import { Code } from "@mantine/core"; import { FunctionComponent } from "react"; import { Check, Chips, CollapseBox, Layout, Message, Number, PathMappingTable, Section, Slider, Text, URLTestButton, } from "../components"; import { moviesEnabledKey } from "../keys"; const SettingsRadarrView: FunctionComponent = () => { return (
Hostname or IPv4 Address s.radarr.base_url?.slice(1) ?? "", onSubmit: (v) => "/" + v, }} >
Movies with those tags (case sensitive) in Radarr will be excluded from automatic download of subtitles. Automatic download of subtitles will only happen for monitored movies in Radarr. If enabled, this option will prevent Bazarr from searching subtitles as soon as movies are imported. Search can be triggered using this command curl -d "radarr_moviefile_id=$radarr_moviefile_id" -H "x-api-key: ###############################" -X POST http://localhost:6767/api/webhooks/radarr
); }; export default SettingsRadarrView;