from __future__ import division from collections import namedtuple import re #: Pattern that matches both SubStation and SubRip timestamps. TIMESTAMP = re.compile(r"(\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})[.,](\d{2,3})") Times = namedtuple("Times", ["h", "m", "s", "ms"]) def make_time(h=0, m=0, s=0, ms=0, frames=None, fps=None): """ Convert time to milliseconds. See :func:`pysubs2.time.times_to_ms()`. When both frames and fps are specified, :func:`pysubs2.time.frames_to_ms()` is called instead. Raises: ValueError: Invalid fps, or one of frames/fps is missing. Example: >>> make_time(s=1.5) 1500 >>> make_time(frames=50, fps=25) 2000 """ if frames is None and fps is None: return times_to_ms(h, m, s, ms) elif frames is not None and fps is not None: return frames_to_ms(frames, fps) else: raise ValueError("Both fps and frames must be specified") def timestamp_to_ms(groups): """ Convert groups from :data:`pysubs2.time.TIMESTAMP` match to milliseconds. Example: >>> timestamp_to_ms(TIMESTAMP.match("0:00:00.42").groups()) 420 """ h, m, s, frac = map(int, groups) ms = frac * 10**(3 - len(groups[-1])) ms += s * 1000 ms += m * 60000 ms += h * 3600000 return ms def times_to_ms(h=0, m=0, s=0, ms=0): """ Convert hours, minutes, seconds to milliseconds. Arguments may be positive or negative, int or float, need not be normalized (``s=120`` is okay). Returns: Number of milliseconds (rounded to int). """ ms += s * 1000 ms += m * 60000 ms += h * 3600000 return int(round(ms)) def frames_to_ms(frames, fps): """ Convert frame-based duration to milliseconds. Arguments: frames: Number of frames (should be int). fps: Framerate (must be a positive number, eg. 23.976). Returns: Number of milliseconds (rounded to int). Raises: ValueError: fps was negative or zero. """ if fps <= 0: raise ValueError("Framerate must be positive number (%f)." % fps) return int(round(frames * (1000 / fps))) def ms_to_frames(ms, fps): """ Convert milliseconds to number of frames. Arguments: ms: Number of milliseconds (may be int, float or other numeric class). fps: Framerate (must be a positive number, eg. 23.976). Returns: Number of frames (int). Raises: ValueError: fps was negative or zero. """ if fps <= 0: raise ValueError("Framerate must be positive number (%f)." % fps) return int(round((ms / 1000) * fps)) def ms_to_times(ms): """ Convert milliseconds to normalized tuple (h, m, s, ms). Arguments: ms: Number of milliseconds (may be int, float or other numeric class). Should be non-negative. Returns: Named tuple (h, m, s, ms) of ints. Invariants: ``ms in range(1000) and s in range(60) and m in range(60)`` """ ms = int(round(ms)) h, ms = divmod(ms, 3600000) m, ms = divmod(ms, 60000) s, ms = divmod(ms, 1000) return Times(h, m, s, ms) def ms_to_str(ms, fractions=False): """ Prettyprint milliseconds to [-]H:MM:SS[.mmm] Handles huge and/or negative times. Non-negative times with ``fractions=True`` are matched by :data:`pysubs2.time.TIMESTAMP`. Arguments: ms: Number of milliseconds (int, float or other numeric class). fractions: Whether to print up to millisecond precision. Returns: str """ sgn = "-" if ms < 0 else "" h, m, s, ms = ms_to_times(abs(ms)) if fractions: return sgn + "{:01d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d}".format(h, m, s, ms) else: return sgn + "{:01d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(h, m, s)