#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ title property """ from rebulk import Rebulk, Rule, AppendMatch, RemoveMatch, AppendTags from rebulk.formatters import formatters from .film import FilmTitleRule from .language import ( SubtitlePrefixLanguageRule, SubtitleSuffixLanguageRule, SubtitleExtensionRule, NON_SPECIFIC_LANGUAGES ) from ..common import seps, title_seps from ..common.comparators import marker_sorted from ..common.expected import build_expected_function from ..common.formatters import cleanup, reorder_title from ..common.pattern import is_disabled from ..common.validators import seps_surround def title(config): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Builder for rebulk object. :param config: rule configuration :type config: dict :return: Created Rebulk object :rtype: Rebulk """ rebulk = Rebulk(disabled=lambda context: is_disabled(context, 'title')) rebulk.rules(TitleFromPosition, PreferTitleWithYear) expected_title = build_expected_function('expected_title') rebulk.functional(expected_title, name='title', tags=['expected', 'title'], validator=seps_surround, formatter=formatters(cleanup, reorder_title), conflict_solver=lambda match, other: other, disabled=lambda context: not context.get('expected_title')) return rebulk class TitleBaseRule(Rule): """ Add title match in existing matches """ # pylint:disable=no-self-use,unused-argument consequence = [AppendMatch, RemoveMatch] def __init__(self, match_name, match_tags=None, alternative_match_name=None): super().__init__() self.match_name = match_name self.match_tags = match_tags self.alternative_match_name = alternative_match_name def hole_filter(self, hole, matches): """ Filter holes for titles. :param hole: :type hole: :param matches: :type matches: :return: :rtype: """ return True def filepart_filter(self, filepart, matches): """ Filter filepart for titles. :param filepart: :type filepart: :param matches: :type matches: :return: :rtype: """ return True def holes_process(self, holes, matches): """ process holes :param holes: :type holes: :param matches: :type matches: :return: :rtype: """ cropped_holes = [] group_markers = matches.markers.named('group') for group_marker in group_markers: path_marker = matches.markers.at_match(group_marker, predicate=lambda m: m.name == 'path', index=0) if path_marker and path_marker.span == group_marker.span: group_markers.remove(group_marker) for hole in holes: cropped_holes.extend(hole.crop(group_markers)) return cropped_holes @staticmethod def is_ignored(match): """ Ignore matches when scanning for title (hole). Full word language and countries won't be ignored if they are uppercase. """ return not (len(match) > 3 and match.raw.isupper()) and match.name in ('language', 'country', 'episode_details') def should_keep(self, match, to_keep, matches, filepart, hole, starting): """ Check if this match should be accepted when ending or starting a hole. :param match: :type match: :param to_keep: :type to_keep: list[Match] :param matches: :type matches: Matches :param hole: the filepart match :type hole: Match :param hole: the hole match :type hole: Match :param starting: true if match is starting the hole :type starting: bool :return: :rtype: """ if match.name in ('language', 'country'): # Keep language if exactly matching the hole. if len(hole.value) == len(match.raw): return True # Keep language if other languages exists in the filepart. outside_matches = filepart.crop(hole) other_languages = [] for outside in outside_matches: other_languages.extend(matches.range(outside.start, outside.end, lambda c_match: c_match.name == match.name and c_match not in to_keep and c_match.value not in NON_SPECIFIC_LANGUAGES)) if not other_languages and (not starting or len(match.raw) <= 3): return True return False def should_remove(self, match, matches, filepart, hole, context): """ Check if this match should be removed after beeing ignored. :param match: :param matches: :param filepart: :param hole: :return: """ if context.get('type') == 'episode' and match.name == 'episode_details': return match.start >= hole.start and match.end <= hole.end return True def check_titles_in_filepart(self, filepart, matches, context): # pylint:disable=inconsistent-return-statements """ Find title in filepart (ignoring language) """ # pylint:disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements start, end = filepart.span holes = matches.holes(start, end + 1, formatter=formatters(cleanup, reorder_title), ignore=self.is_ignored, predicate=lambda m: m.value) holes = self.holes_process(holes, matches) for hole in holes: if not hole or (self.hole_filter and not self.hole_filter(hole, matches)): continue to_remove = [] to_keep = [] ignored_matches = matches.range(hole.start, hole.end, self.is_ignored) if ignored_matches: for ignored_match in reversed(ignored_matches): # pylint:disable=undefined-loop-variable, cell-var-from-loop trailing = matches.chain_before(hole.end, seps, predicate=lambda m: m == ignored_match) if trailing: should_keep = self.should_keep(ignored_match, to_keep, matches, filepart, hole, False) if should_keep: # pylint:disable=unpacking-non-sequence try: append, crop = should_keep except TypeError: append, crop = should_keep, should_keep if append: to_keep.append(ignored_match) if crop: hole.end = ignored_match.start for ignored_match in ignored_matches: if ignored_match not in to_keep: starting = matches.chain_after(hole.start, seps, predicate=lambda m, im=ignored_match: m == im) if starting: should_keep = self.should_keep(ignored_match, to_keep, matches, filepart, hole, True) if should_keep: # pylint:disable=unpacking-non-sequence try: append, crop = should_keep except TypeError: append, crop = should_keep, should_keep if append: to_keep.append(ignored_match) if crop: hole.start = ignored_match.end for match in ignored_matches: if self.should_remove(match, matches, filepart, hole, context): to_remove.append(match) for keep_match in to_keep: if keep_match in to_remove: to_remove.remove(keep_match) if hole and hole.value: hole.name = self.match_name hole.tags = self.match_tags if self.alternative_match_name: # Split and keep values that can be a title titles = hole.split(title_seps, lambda m: m.value) for title_match in list(titles[1:]): previous_title = titles[titles.index(title_match) - 1] separator = matches.input_string[previous_title.end:title_match.start] if len(separator) == 1 and separator == '-' \ and previous_title.raw[-1] not in seps \ and title_match.raw[0] not in seps: titles[titles.index(title_match) - 1].end = title_match.end titles.remove(title_match) else: title_match.name = self.alternative_match_name else: titles = [hole] return titles, to_remove def when(self, matches, context): ret = [] to_remove = [] if matches.named(self.match_name, lambda match: 'expected' in match.tags): return False fileparts = [filepart for filepart in list(marker_sorted(matches.markers.named('path'), matches)) if not self.filepart_filter or self.filepart_filter(filepart, matches)] # Priorize fileparts containing the year years_fileparts = [] for filepart in fileparts: year_match = matches.range(filepart.start, filepart.end, lambda match: match.name == 'year', 0) if year_match: years_fileparts.append(filepart) for filepart in fileparts: try: years_fileparts.remove(filepart) except ValueError: pass titles = self.check_titles_in_filepart(filepart, matches, context) if titles: titles, to_remove_c = titles ret.extend(titles) to_remove.extend(to_remove_c) break # Add title match in all fileparts containing the year. for filepart in years_fileparts: titles = self.check_titles_in_filepart(filepart, matches, context) if titles: # pylint:disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking titles, to_remove_c = titles ret.extend(titles) to_remove.extend(to_remove_c) if ret or to_remove: return ret, to_remove return False class TitleFromPosition(TitleBaseRule): """ Add title match in existing matches """ dependency = [FilmTitleRule, SubtitlePrefixLanguageRule, SubtitleSuffixLanguageRule, SubtitleExtensionRule] properties = {'title': [None], 'alternative_title': [None]} def __init__(self): super().__init__('title', ['title'], 'alternative_title') def enabled(self, context): return not is_disabled(context, 'alternative_title') class PreferTitleWithYear(Rule): """ Prefer title where filepart contains year. """ dependency = TitleFromPosition consequence = [RemoveMatch, AppendTags(['equivalent-ignore'])] properties = {'title': [None]} def when(self, matches, context): with_year_in_group = [] with_year = [] titles = matches.named('title') for title_match in titles: filepart = matches.markers.at_match(title_match, lambda marker: marker.name == 'path', 0) if filepart: year_match = matches.range(filepart.start, filepart.end, lambda match: match.name == 'year', 0) if year_match: group = matches.markers.at_match(year_match, lambda m: m.name == 'group') if group: with_year_in_group.append(title_match) else: with_year.append(title_match) to_tag = [] if with_year_in_group: title_values = {title_match.value for title_match in with_year_in_group} to_tag.extend(with_year_in_group) elif with_year: title_values = {title_match.value for title_match in with_year} to_tag.extend(with_year) else: title_values = {title_match.value for title_match in titles} to_remove = [] for title_match in titles: if title_match.value not in title_values: to_remove.append(title_match) if to_remove or to_tag: return to_remove, to_tag return False