import json def dispose(json_str): """Clear all comments in json_str. Clear JS-style comments like // and /**/ in json_str. Accept a str or unicode as input. Args: json_str: A json string of str or unicode to clean up comment Returns: str: The str without comments (or unicode if you pass in unicode) """ result_str = list(json_str) escaped = False normal = True sl_comment = False ml_comment = False quoted = False a_step_from_comment = False a_step_from_comment_away = False former_index = None for index, char in enumerate(json_str): if escaped: # We have just met a '\' escaped = False continue if a_step_from_comment: # We have just met a '/' if char != '/' and char != '*': a_step_from_comment = False normal = True continue if char == '"': if normal and not escaped: # We are now in a string quoted = True normal = False elif quoted and not escaped: # We are now out of a string quoted = False normal = True elif char == '\\': # '\' should not take effect in comment if normal or quoted: escaped = True elif char == '/': if a_step_from_comment: # Now we are in single line comment a_step_from_comment = False sl_comment = True normal = False former_index = index - 1 elif a_step_from_comment_away: # Now we are out of comment a_step_from_comment_away = False normal = True ml_comment = False for i in range(former_index, index + 1): result_str[i] = "" elif normal: # Now we are just one step away from comment a_step_from_comment = True normal = False elif char == '*': if a_step_from_comment: # We are now in multi-line comment a_step_from_comment = False ml_comment = True normal = False former_index = index - 1 elif ml_comment: a_step_from_comment_away = True elif char == '\n': if sl_comment: sl_comment = False normal = True for i in range(former_index, index + 1): result_str[i] = "" elif char == ']' or char == '}': if normal: _remove_last_comma(result_str, index) # Show respect to original input if we are in python2 return ("" if isinstance(json_str, str) else u"").join(result_str) # There may be performance suffer backtracking the last comma def _remove_last_comma(str_list, before_index): i = before_index - 1 while str_list[i].isspace() or not str_list[i]: i -= 1 # This is the first none space char before before_index if str_list[i] == ',': str_list[i] = '' # Below are just some wrapper function around the standard json module. def loads(text, **kwargs): return json.loads(dispose(text), **kwargs) def load(fp, **kwargs): return loads(, **kwargs) def dumps(obj, **kwargs): return json.dumps(obj, **kwargs) def dump(obj, fp, **kwargs): json.dump(obj, fp, **kwargs)