# Multiple input strings having same expected results can be chained. # Use - marker to check inputs that should not match results. ? +DVDSCR ? +DVDScreener ? +DVD-SCR ? +DVD Screener ? +DVD AnythingElse Screener ? -DVD AnythingElse SCR : other: Screener ? +AudioFix ? +AudioFixed ? +Audio Fix ? +Audio Fixed : other: Audio Fixed ? +SyncFix ? +SyncFixed ? +Sync Fix ? +Sync Fixed : other: Sync Fixed ? +DualAudio ? +Dual Audio : other: Dual Audio ? +ws ? +WideScreen ? +Wide Screen : other: Widescreen # Fix must be surround by others properties to be matched. ? DVD.fix.XViD ? -DVD.Fix ? -Fix.XViD : other: Fix -proper_count: 1 ? -DVD.BlablaBla.Fix.Blablabla.XVID ? -DVD.BlablaBla.Fix.XVID ? -DVD.Fix.Blablabla.XVID : other: Fix -proper_count: 1 ? DVD.Real.PROPER.REPACK : other: Proper proper_count: 3 ? Proper.720p ? +Repack ? +Rerip : other: Proper proper_count: 1 ? XViD.Fansub : other: Fan Subtitled ? XViD.Fastsub : other: Fast Subtitled ? +Season Complete ? -Complete : other: Complete ? R5 : other: Region 5 ? RC : other: Region C ? PreAir ? Pre Air : other: Preair ? Screener : other: Screener ? Remux : other: Remux ? 3D.2019 : other: 3D ? HD : other: HD ? FHD ? FullHD ? Full HD : other: Full HD ? UHD ? Ultra ? UltraHD ? Ultra HD : other: Ultra HD ? mHD # ?? ? HDLight : other: Micro HD ? HQ : other: High Quality ? hr : other: High Resolution ? PAL : other: PAL ? SECAM : other: SECAM ? NTSC : other: NTSC ? LDTV : other: Low Definition ? LD : other: Line Dubbed ? MD : other: Mic Dubbed ? -The complete movie : other: Complete ? +The complete movie : title: The complete movie ? +AC3-HQ : audio_profile: High Quality ? Other-HQ : other: High Quality ? reenc ? re-enc ? re-encoded ? reencoded : other: Reencoded ? CONVERT XViD : other: Converted ? +HDRIP # it's a Rip from non specified HD source : other: [HD, Rip] ? SDR : other: Standard Dynamic Range ? HDR ? HDR10 ? -HDR100 : other: HDR10 ? BT2020 ? BT.2020 ? -BT.20200 ? -BT.2021 : other: BT.2020 ? Upscaled ? Upscale : other: Upscaled