import unittest import commonmark class TestCommonmark(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.parser = commonmark.Parser() self.renderer = commonmark.ReStructuredTextRenderer() def render_rst(self, test_str): ast = self.parser.parse(test_str) rst = self.renderer.render(ast) return rst def assertEqualRender(self, src_markdown, expected_rst): rendered_rst = self.render_rst(src_markdown) self.assertEqual(rendered_rst, expected_rst) def test_strong(self): src_markdown = 'Hello **Strong**' expected_rst = '\nHello **Strong**\n' self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_emphasis(self): src_markdown = 'Hello *Emphasis*' expected_rst = '\nHello *Emphasis*\n' self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_paragraph(self): src_markdown = 'Hello paragraph' expected_rst = '\nHello paragraph\n' self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_link(self): src_markdown = '[Link](' expected_rst = '\n`Link `_\n' self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_image(self): src_markdown = '![Image](' expected_rst = """ .. image:: :alt: Image """ self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_code(self): src_markdown = 'Test `inline code` with backticks' expected_rst = '\nTest ``inline code`` with backticks\n' self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_code_block(self): src_markdown = """ ```python # code block print '3 backticks or' print 'indent 4 spaces' ``` """ expected_rst = """ .. code:: python # code block print '3 backticks or' print 'indent 4 spaces' """ self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_unordered_list(self): src_markdown = """ This is a list: * List item * List item * List item """ expected_rst = """ This is a list: * List item * List item * List item """ self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_ordered_list(self): src_markdown = """ This is a ordered list: 1. One 2. Two 3. Three """ expected_rst = """ This is a ordered list: #. One #. Two #. Three """ self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_block_quote(self): src_markdown = """ Before the blockquote: > The blockquote After the blockquote """ expected_rst = """ Before the blockquote: The blockquote After the blockquote """ self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_heading(self): src_markdown = ''' # Heading 1 ## Heading 2 ### Heading 3 #### Heading 4 ##### Heading 5 ###### Heading 6 ''' expected_rst = ''' Heading 1 ######### Heading 2 ********* Heading 3 ========= Heading 4 --------- Heading 5 ^^^^^^^^^ Heading 6 """"""""" ''' self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) def test_multiple_paragraphs(self): src_markdown = ''' Start of first paragraph that continues on a new line This is the second paragraph ''' expected_rst = ''' Start of first paragraph that continues on a new line This is the second paragraph ''' self.assertEqualRender(src_markdown, expected_rst) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()