# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import io import re import os import rarfile import zipfile from requests import Session from guessit import guessit from subliminal.exceptions import ConfigurationError, AuthenticationError, ServiceUnavailable, DownloadLimitExceeded from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal.providers import ParserBeautifulSoup from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle from subliminal.video import Episode, Movie from subliminal.subtitle import SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, fix_line_ending, guess_matches from subzero.language import Language from subliminal_patch.score import get_scores from subliminal.utils import sanitize, sanitize_release_group logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LegendasdivxSubtitle(Subtitle): """Legendasdivx Subtitle.""" provider_name = 'legendasdivx' def __init__(self, language, video, data): super(LegendasdivxSubtitle, self).__init__(language) self.language = language self.page_link = data['link'] self.hits = data['hits'] self.exact_match = data['exact_match'] self.description = data['description'] self.video = video self.video_filename = data['video_filename'] self.uploader = data['uploader'] @property def id(self): return self.page_link @property def release_info(self): return self.description def get_matches(self, video): matches = set() description = sanitize(self.description) if sanitize(self.video_filename) in description: matches.update(['title']) matches.update(['season']) matches.update(['episode']) # episode if video.title and sanitize(video.title) in description: matches.update(['title']) if video.year and '{:04d}'.format(video.year) in description: matches.update(['year']) if isinstance(video, Episode): # already matched in search query if video.season and 's{:02d}'.format(video.season) in description: matches.update(['season']) if video.episode and 'e{:02d}'.format(video.episode) in description: matches.update(['episode']) if video.episode and video.season and video.series: if '{} s{:02d}e{:02d}'.format(sanitize(video.series), video.season, video.episode) in description: matches.update(['series']) matches.update(['season']) matches.update(['episode']) # release_group if video.release_group and sanitize_release_group(video.release_group) in sanitize_release_group(description): matches.update(['release_group']) # resolution if video.resolution and video.resolution.lower() in description: matches.update(['resolution']) # format formats = [] if video.format: formats = [video.format.lower()] if formats[0] == "web-dl": formats.append("webdl") formats.append("webrip") formats.append("web") for frmt in formats: if frmt in description: matches.update(['format']) break # video_codec if video.video_codec: video_codecs = [video.video_codec.lower()] if video_codecs[0] == "h264": video_codecs.append("x264") elif video_codecs[0] == "h265": video_codecs.append("x265") for vc in video_codecs: if vc in description: matches.update(['video_codec']) break # running guessit on a huge description may break guessit # matches |= guess_matches(video, guessit(self.description)) return matches class LegendasdivxProvider(Provider): """Legendasdivx Provider.""" languages = {Language('por', 'BR')} | {Language('por')} SEARCH_THROTTLE = 8 site = 'https://www.legendasdivx.pt' headers = { 'User-Agent': os.environ.get("SZ_USER_AGENT", "Sub-Zero/2"), 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'Origin': 'https://www.legendasdivx.pt', 'Referer': 'https://www.legendasdivx.pt', 'Pragma': 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' } loginpage = site + '/forum/ucp.php?mode=login' logoutpage = site + '/sair.php' searchurl = site + '/modules.php?name=Downloads&file=jz&d_op=search&op=_jz00&query={query}' download_link = site + '/modules.php{link}' def __init__(self, username, password): # make sure login credentials are configured. if any((username, password)) and not all((username, password)): raise ConfigurationError('Username and password must be specified') self.username = username self.password = password self.logged_in = False def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers.update(self.headers) self.login() def terminate(self): self.logout() self.session.close() def login(self): logger.info('Logging in') res = self.session.get(self.loginpage) bsoup = ParserBeautifulSoup(res.content, ['lxml']) _allinputs = bsoup.findAll('input') data = {} # necessary to set 'sid' for POST request for field in _allinputs: data[field.get('name')] = field.get('value') data['username'] = self.username data['password'] = self.password res = self.session.post(self.loginpage, data) res.raise_for_status() if (res and 'bloqueado' in res.text.lower()): # blocked IP address logger.error("LegendasDivx.pt :: Your IP is blocked on this server.") raise ParseResponseError("Legendasdivx.pt :: %r" % res.text) #make sure we're logged in try: logger.debug('Logged in successfully: PHPSESSID: %s' % self.session.cookies.get_dict()['PHPSESSID']) self.logged_in = True except KeyError: logger.error("Couldn't retrieve session ID, check your credentials") raise AuthenticationError("Please check your credentials.") except Exception as e: logger.error("LegendasDivx.pt :: Uncaught error: %r" % repr(e)) raise ServiceUnavailable("LegendasDivx.pt :: Uncaught error: %r" % repr(e)) def logout(self): if self.logged_in: logger.info('Legendasdivx:: Logging out') r = self.session.get(self.logoutpage, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() logger.debug('Legendasdivx :: Logged out') self.logged_in = False def _process_page(self, video, bsoup, video_filename): subtitles = [] _allsubs = bsoup.findAll("div", {"class": "sub_box"}) for _subbox in _allsubs: hits = 0 for th in _subbox.findAll("th", {"class": "color2"}): if th.text == 'Hits:': hits = int(th.parent.find("td").text) if th.text == 'Idioma:': lang = th.parent.find("td").find("img").get('src') if 'brazil' in lang.lower(): lang = Language.fromopensubtitles('pob') elif 'portugal' in lang.lower(): lang = Language.fromopensubtitles('por') else: continue # get description for matches description = _subbox.find("td", {"class": "td_desc brd_up"}).get_text() #get subtitle link download = _subbox.find("a", {"class": "sub_download"}) # sometimes BSoup can't find 'a' tag and returns None. try: dl = download.get('href') logger.debug("Found subtitle link on: {0}").format(self.download_link.format(link=dl)) except: logger.debug("Couldn't find download link. Trying next...") continue # get subtitle uploader sub_header = _subbox.find("div", {"class" :"sub_header"}) uploader = sub_header.find("a").text if sub_header else 'anonymous' exact_match = False if video.name.lower() in description.lower(): exact_match = True data = {'link': self.site + '/modules.php' + download.get('href'), 'exact_match': exact_match, 'hits': hits, 'uploader': uploader, 'video_filename': video_filename, 'description': description } subtitles.append( LegendasdivxSubtitle(lang, video, data) ) return subtitles def query(self, video, languages): video_filename = video.name video_filename = os.path.basename(video_filename) video_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(video_filename) video_filename = sanitize_release_group(video_filename) _searchurl = self.searchurl if video.imdb_id is None: if isinstance(video, Episode): querytext = "{} S{:02d}E{:02d}".format(video.series, video.season, video.episode) elif isinstance(video, Movie): querytext = video.title else: querytext = video.imdb_id # language query filter if isinstance(languages, (tuple, list, set)): language_ids = ','.join(sorted(l.opensubtitles for l in languages)) if 'por' in language_ids: # prioritize portuguese subtitles lang_filter = '&form_cat=28' # pt elif 'pob' in language_ids: lang_filter = '&form_cat=29' # br else: lang_filter = '' querytext = querytext + lang_filter if lang_filter else querytext self.headers['Referer'] = self.site + '/index.php' self.session.headers.update(self.headers.items()) res = self.session.get(_searchurl.format(query=querytext)) if (res and "A legenda não foi encontrada" in res.text): logger.warning('%s not found', querytext) return [] bsoup = ParserBeautifulSoup(res.content, ['html.parser']) subtitles = self._process_page(video, bsoup, video_filename) # search for more than 10 results (legendasdivx uses pagination) # don't throttle - maximum results = 6 * 10 MAX_PAGES = 6 #get number of pages bases on results found page_header = bsoup.find("div", {"class": "pager_bar"}) results_found = re.search(r'\((.*?) encontradas\)', page_header.text).group(1) if page_header else 0 logger.debug("Found %s subtitles" % str(results_found)) num_pages = (int(results_found) // 10) + 1 num_pages = min(MAX_PAGES, num_pages) if num_pages > 1: for num_page in range(2, num_pages+1): _search_next = self.searchurl.format(query=querytext) + "&page={0}".format(str(num_page)) logger.debug("Moving to next page: %s" % _search_next) res = self.session.get(_search_next) next_page = ParserBeautifulSoup(res.content, ['html.parser']) subs = self._process_page(video, next_page, video_filename) subtitles.extend(subs) return subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): return self.query(video, languages) def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): res = self.session.get(subtitle.page_link) res.raise_for_status() if res: if 'limite' in res.text.lower(): # daily downloads limit reached logger.error("LegendasDivx.pt :: Daily download limit reached!") raise DownloadLimitReached("Legendasdivx.pt :: Daily download limit reached!") elif 'bloqueado' in res.text.lower(): # blocked IP address logger.error("LegendasDivx.pt :: Your IP is blocked on this server.") raise ParseResponseError("Legendasdivx.pt :: %r" % res.text) archive = self._get_archive(res.content) # extract the subtitle subtitle_content = self._get_subtitle_from_archive(archive, subtitle) subtitle.content = fix_line_ending(subtitle_content) subtitle.normalize() return subtitle logger.error("Legendasdivx.pt :: there was a problem retrieving subtitle (status %s)" % res.status_code) return def _get_archive(self, content): # open the archive # stole^H^H^H^H^H inspired from subvix provider archive_stream = io.BytesIO(content) if rarfile.is_rarfile(archive_stream): logger.debug('Identified rar archive') archive = rarfile.RarFile(archive_stream) elif zipfile.is_zipfile(archive_stream): logger.debug('Identified zip archive') archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_stream) else: raise Exception('Unsupported compressed format') return archive def _get_subtitle_from_archive(self, archive, subtitle): # some files have a non subtitle with .txt extension _tmp = list(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS) _tmp.remove('.txt') _subtitle_extensions = tuple(_tmp) _max_score = 0 _scores = get_scores(subtitle.video) for name in archive.namelist(): # discard hidden files if os.path.split(name)[-1].startswith('.'): continue # discard non-subtitle files if not name.lower().endswith(_subtitle_extensions): continue _guess = guessit (name) if isinstance(subtitle.video, Episode): logger.debug ("guessing %s" % name) logger.debug("subtitle S{}E{} video S{}E{}".format(_guess['season'],_guess['episode'],subtitle.video.season,subtitle.video.episode)) if subtitle.video.episode != _guess['episode'] or subtitle.video.season != _guess['season']: logger.debug('subtitle does not match video, skipping') continue matches = set() matches |= guess_matches (subtitle.video, _guess) logger.debug('srt matches: %s' % matches) _score = sum ((_scores.get (match, 0) for match in matches)) if _score > _max_score: _max_name = name _max_score = _score logger.debug("new max: {} {}".format(name, _score)) if _max_score > 0: logger.debug("returning from archive: {} scored {}".format(_max_name, _max_score)) return archive.read(_max_name) raise ValueError("No subtitle found on compressed file. Max score was 0")