported languages for a single provider try: provider_languages = self[name].languages except AttributeError: logger.exception(f"{name} provider doesn't have a languages attribute") continue if provider_languages is None: logger.info(f"Skipping provider {name} because it doesn't support any languages.") continue # add the languages for this provider languages.append({'provider': name, 'languages': self.lang_equals.check_set(set(provider_languages))}) return languages def list_supported_video_types(self): """List supported video types. :return: video types supported by the providers. :rtype: tuple of video types """ video_types = [] for name in self.providers: # list supported video types for a single provider try: provider_video_type = self[name].video_types except AttributeError: logger.exception(f"{name} provider doesn't have a video_types method") continue if provider_video_type is None: logger.info(f"Skipping provider {name} because it doesn't support any video type.") continue # add the video types for this provider video_types.append({'provider': name, 'video_types': provider_video_type}) return video_types def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__} [{len(self.providers)} providers ({len(self.initialized_providers)} " f"initialized; {len(self.discarded_providers)} discarded)]" ) class SZAsyncProviderPool(SZProviderPool): """Subclass of :class:`ProviderPool` with asynchronous support for :meth:`~ProviderPool.list_subtitles`. :param int max_workers: maximum number of threads to use. If `None`, :attr:`max_workers` will be set to the number of :attr:`~ProviderPool.providers`. """ def __init__(self, max_workers=None, *args, **kwargs): super(SZAsyncProviderPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: Maximum number of threads to use self._max_workers_set = max_workers is not None self.max_workers = (max_workers or len(self.providers)) or 1 logger.info("Using %d threads for %d providers (%s)", self.max_workers, len(self.providers), self.providers) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): updated = super().update(*args, **kwargs) if (len(self.providers) and not self._max_workers_set) and len(self.providers) != self.max_workers: logger.debug("This pool will use %d threads from now on", len(self.providers)) self.max_workers = len(self.providers) return updated def list_subtitles_provider(self, provider, video, languages): # list subtitles provider_subtitles = None try: provider_subtitles = super(SZAsyncProviderPool, self).list_subtitles_provider(provider, video, languages) except LanguageReverseError: logger.exception("Unexpected language reverse error in %s, skipping. Error: %s", provider, traceback.format_exc()) return provider, provider_subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages, blacklist=None, ban_list=None): if is_windows_special_path: return super(SZAsyncProviderPool, self).list_subtitles(video, languages) subtitles = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(self.max_workers) as executor: for provider, provider_subtitles in executor.map(self.list_subtitles_provider, self.providers, itertools.repeat(video, len(self.providers)), itertools.repeat(languages, len(self.providers))): # discard provider that failed if provider_subtitles is None: logger.info('Discarding provider %s', provider) self.discarded_providers.add(provider) continue # add subtitles subtitles.extend(provider_subtitles) return subtitles def list_supported_languages(self): """List supported languages asynchronously. :return: languages supported by the providers. :rtype: list of dicts """ languages = [] def get_providers_languages(provider_name): provider_languages = None try: provider_languages = {'provider': provider_name, 'languages': self[provider_name].languages} except AttributeError: logger.exception(f"{provider_name} provider doesn't have a languages attribute") return provider_languages with ThreadPoolExecutor(self.max_workers) as executor: for future in as_completed([executor.submit(get_providers_languages, x) for x in self.providers]): provider_languages = future.result() if provider_languages is None: continue # add the languages for this provider languages.append(provider_languages) return languages def list_supported_video_types(self): """List supported video types asynchronously. :return: video types supported by the providers. :rtype: tuple of video types """ video_types = [] def get_providers_video_types(provider_name): provider_video_types = None try: provider_video_types = {'provider': provider_name, 'video_types': self[provider_name].video_types} except AttributeError: logger.exception(f"{provider_name} provider doesn't have a video_types attribute") return provider_video_types with ThreadPoolExecutor(self.max_workers) as executor: for future in as_completed([executor.submit(get_providers_video_types, x) for x in self.providers]): provider_video_types = future.result() if provider_video_types is None: continue # add the languages for this provider video_types.append(provider_video_types) return video_types if is_windows_special_path: SZAsyncProviderPool = SZProviderPool def scan_video(path, dont_use_actual_file=False, hints=None, providers=None, skip_hashing=False, hash_from=None): """Scan a video from a `path`. patch: - allow passing of hints/options to guessit - allow dry-run with dont_use_actual_file - add crap removal (obfuscated/scrambled) - trust plex's movie name :param str path: existing path to the video. :return: the scanned video. :rtype: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` """ hints = hints or {} # check for non-existing path if not dont_use_actual_file and not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError('Path does not exist') # check video extension if not path.lower().endswith(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS): raise ValueError('%r is not a valid video extension' % os.path.splitext(path)[1]) dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path) logger.info('Determining basic video properties for %r in %r', filename, dirpath) hints["single_value"] = True # if "title" in hints: # hints["expected_title"] = [hints["title"]] guessed_result = guessit(path, options=hints) logger.debug('GuessIt found: %s', json.dumps(guessed_result, cls=GuessitEncoder, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) video = Video.fromguess(path, guessed_result) video.hints = hints # ? if dont_use_actual_file and not hash_from: return video # if all providers are throttled, skip hashing if not providers: skip_hashing = True # size and hashes if not skip_hashing: hash_path = hash_from or path video.size = os.path.getsize(hash_path) if video.size > 10485760: logger.debug('Size is %d', video.size) osub_hash = None if "bsplayer" in providers: video.hashes['bsplayer'] = osub_hash = hash_opensubtitles(hash_path) if "opensubtitles" in providers: video.hashes['opensubtitles'] = osub_hash = osub_hash or hash_opensubtitles(hash_path) if "opensubtitlescom" in providers: video.hashes['opensubtitlescom'] = osub_hash = osub_hash or hash_opensubtitles(hash_path) if "shooter" in providers: video.hashes['shooter'] = hash_shooter(hash_path) if "thesubdb" in providers: video.hashes['thesubdb'] = hash_thesubdb(hash_path) if "napiprojekt" in providers: try: video.hashes['napiprojekt'] = hash_napiprojekt(hash_path) except MemoryError: logger.warning(u"Couldn't compute napiprojekt hash for %s", hash_path) if "napisy24" in providers: # Napisy24 uses the same hash as opensubtitles video.hashes['napisy24'] = osub_hash or hash_opensubtitles(hash_path) logger.debug('Computed hashes %r', video.hashes) else: logger.warning('Size is lower than 10MB: hashes not computed') return video def _search_external_subtitles(path, languages=None, only_one=False, match_strictness="strict"): dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path) dirpath = dirpath or '.' fn_no_ext, fileext = os.path.splitext(filename) fn_no_ext_lower = fn_no_ext.lower() # unicodedata.normalize('NFC', fn_no_ext.lower()) subtitles = {} for entry in scandir(dirpath): if not entry.is_file(follow_symlinks=False): continue p = entry.name # unicodedata.normalize('NFC', entry.name) # keep only valid subtitle filenames if not p.lower().endswith(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS): continue # not p.lower().startswith(fileroot.lower()) or not p_root, p_ext = os.path.splitext(p) if not INCLUDE_EXOTIC_SUBS and p_ext not in (".srt", ".ass", ".ssa", ".vtt"): continue if p_root.lower() == fn_no_ext_lower: # skip check for language code if the subtitle file name is the same as the video name subtitles[p] = None continue # extract potential forced/normal/default/hi tag # fixme: duplicate from subtitlehelpers split_tag = p_root.rsplit('.', 1) adv_tag = None if len(split_tag) > 1: adv_tag = split_tag[1].lower() if adv_tag in ['forced', 'normal', 'default', 'embedded', 'embedded-forced', 'custom', 'hi', 'cc', 'sdh']: p_root = split_tag[0] forced = False if adv_tag: forced = "forced" in adv_tag hi = False if adv_tag: hi_tag = ["hi", "cc", "sdh"] hi = any(i for i in hi_tag if i in adv_tag) # add simplified/traditional chinese detection simplified_chinese = ["chs", "sc", "zhs", "hans", "zh-hans", "gb", "简", "简中", "简体", "简体中文", "中英双语", "中日双语", "中法双语", "简体&英文"] traditional_chinese = ["cht", "tc", "zht", "hant", "zh-hant", "big5", "繁", "繁中", "繁体", "繁體", "繁体中文", "繁體中文", "正體中文", "中英雙語", "中日雙語", "中法雙語", "繁体&英文"] p_root = p_root.replace('zh-TW', 'zht') # remove possible language code for matching p_root_bare = ENDSWITH_LANGUAGECODE_RE.sub( lambda m: "" if str(m.group(1)).lower() in FULL_LANGUAGE_LIST else m.group(0), p_root) p_root_lower = p_root_bare.lower() filename_matches = p_root_lower == fn_no_ext_lower filename_contains = p_root_lower in fn_no_ext_lower if not filename_matches: if match_strictness == "strict" or (match_strictness == "loose" and not filename_contains): continue language = None # extract the potential language code try: language_code = p_root.rsplit(".", 1)[1].replace('_', '-') try: language = Language.fromietf(language_code) language.forced = forced language.hi = hi except (ValueError, LanguageReverseError): # add simplified/traditional chinese detection if any(ext in str(language_code) for ext in simplified_chinese): language = Language.fromietf('zh') language.forced = forced language.hi = hi elif any(ext in str(language_code) for ext in traditional_chinese): language = Language.fromietf('zh') language.forced = forced language.hi = hi else: logger.error('Cannot parse language code %r', language_code) language_code = None except IndexError: language_code = None if not language and not language_code and only_one: language = Language.rebuild(list(languages)[0], forced=forced, hi=hi) subtitles[p] = language logger.debug('Found subtitles %r', subtitles) return subtitles def search_external_subtitles(path, languages=None, only_one=False, match_strictness="strict"): """ wrap original search_external_subtitles function to search multiple paths for one given video # todo: cleanup and merge with _search_external_subtitles """ video_path, video_filename = os.path.split(path) subtitles = {} for folder_or_subfolder in [video_path] + CUSTOM_PATHS: # folder_or_subfolder may be a relative path or an absolute one try: abspath = six.text_type(os.path.abspath( os.path.join(*[video_path if not os.path.isabs(folder_or_subfolder) else "", folder_or_subfolder, video_filename]))) except Exception as e: logger.error("skipping path %s because of %s", repr(folder_or_subfolder), e) continue logger.debug("external subs: scanning path %s", abspath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(abspath)): subtitles.update(_search_external_subtitles(abspath, languages=languages, only_one=only_one, match_strictness=match_strictness)) logger.debug("external subs: found %s", subtitles) return subtitles def list_all_subtitles(videos, languages, **kwargs): """List all available subtitles. patch: remove video check, it has been done before The `videos` must pass the `languages` check of :func:`check_video`. All other parameters are passed onwards to the :class:`ProviderPool` constructor. :param videos: videos to list subtitles for. :type videos: set of :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param languages: languages to search for. :type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :return: found subtitles per video. :rtype: dict of :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` to list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` """ listed_subtitles = defaultdict(list) # return immediatly if no video passed the checks if not videos: return listed_subtitles # list subtitles with SZProviderPool(**kwargs) as pool: for video in videos: logger.info('Listing subtitles for %r', video) subtitles = pool.list_subtitles(video, languages - video.subtitle_languages) listed_subtitles[video].extend(subtitles) logger.info('Found %d subtitle(s)', len(subtitles)) return listed_subtitles def list_supported_languages(pool_class, **kwargs): with pool_class(**kwargs) as pool: return pool.list_supported_languages() def list_supported_video_types(pool_class, **kwargs): with pool_class(**kwargs) as pool: return pool.list_supported_video_types() def download_subtitles(subtitles, pool_class=ProviderPool, **kwargs): r"""Download :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.content` of `subtitles`. :param subtitles: subtitles to download. :type subtitles: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` :param pool_class: class to use as provider pool. :type pool_class: :class:`ProviderPool`, :class:`AsyncProviderPool` or similar :param \*\*kwargs: additional parameters for the provided `pool_class` constructor. """ with pool_class(**kwargs) as pool: for subtitle in subtitles: logger.info('Downloading subtitle %r with score %s', subtitle, subtitle.score) pool.download_subtitle(subtitle) def download_best_subtitles(videos, languages, min_score=0, hearing_impaired=False, only_one=False, compute_score=None, pool_class=ProviderPool, throttle_time=0, **kwargs): r"""List and download the best matching subtitles. The `videos` must pass the `languages` and `undefined` (`only_one`) checks of :func:`check_video`. :param videos: videos to download subtitles for. :type videos: set of :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param languages: languages to download. :type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :param int min_score: minimum score for a subtitle to be downloaded. :param bool hearing_impaired: hearing impaired preference. :param bool only_one: download only one subtitle, not one per language. :param compute_score: function that takes `subtitle` and `video` as positional arguments, `hearing_impaired` as keyword argument and returns the score. :param pool_class: class to use as provider pool. :type pool_class: :class:`ProviderPool`, :class:`AsyncProviderPool` or similar :param \*\*kwargs: additional parameters for the provided `pool_class` constructor. :return: downloaded subtitles per video. :rtype: dict of :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` to list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` """ downloaded_subtitles = defaultdict(list) # check videos checked_videos = [] for video in videos: if not check_video(video, languages=languages, undefined=only_one): logger.info('Skipping video %r', video) continue checked_videos.append(video) # return immediately if no video passed the checks if not checked_videos: return downloaded_subtitles got_multiple = len(checked_videos) > 1 # download best subtitles with pool_class(**kwargs) as pool: for video in checked_videos: logger.info('Downloading best subtitles for %r', video) subtitles = pool.download_best_subtitles(pool.list_subtitles(video, languages - video.subtitle_languages), video, languages, min_score=min_score, hearing_impaired=hearing_impaired, only_one=only_one, compute_score=compute_score) logger.info('Downloaded %d subtitle(s)', len(subtitles)) downloaded_subtitles[video].extend(subtitles) if got_multiple and throttle_time: logger.debug("Waiting %ss before continuing ...", throttle_time) time.sleep(throttle_time) return downloaded_subtitles def get_subtitle_path(video_path, language=None, extension='.srt', forced_tag=False, hi_tag=False, tags=None): """Get the subtitle path using the `video_path` and `language`. :param str video_path: path to the video. :param language: language of the subtitle to put in the path. :type language: :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :param str extension: extension of the subtitle. :param bool forced_tag: is the subtitles forced/foreign? :param bool hi_tag: is the subtitles hearing-impaired? :param list tags: list of custom tags :return: path of the subtitle. :rtype: str """ subtitle_root = os.path.splitext(video_path)[0] tags = tags or [] hi_extension = os.environ.get("SZ_HI_EXTENSION", "hi") if forced_tag: tags.append("forced") elif hi_tag: tags.append(hi_extension) if language: subtitle_root += '.' + str(language.basename) if tags: subtitle_root += ".%s" % "-".join(tags) return subtitle_root + extension def save_subtitles(file_path, subtitles, single=False, directory=None, chmod=None, formats=("srt",), tags=None, path_decoder=None, debug_mods=False): """Save subtitles on filesystem. Subtitles are saved in the order of the list. If a subtitle with a language has already been saved, other subtitles with the same language are silently ignored. The extension used is `.lang.srt` by default or `.srt` is `single` is `True`, with `lang` being the IETF code for the :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.language` of the subtitle. :param file_path: video file path :param formats: list of "srt" and "vtt" :param subtitles: subtitles to save. :type subtitles: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` :param bool single: save a single subtitle, default is to save one subtitle per language. :param str directory: path to directory where to save the subtitles, default is next to the video. :return: the saved subtitles :rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` patch: unicode path problems """ logger.debug("Subtitle formats requested: %r", formats) saved_subtitles = [] for subtitle in subtitles: # check if HI mods will be used to get the proper name for the subtitles file must_remove_hi = 'remove_HI' in subtitle.mods # check content if subtitle.content is None: logger.error('Skipping subtitle %r: no content', subtitle) continue # check language if subtitle.language in set(s.language.basename for s in saved_subtitles): logger.debug('Skipping subtitle %r: language already saved', subtitle) continue # create subtitle path if bool(re.search(HI_REGEX, subtitle.text)): subtitle.language.hi = True subtitle_path = get_subtitle_path(file_path, None if single else subtitle.language, forced_tag=subtitle.language.forced, hi_tag=False if must_remove_hi else subtitle.language.hi, tags=tags) if directory is not None: subtitle_path = os.path.join(directory, os.path.split(subtitle_path)[1]) if path_decoder: subtitle_path = path_decoder(subtitle_path) # force unicode subtitle_path = UnicodeDammit(subtitle_path).unicode_markup subtitle.storage_path = subtitle_path for format in formats: if format != "srt": subtitle_path = os.path.splitext(subtitle_path)[0] + (u".%s" % format) logger.debug(u"Saving %r to %r", subtitle, subtitle_path) content = subtitle.get_modified_content(format=format, debug=debug_mods) if content: if os.path.exists(subtitle_path): os.remove(subtitle_path) with open(subtitle_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(content) subtitle.storage_path = subtitle_path else: logger.error(u"Something went wrong when getting modified subtitle for %s", subtitle) # change chmod if requested if chmod: os.chmod(subtitle_path, chmod) saved_subtitles.append(subtitle) # check single if single: break return saved_subtitles def refine(video, episode_refiners=None, movie_refiners=None, **kwargs): r"""Refine a video using :ref:`refiners`. patch: add traceback logging .. note:: Exceptions raised in refiners are silently passed and logged. :param video: the video to refine. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param tuple episode_refiners: refiners to use for episodes. :param tuple movie_refiners: refiners to use for movies. :param \*\*kwargs: additional parameters for the :func:`~subliminal.refiners.refine` functions. """ refiners = () if isinstance(video, Episode): refiners = episode_refiners or ('metadata', 'tvdb', 'omdb') elif isinstance(video, Movie): refiners = movie_refiners or ('metadata', 'omdb') for refiner in refiners: logger.info('Refining video with %s', refiner) try: refiner_manager[refiner].plugin(video, **kwargs) except: logger.error('Failed to refine video: %s', traceback.format_exc())