""" File Backends ------------------ Provides backends that deal with local filesystem access. """ from contextlib import contextmanager import dbm import os import threading from ..api import BytesBackend from ..api import NO_VALUE from ... import util __all__ = ["DBMBackend", "FileLock", "AbstractFileLock"] class DBMBackend(BytesBackend): """A file-backend using a dbm file to store keys. Basic usage:: from dogpile.cache import make_region region = make_region().configure( 'dogpile.cache.dbm', expiration_time = 3600, arguments = { "filename":"/path/to/cachefile.dbm" } ) DBM access is provided using the Python ``anydbm`` module, which selects a platform-specific dbm module to use. This may be made to be more configurable in a future release. Note that different dbm modules have different behaviors. Some dbm implementations handle their own locking, while others don't. The :class:`.DBMBackend` uses a read/write lockfile by default, which is compatible even with those DBM implementations for which this is unnecessary, though the behavior can be disabled. The DBM backend by default makes use of two lockfiles. One is in order to protect the DBM file itself from concurrent writes, the other is to coordinate value creation (i.e. the dogpile lock). By default, these lockfiles use the ``flock()`` system call for locking; this is **only available on Unix platforms**. An alternative lock implementation, such as one which is based on threads or uses a third-party system such as `portalocker `_, can be dropped in using the ``lock_factory`` argument in conjunction with the :class:`.AbstractFileLock` base class. Currently, the dogpile lock is against the entire DBM file, not per key. This means there can only be one "creator" job running at a time per dbm file. A future improvement might be to have the dogpile lock using a filename that's based on a modulus of the key. Locking on a filename that uniquely corresponds to the key is problematic, since it's not generally safe to delete lockfiles as the application runs, implying an unlimited number of key-based files would need to be created and never deleted. Parameters to the ``arguments`` dictionary are below. :param filename: path of the filename in which to create the DBM file. Note that some dbm backends will change this name to have additional suffixes. :param rw_lockfile: the name of the file to use for read/write locking. If omitted, a default name is used by appending the suffix ".rw.lock" to the DBM filename. If False, then no lock is used. :param dogpile_lockfile: the name of the file to use for value creation, i.e. the dogpile lock. If omitted, a default name is used by appending the suffix ".dogpile.lock" to the DBM filename. If False, then dogpile.cache uses the default dogpile lock, a plain thread-based mutex. :param lock_factory: a function or class which provides for a read/write lock. Defaults to :class:`.FileLock`. Custom implementations need to implement context-manager based ``read()`` and ``write()`` functions - the :class:`.AbstractFileLock` class is provided as a base class which provides these methods based on individual read/write lock functions. E.g. to replace the lock with the dogpile.core :class:`.ReadWriteMutex`:: from dogpile.core.readwrite_lock import ReadWriteMutex from dogpile.cache.backends.file import AbstractFileLock class MutexLock(AbstractFileLock): def __init__(self, filename): self.mutex = ReadWriteMutex() def acquire_read_lock(self, wait): ret = self.mutex.acquire_read_lock(wait) return wait or ret def acquire_write_lock(self, wait): ret = self.mutex.acquire_write_lock(wait) return wait or ret def release_read_lock(self): return self.mutex.release_read_lock() def release_write_lock(self): return self.mutex.release_write_lock() from dogpile.cache import make_region region = make_region().configure( "dogpile.cache.dbm", expiration_time=300, arguments={ "filename": "file.dbm", "lock_factory": MutexLock } ) While the included :class:`.FileLock` uses ``os.flock()``, a windows-compatible implementation can be built using a library such as `portalocker `_. .. versionadded:: 0.5.2 """ def __init__(self, arguments): self.filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.normpath(arguments["filename"]) ) dir_, filename = os.path.split(self.filename) self.lock_factory = arguments.get("lock_factory", FileLock) self._rw_lock = self._init_lock( arguments.get("rw_lockfile"), ".rw.lock", dir_, filename ) self._dogpile_lock = self._init_lock( arguments.get("dogpile_lockfile"), ".dogpile.lock", dir_, filename, util.KeyReentrantMutex.factory, ) self._init_dbm_file() def _init_lock(self, argument, suffix, basedir, basefile, wrapper=None): if argument is None: lock = self.lock_factory(os.path.join(basedir, basefile + suffix)) elif argument is not False: lock = self.lock_factory( os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(argument)) ) else: return None if wrapper: lock = wrapper(lock) return lock def _init_dbm_file(self): exists = os.access(self.filename, os.F_OK) if not exists: for ext in ("db", "dat", "pag", "dir"): if os.access(self.filename + os.extsep + ext, os.F_OK): exists = True break if not exists: fh = dbm.open(self.filename, "c") fh.close() def get_mutex(self, key): # using one dogpile for the whole file. Other ways # to do this might be using a set of files keyed to a # hash/modulus of the key. the issue is it's never # really safe to delete a lockfile as this can # break other processes trying to get at the file # at the same time - so handling unlimited keys # can't imply unlimited filenames if self._dogpile_lock: return self._dogpile_lock(key) else: return None @contextmanager def _use_rw_lock(self, write): if self._rw_lock is None: yield elif write: with self._rw_lock.write(): yield else: with self._rw_lock.read(): yield @contextmanager def _dbm_file(self, write): with self._use_rw_lock(write): with dbm.open(self.filename, "w" if write else "r") as dbm_obj: yield dbm_obj def get_serialized(self, key): with self._dbm_file(False) as dbm_obj: if hasattr(dbm_obj, "get"): value = dbm_obj.get(key, NO_VALUE) else: # gdbm objects lack a .get method try: value = dbm_obj[key] except KeyError: value = NO_VALUE return value def get_serialized_multi(self, keys): return [self.get_serialized(key) for key in keys] def set_serialized(self, key, value): with self._dbm_file(True) as dbm_obj: dbm_obj[key] = value def set_serialized_multi(self, mapping): with self._dbm_file(True) as dbm_obj: for key, value in mapping.items(): dbm_obj[key] = value def delete(self, key): with self._dbm_file(True) as dbm_obj: try: del dbm_obj[key] except KeyError: pass def delete_multi(self, keys): with self._dbm_file(True) as dbm_obj: for key in keys: try: del dbm_obj[key] except KeyError: pass class AbstractFileLock: """Coordinate read/write access to a file. typically is a file-based lock but doesn't necessarily have to be. The default implementation here is :class:`.FileLock`. Implementations should provide the following methods:: * __init__() * acquire_read_lock() * acquire_write_lock() * release_read_lock() * release_write_lock() The ``__init__()`` method accepts a single argument "filename", which may be used as the "lock file", for those implementations that use a lock file. Note that multithreaded environments must provide a thread-safe version of this lock. The recommended approach for file- descriptor-based locks is to use a Python ``threading.local()`` so that a unique file descriptor is held per thread. See the source code of :class:`.FileLock` for an implementation example. """ def __init__(self, filename): """Constructor, is given the filename of a potential lockfile. The usage of this filename is optional and no file is created by default. Raises ``NotImplementedError`` by default, must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() def acquire(self, wait=True): """Acquire the "write" lock. This is a direct call to :meth:`.AbstractFileLock.acquire_write_lock`. """ return self.acquire_write_lock(wait) def release(self): """Release the "write" lock. This is a direct call to :meth:`.AbstractFileLock.release_write_lock`. """ self.release_write_lock() @contextmanager def read(self): """Provide a context manager for the "read" lock. This method makes use of :meth:`.AbstractFileLock.acquire_read_lock` and :meth:`.AbstractFileLock.release_read_lock` """ self.acquire_read_lock(True) try: yield finally: self.release_read_lock() @contextmanager def write(self): """Provide a context manager for the "write" lock. This method makes use of :meth:`.AbstractFileLock.acquire_write_lock` and :meth:`.AbstractFileLock.release_write_lock` """ self.acquire_write_lock(True) try: yield finally: self.release_write_lock() @property def is_open(self): """optional method.""" raise NotImplementedError() def acquire_read_lock(self, wait): """Acquire a 'reader' lock. Raises ``NotImplementedError`` by default, must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() def acquire_write_lock(self, wait): """Acquire a 'write' lock. Raises ``NotImplementedError`` by default, must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() def release_read_lock(self): """Release a 'reader' lock. Raises ``NotImplementedError`` by default, must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() def release_write_lock(self): """Release a 'writer' lock. Raises ``NotImplementedError`` by default, must be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError() class FileLock(AbstractFileLock): """Use lockfiles to coordinate read/write access to a file. Only works on Unix systems, using `fcntl.flock() `_. """ def __init__(self, filename): self._filedescriptor = threading.local() self.filename = filename @util.memoized_property def _module(self): import fcntl return fcntl @property def is_open(self): return hasattr(self._filedescriptor, "fileno") def acquire_read_lock(self, wait): return self._acquire(wait, os.O_RDONLY, self._module.LOCK_SH) def acquire_write_lock(self, wait): return self._acquire(wait, os.O_WRONLY, self._module.LOCK_EX) def release_read_lock(self): self._release() def release_write_lock(self): self._release() def _acquire(self, wait, wrflag, lockflag): wrflag |= os.O_CREAT fileno = os.open(self.filename, wrflag) try: if not wait: lockflag |= self._module.LOCK_NB self._module.flock(fileno, lockflag) except IOError: os.close(fileno) if not wait: # this is typically # "[Errno 35] Resource temporarily unavailable", # because of LOCK_NB return False else: raise else: self._filedescriptor.fileno = fileno return True def _release(self): try: fileno = self._filedescriptor.fileno except AttributeError: return else: self._module.flock(fileno, self._module.LOCK_UN) os.close(fileno) del self._filedescriptor.fileno