# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import io import os import logging from urllib.parse import unquote from random import randint from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile from rarfile import RarFile, is_rarfile from guessit import guessit from requests import Session import chardet from bs4 import NavigableString, UnicodeDammit from subzero.language import Language from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal_patch.providers.mixins import ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle from subliminal_patch.score import get_scores, framerate_equal from subliminal.providers import ParserBeautifulSoup from subliminal.subtitle import sanitize, guess_matches, SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS from subliminal.video import Episode, Movie from .utils import FIRST_THOUSAND_OR_SO_USER_AGENTS as AGENT_LIST logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SoustitreseuSubtitle(Subtitle): """Sous-Titres.eu Subtitle.""" provider_name = 'soustitreseu' def __init__(self, language, video, name, data, content, is_perfect_match): self.language = language self.srt_filename = name self.release_info = name self.page_link = None self.download_link = None self.data = data self.video = video self.matches = None self.content = content self.hearing_impaired = None self.is_perfect_match = is_perfect_match @property def id(self): return self.srt_filename def get_matches(self, video): matches = set() if self.is_perfect_match: if isinstance(video, Episode): matches.add('series') else: matches.add('title') # guess additional info from data matches |= guess_matches(video, self.data) self.matches = matches self.data = None # removing this make the subtitles object unpickable return matches def guess_encoding(self): # override default subtitle guess_encoding method to not include language-specific encodings guessing # chardet encoding detection seem to yield better results """Guess encoding using chardet. :return: the guessed encoding. :rtype: str """ if self._guessed_encoding: return self._guessed_encoding logger.info('Guessing encoding for language %s', self.language) # guess/detect encoding using chardet encoding = chardet.detect(self.content)['encoding'] logger.info('Chardet found encoding %s', encoding) if not encoding: # fallback on bs4 logger.info('Falling back to bs4 detection') a = UnicodeDammit(self.content) logger.info("bs4 detected encoding: %s", a.original_encoding) if a.original_encoding: self._guessed_encoding = a.original_encoding return a.original_encoding raise ValueError(u"Couldn't guess the proper encoding for %s", self) self._guessed_encoding = encoding return encoding class SoustitreseuProvider(Provider, ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin): """Sous-Titres.eu Provider.""" subtitle_class = SoustitreseuSubtitle languages = {Language(l) for l in ['fra', 'eng']} server_url = 'https://www.sous-titres.eu/' search_url = server_url + 'search.html' def __init__(self): self.session = None self.is_perfect_match = False def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = AGENT_LIST[randint(0, len(AGENT_LIST) - 1)] self.session.headers['Referer'] = self.server_url def terminate(self): self.session.close() def query_series(self, video, title): subtitles = [] r = self.session.get(self.search_url, params={'q': title}, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), ['html.parser']) # loop over series name self.is_perfect_match = False series_url = [] series = soup.select('.serie > h3 > a') for item in series: # title if title in item.text: series_url.append(item.attrs['href']) self.is_perfect_match = True series_subs_archives_url = [] for series_page in series_url: page_link = self.server_url + series_page r = self.session.get(page_link, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), ['html.parser']) series_subs_archives = soup.select('a.subList') for item in series_subs_archives: matching_archive = False subtitles_archive_name = unquote(item.attrs['href'].split('/')[-1:][0][:-4]) guessed_subs = guessit(subtitles_archive_name, {'type': 'episode'}) try: season, episode = item.select_one('.episodenum').text.split('×') guessed_subs.update({'season': int(season), 'episode': int(episode)}) except ValueError: season = item.select_one('.episodenum').text[1:] episode = None guessed_subs.update({'season': int(season)}) if guessed_subs['season'] == video.season: if 'episode' in guessed_subs: if guessed_subs['episode'] == video.episode: matching_archive = True else: matching_archive = True if guessed_subs['season'] == 16: print('test') if matching_archive: download_link = self.server_url + 'series/' + item.attrs['href'] res = self.session.get(download_link, timeout=10) res.raise_for_status() archive = self._get_archive(res.content) # extract the subtitle if archive: subtitles_from_archive = self._get_subtitle_from_archive(archive, video) for subtitle in subtitles_from_archive: subtitle.page_link = page_link subtitle.download_link = download_link subtitles.append(subtitle) return subtitles def query_movies(self, video, title): subtitles = [] r = self.session.get(self.search_url, params={'q': title}, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), ['html.parser']) # loop over movies name movies_url = [] self.is_perfect_match = False movies = soup.select('.film > h3 > a') for item in movies: # title if title.lower() in item.text.lower(): movies_url.append(item.attrs['href']) self.is_perfect_match = True series_subs_archives_url = [] for movies_page in movies_url: page_link = self.server_url + movies_page r = self.session.get(page_link, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), ['html.parser']) movies_subs_archives = soup.select('a.subList') for item in movies_subs_archives: download_link = self.server_url + 'films/' + item.attrs['href'] res = self.session.get(download_link, timeout=10) res.raise_for_status() archive = self._get_archive(res.content) # extract the subtitle if archive: subtitles_from_archive = self._get_subtitle_from_archive(archive, video) for subtitle in subtitles_from_archive: subtitle.page_link = page_link subtitle.download_link = download_link subtitles.append(subtitle) return subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): if isinstance(video, Episode): titles = [video.series] + video.alternative_series else: titles = [video.title] + video.alternative_titles subtitles = [] # query for subtitles for title in titles: if isinstance(video, Episode): subtitles += [s for s in self.query_series(video, title) if s.language in languages] else: subtitles += [s for s in self.query_movies(video, title) if s.language in languages] return subtitles def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): return subtitle def _get_archive(self, content): # open the archive archive_stream = io.BytesIO(content) if is_rarfile(archive_stream): logger.debug('Sous-Titres.eu: Identified rar archive') archive = RarFile(archive_stream) elif is_zipfile(archive_stream): logger.debug('Sous-Titres.eu: Identified zip archive') archive = ZipFile(archive_stream) else: logger.error('Sous-Titres.eu: Unsupported compressed format') return None return archive def _get_subtitle_from_archive(self, archive, video): subtitles = [] # some files have a non subtitle with .txt extension _tmp = list(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS) _tmp.remove('.txt') _subtitle_extensions = tuple(_tmp) _scores = get_scores(video) for name in archive.namelist(): # discard hidden files if os.path.split(name)[-1].startswith('.'): continue # discard non-subtitle files if not name.lower().endswith(_subtitle_extensions): continue # get subtitles language if '.en.' in name.lower(): language = Language.fromopensubtitles('eng') else: language = Language.fromopensubtitles('fre') release = name[:-4].lower().rstrip('tag').rstrip('en').rstrip('fr') _guess = guessit(release) if isinstance(video, Episode): if video.episode != _guess['episode'] or video.season != _guess['season']: continue matches = set() matches |= guess_matches(video, _guess) _score = sum((_scores.get(match, 0) for match in matches)) content = archive.read(name) subtitles.append(SoustitreseuSubtitle(language, video, name, _guess, content, self.is_perfect_match)) return subtitles