# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017 Ian Stapleton Cordasco # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Module containing the validation logic for rfc3986.""" from . import exceptions from . import misc from . import normalizers class Validator(object): """Object used to configure validation of all objects in rfc3986. .. versionadded:: 1.0 Example usage:: >>> from rfc3986 import api, validators >>> uri = api.uri_reference('https://github.com/') >>> validator = validators.Validator().require_presence_of( ... 'scheme', 'host', 'path', ... ).allow_schemes( ... 'http', 'https', ... ).allow_hosts( ... '', 'github.com', ... ) >>> validator.validate(uri) >>> invalid_uri = rfc3986.uri_reference('imap://mail.google.com') >>> validator.validate(invalid_uri) Traceback (most recent call last): ... rfc3986.exceptions.MissingComponentError: ('path was required but missing', URIReference(scheme=u'imap', authority=u'mail.google.com', path=None, query=None, fragment=None), ['path']) """ COMPONENT_NAMES = frozenset([ 'scheme', 'userinfo', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment', ]) def __init__(self): """Initialize our default validations.""" self.allowed_schemes = set() self.allowed_hosts = set() self.allowed_ports = set() self.allow_password = True self.required_components = { 'scheme': False, 'userinfo': False, 'host': False, 'port': False, 'path': False, 'query': False, 'fragment': False, } self.validated_components = self.required_components.copy() def allow_schemes(self, *schemes): """Require the scheme to be one of the provided schemes. .. versionadded:: 1.0 :param schemes: Schemes, without ``://`` that are allowed. :returns: The validator instance. :rtype: Validator """ for scheme in schemes: self.allowed_schemes.add(normalizers.normalize_scheme(scheme)) return self def allow_hosts(self, *hosts): """Require the host to be one of the provided hosts. .. versionadded:: 1.0 :param hosts: Hosts that are allowed. :returns: The validator instance. :rtype: Validator """ for host in hosts: self.allowed_hosts.add(normalizers.normalize_host(host)) return self def allow_ports(self, *ports): """Require the port to be one of the provided ports. .. versionadded:: 1.0 :param ports: Ports that are allowed. :returns: The validator instance. :rtype: Validator """ for port in ports: port_int = int(port, base=10) if 0 <= port_int <= 65535: self.allowed_ports.add(port) return self def allow_use_of_password(self): """Allow passwords to be present in the URI. .. versionadded:: 1.0 :returns: The validator instance. :rtype: Validator """ self.allow_password = True return self def forbid_use_of_password(self): """Prevent passwords from being included in the URI. .. versionadded:: 1.0 :returns: The validator instance. :rtype: Validator """ self.allow_password = False return self def check_validity_of(self, *components): """Check the validity of the components provided. This can be specified repeatedly. .. versionadded:: 1.1 :param components: Names of components from :attr:`Validator.COMPONENT_NAMES`. :returns: The validator instance. :rtype: Validator """ components = [c.lower() for c in components] for component in components: if component not in self.COMPONENT_NAMES: raise ValueError( '"{}" is not a valid component'.format(component) ) self.validated_components.update({ component: True for component in components }) return self def require_presence_of(self, *components): """Require the components provided. This can be specified repeatedly. .. versionadded:: 1.0 :param components: Names of components from :attr:`Validator.COMPONENT_NAMES`. :returns: The validator instance. :rtype: Validator """ components = [c.lower() for c in components] for component in components: if component not in self.COMPONENT_NAMES: raise ValueError( '"{}" is not a valid component'.format(component) ) self.required_components.update({ component: True for component in components }) return self def validate(self, uri): """Check a URI for conditions specified on this validator. .. versionadded:: 1.0 :param uri: Parsed URI to validate. :type uri: rfc3986.uri.URIReference :raises MissingComponentError: When a required component is missing. :raises UnpermittedComponentError: When a component is not one of those allowed. :raises PasswordForbidden: When a password is present in the userinfo component but is not permitted by configuration. :raises InvalidComponentsError: When a component was found to be invalid. """ if not self.allow_password: check_password(uri) required_components = [ component for component, required in self.required_components.items() if required ] validated_components = [ component for component, required in self.validated_components.items() if required ] if required_components: ensure_required_components_exist(uri, required_components) if validated_components: ensure_components_are_valid(uri, validated_components) ensure_one_of(self.allowed_schemes, uri, 'scheme') ensure_one_of(self.allowed_hosts, uri, 'host') ensure_one_of(self.allowed_ports, uri, 'port') def check_password(uri): """Assert that there is no password present in the uri.""" userinfo = uri.userinfo if not userinfo: return credentials = userinfo.split(':', 1) if len(credentials) <= 1: return raise exceptions.PasswordForbidden(uri) def ensure_one_of(allowed_values, uri, attribute): """Assert that the uri's attribute is one of the allowed values.""" value = getattr(uri, attribute) if value is not None and allowed_values and value not in allowed_values: raise exceptions.UnpermittedComponentError( attribute, value, allowed_values, ) def ensure_required_components_exist(uri, required_components): """Assert that all required components are present in the URI.""" missing_components = sorted([ component for component in required_components if getattr(uri, component) is None ]) if missing_components: raise exceptions.MissingComponentError(uri, *missing_components) def is_valid(value, matcher, require): """Determine if a value is valid based on the provided matcher. :param str value: Value to validate. :param matcher: Compiled regular expression to use to validate the value. :param require: Whether or not the value is required. """ if require: return (value is not None and matcher.match(value)) # require is False and value is not None return value is None or matcher.match(value) def authority_is_valid(authority, host=None, require=False): """Determine if the authority string is valid. :param str authority: The authority to validate. :param str host: (optional) The host portion of the authority to validate. :param bool require: (optional) Specify if authority must not be None. :returns: ``True`` if valid, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: bool """ validated = is_valid(authority, misc.SUBAUTHORITY_MATCHER, require) if validated and host is not None: return host_is_valid(host, require) return validated def host_is_valid(host, require=False): """Determine if the host string is valid. :param str host: The host to validate. :param bool require: (optional) Specify if host must not be None. :returns: ``True`` if valid, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: bool """ validated = is_valid(host, misc.HOST_MATCHER, require) if validated and host is not None and misc.IPv4_MATCHER.match(host): return valid_ipv4_host_address(host) elif validated and host is not None and misc.IPv6_MATCHER.match(host): return misc.IPv6_NO_RFC4007_MATCHER.match(host) is not None return validated def scheme_is_valid(scheme, require=False): """Determine if the scheme is valid. :param str scheme: The scheme string to validate. :param bool require: (optional) Set to ``True`` to require the presence of a scheme. :returns: ``True`` if the scheme is valid. ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return is_valid(scheme, misc.SCHEME_MATCHER, require) def path_is_valid(path, require=False): """Determine if the path component is valid. :param str path: The path string to validate. :param bool require: (optional) Set to ``True`` to require the presence of a path. :returns: ``True`` if the path is valid. ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return is_valid(path, misc.PATH_MATCHER, require) def query_is_valid(query, require=False): """Determine if the query component is valid. :param str query: The query string to validate. :param bool require: (optional) Set to ``True`` to require the presence of a query. :returns: ``True`` if the query is valid. ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return is_valid(query, misc.QUERY_MATCHER, require) def fragment_is_valid(fragment, require=False): """Determine if the fragment component is valid. :param str fragment: The fragment string to validate. :param bool require: (optional) Set to ``True`` to require the presence of a fragment. :returns: ``True`` if the fragment is valid. ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return is_valid(fragment, misc.FRAGMENT_MATCHER, require) def valid_ipv4_host_address(host): """Determine if the given host is a valid IPv4 address.""" # If the host exists, and it might be IPv4, check each byte in the # address. return all([0 <= int(byte, base=10) <= 255 for byte in host.split('.')]) _COMPONENT_VALIDATORS = { 'scheme': scheme_is_valid, 'path': path_is_valid, 'query': query_is_valid, 'fragment': fragment_is_valid, } _SUBAUTHORITY_VALIDATORS = set(['userinfo', 'host', 'port']) def subauthority_component_is_valid(uri, component): """Determine if the userinfo, host, and port are valid.""" try: subauthority_dict = uri.authority_info() except exceptions.InvalidAuthority: return False # If we can parse the authority into sub-components and we're not # validating the port, we can assume it's valid. if component == 'host': return host_is_valid(subauthority_dict['host']) elif component != 'port': return True try: port = int(subauthority_dict['port']) except TypeError: # If the port wasn't provided it'll be None and int(None) raises a # TypeError return True return (0 <= port <= 65535) def ensure_components_are_valid(uri, validated_components): """Assert that all components are valid in the URI.""" invalid_components = set([]) for component in validated_components: if component in _SUBAUTHORITY_VALIDATORS: if not subauthority_component_is_valid(uri, component): invalid_components.add(component) # Python's peephole optimizer means that while this continue *is* # actually executed, coverage.py cannot detect that. See also, # https://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issues/198/continue-marked-as-not-covered continue # nocov: Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 validator = _COMPONENT_VALIDATORS[component] if not validator(getattr(uri, component)): invalid_components.add(component) if invalid_components: raise exceptions.InvalidComponentsError(uri, *invalid_components)