# orm/writeonly.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2023 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: ignore-errors """Write-only collection API. This is an alternate mapped attribute style that only supports single-item collection mutation operations. To read the collection, a select() object must be executed each time. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any from typing import Generic from typing import Iterable from typing import NoReturn from typing import Optional from typing import overload from typing import Tuple from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union from sqlalchemy.sql import bindparam from . import attributes from . import interfaces from . import relationships from . import strategies from .base import object_mapper from .base import PassiveFlag from .relationships import RelationshipDirection from .. import exc from .. import inspect from .. import log from .. import util from ..sql import delete from ..sql import insert from ..sql import select from ..sql import update from ..sql.dml import Delete from ..sql.dml import Insert from ..sql.dml import Update from ..util.typing import Literal if TYPE_CHECKING: from ._typing import _InstanceDict from .attributes import _AdaptedCollectionProtocol from .attributes import AttributeEventToken from .attributes import CollectionAdapter from .base import LoaderCallableStatus from .state import InstanceState from ..sql.selectable import Select _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Any) class WriteOnlyHistory: """Overrides AttributeHistory to receive append/remove events directly.""" def __init__(self, attr, state, passive, apply_to=None): if apply_to: if passive & PassiveFlag.SQL_OK: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( f"Attribute {attr} can't load the existing state from the " "database for this operation; full iteration is not " "permitted. If this is a delete operation, configure " f"passive_deletes=True on the {attr} relationship in " "order to resolve this error." ) self.unchanged_items = apply_to.unchanged_items self.added_items = apply_to.added_items self.deleted_items = apply_to.deleted_items self._reconcile_collection = apply_to._reconcile_collection else: self.deleted_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() self.added_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() self.unchanged_items = util.OrderedIdentitySet() self._reconcile_collection = False @property def added_plus_unchanged(self): return list(self.added_items.union(self.unchanged_items)) @property def all_items(self): return list( self.added_items.union(self.unchanged_items).union( self.deleted_items ) ) def as_history(self): if self._reconcile_collection: added = self.added_items.difference(self.unchanged_items) deleted = self.deleted_items.intersection(self.unchanged_items) unchanged = self.unchanged_items.difference(deleted) else: added, unchanged, deleted = ( self.added_items, self.unchanged_items, self.deleted_items, ) return attributes.History(list(added), list(unchanged), list(deleted)) def indexed(self, index): return list(self.added_items)[index] def add_added(self, value): self.added_items.add(value) def add_removed(self, value): if value in self.added_items: self.added_items.remove(value) else: self.deleted_items.add(value) class WriteOnlyAttributeImpl( attributes.HasCollectionAdapter, attributes.AttributeImpl ): uses_objects = True default_accepts_scalar_loader = False supports_population = False _supports_dynamic_iteration = False collection = False dynamic = True order_by = () collection_history_cls = WriteOnlyHistory def __init__( self, class_, key, typecallable, dispatch, target_mapper, order_by, **kw, ): super().__init__(class_, key, typecallable, dispatch, **kw) self.target_mapper = target_mapper self.query_class = WriteOnlyCollection if order_by: self.order_by = tuple(order_by) def get(self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_OFF): if not passive & attributes.SQL_OK: return self._get_collection_history( state, attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE ).added_items else: return self.query_class(self, state) @overload def get_collection( self, state: InstanceState[Any], dict_: _InstanceDict, user_data: Literal[None] = ..., passive: Literal[PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_OFF] = ..., ) -> CollectionAdapter: ... @overload def get_collection( self, state: InstanceState[Any], dict_: _InstanceDict, user_data: _AdaptedCollectionProtocol = ..., passive: PassiveFlag = ..., ) -> CollectionAdapter: ... @overload def get_collection( self, state: InstanceState[Any], dict_: _InstanceDict, user_data: Optional[_AdaptedCollectionProtocol] = ..., passive: PassiveFlag = ..., ) -> Union[ Literal[LoaderCallableStatus.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT], CollectionAdapter ]: ... def get_collection( self, state: InstanceState[Any], dict_: _InstanceDict, user_data: Optional[_AdaptedCollectionProtocol] = None, passive: PassiveFlag = PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_OFF, ) -> Union[ Literal[LoaderCallableStatus.PASSIVE_NO_RESULT], CollectionAdapter ]: if not passive & attributes.SQL_OK: data = self._get_collection_history(state, passive).added_items else: history = self._get_collection_history(state, passive) data = history.added_plus_unchanged return DynamicCollectionAdapter(data) # type: ignore @util.memoized_property def _append_token(self): return attributes.AttributeEventToken(self, attributes.OP_APPEND) @util.memoized_property def _remove_token(self): return attributes.AttributeEventToken(self, attributes.OP_REMOVE) def fire_append_event( self, state, dict_, value, initiator, collection_history=None ): if collection_history is None: collection_history = self._modified_event(state, dict_) collection_history.add_added(value) for fn in self.dispatch.append: value = fn(state, value, initiator or self._append_token) if self.trackparent and value is not None: self.sethasparent(attributes.instance_state(value), state, True) def fire_remove_event( self, state, dict_, value, initiator, collection_history=None ): if collection_history is None: collection_history = self._modified_event(state, dict_) collection_history.add_removed(value) if self.trackparent and value is not None: self.sethasparent(attributes.instance_state(value), state, False) for fn in self.dispatch.remove: fn(state, value, initiator or self._remove_token) def _modified_event(self, state, dict_): if self.key not in state.committed_state: state.committed_state[self.key] = self.collection_history_cls( self, state, PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH ) state._modified_event(dict_, self, attributes.NEVER_SET) # this is a hack to allow the fixtures.ComparableEntity fixture # to work dict_[self.key] = True return state.committed_state[self.key] def set( self, state: InstanceState[Any], dict_: _InstanceDict, value: Any, initiator: Optional[AttributeEventToken] = None, passive: PassiveFlag = PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_OFF, check_old: Any = None, pop: bool = False, _adapt: bool = True, ) -> None: if initiator and initiator.parent_token is self.parent_token: return if pop and value is None: return iterable = value new_values = list(iterable) if state.has_identity: if not self._supports_dynamic_iteration: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( f'Collection "{self}" does not support implicit ' "iteration; collection replacement operations " "can't be used" ) old_collection = util.IdentitySet( self.get(state, dict_, passive=passive) ) collection_history = self._modified_event(state, dict_) if not state.has_identity: old_collection = collection_history.added_items else: old_collection = old_collection.union( collection_history.added_items ) constants = old_collection.intersection(new_values) additions = util.IdentitySet(new_values).difference(constants) removals = old_collection.difference(constants) for member in new_values: if member in additions: self.fire_append_event( state, dict_, member, None, collection_history=collection_history, ) for member in removals: self.fire_remove_event( state, dict_, member, None, collection_history=collection_history, ) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def set_committed_value(self, state, dict_, value): raise NotImplementedError( "Dynamic attributes don't support collection population." ) def get_history(self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH): c = self._get_collection_history(state, passive) return c.as_history() def get_all_pending( self, state, dict_, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE ): c = self._get_collection_history(state, passive) return [(attributes.instance_state(x), x) for x in c.all_items] def _get_collection_history(self, state, passive): if self.key in state.committed_state: c = state.committed_state[self.key] else: c = self.collection_history_cls( self, state, PassiveFlag.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH ) if state.has_identity and (passive & attributes.INIT_OK): return self.collection_history_cls( self, state, passive, apply_to=c ) else: return c def append( self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH, ): if initiator is not self: self.fire_append_event(state, dict_, value, initiator) def remove( self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH, ): if initiator is not self: self.fire_remove_event(state, dict_, value, initiator) def pop( self, state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=attributes.PASSIVE_NO_FETCH, ): self.remove(state, dict_, value, initiator, passive=passive) @log.class_logger @relationships.RelationshipProperty.strategy_for(lazy="write_only") class WriteOnlyLoader(strategies.AbstractRelationshipLoader, log.Identified): impl_class = WriteOnlyAttributeImpl def init_class_attribute(self, mapper): self.is_class_level = True if not self.uselist or self.parent_property.direction not in ( interfaces.ONETOMANY, interfaces.MANYTOMANY, ): raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "On relationship %s, 'dynamic' loaders cannot be used with " "many-to-one/one-to-one relationships and/or " "uselist=False." % self.parent_property ) strategies._register_attribute( self.parent_property, mapper, useobject=True, impl_class=self.impl_class, target_mapper=self.parent_property.mapper, order_by=self.parent_property.order_by, query_class=self.parent_property.query_class, ) class DynamicCollectionAdapter: """simplified CollectionAdapter for internal API consistency""" def __init__(self, data): self.data = data def __iter__(self): return iter(self.data) def _reset_empty(self): pass def __len__(self): return len(self.data) def __bool__(self): return True class AbstractCollectionWriter(Generic[_T]): """Virtual collection which includes append/remove methods that synchronize into the attribute event system. """ if not TYPE_CHECKING: __slots__ = () def __init__(self, attr, state): self.instance = instance = state.obj() self.attr = attr mapper = object_mapper(instance) prop = mapper._props[self.attr.key] if prop.secondary is not None: # this is a hack right now. The Query only knows how to # make subsequent joins() without a given left-hand side # from self._from_obj[0]. We need to ensure prop.secondary # is in the FROM. So we purposely put the mapper selectable # in _from_obj[0] to ensure a user-defined join() later on # doesn't fail, and secondary is then in _from_obj[1]. # note also, we are using the official ORM-annotated selectable # from __clause_element__(), see #7868 self._from_obj = (prop.mapper.__clause_element__(), prop.secondary) else: self._from_obj = () self._where_criteria = ( prop._with_parent(instance, alias_secondary=False), ) if self.attr.order_by: self._order_by_clauses = self.attr.order_by else: self._order_by_clauses = () def _add_all_impl(self, iterator: Iterable[_T]) -> None: for item in iterator: self.attr.append( attributes.instance_state(self.instance), attributes.instance_dict(self.instance), item, None, ) def _remove_impl(self, item: _T) -> None: self.attr.remove( attributes.instance_state(self.instance), attributes.instance_dict(self.instance), item, None, ) class WriteOnlyCollection(AbstractCollectionWriter[_T]): """Write-only collection which can synchronize changes into the attribute event system. The :class:`.WriteOnlyCollection` is used in a mapping by using the ``"write_only"`` lazy loading strategy with :func:`_orm.relationship`. For background on this configuration, see :ref:`write_only_relationship`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 .. seealso:: :ref:`write_only_relationship` """ __slots__ = ( "instance", "attr", "_where_criteria", "_from_obj", "_order_by_clauses", ) def __iter__(self) -> NoReturn: raise TypeError( "WriteOnly collections don't support iteration in-place; " "to query for collection items, use the select() method to " "produce a SQL statement and execute it with session.scalars()." ) def select(self) -> Select[Tuple[_T]]: """Produce a :class:`_sql.Select` construct that represents the rows within this instance-local :class:`_orm.WriteOnlyCollection`. """ stmt = select(self.attr.target_mapper).where(*self._where_criteria) if self._from_obj: stmt = stmt.select_from(*self._from_obj) if self._order_by_clauses: stmt = stmt.order_by(*self._order_by_clauses) return stmt def insert(self) -> Insert[_T]: """For one-to-many collections, produce a :class:`_dml.Insert` which will insert new rows in terms of this this instance-local :class:`_orm.WriteOnlyCollection`. This construct is only supported for a :class:`_orm.Relationship` that does **not** include the :paramref:`_orm.relationship.secondary` parameter. For relationships that refer to a many-to-many table, use ordinary bulk insert techniques to produce new objects, then use :meth:`_orm.AbstractCollectionWriter.add_all` to associate them with the collection. """ state = inspect(self.instance) mapper = state.mapper prop = mapper._props[self.attr.key] if prop.direction is not RelationshipDirection.ONETOMANY: raise exc.InvalidRequestError( "Write only bulk INSERT only supported for one-to-many " "collections; for many-to-many, use a separate bulk " "INSERT along with add_all()." ) dict_ = {} for l, r in prop.synchronize_pairs: fn = prop._get_attr_w_warn_on_none( mapper, state, state.dict, l, ) dict_[r.key] = bindparam(None, callable_=fn) return insert(self.attr.target_mapper).values(**dict_) def update(self) -> Update[_T]: """Produce a :class:`_dml.Update` which will refer to rows in terms of this instance-local :class:`_orm.WriteOnlyCollection`. """ return update(self.attr.target_mapper).where(*self._where_criteria) def delete(self) -> Delete[_T]: """Produce a :class:`_dml.Delete` which will refer to rows in terms of this instance-local :class:`_orm.WriteOnlyCollection`. """ return delete(self.attr.target_mapper).where(*self._where_criteria) def add_all(self, iterator: Iterable[_T]) -> None: """Add an iterable of items to this :class:`_orm.WriteOnlyCollection`. The given items will be persisted to the database in terms of the parent instance's collection on the next flush. """ self._add_all_impl(iterator) def add(self, item: _T) -> None: """Add an item to this :class:`_orm.WriteOnlyCollection`. The given item will be persisted to the database in terms of the parent instance's collection on the next flush. """ self._add_all_impl([item]) def remove(self, item: _T) -> None: """Remove an item from this :class:`_orm.WriteOnlyCollection`. The given item will be removed from the parent instance's collection on the next flush. """ self._remove_impl(item)