""" Format a pretty string of a `SoupSieve` object for easy debugging. This won't necessarily support all types and such, and definitely not support custom outputs. It is mainly geared towards our types as the `SelectorList` object is a beast to look at without some indentation and newlines. The format and various output types is fairly known (though it hasn't been tested extensively to make sure we aren't missing corners). Example: ``` >>> import soupsieve as sv >>> sv.compile('this > that.class[name=value]').selectors.pretty() SelectorList( selectors=( Selector( tag=SelectorTag( name='that', prefix=None), ids=(), classes=( 'class', ), attributes=( SelectorAttribute( attribute='name', prefix='', pattern=re.compile( '^value$'), xml_type_pattern=None), ), nth=(), selectors=(), relation=SelectorList( selectors=( Selector( tag=SelectorTag( name='this', prefix=None), ids=(), classes=(), attributes=(), nth=(), selectors=(), relation=SelectorList( selectors=(), is_not=False, is_html=False), rel_type='>', contains=(), lang=(), flags=0), ), is_not=False, is_html=False), rel_type=None, contains=(), lang=(), flags=0), ), is_not=False, is_html=False) ``` """ import re from typing import Any RE_CLASS = re.compile(r'(?i)[a-z_][_a-z\d\.]+\(') RE_PARAM = re.compile(r'(?i)[_a-z][_a-z\d]+=') RE_EMPTY = re.compile(r'\(\)|\[\]|\{\}') RE_LSTRT = re.compile(r'\[') RE_DSTRT = re.compile(r'\{') RE_TSTRT = re.compile(r'\(') RE_LEND = re.compile(r'\]') RE_DEND = re.compile(r'\}') RE_TEND = re.compile(r'\)') RE_INT = re.compile(r'\d+') RE_KWORD = re.compile(r'(?i)[_a-z][_a-z\d]+') RE_DQSTR = re.compile(r'"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"') RE_SQSTR = re.compile(r"'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'") RE_SEP = re.compile(r'\s*(,)\s*') RE_DSEP = re.compile(r'\s*(:)\s*') TOKENS = { 'class': RE_CLASS, 'param': RE_PARAM, 'empty': RE_EMPTY, 'lstrt': RE_LSTRT, 'dstrt': RE_DSTRT, 'tstrt': RE_TSTRT, 'lend': RE_LEND, 'dend': RE_DEND, 'tend': RE_TEND, 'sqstr': RE_SQSTR, 'sep': RE_SEP, 'dsep': RE_DSEP, 'int': RE_INT, 'kword': RE_KWORD, 'dqstr': RE_DQSTR } def pretty(obj: Any) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Make the object output string pretty.""" sel = str(obj) index = 0 end = len(sel) - 1 indent = 0 output = [] while index <= end: m = None for k, v in TOKENS.items(): m = v.match(sel, index) if m: name = k index = m.end(0) if name in ('class', 'lstrt', 'dstrt', 'tstrt'): indent += 4 output.append('{}\n{}'.format(m.group(0), " " * indent)) elif name in ('param', 'int', 'kword', 'sqstr', 'dqstr', 'empty'): output.append(m.group(0)) elif name in ('lend', 'dend', 'tend'): indent -= 4 output.append(m.group(0)) elif name in ('sep',): output.append('{}\n{}'.format(m.group(1), " " * indent)) elif name in ('dsep',): output.append('{} '.format(m.group(1))) break return ''.join(output)