""" pygments.lexers._lua_builtins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file contains the names and modules of lua functions It is able to re-generate itself, but for adding new functions you probably have to add some callbacks (see function module_callbacks). Do not edit the MODULES dict by hand. Run with `python -I` to regenerate. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ MODULES = {'basic': ('_G', '_VERSION', 'assert', 'collectgarbage', 'dofile', 'error', 'getmetatable', 'ipairs', 'load', 'loadfile', 'next', 'pairs', 'pcall', 'print', 'rawequal', 'rawget', 'rawlen', 'rawset', 'select', 'setmetatable', 'tonumber', 'tostring', 'type', 'warn', 'xpcall'), 'bit32': ('bit32.arshift', 'bit32.band', 'bit32.bnot', 'bit32.bor', 'bit32.btest', 'bit32.bxor', 'bit32.extract', 'bit32.lrotate', 'bit32.lshift', 'bit32.replace', 'bit32.rrotate', 'bit32.rshift'), 'coroutine': ('coroutine.close', 'coroutine.create', 'coroutine.isyieldable', 'coroutine.resume', 'coroutine.running', 'coroutine.status', 'coroutine.wrap', 'coroutine.yield'), 'debug': ('debug.debug', 'debug.gethook', 'debug.getinfo', 'debug.getlocal', 'debug.getmetatable', 'debug.getregistry', 'debug.getupvalue', 'debug.getuservalue', 'debug.sethook', 'debug.setlocal', 'debug.setmetatable', 'debug.setupvalue', 'debug.setuservalue', 'debug.traceback', 'debug.upvalueid', 'debug.upvaluejoin'), 'io': ('io.close', 'io.flush', 'io.input', 'io.lines', 'io.open', 'io.output', 'io.popen', 'io.read', 'io.stderr', 'io.stdin', 'io.stdout', 'io.tmpfile', 'io.type', 'io.write'), 'math': ('math.abs', 'math.acos', 'math.asin', 'math.atan', 'math.atan2', 'math.ceil', 'math.cos', 'math.cosh', 'math.deg', 'math.exp', 'math.floor', 'math.fmod', 'math.frexp', 'math.huge', 'math.ldexp', 'math.log', 'math.max', 'math.maxinteger', 'math.min', 'math.mininteger', 'math.modf', 'math.pi', 'math.pow', 'math.rad', 'math.random', 'math.randomseed', 'math.sin', 'math.sinh', 'math.sqrt', 'math.tan', 'math.tanh', 'math.tointeger', 'math.type', 'math.ult'), 'modules': ('package.config', 'package.cpath', 'package.loaded', 'package.loadlib', 'package.path', 'package.preload', 'package.searchers', 'package.searchpath', 'require'), 'os': ('os.clock', 'os.date', 'os.difftime', 'os.execute', 'os.exit', 'os.getenv', 'os.remove', 'os.rename', 'os.setlocale', 'os.time', 'os.tmpname'), 'string': ('string.byte', 'string.char', 'string.dump', 'string.find', 'string.format', 'string.gmatch', 'string.gsub', 'string.len', 'string.lower', 'string.match', 'string.pack', 'string.packsize', 'string.rep', 'string.reverse', 'string.sub', 'string.unpack', 'string.upper'), 'table': ('table.concat', 'table.insert', 'table.move', 'table.pack', 'table.remove', 'table.sort', 'table.unpack'), 'utf8': ('utf8.char', 'utf8.charpattern', 'utf8.codepoint', 'utf8.codes', 'utf8.len', 'utf8.offset')} if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover import re import sys from urllib.request import urlopen import pprint # you can't generally find out what module a function belongs to if you # have only its name. Because of this, here are some callback functions # that recognize if a gioven function belongs to a specific module def module_callbacks(): def is_in_coroutine_module(name): return name.startswith('coroutine.') def is_in_modules_module(name): if name in ['require', 'module'] or name.startswith('package'): return True else: return False def is_in_string_module(name): return name.startswith('string.') def is_in_table_module(name): return name.startswith('table.') def is_in_math_module(name): return name.startswith('math') def is_in_io_module(name): return name.startswith('io.') def is_in_os_module(name): return name.startswith('os.') def is_in_debug_module(name): return name.startswith('debug.') return {'coroutine': is_in_coroutine_module, 'modules': is_in_modules_module, 'string': is_in_string_module, 'table': is_in_table_module, 'math': is_in_math_module, 'io': is_in_io_module, 'os': is_in_os_module, 'debug': is_in_debug_module} def get_newest_version(): f = urlopen('http://www.lua.org/manual/') r = re.compile(r'^(Lua )?\1') for line in f: m = r.match(line.decode('iso-8859-1')) if m is not None: return m.groups()[0] def get_lua_functions(version): f = urlopen('http://www.lua.org/manual/%s/' % version) r = re.compile(r'^\1') functions = [] for line in f: m = r.match(line.decode('iso-8859-1')) if m is not None: functions.append(m.groups()[0]) return functions def get_function_module(name): for mod, cb in module_callbacks().items(): if cb(name): return mod if '.' in name: return name.split('.')[0] else: return 'basic' def regenerate(filename, modules): with open(filename) as fp: content = fp.read() header = content[:content.find('MODULES = {')] footer = content[content.find("if __name__ == '__main__':"):] with open(filename, 'w') as fp: fp.write(header) fp.write('MODULES = %s\n\n' % pprint.pformat(modules)) fp.write(footer) def run(): version = get_newest_version() functions = set() for v in ('5.2', version): print('> Downloading function index for Lua %s' % v) f = get_lua_functions(v) print('> %d functions found, %d new:' % (len(f), len(set(f) - functions))) functions |= set(f) functions = sorted(functions) modules = {} for full_function_name in functions: print('>> %s' % full_function_name) m = get_function_module(full_function_name) modules.setdefault(m, []).append(full_function_name) modules = {k: tuple(v) for k, v in modules.items()} regenerate(__file__, modules) run()