from __future__ import annotations from contextlib import contextmanager import datetime import os import re import shutil import sys from types import ModuleType from typing import Any from typing import cast from typing import Dict from typing import Iterator from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Set from typing import Tuple from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Union from . import revision from . import write_hooks from .. import util from ..runtime import migration from ..util import not_none if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..config import Config from ..runtime.migration import RevisionStep from ..runtime.migration import StampStep from ..script.revision import Revision try: from dateutil import tz except ImportError: tz = None # type: ignore[assignment] _RevIdType = Union[str, Sequence[str]] _sourceless_rev_file = re.compile(r"(?!\.\#|__init__)(.*\.py)(c|o)?$") _only_source_rev_file = re.compile(r"(?!\.\#|__init__)(.*\.py)$") _legacy_rev = re.compile(r"([a-f0-9]+)\.py$") _mod_def_re = re.compile(r"(upgrade|downgrade)_([a-z0-9]+)") _slug_re = re.compile(r"\w+") _default_file_template = "%(rev)s_%(slug)s" _split_on_space_comma = re.compile(r", *|(?: +)") _split_on_space_comma_colon = re.compile(r", *|(?: +)|\:") class ScriptDirectory: """Provides operations upon an Alembic script directory. This object is useful to get information as to current revisions, most notably being able to get at the "head" revision, for schemes that want to test if the current revision in the database is the most recent:: from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory from alembic.config import Config config = Config() config.set_main_option("script_location", "myapp:migrations") script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) head_revision = script.get_current_head() """ def __init__( self, dir: str, # noqa file_template: str = _default_file_template, truncate_slug_length: Optional[int] = 40, version_locations: Optional[List[str]] = None, sourceless: bool = False, output_encoding: str = "utf-8", timezone: Optional[str] = None, hook_config: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, recursive_version_locations: bool = False, ) -> None: self.dir = dir self.file_template = file_template self.version_locations = version_locations self.truncate_slug_length = truncate_slug_length or 40 self.sourceless = sourceless self.output_encoding = output_encoding self.revision_map = revision.RevisionMap(self._load_revisions) self.timezone = timezone self.hook_config = hook_config self.recursive_version_locations = recursive_version_locations if not os.access(dir, os.F_OK): raise util.CommandError( "Path doesn't exist: %r. Please use " "the 'init' command to create a new " "scripts folder." % os.path.abspath(dir) ) @property def versions(self) -> str: loc = self._version_locations if len(loc) > 1: raise util.CommandError("Multiple version_locations present") else: return loc[0] @util.memoized_property def _version_locations(self): if self.version_locations: return [ os.path.abspath(util.coerce_resource_to_filename(location)) for location in self.version_locations ] else: return (os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dir, "versions")),) def _load_revisions(self) -> Iterator[Script]: if self.version_locations: paths = [ vers for vers in self._version_locations if os.path.exists(vers) ] else: paths = [self.versions] dupes = set() for vers in paths: for file_path in Script._list_py_dir(self, vers): real_path = os.path.realpath(file_path) if real_path in dupes: util.warn( "File %s loaded twice! ignoring. Please ensure " "version_locations is unique." % real_path ) continue dupes.add(real_path) filename = os.path.basename(real_path) dir_name = os.path.dirname(real_path) script = Script._from_filename(self, dir_name, filename) if script is None: continue yield script @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config) -> ScriptDirectory: """Produce a new :class:`.ScriptDirectory` given a :class:`.Config` instance. The :class:`.Config` need only have the ``script_location`` key present. """ script_location = config.get_main_option("script_location") if script_location is None: raise util.CommandError( "No 'script_location' key " "found in configuration." ) truncate_slug_length: Optional[int] tsl = config.get_main_option("truncate_slug_length") if tsl is not None: truncate_slug_length = int(tsl) else: truncate_slug_length = None version_locations_str = config.get_main_option("version_locations") version_locations: Optional[List[str]] if version_locations_str: version_path_separator = config.get_main_option( "version_path_separator" ) split_on_path = { None: None, "space": " ", "os": os.pathsep, ":": ":", ";": ";", } try: split_char: Optional[str] = split_on_path[ version_path_separator ] except KeyError as ke: raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a valid value for " "version_path_separator; " "expected 'space', 'os', ':', ';'" % version_path_separator ) from ke else: if split_char is None: # legacy behaviour for backwards compatibility version_locations = _split_on_space_comma.split( version_locations_str ) else: version_locations = [ x for x in version_locations_str.split(split_char) if x ] else: version_locations = None prepend_sys_path = config.get_main_option("prepend_sys_path") if prepend_sys_path: sys.path[:0] = list( _split_on_space_comma_colon.split(prepend_sys_path) ) rvl = config.get_main_option("recursive_version_locations") == "true" return ScriptDirectory( util.coerce_resource_to_filename(script_location), file_template=config.get_main_option( "file_template", _default_file_template ), truncate_slug_length=truncate_slug_length, sourceless=config.get_main_option("sourceless") == "true", output_encoding=config.get_main_option("output_encoding", "utf-8"), version_locations=version_locations, timezone=config.get_main_option("timezone"), hook_config=config.get_section("post_write_hooks", {}), recursive_version_locations=rvl, ) @contextmanager def _catch_revision_errors( self, ancestor: Optional[str] = None, multiple_heads: Optional[str] = None, start: Optional[str] = None, end: Optional[str] = None, resolution: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Iterator[None]: try: yield except revision.RangeNotAncestorError as rna: if start is None: start = cast(Any, rna.lower) if end is None: end = cast(Any, rna.upper) if not ancestor: ancestor = ( "Requested range %(start)s:%(end)s does not refer to " "ancestor/descendant revisions along the same branch" ) ancestor = ancestor % {"start": start, "end": end} raise util.CommandError(ancestor) from rna except revision.MultipleHeads as mh: if not multiple_heads: multiple_heads = ( "Multiple head revisions are present for given " "argument '%(head_arg)s'; please " "specify a specific target revision, " "'@%(head_arg)s' to " "narrow to a specific head, or 'heads' for all heads" ) multiple_heads = multiple_heads % { "head_arg": end or mh.argument, "heads": util.format_as_comma(mh.heads), } raise util.CommandError(multiple_heads) from mh except revision.ResolutionError as re: if resolution is None: resolution = "Can't locate revision identified by '%s'" % ( re.argument ) raise util.CommandError(resolution) from re except revision.RevisionError as err: raise util.CommandError(err.args[0]) from err def walk_revisions( self, base: str = "base", head: str = "heads" ) -> Iterator[Script]: """Iterate through all revisions. :param base: the base revision, or "base" to start from the empty revision. :param head: the head revision; defaults to "heads" to indicate all head revisions. May also be "head" to indicate a single head revision. """ with self._catch_revision_errors(start=base, end=head): for rev in self.revision_map.iterate_revisions( head, base, inclusive=True, assert_relative_length=False ): yield cast(Script, rev) def get_revisions(self, id_: _RevIdType) -> Tuple[Optional[Script], ...]: """Return the :class:`.Script` instance with the given rev identifier, symbolic name, or sequence of identifiers. """ with self._catch_revision_errors(): return cast( Tuple[Optional[Script], ...], self.revision_map.get_revisions(id_), ) def get_all_current(self, id_: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Set[Optional[Script]]: with self._catch_revision_errors(): return cast( Set[Optional[Script]], self.revision_map._get_all_current(id_) ) def get_revision(self, id_: str) -> Optional[Script]: """Return the :class:`.Script` instance with the given rev id. .. seealso:: :meth:`.ScriptDirectory.get_revisions` """ with self._catch_revision_errors(): return cast(Optional[Script], self.revision_map.get_revision(id_)) def as_revision_number( self, id_: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]: """Convert a symbolic revision, i.e. 'head' or 'base', into an actual revision number.""" with self._catch_revision_errors(): rev, branch_name = self.revision_map._resolve_revision_number(id_) if not rev: # convert () to None return None elif id_ == "heads": return rev else: return rev[0] def iterate_revisions( self, upper: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None], lower: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None], **kw: Any, ) -> Iterator[Script]: """Iterate through script revisions, starting at the given upper revision identifier and ending at the lower. The traversal uses strictly the `down_revision` marker inside each migration script, so it is a requirement that upper >= lower, else you'll get nothing back. The iterator yields :class:`.Script` objects. .. seealso:: :meth:`.RevisionMap.iterate_revisions` """ return cast( Iterator[Script], self.revision_map.iterate_revisions(upper, lower, **kw), ) def get_current_head(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the current head revision. If the script directory has multiple heads due to branching, an error is raised; :meth:`.ScriptDirectory.get_heads` should be preferred. :return: a string revision number. .. seealso:: :meth:`.ScriptDirectory.get_heads` """ with self._catch_revision_errors( multiple_heads=( "The script directory has multiple heads (due to branching)." "Please use get_heads(), or merge the branches using " "alembic merge." ) ): return self.revision_map.get_current_head() def get_heads(self) -> List[str]: """Return all "versioned head" revisions as strings. This is normally a list of length one, unless branches are present. The :meth:`.ScriptDirectory.get_current_head()` method can be used normally when a script directory has only one head. :return: a tuple of string revision numbers. """ return list(self.revision_map.heads) def get_base(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the "base" revision as a string. This is the revision number of the script that has a ``down_revision`` of None. If the script directory has multiple bases, an error is raised; :meth:`.ScriptDirectory.get_bases` should be preferred. """ bases = self.get_bases() if len(bases) > 1: raise util.CommandError( "The script directory has multiple bases. " "Please use get_bases()." ) elif bases: return bases[0] else: return None def get_bases(self) -> List[str]: """return all "base" revisions as strings. This is the revision number of all scripts that have a ``down_revision`` of None. """ return list(self.revision_map.bases) def _upgrade_revs( self, destination: str, current_rev: str ) -> List[RevisionStep]: with self._catch_revision_errors( ancestor="Destination %(end)s is not a valid upgrade " "target from current head(s)", end=destination, ): revs = self.iterate_revisions( destination, current_rev, implicit_base=True ) return [ migration.MigrationStep.upgrade_from_script( self.revision_map, script ) for script in reversed(list(revs)) ] def _downgrade_revs( self, destination: str, current_rev: Optional[str] ) -> List[RevisionStep]: with self._catch_revision_errors( ancestor="Destination %(end)s is not a valid downgrade " "target from current head(s)", end=destination, ): revs = self.iterate_revisions( current_rev, destination, select_for_downgrade=True ) return [ migration.MigrationStep.downgrade_from_script( self.revision_map, script ) for script in revs ] def _stamp_revs( self, revision: _RevIdType, heads: _RevIdType ) -> List[StampStep]: with self._catch_revision_errors( multiple_heads="Multiple heads are present; please specify a " "single target revision" ): heads_revs = self.get_revisions(heads) steps = [] if not revision: revision = "base" filtered_heads: List[Script] = [] for rev in util.to_tuple(revision): if rev: filtered_heads.extend( self.revision_map.filter_for_lineage( cast(Sequence[Script], heads_revs), rev, include_dependencies=True, ) ) filtered_heads = util.unique_list(filtered_heads) dests = self.get_revisions(revision) or [None] for dest in dests: if dest is None: # dest is 'base'. Return a "delete branch" migration # for all applicable heads. steps.extend( [ migration.StampStep( head.revision, None, False, True, self.revision_map, ) for head in filtered_heads ] ) continue elif dest in filtered_heads: # the dest is already in the version table, do nothing. continue # figure out if the dest is a descendant or an # ancestor of the selected nodes descendants = set( self.revision_map._get_descendant_nodes([dest]) ) ancestors = set(self.revision_map._get_ancestor_nodes([dest])) if descendants.intersection(filtered_heads): # heads are above the target, so this is a downgrade. # we can treat them as a "merge", single step. assert not ancestors.intersection(filtered_heads) todo_heads = [head.revision for head in filtered_heads] step = migration.StampStep( todo_heads, dest.revision, False, False, self.revision_map, ) steps.append(step) continue elif ancestors.intersection(filtered_heads): # heads are below the target, so this is an upgrade. # we can treat them as a "merge", single step. todo_heads = [head.revision for head in filtered_heads] step = migration.StampStep( todo_heads, dest.revision, True, False, self.revision_map, ) steps.append(step) continue else: # destination is in a branch not represented, # treat it as new branch step = migration.StampStep( (), dest.revision, True, True, self.revision_map ) steps.append(step) continue return steps def run_env(self) -> None: """Run the script environment. This basically runs the ```` script present in the migration environment. It is called exclusively by the command functions in :mod:`alembic.command`. """ util.load_python_file(self.dir, "") @property def env_py_location(self): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dir, "")) def _generate_template(self, src: str, dest: str, **kw: Any) -> None: util.status( "Generating %s" % os.path.abspath(dest), util.template_to_file, src, dest, self.output_encoding, **kw, ) def _copy_file(self, src: str, dest: str) -> None: util.status( "Generating %s" % os.path.abspath(dest), shutil.copy, src, dest ) def _ensure_directory(self, path: str) -> None: path = os.path.abspath(path) if not os.path.exists(path): util.status("Creating directory %s" % path, os.makedirs, path) def _generate_create_date(self) -> datetime.datetime: if self.timezone is not None: if tz is None: raise util.CommandError( "The library 'python-dateutil' is required " "for timezone support" ) # First, assume correct capitalization tzinfo = tz.gettz(self.timezone) if tzinfo is None: # Fall back to uppercase tzinfo = tz.gettz(self.timezone.upper()) if tzinfo is None: raise util.CommandError( "Can't locate timezone: %s" % self.timezone ) create_date = ( datetime.datetime.utcnow() .replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()) .astimezone(tzinfo) ) else: create_date = return create_date def generate_revision( self, revid: str, message: Optional[str], head: Optional[str] = None, refresh: bool = False, splice: Optional[bool] = False, branch_labels: Optional[str] = None, version_path: Optional[str] = None, depends_on: Optional[_RevIdType] = None, **kw: Any, ) -> Optional[Script]: """Generate a new revision file. This runs the ```` template, given template arguments, and creates a new file. :param revid: String revision id. Typically this comes from ``alembic.util.rev_id()``. :param message: the revision message, the one passed by the -m argument to the ``revision`` command. :param head: the head revision to generate against. Defaults to the current "head" if no branches are present, else raises an exception. :param splice: if True, allow the "head" version to not be an actual head; otherwise, the selected head must be a head (e.g. endpoint) revision. :param refresh: deprecated. """ if head is None: head = "head" try: Script.verify_rev_id(revid) except revision.RevisionError as err: raise util.CommandError(err.args[0]) from err with self._catch_revision_errors( multiple_heads=( "Multiple heads are present; please specify the head " "revision on which the new revision should be based, " "or perform a merge." ) ): heads = cast( Tuple[Optional["Revision"], ...], self.revision_map.get_revisions(head), ) for h in heads: assert h != "base" if len(set(heads)) != len(heads): raise util.CommandError("Duplicate head revisions specified") create_date = self._generate_create_date() if version_path is None: if len(self._version_locations) > 1: for head_ in heads: if head_ is not None: assert isinstance(head_, Script) version_path = os.path.dirname(head_.path) break else: raise util.CommandError( "Multiple version locations present, " "please specify --version-path" ) else: version_path = self.versions norm_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(version_path)) for vers_path in self._version_locations: if os.path.normpath(vers_path) == norm_path: break else: raise util.CommandError( "Path %s is not represented in current " "version locations" % version_path ) if self.version_locations: self._ensure_directory(version_path) path = self._rev_path(version_path, revid, message, create_date) if not splice: for head_ in heads: if head_ is not None and not head_.is_head: raise util.CommandError( "Revision %s is not a head revision; please specify " "--splice to create a new branch from this revision" % head_.revision ) resolved_depends_on: Optional[List[str]] if depends_on: with self._catch_revision_errors(): resolved_depends_on = [ dep if dep in rev.branch_labels # maintain branch labels else rev.revision # resolve partial revision identifiers for rev, dep in [ (not_none(self.revision_map.get_revision(dep)), dep) for dep in util.to_list(depends_on) ] ] else: resolved_depends_on = None self._generate_template( os.path.join(self.dir, ""), path, up_revision=str(revid), down_revision=revision.tuple_rev_as_scalar( tuple(h.revision if h is not None else None for h in heads) ), branch_labels=util.to_tuple(branch_labels), depends_on=revision.tuple_rev_as_scalar(resolved_depends_on), create_date=create_date, comma=util.format_as_comma, message=message if message is not None else ("empty message"), **kw, ) post_write_hooks = self.hook_config if post_write_hooks: write_hooks._run_hooks(path, post_write_hooks) try: script = Script._from_path(self, path) except revision.RevisionError as err: raise util.CommandError(err.args[0]) from err if script is None: return None if branch_labels and not script.branch_labels: raise util.CommandError( "Version %s specified branch_labels %s, however the " "migration file %s does not have them; have you upgraded " "your to include the " "'branch_labels' section?" % (script.revision, branch_labels, script.path) ) self.revision_map.add_revision(script) return script def _rev_path( self, path: str, rev_id: str, message: Optional[str], create_date: datetime.datetime, ) -> str: epoch = int(create_date.timestamp()) slug = "_".join(_slug_re.findall(message or "")).lower() if len(slug) > self.truncate_slug_length: slug = slug[: self.truncate_slug_length].rsplit("_", 1)[0] + "_" filename = "" % ( self.file_template % { "rev": rev_id, "slug": slug, "epoch": epoch, "year": create_date.year, "month": create_date.month, "day":, "hour": create_date.hour, "minute": create_date.minute, "second": create_date.second, } ) return os.path.join(path, filename) class Script(revision.Revision): """Represent a single revision file in a ``versions/`` directory. The :class:`.Script` instance is returned by methods such as :meth:`.ScriptDirectory.iterate_revisions`. """ def __init__(self, module: ModuleType, rev_id: str, path: str): self.module = module self.path = path super().__init__( rev_id, module.down_revision, # type: ignore[attr-defined] branch_labels=util.to_tuple( getattr(module, "branch_labels", None), default=() ), dependencies=util.to_tuple( getattr(module, "depends_on", None), default=() ), ) module: ModuleType """The Python module representing the actual script itself.""" path: str """Filesystem path of the script.""" _db_current_indicator: Optional[bool] = None """Utility variable which when set will cause string output to indicate this is a "current" version in some database""" @property def doc(self) -> str: """Return the docstring given in the script.""" return re.split("\n\n", self.longdoc)[0] @property def longdoc(self) -> str: """Return the docstring given in the script.""" doc = self.module.__doc__ if doc: if hasattr(self.module, "_alembic_source_encoding"): doc = doc.decode( # type: ignore[attr-defined] self.module._alembic_source_encoding # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa ) return doc.strip() # type: ignore[union-attr] else: return "" @property def log_entry(self) -> str: entry = "Rev: %s%s%s%s%s\n" % ( self.revision, " (head)" if self.is_head else "", " (branchpoint)" if self.is_branch_point else "", " (mergepoint)" if self.is_merge_point else "", " (current)" if self._db_current_indicator else "", ) if self.is_merge_point: entry += "Merges: %s\n" % (self._format_down_revision(),) else: entry += "Parent: %s\n" % (self._format_down_revision(),) if self.dependencies: entry += "Also depends on: %s\n" % ( util.format_as_comma(self.dependencies) ) if self.is_branch_point: entry += "Branches into: %s\n" % ( util.format_as_comma(self.nextrev) ) if self.branch_labels: entry += "Branch names: %s\n" % ( util.format_as_comma(self.branch_labels), ) entry += "Path: %s\n" % (self.path,) entry += "\n%s\n" % ( "\n".join(" %s" % para for para in self.longdoc.splitlines()) ) return entry def __str__(self): return "%s -> %s%s%s%s, %s" % ( self._format_down_revision(), self.revision, " (head)" if self.is_head else "", " (branchpoint)" if self.is_branch_point else "", " (mergepoint)" if self.is_merge_point else "", self.doc, ) def _head_only( self, include_branches: bool = False, include_doc: bool = False, include_parents: bool = False, tree_indicators: bool = True, head_indicators: bool = True, ) -> str: text = self.revision if include_parents: if self.dependencies: text = "%s (%s) -> %s" % ( self._format_down_revision(), util.format_as_comma(self.dependencies), text, ) else: text = "%s -> %s" % (self._format_down_revision(), text) assert text is not None if include_branches and self.branch_labels: text += " (%s)" % util.format_as_comma(self.branch_labels) if head_indicators or tree_indicators: text += "%s%s%s" % ( " (head)" if self._is_real_head else "", " (effective head)" if self.is_head and not self._is_real_head else "", " (current)" if self._db_current_indicator else "", ) if tree_indicators: text += "%s%s" % ( " (branchpoint)" if self.is_branch_point else "", " (mergepoint)" if self.is_merge_point else "", ) if include_doc: text += ", %s" % self.doc return text def cmd_format( self, verbose: bool, include_branches: bool = False, include_doc: bool = False, include_parents: bool = False, tree_indicators: bool = True, ) -> str: if verbose: return self.log_entry else: return self._head_only( include_branches, include_doc, include_parents, tree_indicators ) def _format_down_revision(self) -> str: if not self.down_revision: return "" else: return util.format_as_comma(self._versioned_down_revisions) @classmethod def _from_path( cls, scriptdir: ScriptDirectory, path: str ) -> Optional[Script]: dir_, filename = os.path.split(path) return cls._from_filename(scriptdir, dir_, filename) @classmethod def _list_py_dir(cls, scriptdir: ScriptDirectory, path: str) -> List[str]: paths = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True): if root.endswith("__pycache__"): # a special case - we may include these files # if a `sourceless` option is specified continue for filename in sorted(files): paths.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) if scriptdir.sourceless: # look for __pycache__ py_cache_path = os.path.join(root, "__pycache__") if os.path.exists(py_cache_path): # add all files from __pycache__ whose filename is not # already in the names we got from the version directory. # add as relative paths including __pycache__ token names = {filename.split(".")[0] for filename in files} paths.extend( os.path.join(py_cache_path, pyc) for pyc in os.listdir(py_cache_path) if pyc.split(".")[0] not in names ) if not scriptdir.recursive_version_locations: break # the real script order is defined by revision, # but it may be undefined if there are many files with a same # `down_revision`, for a better user experience (ex. debugging), # we use a deterministic order dirs.sort() return paths @classmethod def _from_filename( cls, scriptdir: ScriptDirectory, dir_: str, filename: str ) -> Optional[Script]: if scriptdir.sourceless: py_match = _sourceless_rev_file.match(filename) else: py_match = _only_source_rev_file.match(filename) if not py_match: return None py_filename = if scriptdir.sourceless: is_c = == "c" is_o = == "o" else: is_c = is_o = False if is_o or is_c: py_exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_, py_filename)) pyc_exists = os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_, py_filename + "c")) # prefer .py over .pyc because we'd like to get the # source encoding; prefer .pyc over .pyo because we'd like to # have the docstrings which a -OO file would not have if py_exists or is_o and pyc_exists: return None module = util.load_python_file(dir_, filename) if not hasattr(module, "revision"): # attempt to get the revision id from the script name, # this for legacy only m = _legacy_rev.match(filename) if not m: raise util.CommandError( "Could not determine revision id from filename %s. " "Be sure the 'revision' variable is " "declared inside the script (please see 'Upgrading " "from Alembic 0.1 to 0.2' in the documentation)." % filename ) else: revision = else: revision = module.revision return Script(module, revision, os.path.join(dir_, filename))