# test_utils.py # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php import tempfile import time from unittest import skipIf from datetime import datetime import ddt from git.cmd import dashify from git.compat import string_types, is_win from git.objects.util import ( altz_to_utctz_str, utctz_to_altz, verify_utctz, parse_date, tzoffset, from_timestamp) from git.test.lib import ( TestBase, assert_equal ) from git.util import ( LockFile, BlockingLockFile, get_user_id, Actor, IterableList, cygpath, decygpath ) _norm_cygpath_pairs = ( (r'foo\bar', 'foo/bar'), (r'foo/bar', 'foo/bar'), (r'C:\Users', '/cygdrive/c/Users'), (r'C:\d/e', '/cygdrive/c/d/e'), ('C:\\', '/cygdrive/c/'), (r'\\server\C$\Users', '//server/C$/Users'), (r'\\server\C$', '//server/C$'), ('\\\\server\\c$\\', '//server/c$/'), (r'\\server\BAR/', '//server/BAR/'), (r'D:/Apps', '/cygdrive/d/Apps'), (r'D:/Apps\fOO', '/cygdrive/d/Apps/fOO'), (r'D:\Apps/123', '/cygdrive/d/Apps/123'), ) _unc_cygpath_pairs = ( (r'\\?\a:\com', '/cygdrive/a/com'), (r'\\?\a:/com', '/cygdrive/a/com'), (r'\\?\UNC\server\D$\Apps', '//server/D$/Apps'), ) class TestIterableMember(object): """A member of an iterable list""" __slots__ = "name" def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def __repr__(self): return "TestIterableMember(%r)" % self.name @ddt.ddt class TestUtils(TestBase): def setup(self): self.testdict = { "string": "42", "int": 42, "array": [42], } @skipIf(not is_win, "Paths specifically for Windows.") @ddt.idata(_norm_cygpath_pairs + _unc_cygpath_pairs) def test_cygpath_ok(self, case): wpath, cpath = case cwpath = cygpath(wpath) self.assertEqual(cwpath, cpath, wpath) @skipIf(not is_win, "Paths specifically for Windows.") @ddt.data( (r'./bar', 'bar'), (r'.\bar', 'bar'), (r'../bar', '../bar'), (r'..\bar', '../bar'), (r'../bar/.\foo/../chu', '../bar/chu'), ) def test_cygpath_norm_ok(self, case): wpath, cpath = case cwpath = cygpath(wpath) self.assertEqual(cwpath, cpath or wpath, wpath) @skipIf(not is_win, "Paths specifically for Windows.") @ddt.data( r'C:', r'C:Relative', r'D:Apps\123', r'D:Apps/123', r'\\?\a:rel', r'\\share\a:rel', ) def test_cygpath_invalids(self, wpath): cwpath = cygpath(wpath) self.assertEqual(cwpath, wpath.replace('\\', '/'), wpath) @skipIf(not is_win, "Paths specifically for Windows.") @ddt.idata(_norm_cygpath_pairs) def test_decygpath(self, case): wpath, cpath = case wcpath = decygpath(cpath) self.assertEqual(wcpath, wpath.replace('/', '\\'), cpath) def test_it_should_dashify(self): assert_equal('this-is-my-argument', dashify('this_is_my_argument')) assert_equal('foo', dashify('foo')) def test_lock_file(self): my_file = tempfile.mktemp() lock_file = LockFile(my_file) assert not lock_file._has_lock() # release lock we don't have - fine lock_file._release_lock() # get lock lock_file._obtain_lock_or_raise() assert lock_file._has_lock() # concurrent access other_lock_file = LockFile(my_file) assert not other_lock_file._has_lock() self.failUnlessRaises(IOError, other_lock_file._obtain_lock_or_raise) lock_file._release_lock() assert not lock_file._has_lock() other_lock_file._obtain_lock_or_raise() self.failUnlessRaises(IOError, lock_file._obtain_lock_or_raise) # auto-release on destruction del(other_lock_file) lock_file._obtain_lock_or_raise() lock_file._release_lock() def test_blocking_lock_file(self): my_file = tempfile.mktemp() lock_file = BlockingLockFile(my_file) lock_file._obtain_lock() # next one waits for the lock start = time.time() wait_time = 0.1 wait_lock = BlockingLockFile(my_file, 0.05, wait_time) self.failUnlessRaises(IOError, wait_lock._obtain_lock) elapsed = time.time() - start extra_time = 0.02 if is_win: # for Appveyor extra_time *= 6 # NOTE: Indeterministic failures here... self.assertLess(elapsed, wait_time + extra_time) def test_user_id(self): self.assertIn('@', get_user_id()) def test_parse_date(self): # test all supported formats def assert_rval(rval, veri_time, offset=0): self.assertEqual(len(rval), 2) self.assertIsInstance(rval[0], int) self.assertIsInstance(rval[1], int) self.assertEqual(rval[0], veri_time) self.assertEqual(rval[1], offset) # now that we are here, test our conversion functions as well utctz = altz_to_utctz_str(offset) self.assertIsInstance(utctz, string_types) self.assertEqual(utctz_to_altz(verify_utctz(utctz)), offset) # END assert rval utility rfc = ("Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:11 +0000", 0) iso = ("2005-04-07T22:13:11 -0200", 7200) iso2 = ("2005-04-07 22:13:11 +0400", -14400) iso3 = ("2005.04.07 22:13:11 -0000", 0) alt = ("04/07/2005 22:13:11", 0) alt2 = ("07.04.2005 22:13:11", 0) veri_time_utc = 1112911991 # the time this represents, in time since epoch, UTC for date, offset in (rfc, iso, iso2, iso3, alt, alt2): assert_rval(parse_date(date), veri_time_utc, offset) # END for each date type # and failure self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, 'invalid format') self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, '123456789 -02000') self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, parse_date, ' 123456789 -0200') def test_actor(self): for cr in (None, self.rorepo.config_reader()): self.assertIsInstance(Actor.committer(cr), Actor) self.assertIsInstance(Actor.author(cr), Actor) # END assure config reader is handled @ddt.data(('name', ''), ('name', 'prefix_')) def test_iterable_list(self, case): name, prefix = case ilist = IterableList(name, prefix) name1 = "one" name2 = "two" m1 = TestIterableMember(prefix + name1) m2 = TestIterableMember(prefix + name2) ilist.extend((m1, m2)) self.assertEqual(len(ilist), 2) # contains works with name and identity self.assertIn(name1, ilist) self.assertIn(name2, ilist) self.assertIn(m2, ilist) self.assertIn(m2, ilist) self.assertNotIn('invalid', ilist) # with string index self.assertIs(ilist[name1], m1) self.assertIs(ilist[name2], m2) # with int index self.assertIs(ilist[0], m1) self.assertIs(ilist[1], m2) # with getattr self.assertIs(ilist.one, m1) self.assertIs(ilist.two, m2) # test exceptions self.failUnlessRaises(AttributeError, getattr, ilist, 'something') self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ilist.__getitem__, 'something') # delete by name and index self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ilist.__delitem__, 'something') del(ilist[name2]) self.assertEqual(len(ilist), 1) self.assertNotIn(name2, ilist) self.assertIn(name1, ilist) del(ilist[0]) self.assertNotIn(name1, ilist) self.assertEqual(len(ilist), 0) self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ilist.__delitem__, 0) self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ilist.__delitem__, 'something') def test_from_timestamp(self): # Correct offset: UTC+2, should return datetime + tzoffset(+2) altz = utctz_to_altz('+0200') self.assertEqual(datetime.fromtimestamp(1522827734, tzoffset(altz)), from_timestamp(1522827734, altz)) # Wrong offset: UTC+58, should return datetime + tzoffset(UTC) altz = utctz_to_altz('+5800') self.assertEqual(datetime.fromtimestamp(1522827734, tzoffset(0)), from_timestamp(1522827734, altz)) # Wrong offset: UTC-9000, should return datetime + tzoffset(UTC) altz = utctz_to_altz('-9000') self.assertEqual(datetime.fromtimestamp(1522827734, tzoffset(0)), from_timestamp(1522827734, altz))