# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- r""" werkzeug.contrib.iterio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module implements a :class:`IterIO` that converts an iterator into a stream object and the other way round. Converting streams into iterators requires the `greenlet`_ module. To convert an iterator into a stream all you have to do is to pass it directly to the :class:`IterIO` constructor. In this example we pass it a newly created generator:: def foo(): yield "something\n" yield "otherthings" stream = IterIO(foo()) print stream.read() # read the whole iterator The other way round works a bit different because we have to ensure that the code execution doesn't take place yet. An :class:`IterIO` call with a callable as first argument does two things. The function itself is passed an :class:`IterIO` stream it can feed. The object returned by the :class:`IterIO` constructor on the other hand is not an stream object but an iterator:: def foo(stream): stream.write("some") stream.write("thing") stream.flush() stream.write("otherthing") iterator = IterIO(foo) print iterator.next() # prints something print iterator.next() # prints otherthing iterator.next() # raises StopIteration .. _greenlet: https://github.com/python-greenlet/greenlet :copyright: 2007 Pallets :license: BSD-3-Clause """ import warnings from .._compat import implements_iterator try: import greenlet except ImportError: greenlet = None warnings.warn( "'werkzeug.contrib.iterio' is deprecated as of version 0.15 and" " will be removed in version 1.0.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) def _mixed_join(iterable, sentinel): """concatenate any string type in an intelligent way.""" iterator = iter(iterable) first_item = next(iterator, sentinel) if isinstance(first_item, bytes): return first_item + b"".join(iterator) return first_item + u"".join(iterator) def _newline(reference_string): if isinstance(reference_string, bytes): return b"\n" return u"\n" @implements_iterator class IterIO(object): """Instances of this object implement an interface compatible with the standard Python :class:`file` object. Streams are either read-only or write-only depending on how the object is created. If the first argument is an iterable a file like object is returned that returns the contents of the iterable. In case the iterable is empty read operations will return the sentinel value. If the first argument is a callable then the stream object will be created and passed to that function. The caller itself however will not receive a stream but an iterable. The function will be executed step by step as something iterates over the returned iterable. Each call to :meth:`flush` will create an item for the iterable. If :meth:`flush` is called without any writes in-between the sentinel value will be yielded. Note for Python 3: due to the incompatible interface of bytes and streams you should set the sentinel value explicitly to an empty bytestring (``b''``) if you are expecting to deal with bytes as otherwise the end of the stream is marked with the wrong sentinel value. .. versionadded:: 0.9 `sentinel` parameter was added. """ def __new__(cls, obj, sentinel=""): try: iterator = iter(obj) except TypeError: return IterI(obj, sentinel) return IterO(iterator, sentinel) def __iter__(self): return self def tell(self): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") return self.pos def isatty(self): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") return False def seek(self, pos, mode=0): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def truncate(self, size=None): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def write(self, s): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def writelines(self, list): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def read(self, n=-1): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def readlines(self, sizehint=0): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def readline(self, length=None): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def flush(self): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") raise IOError(9, "Bad file descriptor") def __next__(self): if self.closed: raise StopIteration() line = self.readline() if not line: raise StopIteration() return line class IterI(IterIO): """Convert an stream into an iterator.""" def __new__(cls, func, sentinel=""): if greenlet is None: raise RuntimeError("IterI requires greenlet support") stream = object.__new__(cls) stream._parent = greenlet.getcurrent() stream._buffer = [] stream.closed = False stream.sentinel = sentinel stream.pos = 0 def run(): func(stream) stream.close() g = greenlet.greenlet(run, stream._parent) while 1: rv = g.switch() if not rv: return yield rv[0] def close(self): if not self.closed: self.closed = True self._flush_impl() def write(self, s): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") if s: self.pos += len(s) self._buffer.append(s) def writelines(self, list): for item in list: self.write(item) def flush(self): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") self._flush_impl() def _flush_impl(self): data = _mixed_join(self._buffer, self.sentinel) self._buffer = [] if not data and self.closed: self._parent.switch() else: self._parent.switch((data,)) class IterO(IterIO): """Iter output. Wrap an iterator and give it a stream like interface.""" def __new__(cls, gen, sentinel=""): self = object.__new__(cls) self._gen = gen self._buf = None self.sentinel = sentinel self.closed = False self.pos = 0 return self def __iter__(self): return self def _buf_append(self, string): """Replace string directly without appending to an empty string, avoiding type issues.""" if not self._buf: self._buf = string else: self._buf += string def close(self): if not self.closed: self.closed = True if hasattr(self._gen, "close"): self._gen.close() def seek(self, pos, mode=0): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") if mode == 1: pos += self.pos elif mode == 2: self.read() self.pos = min(self.pos, self.pos + pos) return elif mode != 0: raise IOError("Invalid argument") buf = [] try: tmp_end_pos = len(self._buf or "") while pos > tmp_end_pos: item = next(self._gen) tmp_end_pos += len(item) buf.append(item) except StopIteration: pass if buf: self._buf_append(_mixed_join(buf, self.sentinel)) self.pos = max(0, pos) def read(self, n=-1): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") if n < 0: self._buf_append(_mixed_join(self._gen, self.sentinel)) result = self._buf[self.pos :] self.pos += len(result) return result new_pos = self.pos + n buf = [] try: tmp_end_pos = 0 if self._buf is None else len(self._buf) while new_pos > tmp_end_pos or (self._buf is None and not buf): item = next(self._gen) tmp_end_pos += len(item) buf.append(item) except StopIteration: pass if buf: self._buf_append(_mixed_join(buf, self.sentinel)) if self._buf is None: return self.sentinel new_pos = max(0, new_pos) try: return self._buf[self.pos : new_pos] finally: self.pos = min(new_pos, len(self._buf)) def readline(self, length=None): if self.closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") nl_pos = -1 if self._buf: nl_pos = self._buf.find(_newline(self._buf), self.pos) buf = [] try: if self._buf is None: pos = self.pos else: pos = len(self._buf) while nl_pos < 0: item = next(self._gen) local_pos = item.find(_newline(item)) buf.append(item) if local_pos >= 0: nl_pos = pos + local_pos break pos += len(item) except StopIteration: pass if buf: self._buf_append(_mixed_join(buf, self.sentinel)) if self._buf is None: return self.sentinel if nl_pos < 0: new_pos = len(self._buf) else: new_pos = nl_pos + 1 if length is not None and self.pos + length < new_pos: new_pos = self.pos + length try: return self._buf[self.pos : new_pos] finally: self.pos = min(new_pos, len(self._buf)) def readlines(self, sizehint=0): total = 0 lines = [] line = self.readline() while line: lines.append(line) total += len(line) if 0 < sizehint <= total: break line = self.readline() return lines