% include('menu.tpl')

Some fields are in error and you can't save settings until you have corrected them.

Bazarr settings
%if settings_general[2] == None: % base_url = "/" %else: % base_url = settings_general[2] %end
Path Mappings
%import ast %if settings_general[3] is not None: % path_substitutions = ast.literal_eval(settings_general[3]) %else: % path_substitutions = [] %end

Path for Sonarr:

Path for Bazarr:

%for x in range(0, 5): % path = [] % try: % path = path_substitutions[x] % except IndexError: % path = ["", ""] % end
Sonarr settings

Thanks to Diaoul for his work on Subliminal on which Bazarr is based.

Subtitles options
Subtitles providers

Be aware that the more providers you enable, the longer it will take everytime you search for a subtitles.

Providers authentication (optionnal)


Password (stored in clear text)

%for provider in settings_providers: % if provider[0] == 'addic7ed': % addic7ed_username = provider[2] % addic7ed_password = provider[3] % end %end
%for provider in settings_providers: % if provider[0] == 'legendastv': % legendastv_username = provider[2] % legendastv_password = provider[3] % end %end
%for provider in settings_providers: % if provider[0] == 'opensubtitles': % opensubtitles_username = provider[2] % opensubtitles_password = provider[3] % end %end
Subtitles languages
Notifications settings

Thanks to caronc for his work on apprise on which is based the notifications system.

Please follow instructions on his wiki to configure your notifications providers.

%for notifier in settings_notifier:
% include('footer.tpl')