# coding=utf-8 import os import sys import sqlite3 import ast import logging import operator import subprocess import time import cPickle as pickle import codecs import types import chardet import re import subliminal import subliminal_patch from ast import literal_eval from datetime import datetime, timedelta from subzero.language import Language from subzero.video import parse_video from subliminal import region, score as subliminal_scores, \ list_subtitles, Episode, Movie from subliminal_patch.core import SZAsyncProviderPool, download_best_subtitles, save_subtitles, download_subtitles from subliminal_patch.score import compute_score from get_languages import language_from_alpha3, alpha2_from_alpha3, alpha3_from_alpha2, language_from_alpha2 from bs4 import UnicodeDammit from config import settings from helper import path_replace, path_replace_movie, path_replace_reverse, \ path_replace_reverse_movie, pp_replace, get_target_folder, force_unicode from list_subtitles import store_subtitles, list_missing_subtitles, store_subtitles_movie, list_missing_subtitles_movies from utils import history_log, history_log_movie from notifier import send_notifications, send_notifications_movie from get_providers import get_providers, get_providers_auth, provider_throttle, provider_pool from get_args import args from queueconfig import notifications # configure the cache # fixme: do this inside a setup routine region.configure('dogpile.cache.memory') def get_video(path, title, sceneName, use_scenename, providers=None, media_type="movie"): """ Construct `Video` instance :param path: path to video :param title: series/movie title :param sceneName: sceneName :param use_scenename: use sceneName :param providers: provider list for selective hashing :param media_type: movie/series :return: `Video` instance """ hints = {"title": title, "type": "movie" if media_type == "movie" else "episode"} dont_use_actual_file = False original_path = path original_name = os.path.basename(path) if sceneName != "None" and use_scenename: # use the sceneName but keep the folder structure for better guessing path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), sceneName + os.path.splitext(path)[1]) dont_use_actual_file = True if providers: try: video = parse_video(path, hints=hints, providers=providers, dry_run=dont_use_actual_file) video.used_scene_name = dont_use_actual_file video.original_name = original_name video.original_path = original_path refine_from_db(original_path,video) logging.debug('BAZARR is using those video object properties: %s', vars(video)) return video except: logging.exception("BAZARR Error trying to get video information for this file: " + path) else: logging.info("BAZARR All providers are throttled") return None def get_scores(video, media_type, min_score_movie_perc=60 * 100 / 120.0, min_score_series_perc=240 * 100 / 360.0, min_score_special_ep=180 * 100 / 360.0): """ Get score range for a video. :param video: `Video` instance :param media_type: movie/series :param min_score_movie_perc: Percentage of max score for min score of movies :param min_score_series_perc: Percentage of max score for min score of series :param min_score_special_ep: Percentage of max score for min score of series special episode :return: tuple(min_score, max_score, set(scores)) """ max_score = 120.0 min_score = max_score * min_score_movie_perc / 100.0 scores = subliminal_scores.movie_scores.keys() if media_type == "series": max_score = 360.0 min_score = max_score * min_score_series_perc / 100.0 scores = subliminal_scores.episode_scores.keys() if video.is_special: min_score = max_score * min_score_special_ep / 100.0 return min_score, max_score, set(scores) def download_subtitle(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName, title, media_type, forced_minimum_score=None): # fixme: supply all missing languages, not only one, to hit providers only once who support multiple languages in # one query logging.debug('BAZARR Searching subtitles for this file: ' + path) if hi == "True": hi = True else: hi = False language_set = set() if not isinstance(language, types.ListType): language = [language] for l in language: if l == 'pob': language_set.add(Language('por', 'BR')) else: language_set.add(Language(l)) use_scenename = settings.general.getboolean('use_scenename') minimum_score = settings.general.minimum_score minimum_score_movie = settings.general.minimum_score_movie use_postprocessing = settings.general.getboolean('use_postprocessing') postprocessing_cmd = settings.general.postprocessing_cmd single = settings.general.getboolean('single_language') # todo: """ AsyncProviderPool: implement: blacklist=None, pre_download_hook=None, post_download_hook=None, language_hook=None """ video = get_video(path, title, sceneName, use_scenename, providers=providers, media_type=media_type) if video: min_score, max_score, scores = get_scores(video, media_type, min_score_movie_perc=int(minimum_score_movie), min_score_series_perc=int(minimum_score)) if providers: if forced_minimum_score: min_score = int(forced_minimum_score) + 1 downloaded_subtitles = download_best_subtitles({video}, language_set, int(min_score), hi, providers=providers, provider_configs=providers_auth, pool_class=provider_pool(), compute_score=compute_score, throttle_time=None, # fixme blacklist=None, # fixme throttle_callback=provider_throttle, pre_download_hook=None, # fixme post_download_hook=None, # fixme language_hook=None) # fixme else: downloaded_subtitles = None logging.info("BAZARR All providers are throttled") saved_any = False if downloaded_subtitles: for video, subtitles in downloaded_subtitles.iteritems(): if not subtitles: continue try: fld = get_target_folder(path) chmod = int(settings.general.chmod, 8) if not sys.platform.startswith('win') else None saved_subtitles = save_subtitles(video.original_path, subtitles, single=single, tags=None, # fixme directory=fld, chmod=chmod, # formats=("srt", "vtt") path_decoder=force_unicode ) except Exception as e: logging.exception('BAZARR Error saving subtitles file to disk for this file:' + path) pass else: saved_any = True for subtitle in saved_subtitles: downloaded_provider = subtitle.provider_name if subtitle.language == 'pt-BR': downloaded_language_code3 = 'pob' else: downloaded_language_code3 = subtitle.language downloaded_language = language_from_alpha3(downloaded_language_code3) downloaded_language_code2 = alpha2_from_alpha3(downloaded_language_code3) downloaded_path = subtitle.storage_path logging.debug('BAZARR Subtitles file saved to disk: ' + downloaded_path) if video.used_scene_name: message = downloaded_language + " subtitles downloaded from " + downloaded_provider + " with a score of " + unicode( round(subtitle.score * 100 / max_score, 2)) + "% using this scene name: " + sceneName else: message = downloaded_language + " subtitles downloaded from " + downloaded_provider + " with a score of " + unicode( round(subtitle.score * 100 / max_score, 2)) + "% using filename guessing." if use_postprocessing is True: command = pp_replace(postprocessing_cmd, path, downloaded_path, downloaded_language, downloaded_language_code2, downloaded_language_code3) try: if os.name == 'nt': codepage = subprocess.Popen("chcp", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out_codepage, err_codepage = codepage.communicate() encoding = out_codepage.split(':')[-1].strip() process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out, err = process.communicate() if os.name == 'nt': out = out.decode(encoding) except: if out == "": logging.error( 'BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else: logging.error('BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) else: if out == "": logging.info( 'BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else: logging.info('BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) # fixme: support multiple languages at once if media_type == 'series': reversed_path = path_replace_reverse(path) else: reversed_path = path_replace_reverse_movie(path) return message, reversed_path, downloaded_language_code2, downloaded_provider, subtitle.score if not saved_any: logging.debug('BAZARR No subtitles were found for this file: ' + path) return None logging.debug('BAZARR Ended searching subtitles for file: ' + path) def manual_search(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName, title, media_type): logging.debug('BAZARR Manually searching subtitles for this file: ' + path) final_subtitles = [] if hi == "True": hi = True else: hi = False language_set = set() for lang in ast.literal_eval(language): lang = alpha3_from_alpha2(lang) if lang == 'pob': language_set.add(Language('por', 'BR')) else: language_set.add(Language(lang)) use_scenename = settings.general.getboolean('use_scenename') minimum_score = settings.general.minimum_score minimum_score_movie = settings.general.minimum_score_movie use_postprocessing = settings.general.getboolean('use_postprocessing') postprocessing_cmd = settings.general.postprocessing_cmd video = get_video(path, title, sceneName, use_scenename, providers=providers, media_type=media_type) if video: min_score, max_score, scores = get_scores(video, media_type, min_score_movie_perc=int(minimum_score_movie), min_score_series_perc=int(minimum_score)) try: if providers: subtitles = list_subtitles([video], language_set, providers=providers, provider_configs=providers_auth, pool_class=provider_pool(), throttle_callback=provider_throttle, language_hook=None) # fixme else: subtitles = [] logging.info("BAZARR All providers are throttled") except Exception as e: logging.exception("BAZARR Error trying to get subtitle list from provider for this file: " + path) else: subtitles_list = [] for s in subtitles[video]: try: matches = s.get_matches(video) except AttributeError: continue # skip wrong season/episodes if media_type == "series": can_verify_series = True if not s.hash_verifiable and "hash" in matches: can_verify_series = False if can_verify_series and not {"series", "season", "episode"}.issubset(matches): logging.debug(u"BAZARR Skipping %s, because it doesn't match our series/episode", s) continue score = compute_score(matches, s, video, hearing_impaired=hi) not_matched = scores - matches s.score = score # if score < min_score: # continue subtitles_list.append( dict(score=round((score / max_score * 100), 2), language=alpha2_from_alpha3(s.language.alpha3), hearing_impaired=str(s.hearing_impaired), provider=s.provider_name, subtitle=codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(s.make_picklable()), "base64").decode(), url=s.page_link, matches=list(matches), dont_matches=list(not_matched))) final_subtitles = sorted(subtitles_list, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True) logging.debug('BAZARR ' + str(len(final_subtitles)) + " subtitles have been found for this file: " + path) logging.debug('BAZARR Ended searching subtitles for this file: ' + path) return final_subtitles def manual_download_subtitle(path, language, hi, subtitle, provider, providers_auth, sceneName, title, media_type): logging.debug('BAZARR Manually downloading subtitles for this file: ' + path) subtitle = pickle.loads(codecs.decode(subtitle.encode(), "base64")) use_scenename = settings.general.getboolean('use_scenename') use_postprocessing = settings.general.getboolean('use_postprocessing') postprocessing_cmd = settings.general.postprocessing_cmd single = settings.general.getboolean('single_language') video = get_video(path, title, sceneName, use_scenename, providers={provider}, media_type=media_type) if video: min_score, max_score, scores = get_scores(video, media_type) try: if provider: download_subtitles([subtitle], providers={provider}, provider_configs=providers_auth, pool_class=provider_pool(), throttle_callback=provider_throttle) logging.debug('BAZARR Subtitles file downloaded for this file:' + path) else: logging.info("BAZARR All providers are throttled") return None except Exception as e: logging.exception('BAZARR Error downloading subtitles for this file ' + path) return None else: if not subtitle.is_valid(): notifications.write(msg='No valid subtitles file found for this file: ' + path, queue='get_subtitle') logging.exception('BAZARR No valid subtitles file found for this file: ' + path) return logging.debug('BAZARR Subtitles file downloaded for this file:' + path) try: score = round(subtitle.score / max_score * 100, 2) fld = get_target_folder(path) chmod = int(settings.general.chmod, 8) if not sys.platform.startswith('win') else None saved_subtitles = save_subtitles(video.original_path, [subtitle], single=single, tags=None, # fixme directory=fld, chmod=chmod, # formats=("srt", "vtt") path_decoder=force_unicode) except Exception as e: logging.exception('BAZARR Error saving subtitles file to disk for this file:' + path) return else: if saved_subtitles: for saved_subtitle in saved_subtitles: downloaded_provider = saved_subtitle.provider_name if saved_subtitle.language == 'pt-BR': downloaded_language_code3 = 'pob' else: downloaded_language_code3 = subtitle.language downloaded_language = language_from_alpha3(downloaded_language_code3) downloaded_language_code2 = alpha2_from_alpha3(downloaded_language_code3) downloaded_path = saved_subtitle.storage_path logging.debug('BAZARR Subtitles file saved to disk: ' + downloaded_path) message = downloaded_language + " subtitles downloaded from " + downloaded_provider + " with a score of " + unicode( score) + "% using manual search." if use_postprocessing is True: command = pp_replace(postprocessing_cmd, path, downloaded_path, downloaded_language, downloaded_language_code2, downloaded_language_code3) try: if os.name == 'nt': codepage = subprocess.Popen("chcp", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out_codepage, err_codepage = codepage.communicate() encoding = out_codepage.split(':')[-1].strip() process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out, err = process.communicate() if os.name == 'nt': out = out.decode(encoding) except: if out == "": logging.error( 'BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else: logging.error('BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) else: if out == "": logging.info( 'BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else: logging.info('BAZARR Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) if media_type == 'series': reversed_path = path_replace_reverse(path) else: reversed_path = path_replace_reverse_movie(path) return message, reversed_path, downloaded_language_code2, downloaded_provider, subtitle.score else: logging.error( "BAZARR Tried to manually download a subtitles for file: " + path + " but we weren't able to do (probably throttled by " + str( subtitle.provider_name) + ". Please retry later or select a subtitles from another provider.") return None logging.debug('BAZARR Ended manually downloading subtitles for file: ' + path) def series_download_subtitles(no): if settings.sonarr.getboolean('only_monitored'): monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"' else: monitored_only_query_string = "" conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() episodes_details = c_db.execute( 'SELECT path, missing_subtitles, sonarrEpisodeId, scene_name FROM table_episodes WHERE sonarrSeriesId = ? AND missing_subtitles != "[]"' + monitored_only_query_string, (no,)).fetchall() series_details = c_db.execute("SELECT hearing_impaired, title FROM table_shows WHERE sonarrSeriesId = ?", (no,)).fetchone() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for episode in episodes_details: for language in ast.literal_eval(episode[1]): if language is not None: notifications.write(msg='Searching for ' + str(language_from_alpha2(language)) + ' subtitles for this episode: ' + path_replace(episode[0]), queue='get_subtitle') result = download_subtitle(path_replace(episode[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), series_details[0], providers_list, providers_auth, str(episode[3]), series_details[1], 'series') if result is not None: message = result[0] path = result[1] language_code = result[2] provider = result[3] score = result[4] store_subtitles(path_replace(episode[0])) history_log(1, no, episode[2], message, path, language_code, provider, score) send_notifications(no, episode[2], message) list_missing_subtitles(no) notifications.write(msg='Searching completed. Please reload the page.', type='success', duration='permanent', button='refresh', queue='get_subtitle') def movies_download_subtitles(no): conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() movie = c_db.execute( "SELECT path, missing_subtitles, radarrId, sceneName, hearing_impaired, title FROM table_movies WHERE radarrId = ?", (no,)).fetchone() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for language in ast.literal_eval(movie[1]): if language is not None: notifications.write(msg='Searching for ' + str(language_from_alpha2(language)) + ' subtitles for this movie: ' + path_replace_movie(movie[0]), queue='get_subtitle') result = download_subtitle(path_replace_movie(movie[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), movie[4], providers_list, providers_auth, str(movie[3]), movie[5], 'movie') if result is not None: message = result[0] path = result[1] language_code = result[2] provider = result[3] score = result[4] store_subtitles_movie(path_replace_movie(movie[0])) history_log_movie(1, no, message, path, language_code, provider, score) send_notifications_movie(no, message) list_missing_subtitles_movies(no) notifications.write(msg='Searching completed. Please reload the page.', type='success', duration='permanent', button='refresh', queue='get_subtitle') def wanted_download_subtitles(path): conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() episodes_details = c_db.execute( "SELECT table_episodes.path, table_episodes.missing_subtitles, table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId, table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId, table_shows.hearing_impaired, table_episodes.scene_name, table_episodes.failedAttempts, table_shows.title FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.path = ? AND missing_subtitles != '[]'", (path_replace_reverse(path),)).fetchall() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for episode in episodes_details: attempt = episode[6] if type(attempt) == unicode: attempt = ast.literal_eval(attempt) for language in ast.literal_eval(episode[1]): if attempt is None: attempt = [] attempt.append([language, time.time()]) else: att = zip(*attempt)[0] if language not in att: attempt.append([language, time.time()]) conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() c_db.execute('UPDATE table_episodes SET failedAttempts = ? WHERE sonarrEpisodeId = ?', (unicode(attempt), episode[2])) conn_db.commit() c_db.close() for i in range(len(attempt)): if attempt[i][0] == language: if search_active(attempt[i][1]): notifications.write( msg='Searching ' + str(language_from_alpha2(language)) + ' subtitles for this episode: ' + path, queue='get_subtitle') result = download_subtitle(path_replace(episode[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), episode[4], providers_list, providers_auth, str(episode[5]), episode[7], 'series') if result is not None: message = result[0] path = result[1] language_code = result[2] provider = result[3] score = result[4] store_subtitles(path_replace(episode[0])) list_missing_subtitles(episode[3]) history_log(1, episode[3], episode[2], message, path, language_code, provider, score) send_notifications(episode[3], episode[2], message) else: logging.debug( 'BAZARR Search is not active for episode ' + episode[0] + ' Language: ' + attempt[i][0]) def wanted_download_subtitles_movie(path): conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() movies_details = c_db.execute( "SELECT path, missing_subtitles, radarrId, radarrId, hearing_impaired, sceneName, failedAttempts, title FROM table_movies WHERE path = ? AND missing_subtitles != '[]'", (path_replace_reverse_movie(path),)).fetchall() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for movie in movies_details: attempt = movie[6] if type(attempt) == unicode: attempt = ast.literal_eval(attempt) for language in ast.literal_eval(movie[1]): if attempt is None: attempt = [] attempt.append([language, time.time()]) else: att = zip(*attempt)[0] if language not in att: attempt.append([language, time.time()]) conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() c_db.execute('UPDATE table_movies SET failedAttempts = ? WHERE radarrId = ?', (unicode(attempt), movie[2])) conn_db.commit() c_db.close() for i in range(len(attempt)): if attempt[i][0] == language: if search_active(attempt[i][1]) is True: notifications.write( msg='Searching ' + str(language_from_alpha2(language)) + ' subtitles for this movie: ' + path, queue='get_subtitle') result = download_subtitle(path_replace_movie(movie[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), movie[4], providers_list, providers_auth, str(movie[5]), movie[7], 'movie') if result is not None: message = result[0] path = result[1] language_code = result[2] provider = result[3] score = result[4] store_subtitles_movie(path_replace_movie(movie[0])) list_missing_subtitles_movies(movie[3]) history_log_movie(1, movie[3], message, path, language_code, provider, score) send_notifications_movie(movie[3], message) else: logging.info( 'BAZARR Search is not active for movie ' + movie[0] + ' Language: ' + attempt[i][0]) def wanted_search_missing_subtitles(): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace) db.create_function("path_substitution_movie", 1, path_replace_movie) c = db.cursor() if settings.sonarr.getboolean('only_monitored'): monitored_only_query_string_sonarr = ' AND monitored = "True"' else: monitored_only_query_string_sonarr = "" if settings.radarr.getboolean('only_monitored'): monitored_only_query_string_radarr = ' AND monitored = "True"' else: monitored_only_query_string_radarr = "" c.execute( "SELECT path_substitution(path) FROM table_episodes WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string_sonarr) episodes = c.fetchall() c.execute( "SELECT path_substitution_movie(path) FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string_radarr) movies = c.fetchall() c.close() providers = get_providers() if settings.general.getboolean('use_sonarr'): if providers: for episode in episodes: wanted_download_subtitles(episode[0]) else: notifications.write(msg='BAZARR All providers are throttled', queue='get_subtitle') logging.info("BAZARR All providers are throttled") if settings.general.getboolean('use_radarr'): if providers: for movie in movies: wanted_download_subtitles_movie(movie[0]) else: notifications.write(msg='BAZARR All providers are throttled', queue='get_subtitle') logging.info("BAZARR All providers are throttled") logging.info('BAZARR Finished searching for missing subtitles. Check histories for more information.') notifications.write(msg='Searching completed. Please reload the page.', type='success', duration='permanent', button='refresh', queue='get_subtitle') def search_active(timestamp): if settings.general.getboolean('adaptive_searching'): search_deadline = timedelta(weeks=3) search_delta = timedelta(weeks=1) aa = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp)) attempt_datetime = datetime.strptime(str(aa).split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') attempt_search_deadline = attempt_datetime + search_deadline today = datetime.today() attempt_age_in_days = (today.date() - attempt_search_deadline.date()).days if today.date() <= attempt_search_deadline.date(): return True elif attempt_age_in_days % search_delta.days == 0: return True else: return False else: return True def refine_from_db(path, video): if isinstance(video, Episode): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = db.cursor() data = c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season, table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_shows.year, table_shows.tvdbId, table_shows.alternateTitles, table_episodes.format, table_episodes.resolution, table_episodes.video_codec, table_episodes.audio_codec FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.path = ?", (unicode(path_replace_reverse(path)),)).fetchone() db.close() if data: video.series = re.sub(r'(\(\d\d\d\d\))' , '', data[0]) video.season = int(data[1]) video.episode = int(data[2]) video.title = data[3] if data[4]: if int(data[4]) > 0: video.year = int(data[4]) video.series_tvdb_id = int(data[5]) video.alternative_series = ast.literal_eval(data[6]) if not video.format: video.format = str(data[7]) if not video.resolution: video.resolution = str(data[8]) if not video.video_codec: if data[9]: video.video_codec = data[9] if not video.audio_codec: if data[10]: video.audio_codec = data[10] elif isinstance(video, Movie): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = db.cursor() data = c.execute("SELECT title, year, alternativeTitles, format, resolution, video_codec, audio_codec, imdbId FROM table_movies WHERE path = ?", (unicode(path_replace_reverse_movie(path)),)).fetchone() db.close() if data: video.title = re.sub(r'(\(\d\d\d\d\))' , '', data[0]) if data[1]: if int(data[1]) > 0: video.year = int(data[1]) if data[7]: video.imdb_id = data[7] video.alternative_titles = ast.literal_eval(data[2]) if not video.format: if data[3]: video.format = data[3] if not video.resolution: if data[4]: video.resolution = data[4] if not video.video_codec: if data[5]: video.video_codec = data[5] if not video.audio_codec: if data[6]: video.audio_codec = data[6] return video def upgrade_subtitles(): days_to_upgrade_subs = settings.general.days_to_upgrade_subs minimum_timestamp = ((datetime.now() - timedelta(days=int(days_to_upgrade_subs))) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() if settings.general.getboolean('upgrade_manual'): query_actions = [1, 2, 3] else: query_actions = [1, 3] db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'db', 'bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c = db.cursor() episodes_list = c.execute("""SELECT table_history.video_path, table_history.language, table_history.score, table_shows.hearing_impaired, table_episodes.scene_name, table_episodes.title, table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId, table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId, MAX(table_history.timestamp), table_shows.languages FROM table_history INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_history.sonarrSeriesId INNER JOIN table_episodes on table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId = table_history.sonarrEpisodeId WHERE action IN (""" + ','.join(map(str, query_actions)) + """) AND timestamp > ? AND score is not null AND score < "360" GROUP BY table_history.video_path, table_history.language""", (minimum_timestamp,)).fetchall() movies_list = c.execute("""SELECT table_history_movie.video_path, table_history_movie.language, table_history_movie.score, table_movies.hearing_impaired, table_movies.sceneName, table_movies.title, table_movies.radarrId, MAX(table_history_movie.timestamp), table_movies.languages FROM table_history_movie INNER JOIN table_movies on table_movies.radarrId = table_history_movie.radarrId WHERE action IN (""" + ','.join(map(str, query_actions)) + """) AND timestamp > ? AND score is not null AND score < "120" GROUP BY table_history_movie.video_path, table_history_movie.language""", (minimum_timestamp,)).fetchall() db.close() episodes_to_upgrade = [] for episode in episodes_list: if os.path.exists(path_replace(episode[0])): episodes_to_upgrade.append(episode) movies_to_upgrade = [] for movie in movies_list: if os.path.exists(path_replace_movie(movie[0])): movies_to_upgrade.append(movie) providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for episode in episodes_to_upgrade: if episode[1] in ast.literal_eval(str(episode[9])): notifications.write( msg='Searching to upgrade ' + str(language_from_alpha2(episode[1])) + ' subtitles for this episode: ' + path_replace(episode[0]), queue='get_subtitle') result = download_subtitle(path_replace(episode[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(episode[1])), episode[3], providers_list, providers_auth, str(episode[4]), episode[5], 'series', forced_minimum_score=int(episode[2])) if result is not None: message = result[0] path = result[1] language_code = result[2] provider = result[3] score = result[4] store_subtitles(path_replace(episode[0])) history_log(3, episode[6], episode[7], message, path, language_code, provider, score) send_notifications(episode[6], episode[7], message) for movie in movies_to_upgrade: if movie[1] in ast.literal_eval(str(movie[8])): notifications.write( msg='Searching to upgrade ' + str(language_from_alpha2(movie[1])) + ' subtitles for this movie: ' + path_replace_movie(movie[0]), queue='get_subtitle') result = download_subtitle(path_replace_movie(movie[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(movie[1])), movie[3], providers_list, providers_auth, str(movie[4]), movie[5], 'movie', forced_minimum_score=int(movie[2])) if result is not None: message = result[0] path = result[1] language_code = result[2] provider = result[3] score = result[4] store_subtitles_movie(path_replace_movie(movie[0])) history_log_movie(3, movie[6], message, path, language_code, provider, score) send_notifications_movie(movie[6], message)