# coding=utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import traceback import re import types import chardet import pysrt import pysubs2 from bs4 import UnicodeDammit from pysubs2 import SSAStyle from pysubs2.formats.subrip import parse_tags, MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME from pysubs2.time import ms_to_times from subzero.modification import SubtitleModifications from subzero.language import Language from subliminal import Subtitle as Subtitle_ from subliminal.subtitle import Episode, Movie, sanitize_release_group, get_equivalent_release_groups from subliminal_patch.utils import sanitize from ftfy import fix_text from codecs import BOM_UTF8, BOM_UTF16_BE, BOM_UTF16_LE, BOM_UTF32_BE, BOM_UTF32_LE from six import text_type BOMS = ( (BOM_UTF8, "UTF-8"), (BOM_UTF32_BE, "UTF-32-BE"), (BOM_UTF32_LE, "UTF-32-LE"), (BOM_UTF16_BE, "UTF-16-BE"), (BOM_UTF16_LE, "UTF-16-LE"), ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ftfy_defaults = { "uncurl_quotes": False, "fix_character_width": False, } class Subtitle(Subtitle_): storage_path = None release_info = None matches = {} hash_verifiable = False hearing_impaired_verifiable = False mods = None plex_media_fps = None skip_wrong_fps = False wrong_fps = False wrong_series = False wrong_season_ep = False is_pack = False asked_for_release_group = None asked_for_episode = None uploader = None # string - uploader username pack_data = None _guessed_encoding = None _is_valid = False use_original_format = False # format = "srt" # default format is srt def __init__(self, language, hearing_impaired=False, page_link=None, encoding=None, mods=None, original_format=False): # set subtitle language to hi if it's hearing_impaired if hearing_impaired: language = Language.rebuild(language, hi=True) super(Subtitle, self).__init__(language, hearing_impaired=hearing_impaired, page_link=page_link, encoding=encoding) self.mods = mods self._is_valid = False self.use_original_format = original_format self._og_format = None @property def format(self): if self.use_original_format and self._og_format is not None: logger.debug("Original format requested [%s]", self._og_format) return self._og_format logger.debug("Will assume srt format") return "srt" # Compatibility @format.setter def format(self, val): self._og_format = val def __repr__(self): r_info = str(self.release_info or "").replace("\n", " | ").strip() return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {r_info} [{repr(self.language)}]>" @property def text(self): """Content as string If :attr:`encoding` is None, the encoding is guessed with :meth:`guess_encoding` """ if not self.content: return if not isinstance(self.content, text_type): return self.content.decode(self.get_encoding(), errors='replace') return self.content @property def numeric_id(self): raise NotImplemented def get_fps(self): """ :return: frames per second or None if not supported :rtype: float """ return None def make_picklable(self): """ some subtitle instances might have unpicklable objects stored; clean them up here :return: self """ return self def get_encoding(self): return self.guess_encoding() def set_encoding(self, encoding): ge = self.get_encoding() if encoding == ge: return unicontent = self.text logger.debug("Changing encoding: to %s, from %s", encoding, ge) self.content = unicontent.encode(encoding) self._guessed_encoding = encoding def normalize(self): """ Set encoding to UTF-8 and normalize line endings :return: """ self.set_encoding("utf-8") # normalize line endings self.content = self.content.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n").replace(b'\r', b'\n') def _check_bom(self, data): return [encoding for bom, encoding in BOMS if data.startswith(bom)] def guess_encoding(self): """Guess encoding using the language, falling back on chardet. :return: the guessed encoding. :rtype: str """ if self._guessed_encoding: return self._guessed_encoding if self.encoding: # check provider encoding and use it only if it is valid try: self.content.decode(self.encoding) self._guessed_encoding = self.encoding return self._guessed_encoding except: # provider specified encoding is invalid, fallback to guessing pass logger.info('Guessing encoding for language %s', self.language) encodings = ['utf-8'] # check UTF BOMs bom_encodings = self._check_bom(self.content) if bom_encodings: encodings = list(set(enc.lower() for enc in bom_encodings + encodings)) # add language-specific encodings # http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Character_Encoding_Recommendation_for_Languages if self.language.alpha3 == 'zho': encodings.extend(['cp936', 'gb2312', 'gbk', 'hz', 'iso2022_jp_2', 'cp950', 'big5hkscs', 'big5', 'gb18030', 'utf-16']) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'jpn': encodings.extend(['shift-jis', 'cp932', 'euc_jp', 'iso2022_jp', 'iso2022_jp_1', 'iso2022_jp_2', 'iso2022_jp_2004', 'iso2022_jp_3', 'iso2022_jp_ext', ]) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'tha': encodings.extend(['tis-620', 'cp874']) # arabian/farsi elif self.language.alpha3 in ('ara', 'fas', 'per'): encodings.extend(['windows-1256', 'utf-16', 'utf-16le', 'ascii', 'iso-8859-6']) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'heb': encodings.extend(['windows-1255', 'iso-8859-8']) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'tur': encodings.extend(['windows-1254', 'iso-8859-9', 'iso-8859-3']) # Greek elif self.language.alpha3 in ('grc', 'gre', 'ell'): encodings.extend(['windows-1253', 'cp1253', 'cp737', 'iso8859-7', 'cp875', 'cp869', 'iso2022_jp_2', 'mac_greek']) # Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian (Latin script), # Romanian and Albanian elif self.language.alpha3 in ('pol', 'cze', 'ces', 'slk', 'slo', 'slv', 'hun', 'bos', 'hbs', 'hrv', 'rsb', 'ron', 'rum', 'sqi', 'alb'): encodings.extend(['windows-1250', 'iso-8859-2']) # Eastern European Group 1 if self.language.alpha3 == "slv": encodings.append('iso-8859-4') # Albanian elif self.language.alpha3 in ("sqi", "alb"): encodings.extend(['windows-1252', 'iso-8859-15', 'iso-8859-1', 'iso-8859-9']) # Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian, Ukranian and Russian elif self.language.alpha3 in ('bul', 'srp', 'mkd', 'mac', 'rus', 'ukr'): # Eastern European Group 2 if self.language.alpha3 in ('bul', 'mkd', 'mac', 'rus', 'ukr'): encodings.extend(['windows-1251', 'iso-8859-5']) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'srp': if self.language.script == "Latn": encodings.extend(['windows-1250', 'iso-8859-2']) elif self.language.script == "Cyrl": encodings.extend(['windows-1251', 'iso-8859-5']) else: encodings.extend(['windows-1250', 'windows-1251', 'iso-8859-2', 'iso-8859-5']) else: # Western European (windows-1252) / Northern European encodings.extend(['windows-1252', 'iso-8859-15', 'iso-8859-9', 'iso-8859-4', 'iso-8859-1']) # try to decode logger.debug('Trying encodings %r', encodings) for encoding in encodings: try: self.content.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass else: logger.info('Guessed encoding %s', encoding) self._guessed_encoding = encoding return encoding logger.warning('Could not guess encoding from language') # fallback on chardet encoding = chardet.detect(self.content)['encoding'] logger.info('Chardet found encoding %s', encoding) if not encoding: # fallback on bs4 logger.info('Falling back to bs4 detection') a = UnicodeDammit(self.content) logger.info("bs4 detected encoding: %s", a.original_encoding) if a.original_encoding: self._guessed_encoding = a.original_encoding return a.original_encoding raise ValueError(u"Couldn't guess the proper encoding for %s", self) self._guessed_encoding = encoding return encoding def is_valid(self): """Check if a :attr:`text` is a valid SubRip format. Note that orignal format will pypass the checking :return: whether or not the subtitle is valid. :rtype: bool """ if self._is_valid: return True text = self.text if not text: return False # valid srt try: pysrt.from_string(text, error_handling=pysrt.ERROR_RAISE) except Exception: logger.error("PySRT-parsing failed, trying pysubs2") else: self._is_valid = True return True # something else, try to return srt try: logger.debug("Trying parsing with PySubs2") try: # in case of microdvd, try parsing the fps from the subtitle subs = pysubs2.SSAFile.from_string(text) if subs.format == "microdvd": logger.info("Got FPS from MicroDVD subtitle: %s", subs.fps) else: logger.info("Got format: %s", subs.format) self._og_format = subs.format self._is_valid = True # if self.use_original_format: # self.format = subs.format # self._is_valid = True # logger.debug("Using original format") return True except pysubs2.UnknownFPSError: # if parsing failed, use frame rate from provider sub_fps = self.get_fps() if not isinstance(sub_fps, float) or sub_fps < 10.0: # or use our media file's fps as a fallback sub_fps = self.plex_media_fps logger.info("No FPS info in subtitle. Using our own media FPS for the MicroDVD subtitle: %s", self.plex_media_fps) subs = pysubs2.SSAFile.from_string(text, fps=sub_fps) unicontent = self.pysubs2_to_unicode(subs) self.content = unicontent.encode(self.get_encoding()) except: logger.exception("Couldn't convert subtitle %s to .srt format: %s", self, traceback.format_exc()) return False self._is_valid = True return True @classmethod def pysubs2_to_unicode(cls, sub, format="srt"): """ this is a modified version of pysubs2.SubripFormat.to_file with special handling for drawing tags in ASS :param sub: :param format: :return: """ def ms_to_timestamp(ms, mssep=","): """Convert ms to 'HH:MM:SS,mmm'""" # XXX throw on overflow/underflow? if ms < 0: ms = 0 if ms > MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME: ms = MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME h, m, s, ms = ms_to_times(ms) return "%02d:%02d:%02d%s%03d" % (h, m, s, mssep, ms) def prepare_text(text, style): body = [] for fragment, sty in parse_tags(text, style, sub.styles): fragment = fragment.replace(r"\h", u" ") fragment = fragment.replace(r"\n", u"\n") fragment = fragment.replace(r"\N", u"\n") if sty.drawing: return None if format == "srt": if sty.italic: fragment = u"%s" % fragment if sty.underline: fragment = u"%s" % fragment if sty.strikeout: fragment = u"%s" % fragment elif format == "vtt": if sty.bold: fragment = u"%s" % fragment if sty.italic: fragment = u"%s" % fragment if sty.underline: fragment = u"%s" % fragment body.append(fragment) return re.sub(u"\n+", u"\n", u"".join(body).strip()) visible_lines = (line for line in sub if not line.is_comment) out = [] mssep = "," if format == "vtt": out.append("WEBVTT\n\n") mssep = "." for i, line in enumerate(visible_lines, 1): start = ms_to_timestamp(line.start, mssep=mssep) end = ms_to_timestamp(line.end, mssep=mssep) text = prepare_text(line.text, sub.styles.get(line.style, SSAStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE)) if text is None: continue out.append(u"%d\n" % i) out.append(u"%s --> %s\n" % (start, end)) out.append(u"%s%s" % (text, "\n\n")) return u"".join(out) def get_modified_content(self, format="srt", debug=False): """ :return: string """ if not self.mods: return fix_text(self.content.decode(encoding=self.get_encoding()), **ftfy_defaults).encode( encoding=self.get_encoding()) submods = SubtitleModifications(debug=debug) if submods.load(content=self.text, language=self.language): logger.info("Applying mods: %s", self.mods) submods.modify(*self.mods) self.mods = submods.mods_used content = fix_text(self.pysubs2_to_unicode(submods.f, format=format), **ftfy_defaults)\ .encode(encoding=self.get_encoding()) submods.f = None del submods return content return None class ModifiedSubtitle(Subtitle): id = None MERGED_FORMATS = { "TV": ("HDTV", "SDTV", "AHDTV", "Ultra HDTV"), "Air": ("SATRip", "DVB", "PPV", "Digital TV"), "Disk-HD": ("HD-DVD", "Blu-ray", "Ultra HD Blu-ray"), "Disk-SD": ("DVD", "VHS"), "Web": ("Web",), } MERGED_FORMATS_REV = dict((v.lower(), k.lower()) for k in MERGED_FORMATS for v in MERGED_FORMATS[k]) def _has_match(video, guess, key) -> bool: value = getattr(video, key) guess_value = guess.get(key) # To avoid extra debug calls if guess_value is None or value is None: return False if isinstance(guess_value, list): matched = any(value == item for item in guess_value) else: matched = value == guess_value logger.debug("%s matched? %s (%s -> %s)", key, matched, value, guess_value) return matched def guess_matches(video, guess, partial=False): """Get matches between a `video` and a `guess`. If a guess is `partial`, the absence information won't be counted as a match. Patch: add multiple release group and formats handling :param video: the video. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param guess: the guess. :type guess: dict :param bool partial: whether or not the guess is partial. :return: matches between the `video` and the `guess`. :rtype: set """ matches = set() if isinstance(video, Episode): # series if video.series and 'title' in guess: titles = guess["title"] if not isinstance(titles, list): titles = [titles] for title in titles: if sanitize(title) in (sanitize(name) for name in [video.series] + video.alternative_series): matches.add('series') # title if video.title and 'episode_title' in guess and sanitize(guess['episode_title']) == sanitize(video.title): matches.add('title') # season if video.season and 'season' in guess and guess['season'] == video.season: matches.add('season') # episode # Currently we only have single-ep support (guessit returns a multi-ep as a list with int values) # Most providers only support single-ep, so make sure it contains only 1 episode # In case of multi-ep, take the lowest episode (subtitles will normally be available on lowest episode number) if video.episode and 'episode' in guess: episode = episode_guess = guess['episode'] if isinstance(episode_guess, list): try: episode = min([int(x) for x in episode_guess]) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if episode == video.episode: matches.add('episode') # year if video.year and 'year' in guess and guess['year'] == video.year: matches.add('year') # count "no year" as an information if not partial and video.original_series and 'year' not in guess: matches.add('year') elif isinstance(video, Movie): # year if video.year and 'year' in guess and guess['year'] == video.year: matches.add('year') # title if video.title and 'title' in guess and sanitize(guess['title']) in ( sanitize(name) for name in [video.title] + video.alternative_titles): matches.add('title') # release_group if 'release_group' in guess: release_groups = guess["release_group"] if not isinstance(release_groups, list): release_groups = [release_groups] if video.release_group: for release_group in release_groups: if (sanitize_release_group(release_group) in get_equivalent_release_groups(sanitize_release_group(video.release_group))): matches.add('release_group') break # source if 'source' in guess: formats = guess["source"] if not isinstance(formats, list): formats = [formats] if video.source: video_format = video.source.lower() _video_gen_format = MERGED_FORMATS_REV.get(video_format) matched = False for frmt in formats: _guess_gen_frmt = MERGED_FORMATS_REV.get(frmt.lower()) # We don't want to match a singleton if _guess_gen_frmt is None: # If the source is not in MERGED_FORMATS _guess_gen_frmt = guess["source"] if _guess_gen_frmt == _video_gen_format: matched = True matches.add('source') break logger.debug("Source match found? %s: %s -> %s", matched, video.source, formats) if "release_group" in matches and "source" not in matches: logger.info("Release group matched but source didn't. Removing release group match.") matches.remove("release_group") guess.update({"resolution": guess.get("screen_size")}) # Solve match keys for potential lists for key in ("video_codec", "audio_codec", "edition", "streaming_service", "resolution"): if _has_match(video, guess, key): matches.add(key) for key in ("streaming_service", "edition", "other"): if _check_optional(video, guess, key): matches.add(key) return matches def _check_optional(video, guess, key="edition"): guess_optional = guess.get(key) video_optional = getattr(video, key, None) if video_optional and guess_optional: return _has_match(video, guess, key) if not video_optional and not guess_optional: logger.debug("Both video and guess don't have %s. Returning True", key) return True logger.debug("One item doesn't have %s (%s -> %s). Returning False", key, guess_optional, video_optional) return False