# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import re from requests import Session from subliminal import __short_version__ from subliminal.video import Episode from subliminal.video import Movie from subliminal_patch.exceptions import APIThrottled from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import get_archive_from_bytes from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import get_subtitle_from_archive from subliminal_patch.providers.utils import update_matches from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle from subzero.language import Language _SERVER_URL = "https://www.subdivx.com" _CLEAN_TITLE_RES = [ (r"subt[ií]tulos de", ""), (r"´|`", "'"), (r" {2,}", " "), ] _SPANISH_RE = re.compile(r"españa|ib[eé]rico|castellano|gallego|castilla|europ[ae]") _YEAR_RE = re.compile(r"(\(\d{4}\))") _YEAR_RE_INT = re.compile(r"\((\d{4})\)") _SERIES_RE = re.compile( r"\(?\d{4}\)?|(s\d{1,2}(e\d{1,2})?|(season|temporada)\s\d{1,2}).*?$", flags=re.IGNORECASE, ) _EPISODE_NUM_RE = re.compile(r"[eE](?P\d{1,2})") _SEASON_NUM_RE = re.compile( r"(s|(season|temporada)\s)(?P\d{1,2})", flags=re.IGNORECASE ) _EPISODE_YEAR_RE = re.compile(r"\((?P(19\d{2}|20[0-2]\d))\)") _UNSUPPORTED_RE = re.compile( r"(\)?\d{4}\)?|[sS]\d{1,2})\s.{,3}(extras|forzado(s)?|forced)", flags=re.IGNORECASE ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SubdivxSubtitle(Subtitle): provider_name = "subdivx" hash_verifiable = False def __init__( self, language, video, page_link, title, description, uploader, download_url ): super(SubdivxSubtitle, self).__init__( language, hearing_impaired=False, page_link=page_link ) self.video = video self.download_url = download_url self.uploader = uploader self._title = str(title).strip() self._description = str(description).strip() self.release_info = self._title if self._description: self.release_info += " | " + self._description @property def id(self): return self.page_link def get_matches(self, video): matches = set() # episode if isinstance(video, Episode): # already matched within provider matches.update(["title", "series", "season", "episode", "year"]) # movie elif isinstance(video, Movie): # already matched within provider matches.update(["title", "year"]) update_matches(matches, video, self._description) # Don't lowercase; otherwise it will match a lot of false positives if video.release_group and video.release_group in self._description: matches.add("release_group") return matches _IDUSER_COOKIE = "VkZaRk9WQlJQVDA12809" class SubdivxSubtitlesProvider(Provider): provider_name = "subdivx" hash_verifiable = False languages = {Language("spa", "MX")} | {Language.fromalpha2("es")} video_types = (Episode, Movie) subtitle_class = SubdivxSubtitle multi_result_throttle = 2 def __init__(self): self.session = None def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers["User-Agent"] = f"Subliminal/{__short_version__}" self.session.cookies.update({"iduser_cookie": _IDUSER_COOKIE}) def terminate(self): self.session.close() def query(self, video, languages): subtitles = [] # Determine if the video is a movie or a TV episode and set the search accordingly if isinstance(video, Episode): # For TV episodes, use alternative_series if available titles_to_search = [video.series] + getattr(video, 'alternative_series', []) # TODO: cache pack queries (TV SHOW S01). # Too many redundant server calls. # For TV episodes, construct queries with each main and alternative series title for title in titles_to_search: # Perform the existing search logic for each title subtitles += self._handle_search(f"{title} S{video.season:02}E{video.episode:02}", video) # If nothing found under SxxExx, try with only season number if not subtitles: for title in titles_to_search: # Perform the existing search logic for each title subtitles += self._handle_search(f"{title} S{video.season:02}", video) # If still nothing found, try with only series title (each main and alternative series title) if not subtitles: for title in titles_to_search: subtitles += self._handle_search(title, video, 1) # Try with episode title as last resort if not subtitles and video.title != video.series: subtitles += self._handle_search(video.title, video, 1) # Additional logic for handling insufficient subtitle results can go here else: # For movies, use alternative_titles if available titles_to_search = [video.title] + getattr(video, 'alternative_titles', []) # For movies, first search with the title (each main and alternative movie title) for title in titles_to_search: subtitles += self._handle_search(title, video) # Then, if available, search with title and year if video.year: for title in titles_to_search: subtitles += self._handle_search(f"{title} ({video.year})", video) # Additional logic for handling insufficient subtitle results can go here return subtitles def _handle_search(self, query, video): # URL for the POST request search_link = f"{_SERVER_URL}/inc/ajax.php" # Payload for POST payload = { 'tabla': 'resultados', 'filtros': '', # Not used now 'buscar': query } logger.debug("Query: %s", query) # Make the POST request response = self.session.post(search_link, data=payload) # Ensure it was successful response.raise_for_status() # Processing the JSON result subtitles = [] data = response.json() # Iterate over each subtitle in the response for item in data['aaData']: # Extract the relevant information id_subtitulo = item['id'] # There is no direct link to view sub details, this is just the download link page_link = f"{_SERVER_URL}/descargar.php?id={id_subtitulo}" title = item['titulo'] description = item['descripcion'] uploader = item['nick'] # Build the download URL - assuming RAR for now download_url = f"{_SERVER_URL}/descargar.php?id={id_subtitulo}" language = Language('spa', 'MX') # Subdivx is always latin spanish # Create the SubdivxSubtitle instance subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, video, page_link, title, description, uploader, download_url) subtitles.append(subtitle) return subtitles # The JSON contains all subs, not paged def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): return self.query(video, languages) def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): # download the subtitle logger.debug("Downloading subtitle %r", subtitle) response = self.session.get( subtitle.download_url, headers={"Referer": _SERVER_URL}, timeout=30, ) response.raise_for_status() # TODO: add MustGetBlacklisted support archive = get_archive_from_bytes(response.content) if archive is None: raise APIThrottled("Unknwon compressed format") episode = None if isinstance(subtitle.video, Episode): episode = subtitle.video.episode subtitle.content = get_subtitle_from_archive(archive, episode=episode) def _clean_title(title): """ Normalize apostrophes and spaces to avoid matching problems (e.g. Subtitulos de Carlito´s Way -> Carlito's Way) """ for og, new in _CLEAN_TITLE_RES: title = re.sub(og, new, title, flags=re.IGNORECASE) return title def _check_episode(video, title): ep_num = _EPISODE_NUM_RE.search(title) season_num = _SEASON_NUM_RE.search(title) year = _EPISODE_YEAR_RE.search(title) # Only check if both video and Subdivx's title have year metadata if year is not None and video.year: year = int(year.group("x")) # Tolerance of 1 year difference if abs(year - (video.year or 0)) > 1: logger.debug("Series year doesn't match: %s", title) return False # Prepare a list of all series names to check against (include alternative series names) series_names = [video.series] + getattr(video, 'alternative_series', []) # Normalize the title for comparison normalized_title = _clean_title(title).lower() # Check if the normalized title contains any of the series names (main or alternative) series_clean_match = any(series_name.lower() in normalized_title for series_name in series_names) # Include matches where the episode title is present if series_clean_match and (video.title or "").lower() in title.lower(): logger.debug("Episode title found in title: %s ~ %s", video.title, title) return True if season_num is None: logger.debug("Not a season/episode: %s", title) return False season_num = int(season_num.group("x")) if ep_num is not None: ep_num = int(ep_num.group("x")) ep_matches = ( (video.episode == ep_num) or (ep_num is None) ) and season_num == video.season series_title = _SERIES_RE.sub("", title).strip() distance = abs(len(series_title) - len(video.series)) series_matched = (distance < 4 and ep_matches) or series_clean_match logger.debug( "Series matched? %s [%s -> %s] [title distance: %d]", series_matched, video, title, distance, ) return series_matched def _check_movie(video, title): try: year = int(_YEAR_RE_INT.search(title).group(1)) # type: ignore except (AttributeError, ValueError): logger.debug("Year not found in title (%s). Discarding movie", title) return False if video.year and abs(year - video.year) > 1: logger.debug("Year not matching: %s -> %s", year, video.year) return False aka_split = re.split("aka", title, flags=re.IGNORECASE) alt_title = None if len(aka_split) == 2: alt_title = aka_split[-1].strip() try: actual_movie_title = _YEAR_RE.split(title)[0].strip() except IndexError: return False all_titles = [ v_title.lower() for v_title in [video.title, *video.alternative_titles] ] return ( actual_movie_title.lower() in all_titles or (alt_title or "").lower() in all_titles )