import os import socket import struct from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse """ websocket - WebSocket client library for Python Copyright 2022 engn33r Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ __all__ = ["parse_url", "get_proxy_info"] def parse_url(url): """ parse url and the result is tuple of (hostname, port, resource path and the flag of secure mode) Parameters ---------- url: str url string. """ if ":" not in url: raise ValueError("url is invalid") scheme, url = url.split(":", 1) parsed = urlparse(url, scheme="http") if parsed.hostname: hostname = parsed.hostname else: raise ValueError("hostname is invalid") port = 0 if parsed.port: port = parsed.port is_secure = False if scheme == "ws": if not port: port = 80 elif scheme == "wss": is_secure = True if not port: port = 443 else: raise ValueError("scheme %s is invalid" % scheme) if parsed.path: resource = parsed.path else: resource = "/" if parsed.query: resource += "?" + parsed.query return hostname, port, resource, is_secure DEFAULT_NO_PROXY_HOST = ["localhost", ""] def _is_ip_address(addr): try: socket.inet_aton(addr) except socket.error: return False else: return True def _is_subnet_address(hostname): try: addr, netmask = hostname.split("/") return _is_ip_address(addr) and 0 <= int(netmask) < 32 except ValueError: return False def _is_address_in_network(ip, net): ipaddr = struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] netaddr, netmask = net.split('/') netaddr = struct.unpack('!I', socket.inet_aton(netaddr))[0] netmask = (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - int(netmask))) & 0xFFFFFFFF return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr def _is_no_proxy_host(hostname, no_proxy): if not no_proxy: v = os.environ.get("no_proxy", os.environ.get("NO_PROXY", "")).replace(" ", "") if v: no_proxy = v.split(",") if not no_proxy: no_proxy = DEFAULT_NO_PROXY_HOST if '*' in no_proxy: return True if hostname in no_proxy: return True if _is_ip_address(hostname): return any([_is_address_in_network(hostname, subnet) for subnet in no_proxy if _is_subnet_address(subnet)]) for domain in [domain for domain in no_proxy if domain.startswith('.')]: if hostname.endswith(domain): return True return False def get_proxy_info( hostname, is_secure, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=0, proxy_auth=None, no_proxy=None, proxy_type='http'): """ Try to retrieve proxy host and port from environment if not provided in options. Result is (proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_auth). proxy_auth is tuple of username and password of proxy authentication information. Parameters ---------- hostname: str Websocket server name. is_secure: bool Is the connection secure? (wss) looks for "https_proxy" in env before falling back to "http_proxy" proxy_host: str http proxy host name. http_proxy_port: str or int http proxy port. http_no_proxy: list Whitelisted host names that don't use the proxy. http_proxy_auth: tuple HTTP proxy auth information. Tuple of username and password. Default is None. proxy_type: str Specify the proxy protocol (http, socks4, socks4a, socks5, socks5h). Default is "http". Use socks4a or socks5h if you want to send DNS requests through the proxy. """ if _is_no_proxy_host(hostname, no_proxy): return None, 0, None if proxy_host: port = proxy_port auth = proxy_auth return proxy_host, port, auth env_keys = ["http_proxy"] if is_secure: env_keys.insert(0, "https_proxy") for key in env_keys: value = os.environ.get(key, os.environ.get(key.upper(), "")).replace(" ", "") if value: proxy = urlparse(value) auth = (unquote(proxy.username), unquote(proxy.password)) if proxy.username else None return proxy.hostname, proxy.port, auth return None, 0, None