# mypy: allow-untyped-defs, allow-incomplete-defs, allow-untyped-calls # mypy: no-warn-return-any, allow-any-generics from __future__ import annotations import functools from typing import Optional from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Union from sqlalchemy import exc from sqlalchemy import Integer from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles from sqlalchemy.schema import Column from sqlalchemy.schema import DDLElement from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import quoted_name from ..util.sqla_compat import _columns_for_constraint # noqa from ..util.sqla_compat import _find_columns # noqa from ..util.sqla_compat import _fk_spec # noqa from ..util.sqla_compat import _is_type_bound # noqa from ..util.sqla_compat import _table_for_constraint # noqa if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Any from sqlalchemy.sql.compiler import Compiled from sqlalchemy.sql.compiler import DDLCompiler from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import TextClause from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import Function from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import FetchedValue from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import TypeEngine from .impl import DefaultImpl from ..util.sqla_compat import Computed from ..util.sqla_compat import Identity _ServerDefault = Union["TextClause", "FetchedValue", "Function[Any]", str] class AlterTable(DDLElement): """Represent an ALTER TABLE statement. Only the string name and optional schema name of the table is required, not a full Table object. """ def __init__( self, table_name: str, schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]] = None, ) -> None: self.table_name = table_name self.schema = schema class RenameTable(AlterTable): def __init__( self, old_table_name: str, new_table_name: Union[quoted_name, str], schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(old_table_name, schema=schema) self.new_table_name = new_table_name class AlterColumn(AlterTable): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, existing_type: Optional[TypeEngine] = None, existing_nullable: Optional[bool] = None, existing_server_default: Optional[_ServerDefault] = None, existing_comment: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, schema=schema) self.column_name = column_name self.existing_type = ( sqltypes.to_instance(existing_type) if existing_type is not None else None ) self.existing_nullable = existing_nullable self.existing_server_default = existing_server_default self.existing_comment = existing_comment class ColumnNullable(AlterColumn): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, nullable: bool, **kw ) -> None: super().__init__(name, column_name, **kw) self.nullable = nullable class ColumnType(AlterColumn): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, type_: TypeEngine, **kw ) -> None: super().__init__(name, column_name, **kw) self.type_ = sqltypes.to_instance(type_) class ColumnName(AlterColumn): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, newname: str, **kw ) -> None: super().__init__(name, column_name, **kw) self.newname = newname class ColumnDefault(AlterColumn): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, default: Optional[_ServerDefault], **kw, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, column_name, **kw) self.default = default class ComputedColumnDefault(AlterColumn): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, default: Optional[Computed], **kw ) -> None: super().__init__(name, column_name, **kw) self.default = default class IdentityColumnDefault(AlterColumn): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, default: Optional[Identity], impl: DefaultImpl, **kw, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, column_name, **kw) self.default = default self.impl = impl class AddColumn(AlterTable): def __init__( self, name: str, column: Column[Any], schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, schema=schema) self.column = column class DropColumn(AlterTable): def __init__( self, name: str, column: Column[Any], schema: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(name, schema=schema) self.column = column class ColumnComment(AlterColumn): def __init__( self, name: str, column_name: str, comment: Optional[str], **kw ) -> None: super().__init__(name, column_name, **kw) self.comment = comment @compiles(RenameTable) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_rename_table( element: RenameTable, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw ) -> str: return "%s RENAME TO %s" % ( alter_table(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), format_table_name(compiler, element.new_table_name, element.schema), ) @compiles(AddColumn) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_add_column(element: AddColumn, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) -> str: return "%s %s" % ( alter_table(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), add_column(compiler, element.column, **kw), ) @compiles(DropColumn) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_drop_column(element: DropColumn, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) -> str: return "%s %s" % ( alter_table(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), drop_column(compiler, element.column.name, **kw), ) @compiles(ColumnNullable) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_column_nullable( element: ColumnNullable, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw ) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % ( alter_table(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), alter_column(compiler, element.column_name), "DROP NOT NULL" if element.nullable else "SET NOT NULL", ) @compiles(ColumnType) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_column_type(element: ColumnType, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % ( alter_table(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), alter_column(compiler, element.column_name), "TYPE %s" % format_type(compiler, element.type_), ) @compiles(ColumnName) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_column_name(element: ColumnName, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw) -> str: return "%s RENAME %s TO %s" % ( alter_table(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), format_column_name(compiler, element.column_name), format_column_name(compiler, element.newname), ) @compiles(ColumnDefault) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_column_default( element: ColumnDefault, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw ) -> str: return "%s %s %s" % ( alter_table(compiler, element.table_name, element.schema), alter_column(compiler, element.column_name), "SET DEFAULT %s" % format_server_default(compiler, element.default) if element.default is not None else "DROP DEFAULT", ) @compiles(ComputedColumnDefault) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_computed_column( element: ComputedColumnDefault, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw ): raise exc.CompileError( 'Adding or removing a "computed" construct, e.g. GENERATED ' "ALWAYS AS, to or from an existing column is not supported." ) @compiles(IdentityColumnDefault) # type: ignore[misc] def visit_identity_column( element: IdentityColumnDefault, compiler: DDLCompiler, **kw ): raise exc.CompileError( 'Adding, removing or modifying an "identity" construct, ' "e.g. GENERATED AS IDENTITY, to or from an existing " "column is not supported in this dialect." ) def quote_dotted( name: Union[quoted_name, str], quote: functools.partial ) -> Union[quoted_name, str]: """quote the elements of a dotted name""" if isinstance(name, quoted_name): return quote(name) result = ".".join([quote(x) for x in name.split(".")]) return result def format_table_name( compiler: Compiled, name: Union[quoted_name, str], schema: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]], ) -> Union[quoted_name, str]: quote = functools.partial(compiler.preparer.quote) if schema: return quote_dotted(schema, quote) + "." + quote(name) else: return quote(name) def format_column_name( compiler: DDLCompiler, name: Optional[Union[quoted_name, str]] ) -> Union[quoted_name, str]: return compiler.preparer.quote(name) # type: ignore[arg-type] def format_server_default( compiler: DDLCompiler, default: Optional[_ServerDefault], ) -> str: return compiler.get_column_default_string( Column("x", Integer, server_default=default) ) def format_type(compiler: DDLCompiler, type_: TypeEngine) -> str: return compiler.dialect.type_compiler.process(type_) def alter_table( compiler: DDLCompiler, name: str, schema: Optional[str], ) -> str: return "ALTER TABLE %s" % format_table_name(compiler, name, schema) def drop_column(compiler: DDLCompiler, name: str, **kw) -> str: return "DROP COLUMN %s" % format_column_name(compiler, name) def alter_column(compiler: DDLCompiler, name: str) -> str: return "ALTER COLUMN %s" % format_column_name(compiler, name) def add_column(compiler: DDLCompiler, column: Column[Any], **kw) -> str: text = "ADD COLUMN %s" % compiler.get_column_specification(column, **kw) const = " ".join( compiler.process(constraint) for constraint in column.constraints ) if const: text += " " + const return text