import importlib.machinery import os import shutil import textwrap from sqlalchemy.testing import config from sqlalchemy.testing import provision from . import util as testing_util from .. import command from .. import script from .. import util from ..script import Script from ..script import ScriptDirectory def _get_staging_directory(): if provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT: return "scratch_%s" % provision.FOLLOWER_IDENT else: return "scratch" def staging_env(create=True, template="generic", sourceless=False): cfg = _testing_config() if create: path = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") assert not os.path.exists(path), ( "staging directory %s already exists; poor cleanup?" % path ) command.init(cfg, path, template=template) if sourceless: try: # do an import so that a .pyc/.pyo is generated. util.load_python_file(path, "") except AttributeError: # we don't have the migration context set up yet # so running the .env py throws this exception. # theoretically we could be using py_compiler here to # generate .pyc/.pyo without importing but not really # worth it. pass assert sourceless in ( "pep3147_envonly", "simple", "pep3147_everything", ), sourceless make_sourceless( os.path.join(path, ""), "pep3147" if "pep3147" in sourceless else "simple", ) sc = script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg) return sc def clear_staging_env(): from sqlalchemy.testing import engines engines.testing_reaper.close_all() shutil.rmtree(_get_staging_directory(), True) def script_file_fixture(txt): dir_ = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") path = os.path.join(dir_, "") with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(txt) def env_file_fixture(txt): dir_ = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") txt = ( """ from alembic import context config = context.config """ + txt ) path = os.path.join(dir_, "") pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path) if pyc_path: os.unlink(pyc_path) with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(txt) def _sqlite_file_db(tempname="foo.db", future=False, scope=None, **options): dir_ = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") url = "sqlite:///%s/%s" % (dir_, tempname) if scope and util.sqla_14: options["scope"] = scope return testing_util.testing_engine(url=url, future=future, options=options) def _sqlite_testing_config(sourceless=False, future=False): dir_ = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") url = "sqlite:///%s/foo.db" % dir_ sqlalchemy_future = future or ("future" in config.db.__class__.__module__) return _write_config_file( """ [alembic] script_location = %s sqlalchemy.url = %s sourceless = %s %s [loggers] keys = root,sqlalchemy [handlers] keys = console [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = [logger_sqlalchemy] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = sqlalchemy.engine [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatters] keys = generic [formatter_generic] format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S """ % ( dir_, url, "true" if sourceless else "false", "sqlalchemy.future = true" if sqlalchemy_future else "", ) ) def _multi_dir_testing_config(sourceless=False, extra_version_location=""): dir_ = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") sqlalchemy_future = "future" in config.db.__class__.__module__ url = "sqlite:///%s/foo.db" % dir_ return _write_config_file( """ [alembic] script_location = %s sqlalchemy.url = %s sqlalchemy.future = %s sourceless = %s version_locations = %%(here)s/model1/ %%(here)s/model2/ %%(here)s/model3/ %s [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatters] keys = generic [formatter_generic] format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S """ % ( dir_, url, "true" if sqlalchemy_future else "false", "true" if sourceless else "false", extra_version_location, ) ) def _no_sql_testing_config(dialect="postgresql", directives=""): """use a postgresql url with no host so that connections guaranteed to fail""" dir_ = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") return _write_config_file( """ [alembic] script_location = %s sqlalchemy.url = %s:// %s [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatters] keys = generic [formatter_generic] format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S """ % (dir_, dialect, directives) ) def _write_config_file(text): cfg = _testing_config() with open(cfg.config_file_name, "w") as f: f.write(text) return cfg def _testing_config(): from alembic.config import Config if not os.access(_get_staging_directory(), os.F_OK): os.mkdir(_get_staging_directory()) return Config(os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "test_alembic.ini")) def write_script( scriptdir, rev_id, content, encoding="ascii", sourceless=False ): old = scriptdir.revision_map.get_revision(rev_id) path = old.path content = textwrap.dedent(content) if encoding: content = content.encode(encoding) with open(path, "wb") as fp: fp.write(content) pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path) if pyc_path: os.unlink(pyc_path) script = Script._from_path(scriptdir, path) old = scriptdir.revision_map.get_revision(script.revision) if old.down_revision != script.down_revision: raise Exception( "Can't change down_revision " "on a refresh operation." ) scriptdir.revision_map.add_revision(script, _replace=True) if sourceless: make_sourceless( path, "pep3147" if sourceless == "pep3147_everything" else "simple" ) def make_sourceless(path, style): import py_compile py_compile.compile(path) if style == "simple": pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path) suffix = importlib.machinery.BYTECODE_SUFFIXES[0] filepath, ext = os.path.splitext(path) simple_pyc_path = filepath + suffix shutil.move(pyc_path, simple_pyc_path) pyc_path = simple_pyc_path else: assert style in ("pep3147", "simple") pyc_path = util.pyc_file_from_path(path) assert os.access(pyc_path, os.F_OK) os.unlink(path) def three_rev_fixture(cfg): a = util.rev_id() b = util.rev_id() c = util.rev_id() script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg) script.generate_revision(a, "revision a", refresh=True, head="base") write_script( script, a, """\ "Rev A" revision = '%s' down_revision = None from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 1") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 1") """ % a, ) script.generate_revision(b, "revision b", refresh=True, head=a) write_script( script, b, f"""# coding: utf-8 "Rev B, méil, %3" revision = '{b}' down_revision = '{a}' from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 2") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 2") """, encoding="utf-8", ) script.generate_revision(c, "revision c", refresh=True, head=b) write_script( script, c, """\ "Rev C" revision = '%s' down_revision = '%s' from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 3") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 3") """ % (c, b), ) return a, b, c def multi_heads_fixture(cfg, a, b, c): """Create a multiple head fixture from the three-revs fixture""" # a->b->c # -> d -> e # -> f d = util.rev_id() e = util.rev_id() f = util.rev_id() script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(cfg) script.generate_revision( d, "revision d from b", head=b, splice=True, refresh=True ) write_script( script, d, """\ "Rev D" revision = '%s' down_revision = '%s' from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 4") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 4") """ % (d, b), ) script.generate_revision( e, "revision e from d", head=d, splice=True, refresh=True ) write_script( script, e, """\ "Rev E" revision = '%s' down_revision = '%s' from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 5") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 5") """ % (e, d), ) script.generate_revision( f, "revision f from b", head=b, splice=True, refresh=True ) write_script( script, f, """\ "Rev F" revision = '%s' down_revision = '%s' from alembic import op def upgrade(): op.execute("CREATE STEP 6") def downgrade(): op.execute("DROP STEP 6") """ % (f, b), ) return d, e, f def _multidb_testing_config(engines): """alembic.ini fixture to work exactly with the 'multidb' template""" dir_ = os.path.join(_get_staging_directory(), "scripts") sqlalchemy_future = "future" in config.db.__class__.__module__ databases = ", ".join(engines.keys()) engines = "\n\n".join( "[%s]\n" "sqlalchemy.url = %s" % (key, value.url) for key, value in engines.items() ) return _write_config_file( """ [alembic] script_location = %s sourceless = false sqlalchemy.future = %s databases = %s %s [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console [logger_root] level = WARN handlers = console qualname = [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = NOTSET formatter = generic [formatters] keys = generic [formatter_generic] format = %%(levelname)-5.5s [%%(name)s] %%(message)s datefmt = %%H:%%M:%%S """ % (dir_, "true" if sqlalchemy_future else "false", databases, engines) )