""" .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ AudioEnergyValidator AudioReader Recorder make_duration_formatter make_channel_selector """ from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import warnings from functools import partial from .io import ( AudioIOError, AudioSource, from_file, BufferAudioSource, PyAudioSource, get_audio_source, ) from .exceptions import ( DuplicateArgument, TooSamllBlockDuration, TimeFormatError, ) try: from . import signal_numpy as signal except ImportError: from . import signal __all__ = [ "make_duration_formatter", "make_channel_selector", "DataSource", "DataValidator", "StringDataSource", "ADSFactory", "AudioDataSource", "AudioReader", "Recorder", "AudioEnergyValidator", ] def make_duration_formatter(fmt): """ Make and return a function used to format durations in seconds. Accepted format directives are: - ``%S`` : absolute number of seconds with 3 decimals. This direction should be used alone. - ``%i`` : milliseconds - ``%s`` : seconds - ``%m`` : minutes - ``%h`` : hours These last 4 directives should all be specified. They can be placed anywhere in the input string. Parameters ---------- fmt : str duration format. Returns ------- formatter : callable a function that takes a duration in seconds (float) and returns a string that corresponds to that duration. Raises ------ TimeFormatError if the format contains an unknown directive. Examples -------- Using ``%S``: .. code:: python formatter = make_duration_formatter("%S") formatter(123.589) '123.589' formatter(123) '123.000' Using the other directives: .. code:: python formatter = make_duration_formatter("%h:%m:%s.%i") formatter(3600+120+3.25) '01:02:03.250' formatter = make_duration_formatter("%h hrs, %m min, %s sec and %i ms") formatter(3600+120+3.25) '01 hrs, 02 min, 03 sec and 250 ms' # omitting one of the 4 directives might result in a wrong duration formatter = make_duration_formatter("%m min, %s sec and %i ms") formatter(3600+120+3.25) '02 min, 03 sec and 250 ms' """ if fmt == "%S": def fromatter(seconds): return "{:.3f}".format(seconds) elif fmt == "%I": def fromatter(seconds): return "{0}".format(int(seconds * 1000)) else: fmt = fmt.replace("%h", "{hrs:02d}") fmt = fmt.replace("%m", "{mins:02d}") fmt = fmt.replace("%s", "{secs:02d}") fmt = fmt.replace("%i", "{millis:03d}") try: i = fmt.index("%") raise TimeFormatError( "Unknown time format directive '{0}'".format(fmt[i : i + 2]) ) except ValueError: pass def fromatter(seconds): millis = int(seconds * 1000) hrs, millis = divmod(millis, 3600000) mins, millis = divmod(millis, 60000) secs, millis = divmod(millis, 1000) return fmt.format(hrs=hrs, mins=mins, secs=secs, millis=millis) return fromatter def make_channel_selector(sample_width, channels, selected=None): """Create and return a callable used for audio channel selection. The returned selector can be used as `selector(audio_data)` and returns data that contains selected channel only. Importantly, if `selected` is None or equals "any", `selector(audio_data)` will separate and return a list of available channels: `[data_channe_1, data_channe_2, ...].` Note also that returned `selector` expects `bytes` format for input data but does notnecessarily return a `bytes` object. In fact, in order to extract the desired channel (or compute the average channel if `selected` = "avg"), it first converts input data into a `array.array` (or `numpy.ndarray`) object. After channel of interst is selected/computed, it is returned as such, without any reconversion to `bytes`. This behavior is wanted for efficiency purposes because returned objects can be directly used as buffers of bytes. In any case, returned objects can be converted back to `bytes` using `bytes(obj)`. Exception to this is the special case where `channels` = 1 in which input data is returned without any processing. Parameters ---------- sample_width : int number of bytes used to encode one audio sample, should be 1, 2 or 4. channels : int number of channels of raw audio data that the returned selector should expect. selected : int or str, default: None audio channel to select and return when calling `selector(raw_data)`. It should be an int >= `-channels` and < `channels`. If one of "mix", "avg" or "average" is passed then `selector` will return the average channel of audio data. If None or "any", return a list of all available channels at each call. Returns ------- selector : callable a callable that can be used as `selector(audio_data)` and returns data that contains channel of interst. Raises ------ ValueError if `sample_width` is not one of 1, 2 or 4, or if `selected` has an unexpected value. """ fmt = signal.FORMAT.get(sample_width) if fmt is None: err_msg = "'sample_width' must be 1, 2 or 4, given: {}" raise ValueError(err_msg.format(sample_width)) if channels == 1: return lambda x: x if isinstance(selected, int): if selected < 0: selected += channels if selected < 0 or selected >= channels: err_msg = "Selected channel must be >= -channels and < channels" err_msg += ", given: {}" raise ValueError(err_msg.format(selected)) return partial( signal.extract_single_channel, fmt=fmt, channels=channels, selected=selected, ) if selected in ("mix", "avg", "average"): if channels == 2: # when data is stereo, using audioop when possible is much faster return partial( signal.compute_average_channel_stereo, sample_width=sample_width, ) return partial( signal.compute_average_channel, fmt=fmt, channels=channels ) if selected in (None, "any"): return partial(signal.separate_channels, fmt=fmt, channels=channels) raise ValueError( "Selected channel must be an integer, None (alias 'any') or 'average' " "(alias 'avg' or 'mix')" ) class DataSource(ABC): """ Base class for objects passed to :func:`StreamTokenizer.tokenize`. Subclasses should implement a :func:`DataSource.read` method. """ @abstractmethod def read(self): """ Read a block (i.e., window) of data read from this source. If no more data is available, return None. """ class DataValidator(ABC): """ Base class for a validator object used by :class:`.core.StreamTokenizer` to check if read data is valid. Subclasses should implement :func:`is_valid` method. """ @abstractmethod def is_valid(self, data): """ Check whether `data` is valid """ class AudioEnergyValidator(DataValidator): """ A validator based on audio signal energy. For an input window of `N` audio samples (see :func:`AudioEnergyValidator.is_valid`), the energy is computed as: .. math:: energy = 20 \log(\sqrt({1}/{N}\sum_{i}^{N}{a_i}^2)) % # noqa: W605 where `a_i` is the i-th audio sample. Parameters ---------- energy_threshold : float minimum energy that audio window should have to be valid. sample_width : int size in bytes of one audio sample. channels : int number of channels of audio data. use_channel : {None, "any", "mix", "avg", "average"} or int channel to use for energy computation. The following values are accepted: - None (alias "any") : compute energy for each of the channels and return the maximum value. - "mix" (alias "avg" or "average") : compute the average channel then compute its energy. - int (>= 0 , < `channels`) : compute the energy of the specified channel and ignore the other ones. Returns ------- energy : float energy of the audio window. """ def __init__( self, energy_threshold, sample_width, channels, use_channel=None ): self._sample_width = sample_width self._selector = make_channel_selector( sample_width, channels, use_channel ) if channels == 1 or use_channel not in (None, "any"): self._energy_fn = signal.calculate_energy_single_channel else: self._energy_fn = signal.calculate_energy_multichannel self._energy_threshold = energy_threshold def is_valid(self, data): """ Parameters ---------- data : bytes-like array of raw audio data Returns ------- bool True if the energy of audio data is >= threshold, False otherwise. """ log_energy = self._energy_fn(self._selector(data), self._sample_width) return log_energy >= self._energy_threshold class StringDataSource(DataSource): """ Class that represent a :class:`DataSource` as a string buffer. Each call to :func:`DataSource.read` returns on character and moves one step forward. If the end of the buffer is reached, :func:`read` returns None. Parameters ---------- data : str a string object used as data. """ def __init__(self, data): self._data = None self._current = 0 self.set_data(data) def read(self): """ Read one character from buffer. Returns ------- char : str current character or None if end of buffer is reached. """ if self._current >= len(self._data): return None self._current += 1 return self._data[self._current - 1] def set_data(self, data): """ Set a new data buffer. Parameters ---------- data : str new data buffer. """ if not isinstance(data, str): raise ValueError("data must an instance of str") self._data = data self._current = 0 class ADSFactory: """ .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 `ADSFactory` will be removed in auditok 2.0.1, use instances of :class:`AudioReader` instead. Factory class that makes it easy to create an :class:`AudioDataSource` object that implements :class:`DataSource` and can therefore be passed to :func:`auditok.core.StreamTokenizer.tokenize`. Whether you read audio data from a file, the microphone or a memory buffer, this factory instantiates and returns the right :class:`AudioDataSource` object. There are many other features you want a :class:`AudioDataSource` object to have, such as: memorize all read audio data so that you can rewind and reuse it (especially useful when reading data from the microphone), read a fixed amount of data (also useful when reading from the microphone), read overlapping audio frames (often needed when dosing a spectral analysis of data). :func:`ADSFactory.ads` automatically creates and return object with the desired behavior according to the supplied keyword arguments. """ @staticmethod # noqa: C901 def _check_normalize_args(kwargs): for k in kwargs: if k not in [ "block_dur", "hop_dur", "block_size", "hop_size", "max_time", "record", "audio_source", "filename", "data_buffer", "frames_per_buffer", "sampling_rate", "sample_width", "channels", "sr", "sw", "ch", "asrc", "fn", "fpb", "db", "mt", "rec", "bd", "hd", "bs", "hs", ]: raise ValueError("Invalid argument: {0}".format(k)) if "block_dur" in kwargs and "bd" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'block_dur' or 'bd' must be specified, not both" ) if "hop_dur" in kwargs and "hd" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'hop_dur' or 'hd' must be specified, not both" ) if "block_size" in kwargs and "bs" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'block_size' or 'bs' must be specified, not both" ) if "hop_size" in kwargs and "hs" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'hop_size' or 'hs' must be specified, not both" ) if "max_time" in kwargs and "mt" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'max_time' or 'mt' must be specified, not both" ) if "audio_source" in kwargs and "asrc" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'audio_source' or 'asrc' must be specified, not both" ) if "filename" in kwargs and "fn" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'filename' or 'fn' must be specified, not both" ) if "data_buffer" in kwargs and "db" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'filename' or 'db' must be specified, not both" ) if "frames_per_buffer" in kwargs and "fbb" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'frames_per_buffer' or 'fpb' must be specified, not " "both" ) if "sampling_rate" in kwargs and "sr" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'sampling_rate' or 'sr' must be specified, not both" ) if "sample_width" in kwargs and "sw" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'sample_width' or 'sw' must be specified, not both" ) if "channels" in kwargs and "ch" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'channels' or 'ch' must be specified, not both" ) if "record" in kwargs and "rec" in kwargs: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'record' or 'rec' must be specified, not both" ) kwargs["bd"] = kwargs.pop("block_dur", None) or kwargs.pop("bd", None) kwargs["hd"] = kwargs.pop("hop_dur", None) or kwargs.pop("hd", None) kwargs["bs"] = kwargs.pop("block_size", None) or kwargs.pop("bs", None) kwargs["hs"] = kwargs.pop("hop_size", None) or kwargs.pop("hs", None) kwargs["mt"] = kwargs.pop("max_time", None) or kwargs.pop("mt", None) kwargs["asrc"] = kwargs.pop("audio_source", None) or kwargs.pop( "asrc", None ) kwargs["fn"] = kwargs.pop("filename", None) or kwargs.pop("fn", None) kwargs["db"] = kwargs.pop("data_buffer", None) or kwargs.pop("db", None) record = kwargs.pop("record", False) if not record: record = kwargs.pop("rec", False) if not isinstance(record, bool): raise TypeError("'record' must be a boolean") kwargs["rec"] = record # keep long names for arguments meant for BufferAudioSource # and PyAudioSource if "frames_per_buffer" in kwargs or "fpb" in kwargs: kwargs["frames_per_buffer"] = kwargs.pop( "frames_per_buffer", None ) or kwargs.pop("fpb", None) if "sampling_rate" in kwargs or "sr" in kwargs: kwargs["sampling_rate"] = kwargs.pop( "sampling_rate", None ) or kwargs.pop("sr", None) if "sample_width" in kwargs or "sw" in kwargs: kwargs["sample_width"] = kwargs.pop( "sample_width", None ) or kwargs.pop("sw", None) if "channels" in kwargs or "ch" in kwargs: kwargs["channels"] = kwargs.pop("channels", None) or kwargs.pop( "ch", None ) @staticmethod def ads(**kwargs): """ Create an return an :class:`AudioDataSource`. The type and behavior of the object is the result of the supplied parameters. Called without any parameters, the class will read audio data from the available built-in microphone with the default parameters. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate, sr : int, default: 16000 number of audio samples per second of input audio stream. sample_width, sw : int, default: 2 number of bytes per sample, must be one of 1, 2 or 4 channels, ch : int, default: 1 number of audio channels, only a value of 1 is currently accepted. frames_per_buffer, fpb : int, default: 1024 number of samples of PyAudio buffer. audio_source, asrc : `AudioSource` `AudioSource` to read data from filename, fn : str create an `AudioSource` object using this file data_buffer, db : str build an `io.BufferAudioSource` using data in `data_buffer`. If this keyword is used, `sampling_rate`, `sample_width` and `channels` are passed to `io.BufferAudioSource` constructor and used instead of default values. max_time, mt : float maximum time (in seconds) to read. Default behavior: read until there is no more data available. record, rec : bool, default = False save all read data in cache. Provide a navigable object which has a `rewind` method. block_dur, bd : float processing block duration in seconds. This represents the quantity of audio data to return each time the :func:`read` method is invoked. If `block_dur` is 0.025 (i.e. 25 ms) and the sampling rate is 8000 and the sample width is 2 bytes, :func:`read` returns a buffer of 0.025 * 8000 * 2 = 400 bytes at most. This parameter will be looked for (and used if available) before `block_size`. If neither parameter is given, `block_dur` will be set to 0.01 second (i.e. 10 ms) hop_dur, hd : float quantity of data to skip from current processing window. if `hop_dur` is supplied then there will be an overlap of `block_dur` - `hop_dur` between two adjacent blocks. This parameter will be looked for (and used if available) before `hop_size`. If neither parameter is given, `hop_dur` will be set to `block_dur` which means that there will be no overlap between two consecutively read blocks. block_size, bs : int number of samples to read each time the `read` method is called. Default: a block size that represents a window of 10ms, so for a sampling rate of 16000, the default `block_size` is 160 samples, for a rate of 44100, `block_size` = 441 samples, etc. hop_size, hs : int determines the number of overlapping samples between two adjacent read windows. For a `hop_size` of value *N*, the overlap is `block_size` - *N*. Default : `hop_size` = `block_size`, means that there is no overlap. Returns ------- audio_data_source : AudioDataSource an `AudioDataSource` object build with input parameters. """ warnings.warn( "'ADSFactory' is deprecated and will be removed in a future " "release. Please use AudioReader class instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) # check and normalize keyword arguments ADSFactory._check_normalize_args(kwargs) block_dur = kwargs.pop("bd") hop_dur = kwargs.pop("hd") block_size = kwargs.pop("bs") hop_size = kwargs.pop("hs") max_time = kwargs.pop("mt") audio_source = kwargs.pop("asrc") filename = kwargs.pop("fn") data_buffer = kwargs.pop("db") record = kwargs.pop("rec") # Case 1: an audio source is supplied if audio_source is not None: if (filename, data_buffer) != (None, None): raise Warning( "You should provide one of 'audio_source', 'filename' or \ 'data_buffer' keyword parameters. 'audio_source' will be \ used" ) # Case 2: a file name is supplied elif filename is not None: if data_buffer is not None: raise Warning( "You should provide one of 'filename' or 'data_buffer'\ keyword parameters. 'filename' will be used" ) audio_source = from_file(filename) # Case 3: a data_buffer is supplied elif data_buffer is not None: audio_source = BufferAudioSource(data=data_buffer, **kwargs) # Case 4: try to access native audio input else: audio_source = PyAudioSource(**kwargs) if block_dur is not None: if block_size is not None: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'block_dur' or 'block_size' can be specified, not \ both" ) elif block_size is not None: block_dur = block_size / audio_source.sr else: block_dur = 0.01 # 10 ms # Read overlapping blocks of data if hop_dur is not None: if hop_size is not None: raise DuplicateArgument( "Either 'hop_dur' or 'hop_size' can be specified, not both" ) elif hop_size is not None: hop_dur = hop_size / audio_source.sr ads = AudioDataSource( audio_source, block_dur=block_dur, hop_dur=hop_dur, record=record, max_read=max_time, ) return ads class _AudioReadingProxy: def __init__(self, audio_source): self._audio_source = audio_source def rewind(self): if self.rewindable: self._audio_source.rewind() else: raise AudioIOError("Audio stream is not rewindable") def rewindable(self): try: return self._audio_source.rewindable except AttributeError: return False def is_open(self): return self._audio_source.is_open() def open(self): self._audio_source.open() def close(self): self._audio_source.close() def read(self, size): return self._audio_source.read(size) @property def data(self): err_msg = "This AudioReader is not a recorder, no recorded data can " err_msg += "be retrieved" raise AttributeError(err_msg) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._audio_source, name) class _Recorder(_AudioReadingProxy): """ Class for `AudioReader` objects that can record all data they read. Useful when reading data from microphone. """ def __init__(self, audio_source): super(_Recorder, self).__init__(audio_source) self._cache = [] self._read_block = self._read_and_cache self._read_from_cache = False self._data = None def read(self, size): return self._read_block(size) @property def data(self): if self._data is None: err_msg = "Unrewinded recorder. `rewind` should be called before " err_msg += "accessing recorded data" raise RuntimeError(err_msg) return self._data def rewindable(self): return True def rewind(self): if self._read_from_cache: self._audio_source.rewind() else: self._data = b"".join(self._cache) self._cache = None self._audio_source = BufferAudioSource( self._data, self.sr, self.sw, self.ch ) self._read_block = self._audio_source.read self.open() self._read_from_cache = True def _read_and_cache(self, size): # Read and save read data block = self._audio_source.read(size) if block is not None: self._cache.append(block) return block class _Limiter(_AudioReadingProxy): """ Class for `AudioReader` objects that can read a fixed amount of data. This can be useful when reading data from the microphone or from large audio files. """ def __init__(self, audio_source, max_read): super(_Limiter, self).__init__(audio_source) self._max_read = max_read self._max_samples = round(max_read * self.sr) self._bytes_per_sample = self.sw * self.ch self._read_samples = 0 @property def data(self): data = self._audio_source.data max_read_bytes = self._max_samples * self._bytes_per_sample return data[:max_read_bytes] @property def max_read(self): return self._max_read def read(self, size): size = min(self._max_samples - self._read_samples, size) if size <= 0: return None block = self._audio_source.read(size) if block is None: return None self._read_samples += len(block) // self._bytes_per_sample return block def rewind(self): super(_Limiter, self).rewind() self._read_samples = 0 class _FixedSizeAudioReader(_AudioReadingProxy): """ Class to read fixed-size audio windows from source. """ def __init__(self, audio_source, block_dur): super(_FixedSizeAudioReader, self).__init__(audio_source) if block_dur <= 0: raise ValueError( "block_dur must be > 0, given: {}".format(block_dur) ) self._block_size = int(block_dur * self.sr) if self._block_size == 0: err_msg = "Too small block_dur ({0:f}) for sampling rate ({1}). " err_msg += "block_dur should cover at least one sample " err_msg += "(i.e. 1/{1})" raise TooSamllBlockDuration( err_msg.format(block_dur, self.sr), block_dur, self.sr ) def read(self): return self._audio_source.read(self._block_size) @property def block_size(self): return self._block_size @property def block_dur(self): return self._block_size / self.sr def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._audio_source, name) class _OverlapAudioReader(_FixedSizeAudioReader): """ Class for `AudioReader` objects that can read and return overlapping audio windows. """ def __init__(self, audio_source, block_dur, hop_dur): if hop_dur >= block_dur: raise ValueError('"hop_dur" should be < "block_dur"') super(_OverlapAudioReader, self).__init__(audio_source, block_dur) self._hop_size = int(hop_dur * self.sr) self._blocks = self._iter_blocks_with_overlap() def _iter_blocks_with_overlap(self): while not self.is_open(): yield AudioIOError block = self._audio_source.read(self._block_size) if block is None: yield None _hop_size_bytes = ( self._hop_size * self._audio_source.sw * self._audio_source.ch ) cache = block[_hop_size_bytes:] yield block while True: block = self._audio_source.read(self._hop_size) if block: block = cache + block cache = block[_hop_size_bytes:] yield block continue yield None def read(self): try: block = next(self._blocks) if block == AudioIOError: raise AudioIOError("Audio Stream is not open.") return block except StopIteration: return None def rewind(self): super(_OverlapAudioReader, self).rewind() self._blocks = self._iter_blocks_with_overlap() @property def hop_size(self): return self._hop_size @property def hop_dur(self): return self._hop_size / self.sr def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._audio_source, name) class AudioReader(DataSource): """ Class to read fixed-size chunks of audio data from a source. A source can be a file on disk, standard input (with `input` = "-") or microphone. This is normally used by tokenization algorithms that expect source objects with a `read` function that returns a windows of data of the same size at each call expect when remaining data does not make up a full window. Objects of this class can be set up to return audio windows with a given overlap and to record the whole stream for later access (useful when reading data from the microphone). They can also have a limit for the maximum amount of data to read. Parameters ---------- input : str, bytes, AudioSource, AudioReader, AudioRegion or None input audio data. If the type of the passed argument is `str`, it should be a path to an existing audio file. "-" is interpreted as standardinput. If the type is `bytes`, input is considered as a buffer of raw audio data. If None, read audio from microphone. Every object that is not an :class:`AudioReader` will be transformed, when possible, into an :class:`AudioSource` before processing. If it is an `str` that refers to a raw audio file, `bytes` or None, audio parameters should be provided using kwargs (i.e., `samplig_rate`, `sample_width` and `channels` or their alias). block_dur: float, default: 0.01 length in seconds of audio windows to return at each `read` call. hop_dur: float, default: None length in seconds of data amount to skip from previous window. If defined, it is used to compute the temporal overlap between previous and current window (nameply `overlap = block_dur - hop_dur`). Default, None, means that consecutive windows do not overlap. record: bool, default: False whether to record read audio data for later access. If True, audio data can be retrieved by first calling `rewind()`, then using the `data` property. Note that once `rewind()` is called, no new data will be read from source (subsequent `read()` call will read data from cache) and that there's no need to call `rewind()` again to access `data` property. max_read: float, default: None maximum amount of audio data to read in seconds. Default is None meaning that data will be read until end of stream is reached or, when reading from microphone a Ctrl-C is sent. When `input` is None, of type bytes or a raw audio files some of the follwing kwargs are mandatory. Other Parameters ---------------- audio_format, fmt : str type of audio data (e.g., wav, ogg, flac, raw, etc.). This will only be used if `input` is a string path to an audio file. If not given, audio type will be guessed from file name extension or from file header. sampling_rate, sr : int sampling rate of audio data. Required if `input` is a raw audio file, is a bytes object or None (i.e., read from microphone). sample_width, sw : int number of bytes used to encode one audio sample, typically 1, 2 or 4. Required for raw data, see `sampling_rate`. channels, ch : int number of channels of audio data. Required for raw data, see `sampling_rate`. use_channel, uc : {None, "any", "mix", "avg", "average"} or int which channel to use for split if `input` has multiple audio channels. Regardless of which channel is used for splitting, returned audio events contain data from *all* the channels of `input`. The following values are accepted: - None (alias "any"): accept audio activity from any channel, even if other channels are silent. This is the default behavior. - "mix" (alias "avg" or "average"): mix down all channels (i.e., compute average channel) and split the resulting channel. - int (>= 0 , < `channels`): use one channel, specified by its integer id, for split. large_file : bool, default: False If True, AND if `input` is a path to a *wav* of a *raw* audio file (and only these two formats) then audio data is lazily loaded to memory (i.e., one analysis window a time). Otherwise the whole file is loaded to memory before split. Set to True if the size of the file is larger than available memory. """ def __init__( self, input, block_dur=0.01, hop_dur=None, record=False, max_read=None, **kwargs ): if not isinstance(input, AudioSource): input = get_audio_source(input, **kwargs) self._record = record if record: input = _Recorder(input) if max_read is not None: input = _Limiter(input, max_read) self._max_read = max_read if hop_dur is not None: input = _OverlapAudioReader(input, block_dur, hop_dur) else: input = _FixedSizeAudioReader(input, block_dur) self._audio_source = input def __repr__(self): block_dur, hop_dur, max_read = None, None, None if self.block_dur is not None: block_dur = "{:.3f}".format(self.block_dur) if self.hop_dur is not None: hop_dur = "{:.3f}".format(self.hop_dur) if self.max_read is not None: max_read = "{:.3f}".format(self.max_read) return ( "{cls}(block_dur={block_dur}, " "hop_dur={hop_dur}, record={rewindable}, " "max_read={max_read})" ).format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, block_dur=block_dur, hop_dur=hop_dur, rewindable=self._record, max_read=max_read, ) @property def rewindable(self): return self._record @property def block_dur(self): return self._audio_source.block_size / self._audio_source.sr @property def hop_dur(self): if hasattr(self._audio_source, "hop_dur"): return self._audio_source.hop_size / self._audio_source.sr return self.block_dur @property def hop_size(self): if hasattr(self._audio_source, "hop_size"): return self._audio_source.hop_size return self.block_size @property def max_read(self): try: return self._audio_source.max_read except AttributeError: return None def read(self): return self._audio_source.read() def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ("data", "rewind") and not self.rewindable: raise AttributeError( "'AudioReader' has no attribute '{}'".format(name) ) try: return getattr(self._audio_source, name) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "'AudioReader' has no attribute '{}'".format(name) ) # Keep AudioDataSource for compatibility # Remove in a future version when ADSFactory is removed AudioDataSource = AudioReader class Recorder(AudioReader): """Class to read fixed-size chunks of audio data from a source and keeps data in a cache. Using this class is equivalent to initializing :class:`AudioReader` with `record=True`. For more information about the other parameters see :class:`AudioReader`. Once the desired amount of data is read, you can call the :func:`rewind` method then get the recorded data via the :attr:`data` attribute. You can also re-read cached data one window a time by calling :func:`read`. """ def __init__( self, input, block_dur=0.01, hop_dur=None, max_read=None, **kwargs ): super().__init__( input, block_dur=block_dur, hop_dur=hop_dur, record=True, max_read=max_read, **kwargs )