# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import inspect import warnings import logging from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict import six from flask import request from flask.views import http_method_funcs from ._http import HTTPStatus from .errors import abort from .marshalling import marshal, marshal_with from .model import Model, OrderedModel, SchemaModel from .reqparse import RequestParser from .utils import merge # Container for each route applied to a Resource using @ns.route decorator ResourceRoute = namedtuple("ResourceRoute", "resource urls route_doc kwargs") class Namespace(object): """ Group resources together. Namespace is to API what :class:`flask:flask.Blueprint` is for :class:`flask:flask.Flask`. :param str name: The namespace name :param str description: An optional short description :param str path: An optional prefix path. If not provided, prefix is ``/+name`` :param list decorators: A list of decorators to apply to each resources :param bool validate: Whether or not to perform validation on this namespace :param bool ordered: Whether or not to preserve order on models and marshalling :param Api api: an optional API to attache to the namespace """ def __init__( self, name, description=None, path=None, decorators=None, validate=None, authorizations=None, ordered=False, **kwargs ): self.name = name self.description = description self._path = path self._schema = None self._validate = validate self.models = {} self.urls = {} self.decorators = decorators if decorators else [] self.resources = [] # List[ResourceRoute] self.error_handlers = OrderedDict() self.default_error_handler = None self.authorizations = authorizations self.ordered = ordered self.apis = [] if "api" in kwargs: self.apis.append(kwargs["api"]) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + "." + self.name) @property def path(self): return (self._path or ("/" + self.name)).rstrip("/") def add_resource(self, resource, *urls, **kwargs): """ Register a Resource for a given API Namespace :param Resource resource: the resource ro register :param str urls: one or more url routes to match for the resource, standard flask routing rules apply. Any url variables will be passed to the resource method as args. :param str endpoint: endpoint name (defaults to :meth:`Resource.__name__.lower` Can be used to reference this route in :class:`fields.Url` fields :param list|tuple resource_class_args: args to be forwarded to the constructor of the resource. :param dict resource_class_kwargs: kwargs to be forwarded to the constructor of the resource. Additional keyword arguments not specified above will be passed as-is to :meth:`flask.Flask.add_url_rule`. Examples:: namespace.add_resource(HelloWorld, '/', '/hello') namespace.add_resource(Foo, '/foo', endpoint="foo") namespace.add_resource(FooSpecial, '/special/foo', endpoint="foo") """ route_doc = kwargs.pop("route_doc", {}) self.resources.append(ResourceRoute(resource, urls, route_doc, kwargs)) for api in self.apis: ns_urls = api.ns_urls(self, urls) api.register_resource(self, resource, *ns_urls, **kwargs) def route(self, *urls, **kwargs): """ A decorator to route resources. """ def wrapper(cls): doc = kwargs.pop("doc", None) if doc is not None: # build api doc intended only for this route kwargs["route_doc"] = self._build_doc(cls, doc) self.add_resource(cls, *urls, **kwargs) return cls return wrapper def _build_doc(self, cls, doc): if doc is False: return False unshortcut_params_description(doc) handle_deprecations(doc) for http_method in http_method_funcs: if http_method in doc: if doc[http_method] is False: continue unshortcut_params_description(doc[http_method]) handle_deprecations(doc[http_method]) if "expect" in doc[http_method] and not isinstance( doc[http_method]["expect"], (list, tuple) ): doc[http_method]["expect"] = [doc[http_method]["expect"]] return merge(getattr(cls, "__apidoc__", {}), doc) def doc(self, shortcut=None, **kwargs): """A decorator to add some api documentation to the decorated object""" if isinstance(shortcut, six.text_type): kwargs["id"] = shortcut show = shortcut if isinstance(shortcut, bool) else True def wrapper(documented): documented.__apidoc__ = self._build_doc( documented, kwargs if show else False ) return documented return wrapper def hide(self, func): """A decorator to hide a resource or a method from specifications""" return self.doc(False)(func) def abort(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Properly abort the current request See: :func:`~flask_restx.errors.abort` """ abort(*args, **kwargs) def add_model(self, name, definition): self.models[name] = definition for api in self.apis: api.models[name] = definition return definition def model(self, name=None, model=None, mask=None, strict=False, **kwargs): """ Register a model :param bool strict - should model validation raise error when non-specified param is provided? .. seealso:: :class:`Model` """ cls = OrderedModel if self.ordered else Model model = cls(name, model, mask=mask, strict=strict) model.__apidoc__.update(kwargs) return self.add_model(name, model) def schema_model(self, name=None, schema=None): """ Register a model .. seealso:: :class:`Model` """ model = SchemaModel(name, schema) return self.add_model(name, model) def extend(self, name, parent, fields): """ Extend a model (Duplicate all fields) :deprecated: since 0.9. Use :meth:`clone` instead """ if isinstance(parent, list): parents = parent + [fields] model = Model.extend(name, *parents) else: model = Model.extend(name, parent, fields) return self.add_model(name, model) def clone(self, name, *specs): """ Clone a model (Duplicate all fields) :param str name: the resulting model name :param specs: a list of models from which to clone the fields .. seealso:: :meth:`Model.clone` """ model = Model.clone(name, *specs) return self.add_model(name, model) def inherit(self, name, *specs): """ Inherit a model (use the Swagger composition pattern aka. allOf) .. seealso:: :meth:`Model.inherit` """ model = Model.inherit(name, *specs) return self.add_model(name, model) def expect(self, *inputs, **kwargs): """ A decorator to Specify the expected input model :param ModelBase|Parse inputs: An expect model or request parser :param bool validate: whether to perform validation or not """ expect = [] params = {"validate": kwargs.get("validate", self._validate), "expect": expect} for param in inputs: expect.append(param) return self.doc(**params) def parser(self): """Instanciate a :class:`~RequestParser`""" return RequestParser() def as_list(self, field): """Allow to specify nested lists for documentation""" field.__apidoc__ = merge(getattr(field, "__apidoc__", {}), {"as_list": True}) return field def marshal_with( self, fields, as_list=False, code=HTTPStatus.OK, description=None, **kwargs ): """ A decorator specifying the fields to use for serialization. :param bool as_list: Indicate that the return type is a list (for the documentation) :param int code: Optionally give the expected HTTP response code if its different from 200 """ def wrapper(func): doc = { "responses": { str(code): (description, [fields], kwargs) if as_list else (description, fields, kwargs) }, "__mask__": kwargs.get( "mask", True ), # Mask values can't be determined outside app context } func.__apidoc__ = merge(getattr(func, "__apidoc__", {}), doc) return marshal_with(fields, ordered=self.ordered, **kwargs)(func) return wrapper def marshal_list_with(self, fields, **kwargs): """A shortcut decorator for :meth:`~Api.marshal_with` with ``as_list=True``""" return self.marshal_with(fields, True, **kwargs) def marshal(self, *args, **kwargs): """A shortcut to the :func:`marshal` helper""" return marshal(*args, **kwargs) def errorhandler(self, exception): """A decorator to register an error handler for a given exception""" if inspect.isclass(exception) and issubclass(exception, Exception): # Register an error handler for a given exception def wrapper(func): self.error_handlers[exception] = func return func return wrapper else: # Register the default error handler self.default_error_handler = exception return exception def param(self, name, description=None, _in="query", **kwargs): """ A decorator to specify one of the expected parameters :param str name: the parameter name :param str description: a small description :param str _in: the parameter location `(query|header|formData|body|cookie)` """ param = kwargs param["in"] = _in param["description"] = description return self.doc(params={name: param}) def response(self, code, description, model=None, **kwargs): """ A decorator to specify one of the expected responses :param int code: the HTTP status code :param str description: a small description about the response :param ModelBase model: an optional response model """ return self.doc(responses={str(code): (description, model, kwargs)}) def header(self, name, description=None, **kwargs): """ A decorator to specify one of the expected headers :param str name: the HTTP header name :param str description: a description about the header """ header = {"description": description} header.update(kwargs) return self.doc(headers={name: header}) def produces(self, mimetypes): """A decorator to specify the MIME types the API can produce""" return self.doc(produces=mimetypes) def deprecated(self, func): """A decorator to mark a resource or a method as deprecated""" return self.doc(deprecated=True)(func) def vendor(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A decorator to expose vendor extensions. Extensions can be submitted as dict or kwargs. The ``x-`` prefix is optionnal and will be added if missing. See: http://swagger.io/specification/#specification-extensions-128 """ for arg in args: kwargs.update(arg) return self.doc(vendor=kwargs) @property def payload(self): """Store the input payload in the current request context""" return request.get_json() def unshortcut_params_description(data): if "params" in data: for name, description in six.iteritems(data["params"]): if isinstance(description, six.string_types): data["params"][name] = {"description": description} def handle_deprecations(doc): if "parser" in doc: warnings.warn( "The parser attribute is deprecated, use expect instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) doc["expect"] = doc.get("expect", []) + [doc.pop("parser")] if "body" in doc: warnings.warn( "The body attribute is deprecated, use expect instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) doc["expect"] = doc.get("expect", []) + [doc.pop("body")]