# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from contextlib import contextmanager import logging import io import os import platform import subprocess import sys from datetime import timedelta import ffmpeg import numpy as np from .sklearn_shim import TransformerMixin from .sklearn_shim import Pipeline import tqdm from .constants import * from .subtitle_parser import make_subtitle_parser from .subtitle_transformers import SubtitleScaler logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ref: https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/wiki/Recipe-subprocess # Create a set of arguments which make a ``subprocess.Popen`` (and # variants) call work with or without Pyinstaller, ``--noconsole`` or # not, on Windows and Linux. Typical use:: # # subprocess.call(['program_to_run', 'arg_1'], **subprocess_args()) # # When calling ``check_output``:: # # subprocess.check_output(['program_to_run', 'arg_1'], # **subprocess_args(False)) def _subprocess_args(include_stdout=True): # The following is true only on Windows. if hasattr(subprocess, 'STARTUPINFO'): # On Windows, subprocess calls will pop up a command window by default # when run from Pyinstaller with the ``--noconsole`` option. Avoid this # distraction. si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW # Windows doesn't search the path by default. Pass it an environment so # it will. env = os.environ else: si = None env = None # ``subprocess.check_output`` doesn't allow specifying ``stdout``:: # # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "test_subprocess.py", line 58, in # **subprocess_args(stdout=None)) # File "C:\Python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 567, in check_output # raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.') # ValueError: stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden. # # So, add it only if it's needed. if include_stdout: ret = {'stdout': subprocess.PIPE} else: ret = {} # On Windows, running this from the binary produced by Pyinstaller # with the ``--noconsole`` option requires redirecting everything # (stdin, stdout, stderr) to avoid an OSError exception # "[Error 6] the handle is invalid." ret.update({'stdin': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, 'startupinfo': si, 'env': env}) return ret def _ffmpeg_bin_path(bin_name, gui_mode, ffmpeg_resources_path=None): if platform.system() == 'Windows': bin_name = '{}.exe'.format(bin_name) if ffmpeg_resources_path is not None: return os.path.join(ffmpeg_resources_path, bin_name) try: resource_path = os.environ[SUBSYNC_RESOURCES_ENV_MAGIC] if len(resource_path) > 0: return os.path.join(resource_path, 'ffmpeg-bin', bin_name) except KeyError as e: if gui_mode: logger.info("Couldn't find resource path; falling back to searching system path") return bin_name def make_subtitle_speech_pipeline( fmt='srt', encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, caching=False, max_subtitle_seconds=DEFAULT_MAX_SUBTITLE_SECONDS, start_seconds=DEFAULT_START_SECONDS, scale_factor=DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR, parser=None, **kwargs ): if parser is None: parser = make_subtitle_parser( fmt, encoding=encoding, caching=caching, max_subtitle_seconds=max_subtitle_seconds, start_seconds=start_seconds ) assert parser.encoding == encoding assert parser.max_subtitle_seconds == max_subtitle_seconds assert parser.start_seconds == start_seconds return Pipeline([ ('parse', parser), ('scale', SubtitleScaler(scale_factor)), ('speech_extract', SubtitleSpeechTransformer( sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE, start_seconds=start_seconds, framerate_ratio=scale_factor, )) ]) def _make_auditok_detector(sample_rate, frame_rate): try: from auditok import \ BufferAudioSource, ADSFactory, AudioEnergyValidator, StreamTokenizer except ImportError as e: logger.error("""Error: auditok not installed! Consider installing it with `pip install auditok`. Note that auditok is GPLv3 licensed, which means that successfully importing it at runtime creates a derivative work that is GPLv3 licensed. For personal use this is fine, but note that any commercial use that relies on auditok must be open source as per the GPLv3!* *Not legal advice. Consult with a lawyer. """) raise e bytes_per_frame = 2 frames_per_window = frame_rate // sample_rate validator = AudioEnergyValidator( sample_width=bytes_per_frame, energy_threshold=50) tokenizer = StreamTokenizer( validator=validator, min_length=0.2*sample_rate, max_length=int(5*sample_rate), max_continuous_silence=0.25*sample_rate) def _detect(asegment): asource = BufferAudioSource(data_buffer=asegment, sampling_rate=frame_rate, sample_width=bytes_per_frame, channels=1) ads = ADSFactory.ads(audio_source=asource, block_dur=1./sample_rate) ads.open() tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(ads) length = (len(asegment)//bytes_per_frame + frames_per_window - 1)//frames_per_window media_bstring = np.zeros(length+1, dtype=int) for token in tokens: media_bstring[token[1]] += 1 media_bstring[token[2]+1] -= 1 return (np.cumsum(media_bstring)[:-1] > 0).astype(float) return _detect def _make_webrtcvad_detector(sample_rate, frame_rate): import webrtcvad vad = webrtcvad.Vad() vad.set_mode(3) # set non-speech pruning aggressiveness from 0 to 3 window_duration = 1. / sample_rate # duration in seconds frames_per_window = int(window_duration * frame_rate + 0.5) bytes_per_frame = 2 def _detect(asegment): media_bstring = [] failures = 0 for start in range(0, len(asegment) // bytes_per_frame, frames_per_window): stop = min(start + frames_per_window, len(asegment) // bytes_per_frame) try: is_speech = vad.is_speech( asegment[start * bytes_per_frame: stop * bytes_per_frame], sample_rate=frame_rate) except: is_speech = False failures += 1 # webrtcvad has low recall on mode 3, so treat non-speech as "not sure" media_bstring.append(1. if is_speech else 0.5) return np.array(media_bstring) return _detect class VideoSpeechTransformer(TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, vad, sample_rate, frame_rate, start_seconds=0, ffmpeg_path=None, ref_stream=None, vlc_mode=False, gui_mode=False): self.vad = vad self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.frame_rate = frame_rate self.start_seconds = start_seconds self.ffmpeg_path = ffmpeg_path self.ref_stream = ref_stream self.vlc_mode = vlc_mode self.gui_mode = gui_mode self.video_speech_results_ = None def try_fit_using_embedded_subs(self, fname): embedded_subs = [] embedded_subs_times = [] if self.ref_stream is None: # check first 5; should cover 99% of movies streams_to_try = map('0:s:{}'.format, range(5)) else: streams_to_try = [self.ref_stream] for stream in streams_to_try: ffmpeg_args = [_ffmpeg_bin_path('ffmpeg', self.gui_mode, ffmpeg_resources_path=self.ffmpeg_path)] ffmpeg_args.extend([ '-loglevel', 'fatal', '-nostdin', '-i', fname, '-map', '{}'.format(stream), '-f', 'srt', '-' ]) process = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_args, **_subprocess_args(include_stdout=True)) output = io.BytesIO(process.communicate()[0]) if process.returncode != 0: break pipe = make_subtitle_speech_pipeline(start_seconds=self.start_seconds).fit(output) speech_step = pipe.steps[-1][1] embedded_subs.append(speech_step.subtitle_speech_results_) embedded_subs_times.append(speech_step.max_time_) if len(embedded_subs) == 0: raise ValueError('Video file appears to lack subtitle stream') # use longest set of embedded subs self.video_speech_results_ = embedded_subs[int(np.argmax(embedded_subs_times))] def fit(self, fname, *_): if 'subs' in self.vad and (self.ref_stream is None or self.ref_stream.startswith('0:s:')): try: logger.info('Checking video for subtitles stream...') self.try_fit_using_embedded_subs(fname) logger.info('...success!') return self except Exception as e: logger.info(e) try: total_duration = float(ffmpeg.probe( fname, cmd=_ffmpeg_bin_path('ffprobe', self.gui_mode, ffmpeg_resources_path=self.ffmpeg_path) )['format']['duration']) - self.start_seconds except Exception as e: logger.warning(e) total_duration = None if 'webrtc' in self.vad: detector = _make_webrtcvad_detector(self.sample_rate, self.frame_rate) elif 'auditok' in self.vad: detector = _make_auditok_detector(self.sample_rate, self.frame_rate) else: raise ValueError('unknown vad: %s' % self.vad) media_bstring = [] ffmpeg_args = [_ffmpeg_bin_path('ffmpeg', self.gui_mode, ffmpeg_resources_path=self.ffmpeg_path)] if self.start_seconds > 0: ffmpeg_args.extend([ '-ss', str(timedelta(seconds=self.start_seconds)), ]) ffmpeg_args.extend([ '-loglevel', 'fatal', '-nostdin', '-i', fname ]) if self.ref_stream is not None and self.ref_stream.startswith('0:a:'): ffmpeg_args.extend(['-map', self.ref_stream]) ffmpeg_args.extend([ '-f', 's16le', '-ac', '1', '-acodec', 'pcm_s16le', '-ar', str(self.frame_rate), '-' ]) process = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_args, **_subprocess_args(include_stdout=True)) bytes_per_frame = 2 frames_per_window = bytes_per_frame * self.frame_rate // self.sample_rate windows_per_buffer = 10000 simple_progress = 0. @contextmanager def redirect_stderr(enter_result=None): yield enter_result tqdm_extra_args = {} should_print_redirected_stderr = self.gui_mode if self.gui_mode: try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr tqdm_extra_args['file'] = sys.stdout except ImportError: should_print_redirected_stderr = False pbar_output = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(pbar_output): with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_duration, disable=self.vlc_mode, **tqdm_extra_args) as pbar: while True: in_bytes = process.stdout.read(frames_per_window * windows_per_buffer) if not in_bytes: break newstuff = len(in_bytes) / float(bytes_per_frame) / self.frame_rate simple_progress += newstuff pbar.update(newstuff) if self.vlc_mode and total_duration is not None: print("%d" % int(simple_progress * 100. / total_duration)) sys.stdout.flush() if should_print_redirected_stderr: assert self.gui_mode # no need to flush since we pass -u to do unbuffered output for gui mode print(pbar_output.read()) in_bytes = np.frombuffer(in_bytes, np.uint8) media_bstring.append(detector(in_bytes)) if len(media_bstring) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Unable to detect speech. Perhaps try specifying a different stream / track, or a different vad.' ) self.video_speech_results_ = np.concatenate(media_bstring) return self def transform(self, *_): return self.video_speech_results_ class SubtitleSpeechTransformer(TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, sample_rate, start_seconds=0, framerate_ratio=1.): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.start_seconds = start_seconds self.framerate_ratio = framerate_ratio self.subtitle_speech_results_ = None self.max_time_ = None def fit(self, subs, *_): max_time = 0 for sub in subs: max_time = max(max_time, sub.end.total_seconds()) self.max_time_ = max_time - self.start_seconds samples = np.zeros(int(max_time * self.sample_rate) + 2, dtype=float) for sub in subs: start = int(round((sub.start.total_seconds() - self.start_seconds) * self.sample_rate)) duration = sub.end.total_seconds() - sub.start.total_seconds() end = start + int(round(duration * self.sample_rate)) samples[start:end] = min(1. / self.framerate_ratio, 1.) self.subtitle_speech_results_ = samples return self def transform(self, *_): return self.subtitle_speech_results_ class DeserializeSpeechTransformer(TransformerMixin): def __init__(self): self.deserialized_speech_results_ = None def fit(self, fname, *_): speech = np.load(fname) if hasattr(speech, 'files'): if 'speech' in speech.files: speech = speech['speech'] else: raise ValueError('could not find "speech" array in ' 'serialized file; only contains: %s' % speech.files) self.deserialized_speech_results_ = speech return self def transform(self, *_): return self.deserialized_speech_results_