import React, { FunctionComponent, useMemo } from "react"; import { Check, CollapseBox, Group, Input, Message, Selector, SettingsProvider, } from "../components"; import { dayOptions, diskUpdateOptions, episodesSyncOptions, moviesSyncOptions, seriesSyncOptions, upgradeOptions, } from "./options"; const SettingsSchedulerView: FunctionComponent = () => { const timeOptions = useMemo(() => { return Array(24) .fill(null) .map>((_, idx) => ({ label: `${idx}:00`, value: idx, })); }, []); return ( k === "Weekly"}> k === "Daily" || k === "Weekly"}> If disabled, Bazarr will use ffprobe to index video file properties on each run. This will result in higher disk I/O. k === "Weekly"}> k === "Daily" || k === "Weekly"}> If disabled, Bazarr will use ffprobe to index video file properties on each run. This will result in higher disk I/O. ); }; export default SettingsSchedulerView;