# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Apprise Asset # # Copyright (C) 2017 Chris Caron # # This file is part of apprise. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. import re from os.path import join from os.path import dirname from os.path import isfile from os.path import abspath from .common import NotifyType class AppriseAsset(object): """ Provides a supplimentary class that can be used to provide extra information and details that can be used by Apprise such as providing an alternate location to where images/icons can be found and the URL masks. """ # Application Identifier app_id = 'Apprise' # Application Description app_desc = 'Apprise Notifications' # Provider URL app_url = 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise' # A Simple Mapping of Colors; For every NOTIFY_TYPE identified, # there should be a mapping to it's color here: html_notify_map = { NotifyType.INFO: '#3AA3E3', NotifyType.SUCCESS: '#3AA337', NotifyType.FAILURE: '#A32037', NotifyType.WARNING: '#CACF29', } # The default color to return if a mapping isn't found in our table above default_html_color = '#888888' # The default image extension to use default_extension = '.png' # The default theme theme = 'default' # Image URL Mask image_url_mask = \ 'http://nuxref.com/apprise/themes/{THEME}/' \ 'apprise-{TYPE}-{XY}{EXTENSION}' # Application Logo image_url_logo = \ 'http://nuxref.com/apprise/themes/{THEME}/apprise-logo.png' # Image Path Mask image_path_mask = abspath(join( dirname(__file__), 'assets', 'themes', '{THEME}', 'apprise-{TYPE}-{XY}{EXTENSION}', )) def __init__(self, theme='default', image_path_mask=None, image_url_mask=None, default_extension=None): """ Asset Initialization """ if theme: self.theme = theme if image_path_mask is not None: self.image_path_mask = image_path_mask if image_url_mask is not None: self.image_url_mask = image_url_mask if default_extension is not None: self.default_extension = default_extension def color(self, notify_type, color_type=None): """ Returns an HTML mapped color based on passed in notify type if color_type is: None then a standard hex string is returned as a string format ('#000000'). int then the integer representation is returned tuple then the the red, green, blue is returned in a tuple """ # Attempt to get the type, otherwise return a default grey # if we couldn't look up the entry color = self.html_notify_map.get(notify_type, self.default_html_color) if color_type is None: # This is the default return type return color elif color_type is int: # Convert the color to integer return AppriseAsset.hex_to_int(color) # The only other type is tuple elif color_type is tuple: return AppriseAsset.hex_to_rgb(color) # Unsupported type raise ValueError( 'AppriseAsset html_color(): An invalid color_type was specified.') def image_url(self, notify_type, image_size, logo=False, extension=None): """ Apply our mask to our image URL if logo is set to True, then the logo_url is used instead """ url_mask = self.image_url_logo if logo else self.image_url_mask if not url_mask: # No image to return return None if extension is None: extension = self.default_extension re_map = { '{THEME}': self.theme if self.theme else '', '{TYPE}': notify_type, '{XY}': image_size, '{EXTENSION}': extension, } # Iterate over above list and store content accordingly re_table = re.compile( r'(' + '|'.join(re_map.keys()) + r')', re.IGNORECASE, ) return re_table.sub(lambda x: re_map[x.group()], url_mask) def image_path(self, notify_type, image_size, must_exist=True, extension=None): """ Apply our mask to our image file path """ if not self.image_path_mask: # No image to return return None if extension is None: extension = self.default_extension re_map = { '{THEME}': self.theme if self.theme else '', '{TYPE}': notify_type, '{XY}': image_size, '{EXTENSION}': extension, } # Iterate over above list and store content accordingly re_table = re.compile( r'(' + '|'.join(re_map.keys()) + r')', re.IGNORECASE, ) # Acquire our path path = re_table.sub(lambda x: re_map[x.group()], self.image_path_mask) if must_exist and not isfile(path): return None # Return what we parsed return path def image_raw(self, notify_type, image_size, extension=None): """ Returns the raw image if it can (otherwise the function returns None) """ path = self.image_path( notify_type=notify_type, image_size=image_size, extension=extension, ) if path: try: with open(path, 'rb') as fd: return fd.read() except (OSError, IOError): # We can't access the file return None return None @staticmethod def hex_to_rgb(value): """ Takes a hex string (such as #00ff00) and returns a tuple in the form of (red, green, blue) eg: #00ff00 becomes : (0, 65535, 0) """ value = value.lstrip('#') lv = len(value) return tuple(int(value[i:i + lv // 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv // 3)) @staticmethod def hex_to_int(value): """ Takes a hex string (such as #00ff00) and returns its integer equivalent eg: #00000f becomes : 15 """ return int(value.lstrip('#'), 16)