# python 3 support import six if six.PY3: basestring = str long = int xrange = range unicode = str # todo fix apply and bind class FunctionPrototype: def toString(): if not this.is_callable(): raise TypeError('toString is not generic!') args = ', '.join(this.code.__code__.co_varnames[:this.argcount]) return 'function %s(%s) ' % (this.func_name, args) + this.source def call(): arguments_ = arguments if not len(arguments): obj = this.Js(None) else: obj = arguments[0] if len(arguments) <= 1: args = () else: args = tuple([arguments_[e] for e in xrange(1, len(arguments_))]) return this.call(obj, args) def apply(): if not len(arguments): obj = this.Js(None) else: obj = arguments[0] if len(arguments) <= 1: args = () else: appl = arguments[1] args = tuple([appl[e] for e in xrange(len(appl))]) return this.call(obj, args) def bind(thisArg): target = this if not target.is_callable(): raise this.MakeError( 'Object must be callable in order to be used with bind method') if len(arguments) <= 1: args = () else: args = tuple([arguments[e] for e in xrange(1, len(arguments))]) return this.PyJsBoundFunction(target, thisArg, args)