#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ bonus property """ from rebulk.remodule import re from rebulk import Rebulk, AppendMatch, Rule from .title import TitleFromPosition from ..common.formatters import cleanup from ..common.pattern import is_disabled from ..common.validators import seps_surround def bonus(config): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Builder for rebulk object. :param config: rule configuration :type config: dict :return: Created Rebulk object :rtype: Rebulk """ rebulk = Rebulk(disabled=lambda context: is_disabled(context, 'bonus')) rebulk = rebulk.regex_defaults(flags=re.IGNORECASE) rebulk.regex(r'x(\d+)', name='bonus', private_parent=True, children=True, formatter=int, validator={'__parent__': seps_surround}, validate_all=True, conflict_solver=lambda match, conflicting: match if conflicting.name in ('video_codec', 'episode') and 'weak-episode' not in conflicting.tags else '__default__') rebulk.rules(BonusTitleRule) return rebulk class BonusTitleRule(Rule): """ Find bonus title after bonus. """ dependency = TitleFromPosition consequence = AppendMatch properties = {'bonus_title': [None]} def when(self, matches, context): # pylint:disable=inconsistent-return-statements bonus_number = matches.named('bonus', lambda match: not match.private, index=0) if bonus_number: filepath = matches.markers.at_match(bonus_number, lambda marker: marker.name == 'path', 0) hole = matches.holes(bonus_number.end, filepath.end + 1, formatter=cleanup, index=0) if hole and hole.value: hole.name = 'bonus_title' return hole