import React, { FunctionComponent, useEffect } from "react"; import { Row } from "react-bootstrap"; import { Provider } from "react-redux"; import { Route, Switch } from "react-router"; import { BrowserRouter, Redirect } from "react-router-dom"; import { useEffectOnceWhen } from "rooks"; import Socketio from "../@modules/socketio"; import { useReduxStore } from "../@redux/hooks/base"; import { useNotification } from "../@redux/hooks/site"; import store from "../@redux/store"; import { LoadingIndicator, ModalProvider } from "../components"; import Router from "../Router"; import Sidebar from "../Sidebar"; import Auth from "../special-pages/AuthPage"; import ErrorBoundary from "../special-pages/ErrorBoundary"; import LaunchError from "../special-pages/LaunchError"; import { Environment } from "../utilities"; import Header from "./Header"; // Sidebar Toggle interface Props {} const App: FunctionComponent = () => { const { initialized, auth } = useReduxStore((s) =>; const notify = useNotification("has-update", 10 * 1000); // Has any update? useEffectOnceWhen(() => { if (Environment.hasUpdate) { notify({ type: "info", message: "A new version of Bazarr is ready, restart is required", // TODO: Restart action }); } }, initialized === true); if (!auth) { return ; } if (typeof initialized === "boolean" && initialized === false) { return ( Please wait ); } else if (typeof initialized === "string") { return {initialized}; } return (
); }; const MainRouter: FunctionComponent = () => { useEffect(() => { Socketio.initialize(); }, []); return ( ); }; const Main: FunctionComponent = () => { return ( {/* TODO: Enabled Strict Mode after react-bootstrap upgrade to bootstrap 5 */} {/* */} {/* */} ); }; export default Main;