# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from difflib import SequenceMatcher import functools import logging import re import time import urllib.parse from guessit import guessit from requests import Session from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bso from guessit import guessit from requests import Session from subliminal_patch.core import Episode from subliminal_patch.core import Movie from subliminal_patch.exceptions import APIThrottled from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import get_archive_from_bytes from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import get_subtitle_from_archive from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import update_matches from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle from subzero.language import Language logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Subf2mSubtitle(Subtitle): provider_name = "subf2m" hash_verifiable = False def __init__(self, language, page_link, release_info, episode_number=None): super().__init__(language, page_link=page_link) self.release_info = release_info self.episode_number = episode_number self.episode_title = None self._matches = set( ("title", "year") if episode_number is None else ("title", "series", "year", "season", "episode") ) def get_matches(self, video): update_matches(self._matches, video, self.release_info) return self._matches @property def id(self): return self.page_link _BASE_URL = "https://subf2m.co" # TODO: add more seasons and languages _SEASONS = ( "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth", "Sixth", "Seventh", "Eighth", "Ninth", "Tenth", "Eleventh", "Twelfth", "Thirdteenth", "Fourthteenth", "Fifteenth", "Sixteenth", "Seventeenth", "Eightheenth", "Nineteenth", "Tweentieth", ) _LANGUAGE_MAP = { "english": "eng", "farsi_persian": "per", "arabic": "ara", "spanish": "spa", "portuguese": "por", "italian": "ita", "dutch": "dut", "hebrew": "heb", "indonesian": "ind", "danish": "dan", "norwegian": "nor", "bengali": "ben", "bulgarian": "bul", "croatian": "hrv", "swedish": "swe", "vietnamese": "vie", "czech": "cze", "finnish": "fin", "french": "fre", "german": "ger", "greek": "gre", "hungarian": "hun", "icelandic": "ice", "japanese": "jpn", "macedonian": "mac", "malay": "may", "polish": "pol", "romanian": "rum", "russian": "rus", "serbian": "srp", "thai": "tha", "turkish": "tur", } class Subf2mProvider(Provider): provider_name = "subf2m" _movie_title_regex = re.compile(r"^(.+?)( \((\d{4})\))?$") _tv_show_title_regex = re.compile( r"^(.+?) [-\(]\s?(.*?) (season|series)\)?( \((\d{4})\))?$" ) _supported_languages = {} _supported_languages["brazillian-portuguese"] = Language("por", "BR") for key, val in _LANGUAGE_MAP.items(): _supported_languages[key] = Language.fromalpha3b(val) _supported_languages_reversed = { val: key for key, val in _supported_languages.items() } languages = set(_supported_languages.values()) video_types = (Episode, Movie) subtitle_class = Subf2mSubtitle def __init__(self, verify_ssl=True): super().__init__() self._verify_ssl = verify_ssl def initialize(self): self._session = Session() self._session.verify = self._verify_ssl self._session.headers.update({"user-agent": "Bazarr"}) def terminate(self): self._session.close() def _safe_get_text(self, url, retry=3, default_return=""): req = None for n in range(retry): req = self._session.get(url, stream=True) if req.status_code == 403: logger.debug("Access to this resource is forbidden: %s", url) break # Sometimes subf2m will return a 503 code. This error usually disappears # retrying the query if req.status_code == 503: logger.debug("503 returned. Trying again [%d] in 3 seconds", n + 1) time.sleep(3) continue else: req.raise_for_status() break if req is not None: return "\n".join( line for line in req.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True) if line ) return default_return def _gen_results(self, query): query = urllib.parse.quote(query) url = f"{_BASE_URL}/subtitles/searchbytitle?query={query}&l=" text = self._safe_get_text(url) soup = bso(text, "html.parser") for title in soup.select("li div[class='title'] a"): yield title def _search_movie(self, title, year): title = title.lower() year = str(year) found_movie = None results = [] for result in self._gen_results(title): text = result.text.lower() match = self._movie_title_regex.match(text) if not match: continue match_title = match.group(1) match_year = match.group(3) if year == match_year: results.append( { "href": result.get("href"), "similarity": SequenceMatcher(None, title, match_title).ratio(), } ) if results: results.sort(key=lambda x: x["similarity"], reverse=True) found_movie = results[0]["href"] logger.debug("Movie found: %s", results[0]) return found_movie def _search_tv_show_season(self, title, season, year=None): try: season_str = _SEASONS[season - 1].lower() except IndexError: logger.debug("Season number not supported: %s", season) return None found_tv_show_season = None results = [] for result in self._gen_results(title): text = result.text.lower() match = self._tv_show_title_regex.match(text) if not match: logger.debug("Series title not matched: %s", text) continue else: logger.debug("Series title matched: %s", text) match_title = match.group(1) match_season = match.group(2) # Match "complete series" titles as they usually contain season packs if season_str == match_season or "complete" in match_season: plus = 0.1 if year and str(year) in text else 0 results.append( { "href": result.get("href"), "similarity": SequenceMatcher(None, title, match_title).ratio() + plus, } ) if results: results.sort(key=lambda x: x["similarity"], reverse=True) found_tv_show_season = results[0]["href"] logger.debug("TV Show season found: %s", results[0]) return found_tv_show_season def _find_movie_subtitles(self, path, language): soup = self._get_subtitle_page_soup(path, language) subtitles = [] for item in soup.select("li.item"): subtitle = _get_subtitle_from_item(item, language) if subtitle is None: continue logger.debug("Found subtitle: %s", subtitle) subtitles.append(subtitle) return subtitles def _find_episode_subtitles( self, path, season, episode, language, episode_title=None ): soup = self._get_subtitle_page_soup(path, language) subtitles = [] for item in soup.select("li.item"): valid_item = None clean_text = " ".join(item.text.split()) if not clean_text: continue # First try with the special episode matches for subf2m guess = _get_episode_from_release(clean_text) if guess is None: guess = _memoized_episode_guess(clean_text) if "season" not in guess: if "complete series" in clean_text.lower(): logger.debug("Complete series pack found: %s", clean_text) guess["season"] = [season] else: logger.debug("Nothing guessed from release: %s", clean_text) continue if season in guess["season"] and episode in guess.get("episode", []): logger.debug("Episode match found: %s - %s", guess, clean_text) valid_item = item elif season in guess["season"] and not "episode" in guess: logger.debug("Season pack found: %s", clean_text) valid_item = item if valid_item is None: continue subtitle = _get_subtitle_from_item(item, language, episode) if subtitle is None: continue subtitle.episode_title = episode_title logger.debug("Found subtitle: %s", subtitle) subtitles.append(subtitle) return subtitles def _get_subtitle_page_soup(self, path, language): language_path = self._supported_languages_reversed[language] text = self._safe_get_text(f"{_BASE_URL}{path}/{language_path}") return bso(text, "html.parser") def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): is_episode = isinstance(video, Episode) if is_episode: result = self._search_tv_show_season(video.series, video.season, video.year) else: result = self._search_movie(video.title, video.year) if result is None: logger.debug("No results") return [] subtitles = [] for language in languages: if is_episode: subtitles.extend( self._find_episode_subtitles( result, video.season, video.episode, language, video.title ) ) else: subtitles.extend(self._find_movie_subtitles(result, language)) return subtitles def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): # TODO: add MustGetBlacklisted support text = self._safe_get_text(subtitle.page_link) soup = bso(text, "html.parser") try: download_url = _BASE_URL + str( soup.select_one("a[id='downloadButton']")["href"] # type: ignore ) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): raise APIThrottled(f"Couldn't get download url from {subtitle.page_link}") downloaded = self._session.get(download_url, allow_redirects=True) archive = get_archive_from_bytes(downloaded.content) if archive is None: raise APIThrottled(f"Invalid archive: {subtitle.page_link}") subtitle.content = get_subtitle_from_archive( archive, episode=subtitle.episode_number, episode_title=subtitle.episode_title, ) @functools.lru_cache(2048) def _memoized_episode_guess(content): # Use include to save time from unnecessary checks return guessit( content, { "type": "episode", # Add codec keys to avoid matching x264, 5.1, etc as episode info "includes": ["season", "episode", "video_codec", "audio_codec"], "enforce_list": True, }, ) _EPISODE_SPECIAL_RE = re.compile( r"(season|s)\s*?(?P\d{,2})\s?[-−]\s?(?P\d{,2})", flags=re.IGNORECASE ) def _get_episode_from_release(release: str): match = _EPISODE_SPECIAL_RE.search(release) if match is None: return None try: season, episode = [int(item) for item in match.group("x", "y")] except (IndexError, ValueError): return None return {"season": [season], "episode": [episode]} def _get_subtitle_from_item(item, language, episode_number=None): release_info = [ rel.text.strip() for rel in item.find("ul", {"class": "scrolllist"}) ] try: text = item.find("div", {"class": "comment-col"}).find("p").text release_info.append(text.replace("\n", " ").strip()) except AttributeError: pass release_info = "\n".join([item for item in release_info if item]) try: path = item.find("a", {"class": "download icon-download"})["href"] # type: ignore except (AttributeError, KeyError): logger.debug("Couldn't get path: %s", item) return None return Subf2mSubtitle(language, _BASE_URL + path, release_info, episode_number)