from __future__ import unicode_literals from .dag import get_outgoing_edges, topo_sort from ._utils import basestring, convert_kwargs_to_cmd_line_args from builtins import str from functools import reduce import collections import copy import operator import subprocess from ._ffmpeg import input, output from .nodes import ( get_stream_spec_nodes, FilterNode, GlobalNode, InputNode, OutputNode, output_operator, ) class Error(Exception): def __init__(self, cmd, stdout, stderr): super(Error, self).__init__( '{} error (see stderr output for detail)'.format(cmd) ) self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr def _get_input_args(input_node): if == input.__name__: kwargs = copy.copy(input_node.kwargs) filename = kwargs.pop('filename') fmt = kwargs.pop('format', None) video_size = kwargs.pop('video_size', None) args = [] if fmt: args += ['-f', fmt] if video_size: args += ['-video_size', '{}x{}'.format(video_size[0], video_size[1])] args += convert_kwargs_to_cmd_line_args(kwargs) args += ['-i', filename] else: raise ValueError('Unsupported input node: {}'.format(input_node)) return args def _format_input_stream_name(stream_name_map, edge, is_final_arg=False): prefix = stream_name_map[edge.upstream_node, edge.upstream_label] if not edge.upstream_selector: suffix = '' else: suffix = ':{}'.format(edge.upstream_selector) if is_final_arg and isinstance(edge.upstream_node, InputNode): ## Special case: `-map` args should not have brackets for input ## nodes. fmt = '{}{}' else: fmt = '[{}{}]' return fmt.format(prefix, suffix) def _format_output_stream_name(stream_name_map, edge): return '[{}]'.format(stream_name_map[edge.upstream_node, edge.upstream_label]) def _get_filter_spec(node, outgoing_edge_map, stream_name_map): incoming_edges = node.incoming_edges outgoing_edges = get_outgoing_edges(node, outgoing_edge_map) inputs = [ _format_input_stream_name(stream_name_map, edge) for edge in incoming_edges ] outputs = [ _format_output_stream_name(stream_name_map, edge) for edge in outgoing_edges ] filter_spec = '{}{}{}'.format( ''.join(inputs), node._get_filter(outgoing_edges), ''.join(outputs) ) return filter_spec def _allocate_filter_stream_names(filter_nodes, outgoing_edge_maps, stream_name_map): stream_count = 0 for upstream_node in filter_nodes: outgoing_edge_map = outgoing_edge_maps[upstream_node] for upstream_label, downstreams in sorted(outgoing_edge_map.items()): if len(downstreams) > 1: # TODO: automatically insert `splits` ahead of time via graph transformation. raise ValueError( 'Encountered {} with multiple outgoing edges with same upstream label {!r}; a ' '`split` filter is probably required'.format( upstream_node, upstream_label ) ) stream_name_map[upstream_node, upstream_label] = 's{}'.format(stream_count) stream_count += 1 def _get_filter_arg(filter_nodes, outgoing_edge_maps, stream_name_map): _allocate_filter_stream_names(filter_nodes, outgoing_edge_maps, stream_name_map) filter_specs = [ _get_filter_spec(node, outgoing_edge_maps[node], stream_name_map) for node in filter_nodes ] return ';'.join(filter_specs) def _get_global_args(node): return list(node.args) def _get_output_args(node, stream_name_map): if != output.__name__: raise ValueError('Unsupported output node: {}'.format(node)) args = [] if len(node.incoming_edges) == 0: raise ValueError('Output node {} has no mapped streams'.format(node)) for edge in node.incoming_edges: # edge = node.incoming_edges[0] stream_name = _format_input_stream_name( stream_name_map, edge, is_final_arg=True ) if stream_name != '0' or len(node.incoming_edges) > 1: args += ['-map', stream_name] kwargs = copy.copy(node.kwargs) filename = kwargs.pop('filename') if 'format' in kwargs: args += ['-f', kwargs.pop('format')] if 'video_bitrate' in kwargs: args += ['-b:v', str(kwargs.pop('video_bitrate'))] if 'audio_bitrate' in kwargs: args += ['-b:a', str(kwargs.pop('audio_bitrate'))] if 'video_size' in kwargs: video_size = kwargs.pop('video_size') if not isinstance(video_size, basestring) and isinstance( video_size, collections.Iterable ): video_size = '{}x{}'.format(video_size[0], video_size[1]) args += ['-video_size', video_size] args += convert_kwargs_to_cmd_line_args(kwargs) args += [filename] return args @output_operator() def get_args(stream_spec, overwrite_output=False): """Build command-line arguments to be passed to ffmpeg.""" nodes = get_stream_spec_nodes(stream_spec) args = [] # TODO: group nodes together, e.g. `-i somefile -r somerate`. sorted_nodes, outgoing_edge_maps = topo_sort(nodes) input_nodes = [node for node in sorted_nodes if isinstance(node, InputNode)] output_nodes = [node for node in sorted_nodes if isinstance(node, OutputNode)] global_nodes = [node for node in sorted_nodes if isinstance(node, GlobalNode)] filter_nodes = [node for node in sorted_nodes if isinstance(node, FilterNode)] stream_name_map = {(node, None): str(i) for i, node in enumerate(input_nodes)} filter_arg = _get_filter_arg(filter_nodes, outgoing_edge_maps, stream_name_map) args += reduce(operator.add, [_get_input_args(node) for node in input_nodes]) if filter_arg: args += ['-filter_complex', filter_arg] args += reduce( operator.add, [_get_output_args(node, stream_name_map) for node in output_nodes] ) args += reduce(operator.add, [_get_global_args(node) for node in global_nodes], []) if overwrite_output: args += ['-y'] return args @output_operator() def compile(stream_spec, cmd='ffmpeg', overwrite_output=False): """Build command-line for invoking ffmpeg. The :meth:`run` function uses this to build the commnad line arguments and should work in most cases, but calling this function directly is useful for debugging or if you need to invoke ffmpeg manually for whatever reason. This is the same as calling :meth:`get_args` except that it also includes the ``ffmpeg`` command as the first argument. """ if isinstance(cmd, basestring): cmd = [cmd] elif type(cmd) != list: cmd = list(cmd) return cmd + get_args(stream_spec, overwrite_output=overwrite_output) @output_operator() def run_async( stream_spec, cmd='ffmpeg', pipe_stdin=False, pipe_stdout=False, pipe_stderr=False, quiet=False, overwrite_output=False, ): """Asynchronously invoke ffmpeg for the supplied node graph. Args: pipe_stdin: if True, connect pipe to subprocess stdin (to be used with ``pipe:`` ffmpeg inputs). pipe_stdout: if True, connect pipe to subprocess stdout (to be used with ``pipe:`` ffmpeg outputs). pipe_stderr: if True, connect pipe to subprocess stderr. quiet: shorthand for setting ``capture_stdout`` and ``capture_stderr``. **kwargs: keyword-arguments passed to ``get_args()`` (e.g. ``overwrite_output=True``). Returns: A `subprocess Popen`_ object representing the child process. Examples: Run and stream input:: process = ( ffmpeg .input('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24', s='{}x{}'.format(width, height)) .output(out_filename, pix_fmt='yuv420p') .overwrite_output() .run_async(pipe_stdin=True) ) process.communicate(input=input_data) Run and capture output:: process = ( ffmpeg .input(in_filename) .output('pipe':, format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24') .run_async(pipe_stdout=True, pipe_stderr=True) ) out, err = process.communicate() Process video frame-by-frame using numpy:: process1 = ( ffmpeg .input(in_filename) .output('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24') .run_async(pipe_stdout=True) ) process2 = ( ffmpeg .input('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24', s='{}x{}'.format(width, height)) .output(out_filename, pix_fmt='yuv420p') .overwrite_output() .run_async(pipe_stdin=True) ) while True: in_bytes = * height * 3) if not in_bytes: break in_frame = ( np .frombuffer(in_bytes, np.uint8) .reshape([height, width, 3]) ) out_frame = in_frame * 0.3 process2.stdin.write( frame .astype(np.uint8) .tobytes() ) process2.stdin.close() process1.wait() process2.wait() .. _subprocess Popen: """ args = compile(stream_spec, cmd, overwrite_output=overwrite_output) stdin_stream = subprocess.PIPE if pipe_stdin else None stdout_stream = subprocess.PIPE if pipe_stdout or quiet else None stderr_stream = subprocess.PIPE if pipe_stderr or quiet else None return subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=stdin_stream, stdout=stdout_stream, stderr=stderr_stream ) @output_operator() def run( stream_spec, cmd='ffmpeg', capture_stdout=False, capture_stderr=False, input=None, quiet=False, overwrite_output=False, ): """Invoke ffmpeg for the supplied node graph. Args: capture_stdout: if True, capture stdout (to be used with ``pipe:`` ffmpeg outputs). capture_stderr: if True, capture stderr. quiet: shorthand for setting ``capture_stdout`` and ``capture_stderr``. input: text to be sent to stdin (to be used with ``pipe:`` ffmpeg inputs) **kwargs: keyword-arguments passed to ``get_args()`` (e.g. ``overwrite_output=True``). Returns: (out, err) tuple containing captured stdout and stderr data. """ process = run_async( stream_spec, cmd, pipe_stdin=input is not None, pipe_stdout=capture_stdout, pipe_stderr=capture_stderr, quiet=quiet, overwrite_output=overwrite_output, ) out, err = process.communicate(input) retcode = process.poll() if retcode: raise Error('ffmpeg', out, err) return out, err __all__ = ['compile', 'Error', 'get_args', 'run', 'run_async']